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Next coming of the christ Options
#1 Posted : 10/16/2012 11:40:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Has anyone ever been given the message that they are the next coming of christ? I am far from a christian but just had an experience where I was involved in completing some machine that was being formed and was given the message that my next visit would be the last one needed to awaken me to christ consciousness. I have been travelling for years and in the beginning it always gave me messages to quit smoking because it needed me for something, that I was far to important to die. I don't want that kind of responsibility and spent the following ten minutes upon return begging that it not be true. I cant even talk about it with anyone because of how outrageous a claim it is, but the message was clear as can be in my mind. Please, someone, tell me this is something that has happened before.

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#2 Posted : 10/16/2012 11:46:42 PM


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It has certainly happened to more than a few people, don't worry you will most likely not have to bear the burden of ushering humanity through the tribulations.

This thread should help you out. https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=37104
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#3 Posted : 10/16/2012 11:50:22 PM
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We're all special. We're all able to achieve "christ consciousness" so-to-apeak. We're all important..beyond our wildest dreams. That "machine" could very well be yourself that you're working to perfect.
#4 Posted : 10/16/2012 11:53:41 PM

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I posted a thread about something similar a couple of weeks ago, in which I was told "I AM GOD" in a non breakthrough experience which was the most profoundly life changing trip I've had so far, like a giant hand pushing down on my chest and a voice in my head telling me to "LISTEN" then I asked the question "Who is god?" with the reply "YOU ARE GOD"

I feel it's incredibly increeeedibly easy to become "unhinged" by these experiences and much like dreams, they can be interpreted in so many ways.

In reality we are all god, each and everyone of us is special and important to the grand scheme, it's just important to not let your ego get the best of you Smile

Lastly, don't ever think you can't talk to anyone about stuff on the nexus, I predict a 99.99% chance someone has gone through something similar, I honestly feel this place is the only place I can talk to people about literally anything I'm thinking about, it's quickly becoming a second home for me.

Much love and Peace
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#5 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:10:53 AM
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Mystic0 wrote:
I posted a thread about something similar a couple of weeks ago, in which I was told "I AM GOD" in a non breakthrough experience which was the most profoundly life changing trip I've had so far, like a giant hand pushing down on my chest and a voice in my head telling me to "LISTEN" then I asked the question "Who is god?" with the reply "YOU ARE GOD"

I feel it's incredibly increeeedibly easy to become "unhinged" by these experiences and much like dreams, they can be interpreted in so many ways.

In reality we are all god, each and everyone of us is special and important to the grand scheme, it's just important to not let your ego get the best of you Smile

Lastly, don't ever think you can't talk to anyone about stuff on the nexus, I predict a 99.99% chance someone has gone through something similar, I honestly feel this place is the only place I can talk to people about literally anything I'm thinking about, it's quickly becoming a second home for me.

Much love and Peace

Couldn't have said it much better.

#6 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:34:13 AM

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It's called the messiah complex and it's a common theme of the psychedelic experience. Don't worry: it'll fade.
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#7 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:38:36 AM
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ChemisTryptaMan wrote:
Has anyone ever been given the message that they are the next coming of christ? I am far from a christian but just had an experience where I was involved in completing some machine that was being formed and was given the message that my next visit would be the last one needed to awaken me to christ consciousness. I have been travelling for years and in the beginning it always gave me messages to quit smoking because it needed me for something, that I was far to important to die. I don't want that kind of responsibility and spent the following ten minutes upon return begging that it not be true. I cant even talk about it with anyone because of how outrageous a claim it is, but the message was clear as can be in my mind. Please, someone, tell me this is something that has happened before.

I would take it to mean that you are aligning with the vibratory energy that the archetype of Yeshua represents...
Or perhaps that is essentially what the second coming is, a revelation of christ consciousness.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
Bill Cipher
#8 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:45:04 AM

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All I can say is there are an awful lot of dudes here who seem to be vying for the same position.

Maybe you all ought to get together for some kind of messiahs' convention or something, and arm wrestle for the title of undisputed alpha christ.

a1pha wrote:
Don't worry: it'll fade.

My guess is that he's right.
#9 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:49:50 AM

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I as well, during a 5 gram mushroom trip/dmt, had a christ revelation where i was/am THE one and ONLY Christ.I went for weeks/months afterwards with a sense of having to show people the way and felt perhaps....superior to those around me. The trip gave me a perspective of enlightenment and when i went back into daily life i lived this enlightenment phase through the ego. Years and many layers of ego-self later, its true you are the one and only chosen messiah, but you are everybody else as well. hope this comment helps out
olympus mon
#10 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:50:30 AM

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There is actually a thread about Messiah complex and other type experiences not too long ago. They are common. John Lennon even spoke about his own experiences with LSD believing for a while that he was Jesus reincarnate.

My own experiences were more like the matrix. I was told I am "The One", the entities have been waiting for me to bring this information to humanity, yada, yada. It really screwed with my head and I didn't tell anyone for weeks as I tried to sort out in my own head WTF was going on.

As time went on the feelings stopped feeling so undeniable and real and I was able to think more rationally. Its my opinion that its just the ego under the influence of these substances. Entheo's have a way of making things feel more real than this reality and crossing wires to find connections where there really aren't any.

Take a deep breath, understand that this happens to many others and life will fall back into place.Smile
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#11 Posted : 10/17/2012 1:44:01 AM
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I had an experience like this recently while dead sober. They're nothing to make fun of, in my opinion, since the way information becomes connected during them is strong, intimate to the details of one's life, and seemingly supernatural, inspiring a kind of faith at least momentarily even in the likes of me, which, moreover, was strong enough such that "messianic action" was shortly considered thereafter. People in these states are likely to be good people who are considering doing something altruistic for others.

Like a1pha said, it seems to go away. But if anyone is feeling distressed about this and wants to talk to someone who has experienced something similar, you have a friend in me only a PM away. I don't have any answers, but I'll gladly talk it out with you.
Bill Cipher
#12 Posted : 10/17/2012 1:50:32 AM

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Zip wrote:
I had an experience like this recently while dead sober. They're nothing to make fun of, in my opinion, since the way information becomes connected during them is strong, intimate to the details of one's life, and seemingly supernatural, inspiring a kind of faith at least momentarily even in the likes of me, which, moreover, was strong enough such that "messianic action" was shortly considered thereafter. People in these states are likely to be good people who are considering doing something altruistic for others.

Point taken. I apologize. This is just a very common occurrence round these parts, and a natural by product of strong psychedelic experiences. In any case, I was just being goofy. I didn't mean to mock.
#13 Posted : 10/17/2012 2:32:58 AM
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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Zip wrote:
I had an experience like this recently while dead sober. They're nothing to make fun of, in my opinion, since the way information becomes connected during them is strong, intimate to the details of one's life, and seemingly supernatural, inspiring a kind of faith at least momentarily even in the likes of me, which, moreover, was strong enough such that "messianic action" was shortly considered thereafter. People in these states are likely to be good people who are considering doing something altruistic for others.

Point taken. I apologize. This is just a very common occurrence round these parts, and a natural by product of strong psychedelic experiences. In any case, I was just being goofy. I didn't mean to mock.

Well, I apologize if I seemed to have come down like a humorless hammer on what you said. That kind of tough love, if it's taken as such, helps as well. I know that I've constantly benefited from it here in knocking nonsense out of my head, if even from others inducing its creation so that I could struggle with it on my own. And I've probably benefited from you in this way in the past just as well. So, it's good that we're coming at it from all angles to fit whatever someone needs! And I definitely laughed at your post before I remembered what my own feelings were like while being in such a moment.

olympus mon, thanks for bringing up the "Matrix" experience. I've read about other such "The One" experiences on Erowid before. I think it's interesting that different people experience being "saviors" in different "textures" (e.g., Jesus, Neo). Are we all saviors? I've also experienced "matrix-like" things on DMT and while sleeping, such as "simulation cables" and "death simulators." So, are there a bunch of Jesuses flying around in the matrix like Art joked? Can they be that common? It seems like something is, rather, playing into our egos and personal preferences. I experienced the "death simulators" months ago after a wild trip experience. The messianic thoughts came after a period of thinking about my struggles with my girlfriend (our disparity in religious thinking), wanting to do good for others while feeling that the world was "riven," and some light Kierkegaard reading. I even had a dream where I was a "Buddha" and some "friends" of mine from a "far away place" came, picked me up, injected me with some kind of drug so that I could feel again, and hurled me across the road in one fluid movement, and all the while I was yelling, "Guys, I figured it out! I'm Pikachu!" Laughing No, no. I'm just Danny.

So, like most here seem to agree, I suspect this is something to be ignored. If we are saviors, then I think it's probably only insofar as that we're all equipped to do good for one another.
#14 Posted : 10/17/2012 2:33:03 AM

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I love how this forum always helps me make more sense of things. I had never experienced anything so intense before and the way it all was presented to me was impossible to describe. I was literally in tears begging for it to not be true. I am currently not in a position to try helping anyone but myself. I have made some very positive changes lately and that may have played a role in creating the experience. The truth is that most of my attempts at reaching hyperspace are disappointing. There have been times when an 80 mg dose would produce absolutely no effects, but as soon as I make the right changes in my life a veil is lifted and I can reach the outer realms again. I had a trip a few weeks ago that shook me to my core. I will post that one seperately though since it was very different. Thank you all for your responses, I feel better knowing that others have experienced this.
#15 Posted : 10/17/2012 3:37:06 AM


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I wonder if these type of experiences are similar to being hypnotized. Some people can be hypnotized and some can't. I'm wondering if certain mind sets produce this type of thinking and therefore experience this messianic complex thing.

In reality i have no idea though as to why this seems to be quite a common theme Smile
#16 Posted : 10/17/2012 4:04:52 AM

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It definitely seems to be a common occurrence with strong doses of psychedelics. The thread archaic_architect linked to has some great information on the topic.

Personally this song has helped me out and made me smile about it all. I like some odd things though.

My experience agrees that it fades with time, but I suppose that depends on how you view it and act on it.

Some lovely perspectives in here, always a pleasure to see what everyone has to share.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#17 Posted : 10/17/2012 6:24:16 AM

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Part of my own messiah thing was this thought that I'd be the one who deciphered the visual code that would change the world. A primal visual key that when viewed, would bring you straight to the godhead. A way for everyone to finally understand.

20 humbling years later and I realize that, if even possible at all, the creation of this visual key will be a group project, a thing that if I am very fortunate I might be a small part of. It's probably way too big a problem for one person to answer on their own.

That doesn't stop me from picking away at it in my spare time.
#18 Posted : 10/17/2012 6:52:33 AM

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ChemisTryptaMan wrote:
Has anyone ever been given the message that they are the next coming of christ? I am far from a christian but just had an experience where I was involved in completing some machine that was being formed and was given the message that my next visit would be the last one needed to awaken me to christ consciousness. I have been travelling for years and in the beginning it always gave me messages to quit smoking because it needed me for something, that I was far to important to die. I don't want that kind of responsibility and spent the following ten minutes upon return begging that it not be true. I cant even talk about it with anyone because of how outrageous a claim it is, but the message was clear as can be in my mind. Please, someone, tell me this is something that has happened before.

How can you possibly be the second coming of Christ?... If I am Christ and this is my second coming, there can be only one therefore you can not possibly be the second.. Well, looks like I'm going to have to take my gvg spaceship up to the heavens tonight to discuss this matter further with my father, he is not going to be happy there are other people attempting to pass themselves off as me.

lol yeah I'm just kidding, but I agree that sense of entitlement/importantness will most likely fade...

"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

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#19 Posted : 10/17/2012 7:20:30 AM

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im really starting to like this boards style, i tried discussing something smiler on 420chan and was pretty much just called a lunatic,

I guess some questions im wondering is that i felt like i have might have broken through but im still not ENTIRELY sure, anyway the only way i can describe such an experience is feeling beyond time, space, and reality,

this might not be relevant to this thread so ill try and keep this brief i posted another topic on this matter anyway,

anyway i feel like a human evolved, in some-sense maybe even divine.

also these experiences have been both caused by either special changa blend or large doses of lsd
#20 Posted : 10/17/2012 7:22:15 AM

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the only downside being that some people will never get to see or enjoy this is what makes me the sad actually,

i guess im wondering is this smiler to dmt hyperspace? or is it something else entirely?
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