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#1 Posted : 6/28/2013 12:15:49 AM

You don't love fish. If you loved the fish, you would not have killed it and cooked it on a fire

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I know we have mostly experienced powerful breakthoughs, been taught valuable lessons etc, But has anyone else actually been able to harness the power that the two worlds provide?

For example- I was able to sit and look at a picture on the tv, I decided to concentrate and use my pineal as a projector, and it crystalised EVERYTHING. It was like I was sat in some kind of crystal dome for a while, wind picked up (in a closed room), furniture started moving. I looked toward the floor and it was like I was looking down into space. I swirled my arms around and brought the light of stars and galaxies up and down, and blew into it causing the whole of what I created to mix up. I held my hands together but not touching, and created sparks of energy.. like floating obs. I looked in the mirror, and the reflection of myself, became possessed by another entity, and started showing me magic with my arms, playing with the air, seeing wakes and ripples like it was water, and creating a ball of air, which my hands seem to meld with. I can not describe further what I saw/did. But.. my question remains:-

Has anybody else been able to harness and control this 'power'? To, do things they never thought possible?

What I did was true and confirmed by my partner, because as I was creating the orbs of energy, she commented on it, in total shock. I then looked at her in total shock that she actually saw it! I'm interested in learning more. Thumbs up
Nothing said on behalf of "DieM" is true

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#2 Posted : 6/28/2013 12:42:15 AM
Born to hula

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was your partner also on dmt?

03:18:30 โ€นInMotionโ€บ dearest prime minister why have you forsaken orange peel juice
#3 Posted : 6/28/2013 12:57:27 AM


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Sounds like fun. Its sort of like living in the imagination, isn't it? (not saying the imagination is all just in your head. It could very well be non-local as well, but i'll refrain from derailing)...As if "it" can manifest more into our continuum of experience on these psychedelics. Through practice you can learn to put yourself into all sorts of strange psychedelic states, with and without actually taking anything. But harmalas taken with dmt is a great aid in learning how to manipulate the hyperspatial landscape, and the learning never stops

I can't explain in words how the mind dances with hyperspace once it finds it groove in a way that does it any justice. One funny and easy to explain thing that comes to mind though occurred the second time i took mushrooms. After having some heavy realizations, on a whim i tried to turn a street light on with my mind by feeling/seeing/being the energy surging up in it. I was the street lamp. Then right as i thought NOW!!, and it flicked right on. I was baffled

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#4 Posted : 6/28/2013 1:12:09 AM

You don't love fish. If you loved the fish, you would not have killed it and cooked it on a fire

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Location: A parallel world in another dimension
That's what I'm talking about Universecannon! I actually believe, telekinesis is completely possible, given the right circumstance, time, and experience!

Yes she was Kyuss. But, we were in our separate experiences, and she had happened to see what I was doing, and she commented, which brought me out of it. But the confirmation that she actually saw what I was doing, pretty much confirmed that it had to be real!

I understand that most people shut their eyes, lay down, meditate, or do anything BUT actually get up and walk around and experience the synergy of the physical and the spiritual. The meditation comes afterwards for me..
Nothing said on behalf of "DieM" is true
#5 Posted : 6/28/2013 1:21:17 AM


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I have had about three experiences where my thoughts/energetics on DMT have affected electronics, or flames, around me.

I cannot explain it and have one eye witness to one of these events.
The other was just myself and I wrote it down in my jouurnal.
Who knows?
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#6 Posted : 6/28/2013 5:50:34 PM

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Oddities that have occurred on and around DMT experiences.

Lighters flat out refusing to work or cutting out at very specific moments. 4 occasions, with apparent reason also. Talking a fully fueled & normally reliable butane jetburner.

Large orb appearing high in the sky. 2 separate occasions, one of which three people witnessed. Two on spice & one totally straight.

A time when I walked out of my bathroom, not long after a journey (still lingering effects) and an object behind me (can of shaving cream) suddenly "moving" from the windowsill and hitting the bath on the opposing side of the room (with enough force to make me near jump out of my skin)..

One can make of those what they will Pleased
#7 Posted : 6/28/2013 6:15:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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One time I was pulled out of my seat to puke which it seemed that I had started to do...until time was thrown in reverse and I flew perfectly backwards into my seat as divine chambers began unfolding before my open eyes. There was no puke to be found when all was said and done.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#8 Posted : 6/29/2013 5:42:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I was on about 7g of shrooms, peaking... And blew my nose in my hand, filling it with snot. (Charming, I know). I then closed my eyes and saw what looked like an X-ray of my fist with the phlegm displayed as millions of tiny glowing blue points. I then moved them with my mind into my other hand, opened my eyes, checked... And all the snot was in fact in my other hand. Closed eyes again, teleported the snot back and forth between the hands until I got the hang of it. I then suggested to my equally tripping buddy that we teleport to the top of the Sears Tower. Got scared, backed off, went and washed my hands.

Numerous occasions of telepathy, in various forms.

These are things that my sober self can easily rationalize away. At the time, though, it feels damned real.
#9 Posted : 6/29/2013 8:52:43 AM

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Not exactly a super power, but according to a friend of mine I was with at the time, after I smoked some Salvia extract, I became possessed by an evil spirit, spoke in tongues, and fell backward through a sold wall into my house.

I only remember being outside as I smoked, then suddenly being inside the house.

At the time, he, being Christian, claimed he saw something very evil and "impossible" happen to me. He was so scared after this happened that I never heard from him again.

Take it however you will...Confused

#10 Posted : 6/29/2013 2:43:31 PM

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Next time, try building with sticks instead of straw...
#11 Posted : 6/29/2013 8:14:16 PM

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^Big grin
#12 Posted : 6/30/2013 6:24:59 PM

You don't love fish. If you loved the fish, you would not have killed it and cooked it on a fire

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Location: A parallel world in another dimension
Laughing I know the feeling of being sucked through solid objects and spewed out the other side, on salvia. Smoked around 200mg (a bowls worth) of 100x. -I won't be doing that again.

Something 'very evil and impossible'? How so? Was there no further explanation attempt before your friend left?

I might try the hand teleportation.. maybe with a coin rather than snot though, see what happens.

I've experienced a split in time, where I continued in my journey for another 4 hours or so, then time span backwards through a warphole which was incredibly scary, and I was 4 hours earlier again.. turned to my friends and said wtf just happened, they couldn't answer me.. and it was like they never experienced those 4 hours

The lighters not working, BIG annoyance! Happens ALL the time with me too! Yet they work perfectly when smoking tobacco! Go figure that one...

Kinda creepy with the shaving can hitting the bath.. possibly another entity trying to bring you back or get your attention?

I see things wobbling and warping, but then when I look directly at them.. they don't. Except for one time, when I caught one still wobbling for a split second before it settled. I feel wind rushing around me -though there's no window open and all doors shut, sounds like all the furniture moving.. kinda strange because when I LOOK, it stops.
Nothing said on behalf of "DieM" is true
#13 Posted : 7/1/2013 12:28:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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DieM wrote:
Something 'very evil and impossible'? How so? Was there no further explanation attempt before your friend left?

After I regained consciousness inside my house, he came in from outside where we were with a horrified look on his face, and told me that after my eyes rolled back into my head and spoke "in tongues", I fell backward and "went right through the side on the house" "like a ghost". He kept stammering "that's impossible". He told me that what happened was sorcery and was evil.

I don't actually remember going through the wall, only blacking out after I smoked it and regaining consciousness inside my house in a room on the other side of the wall where we were standing outside.

Edit: I'm not claiming that passed through sold matter because like I said, I blacked out. I'm simply describing what I remember before and after, and the reaction of my very scared christian friend at the time.
#14 Posted : 7/1/2013 4:50:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think that one primary feature of all psychedelic miracles is that you'll always have some kind of plausible deniability attached to it, so that you can never be 100% sure. Otherwise we'd have something a lot more concrete by now.
#15 Posted : 7/1/2013 10:18:24 AM

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This is a wild postulation, a brainstorm if you will.

Given there is Deity or Deities who can effect real changes in the physical world, or even accurate future predictions.

And Given, the Deities, or Deity are primarily benevolent.

Then, they would hide their existence, as there is enough strife and turmoil over religion, with zero proof of the supernatural.

I know, that could be a rationalization type thought pattern, that's why I'm not going as far as to call it a theory.

#16 Posted : 7/1/2013 12:00:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Mustelid wrote:
This is a wild postulation, a brainstorm if you will.

Given there is Deity or Deities who can effect real changes in the physical world, or even accurate future predictions.

And Given, the Deities, or Deity are primarily benevolent.

Then, they would hide their existence, as there is enough strife and turmoil over religion, with zero proof of the supernatural.

I know, that could be a rationalization type thought pattern, that's why I'm not going as far as to call it a theory.

I feel that you're kind of right. I think the esoteric concept of the "mystery school" helps to shed a bit of light on the situation. I think it was due to the idea that the masses would be incapable of bearing certain knowledge so that a select few who may have been deemed "ready" or "chosen" (perhaps a noble) become initiated. It might also be one of those things where you're not supposed to "know the whole deal" right from the get-go, like knowing the ending to a book. If you find out the ending to the book, without first having gone through step by step and learning and growing with and becoming attached to the characters, it wouldn't have the same impact on you. I think it's kind of designed so you have to make your way through life a bit first, or the "lessons" aren't really lessons, they're seemingly meaningless cryptic statements which is how the uninitiated masses may tend to see it.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#17 Posted : 7/3/2013 4:23:22 AM

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This is a fun thread !

I've had a couple of experiences while smoking that could be interpreted as vaguely supernatural :

1 ) Smoking a super low dose of xtal, I couldn't get my metal pipe back in my mouth, each time i tried to get the mouthpiece to my mouth, it seemed like it was twisted away a magnetic force, there was a playful and mischievous feeling to this experience. It went on for about 3 or 4 minutes ! Weird !

2 ) I was Smoking changa when a big white snake flew into the room and the dog started going nuts at the corner of the room where the snake flew to..

3 ) Smoking low doses of Xtal with a pal, listening to music on the laptop, I go to put a song on afterwards and the laptop dies the moment I touch it then refuses to turn on for a good 10 minutes. Spooky.
#18 Posted : 7/3/2013 7:01:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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It was 420 a couple years ago. I smoked cannabis infused with DMT (in the spirit of 420). I was at my friends house, sitting near his open window. I closed my eyes and I was watching this cartoony sunflower with squinty eyes, a big smile and twirling petals. A few days later I was talking to my friend as we were exchanging details on our experiences, and I noted how I saw the sunflower, and he said, "well, that's odd." "What?" I replied. "There used to be sunflowers growing in that window a while ago" he told me. Pretty convinced I had seen a plant spirit, it makes me more inclined to believe that the indigenous Amazonians tell the truth when they say that the plants "told them" in regards to how they acquired their knowledge on how to combine caapi and chacruna to make ayahuasca.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#19 Posted : 7/3/2013 5:13:20 PM

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I've shaped air into object I could see while tripping like drawing energy into an orb or once a staff it seemed like if I concentrated hard enough I might be able to make it break through to physical reality. It never happened it would get more detailed and where I could see it and feel it but never made it all the way through to this.

After eating pharma one time I felt wind moving around in my house that was all closed. Out of no where the air felt very humid and like the air pressure had changed. Then I noticed these entities zipping around my house. It was like they were speeding around my house between dimensions or something. Well then I felt like they were messing with me. I would put something in one place then find it somewhere else. I felt like they were trying to play with me but like I should keep an eye on them because our ideas of what's funny might differ and I'd probably be the butt of thier joke. They went away after awhile but it was interesting watching how they moved .
#20 Posted : 4/2/2020 8:54:45 PM
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This is something I could write about for an hour or two. I went through a phase of my life where I utilized various medicinal plants nearly all throughout the day, 6 days a week for nearly 3 years. I went through various rests with this, but my purpose was to stretch the confines of the mind. I discovered various things about the plants and also reality in doing this, what they actually are there for and what they actually do. Many of these experiences were felt and witnessed by others, the vast majority of them are subjective.

I have a theory on how a good majority of this works as my work with the plants stretched out over a long period of time. The first thing to note is that the plants increase your connection with the spiritual universe and make the two universes (spiritual and physical) overlap. The higher the concentration of something like DMT is in your system, the more your brain will have the ability to more directly interact with the physical universe and the better control you have over your mind, the higher level of direct manipulation with the general universe around you is possible. After a while of utilizing the various substances, they no longer make you hallucinate in the sense that you will not see anything that is not actually there that cannot be seen by others. This is again subjective and related to my own personal experience. These experiences can be magnified and done purposefully by group intention and agreement, particularly with unification.

On to the stories. I have experienced micro teleportation (teleportation of objects witnessed by others) macro teleportation (teleportation of large physical objects, myself, my car with myself in it, and other human beings who were moved from one location to another.) For example, there was once a man travelling with us, and he vanished and we needed to leave the area we were in (meaning he had gone somewhere else). Two of us who were taking the medicine looked into a spot and materialized this person who was not taking plant medicine, moving him from one location to another.

I have also experienced bi-location. For example I was in one area singing outside taking plant medicine. While I was in this area my brother witnessed myself driving up in my car in another area, 15 minutes away. He saw me pull the car into his shop, park, and then turn the car off, turn it back on and drive away. I was maybe 7-8 blocks away outside of a temple singing.

I have also experienced very rapid regeneration of the biology. One time about 3 years ago, there was an attempt on my life in Puerto Rico where I had someone who was posing as a friend drug some of my food, trying to take my life. The drugs formed a reaction in my body that made me claw off a good majority of the skin on my face. Normally if my skin gets cut, it takes a normal amount of time to heal. 7 days, a couple of weeks maybe depending on where it is and what happens. In this case all of my skin supernaturally regenerated back in 72 hours somehow, and I can only attribute this to the plants. This scared the hell out of the person who had attempted to take my life as several days later he (in fear) called a bunch of people over, trying to organize setting me up in some manner to discredit me.

He pointed out: "Look at his skin!" To which the police replied: "His skin is perfectly fine." In 48-72 hours my skin regenerated brand new with no scarring, like the event had never happened. I have also experienced other bizarre phenomenon such as this (related to healing at supernatural speeds, massive strength increases, etc).

Again, I have a theory as to how all of this works and I believe a lot of this stuff could be documented by someone with experience. However some of the phenomenon are more tricky and I do not understand why they happen or when, as it seems to be random. Examples of this would be teleportation. I have no idea how it works or why it happens sometimes and not at other times.
It is simply something I have experienced many times on plant medicine in one form or another.

Other phenomenon I have experienced such as keeping a phone charged on 1% battery and charging it with no cable as I'm walking doing a podcast from 1% - 50%. I did this by imagining I had a charger cable that was plugged into my computer at home, stretching through a doorway in the universe and also plugged into my phone. Apparently my phone did not know the difference between actually having a cable and me simply imagining the cable was there. I am curious to if I could do this without plant medicine after perhaps an hour of meditation as it seems simple to do certain kind of small level miracles, and I have become convinced that the universe is very easily manipulable by the mind with right concentration and enough spiritual energy which has been generated.

Anyways, I hope that these stories help you understand some of the things that are possible by utilizing plant medicines. I don't think they are encompassing or nearly all of the things that can be created. I have friends for example that utilize magic mushrooms to do martial arts training and it massively increases their bodies capacity to break through physical barriers of biological resistance, resulting in being able to move at what appears to be supernatural speeds and things of the nature.

Oh, one more thing I have experienced is time reversals. It being one time, and moving backwards in time. I have not attempted to utilize that same kind of phenomenon to move into the future. We did this in a group environment by multiple people utilizing plant medicine, and agreeing on an outcome and an intention, commanding it to happen. We once experienced moving backwards in time a full 90 minutes. To be fair, I am not the only person I know who has experienced time reversals. I also know other people who are enlightened who have experienced these phenomenon without medicinal plants. The plants, however are a powerful tool for spiritual advancement and should be used wisely.
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