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Anxiety before spice travel Options
#1 Posted : 6/5/2007 1:06:42 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Due to a recent encounter with insectoid entites from the high dose psylocibin realms i have trouble to talk myself into smoking the spice and/or going to typtamine land. That is just ridiculous. I really feel the need to have more experiences to psuh the envelope and get to know more. But somehow i am, huh, too wimp to actually do it... Someone has been there? That's stupid. I cant picture myself going into psychoanalysis saying to the therapist '' look, i need to get rid of pre-trip anxiety, by the way, if you know a way to break the necks of mantids from hell.. '' Razz sorry for the broke english Pleased

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#2 Posted : 6/5/2007 4:55:43 PM

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Against trip anxiety, SWIM tried the combo GHB+DMT... Which was not a good idea he said me. The GHB 'weaken' the DMT while the DMT potentialize the GHB which was not the purpose of that try. SWIM wonder about benzo+DMT or cannabis+DMT... However, SWIM enjoy zolpidem+DMT which is the much fun kind of trips he ever had... but if SWIY try it, he have to be ready to forget everything about the trip Wink A good mental preparation might be the best way as the DMT ride last not so long.
#3 Posted : 6/5/2007 9:56:27 PM

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cannabis+dmt leads to a slower, more mellowed out dmt trip, though, this is only based off of one experience. SWIM prefers to use dmt when completely sober. as far as pre-trip anxiety, SWIM used to have it everytime to a minor extent, more so in a positive way than a worried way. after having a difficult experience, SWIM was definitely scared to try again as he felt the dmt was somewhat angry with him. after a few days, he gave it another shot with a smaller dose just to get his feet wet again and from there on out he has been fine. i'd suggest to load up a small dose, hold the pipe in your hand and get comfortable in whatever position you will be in. then just breathe slowly and think about your intentions and why you are doing. ask the spice to treat you kindly. be humble. and go when you're ready. and if you don't feel ready, don't force yourself. good luck.
#4 Posted : 6/6/2007 9:32:48 PM
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Don't complicate things. Just have a few beers before. Very happy
#5 Posted : 6/8/2007 4:49:37 PM

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a few weeks ago i wouldn't have dared to mix DMT with alcohol but suprisingly it definatly works. It gets rid of stress and helps to clear your mind beofre the trip.
free spirit
#6 Posted : 6/13/2007 3:11:26 PM
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heres another vote for the beers before hand. dont get sloppy drunk, but alcohol can definitely 'lube' ya up in terms of adding a bit more courage, relaxing those inhibitions... the first 6 grams i smoked were mostly when semi drunk. it became a lil too easy to take it that way, and after time had to step back and space out dosing. fwiw, kratom seems to get along VERY well w/ the spice. intensifies and lengthens the experience. its a really good combo. also decent doses of dxm have made spice trips much more easy to take and handle and start to really really enjoy. (my first spice trip was after like 500-600 mgs of dxm hbr (from a rc vendor not syrup) and was amazing) w/ dxm tho it doesnt matter what you smoke or inhale its better. so pot smoke is better, so is salvia, so is say nitrous... and 5meodmt and really just about everything i tried except for this 'salvia hash' that was composed of brug and datura components as well and sent me to moron land for about an hour. oh and hi btw.. neat site ya'll got here
Chakra Vajra
#7 Posted : 6/13/2007 6:10:04 PM
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[quote:b636331032="free spirit"] fwiw, kratom seems to get along VERY well w/ the spice. intensifies and lengthens the experience. its a really good combo. [/quote:b636331032] Interesting, i also though about Kratom with DMT because of its very relaxing Properties...
#8 Posted : 6/18/2007 1:33:51 PM
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[quote:b9de8f9952]fwiw, kratom seems to get along VERY well w/ the spice. intensifies and lengthens the experience. its a really good combo. [/quote:b9de8f9952] Iv'e tried it too and it was good. I had my most visually detailed trip this way. Though i like alcohol better than kratom generally. And as free spirit said, it can get too easy to smoke spice when semi-drunk, i often end up smoking hit after hit for hours and hours all night till daylight comes back this way. For me it completely takes away all tension and makes the spice insanely euphoric. The combo is some kind of psychedelic crack to me. And the downside is that i feel a bit "schizo" the day after such a session. Nothing serious though and it wears off completely in a couple of days.
free spirit
#9 Posted : 6/22/2007 2:11:12 PM
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man knark.. yer screen name gives me the heebies
#10 Posted : 10/23/2007 6:08:53 PM

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[quote:063f58559f]fwiw, kratom seems to get along VERY well w/ the spice. intensifies and lengthens the experience. its a really good combo[/quote:063f58559f] Totally agree !!! Wink Add a pinch of (eated) cannabis and you'll be like my friend right now : Awesome Great Extatic Divine Unbelievable Infinite LOVE Compassion ... Shocked panic attac !! Shocked
#11 Posted : 10/24/2007 4:57:20 AM
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for now I vape when sober, but I have tried it with small amounts of cannabis or when coming down from cannabis. similarly to my experiences with salvia and cannabis, I did not enjoy the effects; both times things were more tense i have been wanting to try both pod tea + dmt and pod tea + salvia but don't really need opiates lying around the house
#12 Posted : 10/25/2007 7:52:45 PM

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[quote:9c5f54c341]psychedelic crack[/quote:9c5f54c341] my thoughts exactly after trying it first time round. what's the best way to take katrom?
To fathom hell or soar angelic, take a pinch of psychedelic....
#13 Posted : 10/25/2007 7:53:13 PM

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Generally, opiates severely curb the effects of entheogens.
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#14 Posted : 10/26/2007 3:15:39 PM
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I took some temazepam and a couple beers lastnight before doing the spice and had a wild ride. Seemed like i couldn't breakthrough though, but wasn't really trying.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
#15 Posted : 10/27/2007 5:13:26 AM
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IMHO alcohol doesn't really help my anxiety in low doses, but if I do take enough to help I become a bit uneasy and it numbs the experience quite noticably. Benzos work well for anxiety but just make me feel so f'ing dumb and tired and this also dulls the experience. I haven't tried Zolpidem with it, but since it gives me the same dumbing effect as benzos I'd think it to be similar, oh and I'd kinda like to remember my trips. Kratom goes very well however, it eases anxiety and won't cloud your mind (should probably avoid if you're one to experience nausea from it). A tad of weed goes pretty good too, but I get pretty twitchy once combined with spice. As for salvia, nitrous, ether, or dxm I would avoid all them, because personally they just give me bad fucking vibes. Once you discover the effects of spice your anxiety will subdue, but for starting off I think either of the mentioned anxiolytics will work, despite dulling the experience. Just ta get ya a feel for the spice, then you can lose it.
#16 Posted : 11/17/2007 7:08:41 PM
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I have the same problem, read my recent post about schizophrenia and DMT.. I am going to try to meditate for 20-30 minutes before tripping. I will try to turn the anxiety into exhilaration. I was never anxious but developed an anxiety to psychedelics after 3 very intense, horrible, trips with mushrooms. I just wasn't expecting it.. first trip: I had ingested an MAOI and then ate the shrooms. I tripped harder than I ever had for 9 hours, with intense visuals and a mindfuck like no other. It felt like a very visual 9 hour salvia trip. Scared me shitless but I attributed it to the MAOI.. second and third: I was potentiating the mushrooms by making a tea w/ lemon and vitamin C tabs to increase the acidity, then ingesting it fast on an empty stomach (fasted for 3-5 hours). Effects were way too strong and resulted in a mindfuck. Not like the MAOI trip, but more sinister and "confusing" - Almost exactly the same way my father describes his psychotic episodes (schizophrenia) - this scared me from tripping because I am genetically predisposed.
#17 Posted : 11/17/2007 9:24:49 PM

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Well, already answered in your schizophrenia and DMT topic but my trippy friend want to add that he also had quite harsh trip with shrooms while DMT is mostly pure bliss Cool
#18 Posted : 11/18/2007 1:31:01 PM
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I did smoke the DMT right after posting that, here are some tips: Read positive experiences right beforehand. Sit down and meditate. It doesn't have to be traditional meditation, just close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. After about 5 minutes you'll feel calm.. the idea is to change the anxiety into excitement. This is also what people with anxiety try to do using cognitive-behavioral therapy. Get your heart rate going with some exercise. The endorphin release is good for anxiety.
#19 Posted : 11/19/2007 1:25:43 PM

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Kratom makes my trypt a little more jittery and the vibrations stronger, but does little for the anxiety (makes the anxiety stronger for me) Pod tea helps with some anxiety but makes the trip a lot weaker and I have found that it is harder to breakthrough. Soma (carisoprodol) completely knocks out the pre-trip anxiety and greatly increases the euphoria of a trypt...but also weakens the experience just a little. Valium, Ativan, and Klonipin decrease the intensity of the trip and help with the anxiety as well. Don't know about any other benzo's.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#20 Posted : 11/19/2007 8:41:43 PM

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Once over the initial nerves there is no problem. Soon my friend will be trying bluelotus to smooth the trip even more and aid in a breakthrough as he held back last night at the point of entry.
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