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corpus callosum
#1 Posted : 3/4/2013 6:59:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Medical DoctorModerator

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Good morning people of the Nexus.

Yesterday I attempted a pharma session, using moclobemide 300mg and freebase DMT at 50mg; this gave a light but enjoyable experience which left me feeling the need for pushing things a little further.Using bong hits of changa (caapi x11 with FB DMT in a 1 to 1 ratio with a little additional extracted harmala freeebases) and with each hit providing 10-15mg of DMT, it was very straight-forward to keep the experience at the desired level.

Some four hours after the taking of the MAOI I found myself in that fortunate and uncommon psychological place where I felt ready to push things further with aself-assured certainty that I could surrender fully to whatever lay ahead.

I am aware that full MAO inhibition can and will amplify the effect of vaporised DMT but as its something I had not done before, at doses which would afford a breakthrough even without full inhibition, the qualitative and quantitative differences were uncharted territory.If hyperspace had a map then these areas would be marked 'Here there be Dragons' as per the old Latin maps denoting unknown zones which may be worthy of further exploration.

With little trepidation I proceeded to vaporise 30mg of freebase DMT in the GVG as a single inhalation.The experience that followed was subjectively closer to a 40mg dose, marginally slower in evolution and pace but lasted a full 30-35 minutes in a rampaging breakthrough followed by extreme OEVS once the inner trip abated with a total trip duration of 50-55 minutes.

I had judged my 'on entry' mindset corrctly but this was necessary for the first 20-40 seconds beyond which I had dissolved to nothing.The sense of the trip was that of seeing my previous hyperspace adventures as being petty with the lesson being imparted having a dissociated feel to it.A bit like being told there are zones which exist but are not meant for me to become aware of, but since I had entered the full horror/joy/whatever must be traversed.

This experience has left me shell-shocked, rejuvenated and uncertain as to how I will use DMT henceforth.This trip has shown me that a breakthrough dose of DMT whilst fully MAO-inhibited raises the bar several notches and I dont feel it would be wise to repeat this any time soon, if ever.30 minutes into the trip, just as the inner trip was abating I recall shouting 'Fuck, fuck' several times and then 'How do I continue life after seeing THAT? How?'.

This trip is going to need some integration and I presently feel a break from DMT is in order.

Thirty minutes of being on the other side is serious business.I know you good people understand where Im coming from.This has to rank as probably my most devastating DMT experience so far but paradoxically the trauma has humbled me without leaving me disturbed psychologically in a way thats detrimental.Its going to take some time to process and assimilate.

This was the first time I'd used moclobemide and it was very user friendly with no nausea and it certainly did the job on MAO-A. A reliable RIMA which worked very nicely with low dose changa hits to provide a depth of experience which was nicely in the power of the operator to control. But I think it takes an intrepid soul to vaporise a breakthrough dose of DMT with moclobemide on board.

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.


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#2 Posted : 3/4/2013 11:06:43 AM

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Thank you for sharing, CC. A moclobemide report coming from you speaks ex cathedra and now I will certainly look into it whenever I have the chance. Is the 300mg accountable for the full inhibition after four hours, or do you think the harmala vaporized boosts were necessary as well? Is the half life of moclobemide similar to extracted harmalas?

corpus callosum wrote:
paradoxically the trauma has humbled me without leaving me disturbed psychologically in a way thats detrimental

Maybe that's no paradox, just a symptom of a very strong and balanced mindset having to deal with a quantitative difference.
#3 Posted : 3/4/2013 12:23:27 PM


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corpus callosum wrote:

I found myself in that fortunate and uncommon psychological place where I felt ready to push things further with aself-assured certainty that I could surrender fully to whatever lay ahead.

I relate strongly to this. Recently, when feeling this dangerous confidence, I pretty much doubled my threshold dose when I failed to achieve a breakthrough. The return was traumatic as I had forgotten what DMT was, what I was doing, and I was convinced my near catatonic mind was shot for good!

Vodsel wrote:

corpus callosum wrote:
paradoxically the trauma has humbled me without leaving me disturbed psychologically in a way thats detrimental

Maybe that's no paradox, just a symptom of a very strong and balanced mindset having to deal with a quantitative difference.

I think Vodsel is right. Hopefully the trauma of the experience fades as the days pass until you can resume your path.

I've been finding caffeine detrimental to integration in the days following a traumatic journey. Chamomile tea on the other hand is wonderfully relieving on the nerves.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I certainly will learn from it and wish you everything of the best in the upcoming days integrating it.

Your pain is the pain of the world.
Heal yourself, heal the world.
Heal the world, heal yourself.
corpus callosum
#4 Posted : 3/4/2013 12:38:55 PM

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Thanks for your kind words, Vodsel.

The half like of moclobemide is puportedly 4 hours but the duration of action can be upto 18 hours; this may explain why those presecribed moclobemide sometimes dose once daily but a twice daily regime is also used.

The depth of the experience was such that I could not discern any harmala-type effects in the process and the degree of MAO-A inhibition imparted by the concoction felt full enough! Shocked

As mentioned , this was my first time using moclobemide and with caution being the best part of valour I used only 50mg oral freebase DMT (taken one hour after the RIMA, dissolved in apple juice).When I next use moclobemide/FB pharma I reckon I will try 70-80mg freebase.

I am impressed with moclobemide in part due to its reliability in quelling MAO-A and also due to the complete absence of nausea, vomiting, abdominal gripes or loose stools.

On the basis of this sole experience it seems that a breakthrough dose of vaporised DMT with moclobemide seems to increase the dosage effect by about a third and prolongs the full-on hyperspace madness by a factor of 3.No joke, the duration of the hyperspace meanderings was close to the 30 minute mark with the come-down period extending the mission to close on one hour.The OEVs once hyperspace began to recede were unlike any Ive had before in their intensity.

Their seem to be areas out there which ,IMO, are perhaps not meant to be viewed.This has been a total game-changer of a trip for me, and one which I feel presently that Im incapable of ever forgetting.

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#5 Posted : 3/4/2013 12:40:42 PM


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As I was walking away just now, it struck me that I forgot this part of your post:

corpus callosum wrote:

With little trepidation I proceeded to vaporise 30mg of freebase DMT in the GVG as a single inhalation.The experience that followed was subjectively closer to a 40mg dose, marginally slower in evolution and pace but lasted a full 30-35 minutes in a rampaging breakthrough followed by extreme OEVS once the inner trip abated with a total trip duration of 50-55 minutes.

All I can say is my god!!! I'm assuming as a doctor you probably have better nerve stabilisers than chamomile on hand.

Gods man! I hope you heal well. Really I do.
Your pain is the pain of the world.
Heal yourself, heal the world.
Heal the world, heal yourself.
Pup Tentacle
#6 Posted : 3/4/2013 3:38:29 PM


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Thanks for sharing CC. Very interesting. I agree whole-heartedly - whole new vistas really open up with the RIMAs... I feel I've really just gotten to the beginning of exploring their partnership with tryptamines.
Pup Tentacle

You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.
Robert Anton Wilson
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#7 Posted : 3/4/2013 7:31:01 PM


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wow awesome Corpus

this has inspired me to go deeper which i am very scared of ....... i too have not yet had to oppertunity to freebase on harmalas or even LSD , not for a lack of substance however lack of courage has kept me from exploring deeply

yet your description provokes admiration and mysteriousness that i would want to look more into , perhaps an indepth detailed excursion into these realms has to be planned
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#8 Posted : 3/10/2013 7:42:40 AM


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Hey Corpus,

Dunno why, but this thread has stuck in my mind for some reason. How have you been holding out since? Is there anything further you've taken from the experience that you'd care to share?

Hope you're good though regardless.
Your pain is the pain of the world.
Heal yourself, heal the world.
Heal the world, heal yourself.
corpus callosum
#9 Posted : 3/10/2013 12:51:32 PM

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Khronos , Ive been pretty good since that trip but still feel no desire to use DMT presently.

Its interesting how with the passage of a few days the finer details of the trip fade but leave an abiding overall flavour.One thing that has stuck is the how the carrier wave was qualitatively different; usually, if the wave is felt at all, its predominantly an audio effect with some pressure felt within the body.On this occasion the audio effect was co-existent with the sensation of having a sustained jolt of electricity through the whole body emanating from what felt like a wire running through my core.But this only lasted 20-40 seconds at which point the ante-chamber to the breakthrough had been crossed leaving no body to speak of.

I guestimate that the dose felt closer to 40mg via the GVG in one breath but the pace of the trip was not as frantic and chaotic as neat FB would be, and had an added depth which is hard to explain, particularly when one is smashed into nothingness.This was patently serious in its overtones and not recreational at all; it imparted the sense of there being a limit to what the human mind is meant to experience and there are good reasons for this, an in-built self-protective mechanism but one which could be breached by a sufficiently deep experience.Psychic overload, fast enough in its pace to overwhelm but still able to imprint lessons, unlike large doses of FB alone.

Visually, the clarity of the experience was realer than a 'normal' breakthrough; I now understand that otherworldliness also has grades of 'authenticity' and this trip took me to the limits of what it felt I should experience this side of dying.

Lastly , moclobemide is a straight-up no messing RIMA which strikes me as very reliable and very potent, certainly when one considers its cleaner profile (physically speaking) than the harmala alkaloids.I dont think the 2 are interchangeable as each has its own flavour but in order to get a 'pure' DMT experience without any other confounders, moclobemide is a very very good agent.

I dunno if any other members have had a breakthrough dose of vaporised DMT whilst fully MAO-A inhibited, and Im unable to compare the effects to being on harmalas as its not something Ive done, but for taking an extreme experience significantly further in terms of depth, duration and profundity, I dont believe this can be beaten (other than by upping the dose of DMT which is just plain unnecessary!).

Lastly, I cannot endorse this approach for all users and I cannot presently imagine a suitable motivation for wanting to repeat the experience but Im glad I took full benefit from a pristine mindset that existed at the time of the venture.These levels of experience are beyond serious and if repeated would, I suspect, cause major psychological lingering effects which could well be detrimental to normal functioning.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#10 Posted : 3/10/2013 2:42:13 PM


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Sounds like quite an experience corpus! Smile I would be really intrigued to investigate moclobemide.

My last pharma journey i was vaping 50mg freebase hits and never got anywhere near the experiences you describe. In my experience i felt as though the maoi was inhibiting the dmt experience from really opening up into full breakthrough. I had some concerns on the quality of the caapi extract though which is why moclobemide sounds really interesting. Thanks for your excellent report Smile
#11 Posted : 3/14/2013 10:42:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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corpus callosum wrote:

This experience has left me shell-shocked, rejuvenated and uncertain as to how I will use DMT henceforth.This trip has shown me that a breakthrough dose of DMT whilst fully MAO-inhibited raises the bar several notches and I dont feel it would be wise to repeat this any time soon, if ever.30 minutes into the trip, just as the inner trip was abating I recall shouting 'Fuck, fuck' several times and then 'How do I continue life after seeing THAT? How?'.

Im really curious as to what specifically (or as specific as you can get) you meant in the text that I highlighted? What happened in terms of the visions/experience? Sorry to probe, Im just real curious, especially after an epic post such as this.

I remember almost a couple years back I had a pharma experience where I took 200mg extracted harmalas then 20 minutes later took 80mg dmt. Nothing happened. So I stupidly took 70mg more harmalas and 80mg more dmt. The intensity was soo great (the electric buzzing pressure) that my vision was completely gonr to the point where the inside of my house was unrecognizable and I had to crawl to everywhere, while ever few seconds I would stop crawling and completely pass out and then BAM, id be in hyperspace, come to again minutes later, crawl a little more, then pass out again into full OBE navigating this realm. I remember points to, to where amidst the visions I would think to myself "Oh, I wish I could go outside" then WHAM! the hyperspacial visions would be replaced with the vision of my back deck, raining. This vision was as concrete as anything normally. I could feel the raindrops hitting me, cold, wet. Then after the fleeting glimpse of my back deck id be back in my body lying on my bedroom floor. This went on for what seemed like forever, but I think it was all around an hour or so.

I apologize about my rambling. I just find it fascinating when people have these "im not touching dmt for a long time/see what ive needed to see/peak experience" type experiences. Im still curious as to what made this experience "the one" for you? Btw, this was an extremely interesting read CC. Smile

Tat Tvam Asi
#12 Posted : 3/14/2013 12:37:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Tattvamasi wrote:
corpus callosum wrote:

This experience has left me shell-shocked, rejuvenated and uncertain as to how I will use DMT henceforth.This trip has shown me that a breakthrough dose of DMT whilst fully MAO-inhibited raises the bar several notches and I dont feel it would be wise to repeat this any time soon, if ever.30 minutes into the trip, just as the inner trip was abating I recall shouting 'Fuck, fuck' several times and then 'How do I continue life after seeing THAT? How?'.

Im really curious as to what specifically (or as specific as you can get) you meant in the text that I highlighted? What happened in terms of the visions/experience? Sorry to probe, Im just real curious, especially after an epic post such as this...

Reminds me a little bit of this, when I say:

… As I was witnessing these things, I thought “Having seen what I’ve seen, there’s no way I’ll ever be able to return without going completely insane.” There were moments where I was convinced that I had gone too far, and that I wouldn’t be going back.

gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
corpus callosum
#13 Posted : 3/14/2013 7:17:27 PM

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Tattvamasi wrote:
corpus callosum wrote:

This experience has left me shell-shocked, rejuvenated and uncertain as to how I will use DMT henceforth.This trip has shown me that a breakthrough dose of DMT whilst fully MAO-inhibited raises the bar several notches and I dont feel it would be wise to repeat this any time soon, if ever.30 minutes into the trip, just as the inner trip was abating I recall shouting 'Fuck, fuck' several times and then 'How do I continue life after seeing THAT? How?'.

Im really curious as to what specifically (or as specific as you can get) you meant in the text that I highlighted? What happened in terms of the visions/experience? Sorry to probe, Im just real curious, especially after an epic post such as this.

I wish I had the capacity that some members have to share the finer details of their trips but unfortunately I dont.Ive also heard it said that RIMAs with DMT (and usually this means harmalas) allow one to remember more of the experience but despite the 30 minute breakthroughs duration it seems that vaporised DMT on top of full inhibition still is a fleeting transient affair where the details drift away.But the sense remains.

Imagine, if you will, your first proper DMT experience (and the assumption here is that its positive), and how this compares to ones previous psychedelic ventures on for example LSD/psilocybin etc.The contrast is marked and leaves you mouth agape, thinking "WTF have I just been through?" The capacity of ones wetware to construct this is just astounding.Well, the trip this thread refers to puts the standard breakthrough into the shade, and this is clearly no mean feat.There were no entities to speak of, but there was a sense of some primordial wisdom impressing upon me that this was further than was sensible, and it was demonstrated to me that a 30mg breakthrough was rather 'small-time' and recreational compared to what the compound could do.There certainly felt like there was an element of dissociation going on and I firmly believe this was due to the perfect mindset I had at the time. For this I am eternally grateful as the thought of not surrendering is just too horrific to dwell on.

We often here like to ponder on what is 'real' and many members here on a breakthrough will assert that subjectively its 'real' enough to convince the cererbrum of homo sapiens that reality has indeed been transposed; the experience I had certainly felt more real than any I have previously had, in part I think due to the pace of the trips evolution.If I were to vape say 40+mg in the GVG of FB, which I dont do regularly or often as I value my sanity, the frantic pace is overwhelming but too fast to really imprint ones being in a fashion that teaches much (apart from the phenomenal power of DMT);with the moclobemide on board it lacked the frantic and confusing nature of FB ventures and the slower but still considerable pace and greater depth left me aghast at how I had underestimated this compounds capacity to utterly shred my understanding of what it can do.

Since the venture Ive had a very pleasant relaxed mindset, where the annoyances of daily living just dont grate as much as they did pre-trip and this remains nearly 2 weeks after.The thought of doing DMT at the usual doses (30ish mgs) seems somehow trite and a little pointless and the thought of doing say 40ish mgs doesnt appeal because it would just be too frantic and ultimately frivolous.But the thought of repeating the experience above seems a sure-fire way to unhinge myself because having been there, and kind of knowing what to expect, I doubt I could relax enough to endure the process of repeating it.

And its a consequence of such ponderings that my DMT use is over for a while until this sense of having been too far fades which I suspect it will at some point. But when exactly, I cannot say.

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#14 Posted : 3/14/2013 10:59:32 PM


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reading this , i am more inspired then ever

thank you corpusCool
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#15 Posted : 3/14/2013 11:09:56 PM
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gibran2 wrote:
Tattvamasi wrote:
corpus callosum wrote:

This experience has left me shell-shocked, rejuvenated and uncertain as to how I will use DMT henceforth.This trip has shown me that a breakthrough dose of DMT whilst fully MAO-inhibited raises the bar several notches and I dont feel it would be wise to repeat this any time soon, if ever.30 minutes into the trip, just as the inner trip was abating I recall shouting 'Fuck, fuck' several times and then 'How do I continue life after seeing THAT? How?'.

Im really curious as to what specifically (or as specific as you can get) you meant in the text that I highlighted? What happened in terms of the visions/experience? Sorry to probe, Im just real curious, especially after an epic post such as this...

Reminds me a little bit of this, when I say:

… As I was witnessing these things, I thought “Having seen what I’ve seen, there’s no way I’ll ever be able to return without going completely insane.” There were moments where I was convinced that I had gone too far, and that I wouldn’t be going back.

I just read through that thread. I somehow missed it in 2010. Wow. Not to de-tract from this thread but that thread you started Gibran was amazing. I jive much with all you said.

Anbd CC, thanks for taking the time to write out in the best of your ability to recollect the intricacies of the experience. Thumbs up
#16 Posted : 3/15/2013 12:21:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Tattvamasi wrote:
I just read through that thread. I somehow missed it in 2010. Wow. Not to de-tract from this thread but that thread you started Gibran was amazing. I jive much with all you said.

Anbd CC, thanks for taking the time to write out in the best of your ability to recollect the intricacies of the experience. Thumbs up

I deliberately avoided a breakthrough for over a year after that one.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#17 Posted : 3/15/2013 8:25:47 AM

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It is funny you took 50mg just to be on "the safe side", then proceed to freebase DMT while on an MAOI!

50mg isn't going to do jack for MOST people. Try 100mg, and even then. Why are you ya'll so scared of these oral experiences?

I can tell you, for one thing, the oral experience requires some sort of integrative consciousness... whereas smoked DMT just opens you up beyond your regular "illusionary" state.

I can't see after a certain point, how smoked DMT can be so useful. In a sense, after a time, it becomes just narcisstic. Take DMT orally and what you go into is more related to healing and working the earthly plane, and that is a good thing, because here we are!
#18 Posted : 3/15/2013 9:03:01 AM

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chocobeastie - i think with enough harmalas in you, 50mg dmt taken orally will floor anyone...it all depends on the harmalas and personal sensitivity, since at a certain point even harmalas alone will floor you and push you right out of your body if the dose is high enough. Although it doesn't seem like moclobemide is really like that

".The thought of doing DMT at the usual doses (30ish mgs) seems somehow trite and a little pointless and the thought of doing say 40ish mgs doesnt appeal"

Hmmm...Well doc... it seems that, according to your self-diagnosis, 35mg dimethyltryptamine would be the proper dose to administer at this time Twisted Evil Wink

really though, great report! much resonated

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#19 Posted : 3/15/2013 9:17:13 AM

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universecannon wrote:
Hmmm...Well doc... it seems that, according to your self-diagnosis, 35mg dimethyltryptamine would be the proper dose to administer at this time Twisted Evil Wink


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

corpus callosum
#20 Posted : 3/15/2013 7:13:44 PM

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chocobeastie wrote:
It is funny you took 50mg just to be on "the safe side", then proceed to freebase DMT while on an MAOI!

50mg isn't going to do jack for MOST people. Try 100mg, and even then. Why are you ya'll so scared of these oral experiences?

Yep, but you cannot say whether or not one falls into the 'MOST' people category until you try.It appears that I do fall into this category, on the basis of the experience.

The decision to vape DMT was opportunistic in the sense that the mindset was just right for it.I still believe it was worth it.The trip was however just too real......Shocked

universecannon wrote:
Hmmm...Well doc... it seems that, according to your self-diagnosis, 35mg dimethyltryptamine would be the proper dose to administer at this time Twisted Evil Wink

Thankyou UC- it can be very helpful to have a fresh perspective on those trickier cases! Big grin Big grin
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

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