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"Heaven Is Real: A Doctor's Experience With the Afterlife" Options
#1 Posted : 10/8/2012 10:51:28 PM

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"For millennia, humans have wondered what happens after we die. Finally, we have a definitive answer: this week, in an exclusive cover story, Newsweek reveals that "Heaven Is Real." And it sounds suspiciously like a DMT trip as described on internet drug forums.

For nearly as long as humans have been thinking about the possibility of an afterlife, they've also been reading the "Experiences" essays on Erowid.org โ€” accounts of trips and experimentations written by conscientious drug users. Finally, the two pastimes converge, in "Heaven Is Real: A Doctor's Experience With the Afterlife," possibly the most embarrassing cover story Newsweek has ever run, in which Dr. Eben Alexander falls into a coma and apparently, uh, goes to heaven.

Alexander's account of his experience is exactly as well-written, exactly as scientific, and exactly as interesting as most of the stories in Erowid's "Experience Vault." And that's not the only similarity! Below, take our test: Newsweek cover story or message-board post about drugs? Winners get to go to heaven."

Newsweek Cover Story or Internet Posting About Drugs? A Quiz

DMT.... Getting more and more mainstream press. Good or bad?
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley

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#2 Posted : 10/9/2012 1:30:11 AM

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Odds are no matter who you are, you know someone who uses entheogens, if not you personally, you want to, or know someone who does. So on some level the exposure might help people to be more understanding of those who choose to take substsnces like these, and the news is telling the story in a much more positive light these days i might add. On the other hand, as much as i hate to say it, some people might be better off not opening that can of worms. I tell people like this, if you can handle the hallucinogenic experience go for it, it is benificial for us all as a whole. But for some people it could cause more harm than good, and again not just personally, if one is wreckless it hurts the community as a whole. But everyone is entitled their own in life, so who am i to say what is good for or bad for any individual or situation. We just have to have faith that the universe has a plan for us, and our future with these plants.
I am.
#3 Posted : 10/9/2012 1:40:38 AM


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a1pha wrote:

DMT.... Getting more and more mainstream press. Good or bad?

i say it's good. it's not a high times puff piece glorifying it's use. it's news week and it's a doctor. it may not blaze a path towards legalization but it will at least put it's name in the ears of many that would've never heard of it and coming from a doctor, via news week, it will more than likely be accepted in a positive light from most readers.

whether they will see DMT itself in a positive light or just this doctors experience doesn't really matter. as long as their brains associate dmt with a positive feeling, it's a win, in my book.
embrace your nothingness...it's all you are...
#4 Posted : 10/9/2012 2:03:03 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I loved the story. So many similarities in the doctors story its silly.

Not saying anything new though that I havent experienced though. Smile All the further reason that there is definitely something special going on behind the scenes, no matter whether we want to believe in it or not.

Awesome article.
#5 Posted : 10/10/2012 4:23:23 AM

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Here is a link to a very recent NewsWeek article about a neurosurgeon that was in a coma for 7 days and had a vision, of which his explanation will hit home with many of us.


Let me know what you think.
Buddha -- "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
#6 Posted : 10/10/2012 4:51:33 AM

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Doctor claims to have visited heaven during coma.

( ^ link above ^ ) I saw this story on Yahoo! tonight, and his experience sounded remarkably familiar. I am personally a very spiritual person. I believe in the existence of heaven. I am also starting to believe that we have more access to it during our lives than we think, and that chemically the whole world is linked to heaven. Why not? Why wouldn't God create heaven in a way that is chemically and physically linked with our own perception of reality. If an artist creates pointillism paintings his whole life, no one would claim a beautiful painting is not his just because it uses the same techniques he used in all of his other paintings. They would point out that the similarities only strengthen the likelihood that he created it. Likewise, I believe that if a God created earth, he likely created heaven in a way that it is similar, if not physically, then chemically. What are your opinions? do you think this doctor possibly experienced a very spiritual DMT experience? If yes, do you think that would necessarily negate the fact that he visited heaven, or strengthen the possibility that they are one and the same?
#7 Posted : 10/10/2012 6:28:41 AM

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So, this guy goes into a coma, and trips out. He writes a book! I should write a book! We should ALL write books!!

Check it out here

Thanks for combining my post into this one, I got so excited I didn't see there was already a thread!
Be an adult only when necessary.
#8 Posted : 10/10/2012 6:39:57 AM

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Mr.Peabody wrote:
Thanks for combining my post into this one, I got so excited I didn't see there was already a thread!

So have three others. I've changed the name of the thread and moved it to the Welcome Area to remove confusion.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#9 Posted : 10/10/2012 7:15:38 AM

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a1pha wrote:
DMT.... Getting more and more mainstream press. Good or bad?

It definitely depends on how the media portrays it. I hear salvia is getting a bad reputation because of video uploads to youtube and getting salvia more negative mainstream media attention. Some people are just to ignorant.

If it is received and portrayed positively and intelligently then yes good.
A competent perception of the drug is necessary for a positive portrayal.
Even with a positive portrayal it is already illegal so governments probably don't want it to be portrayed in a positive light. I honestly believe the media is in part controlled by the higher powers that rule. So bad.

The Code Was Written In Blood
When the People Fear the Government there is Tyranny, When the Government Fears the People there is Liberty Thomas Jefferson
#10 Posted : 10/10/2012 11:15:33 AM

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this is a 60mg conclusion if ever i read oneVery happy

Dr Alexander wrote:
"But what happened to me was, far from being delusional, as real or more real than any event in my life. That includes my wedding day and the birth of my two sons." He added: "I've spent decades as a neurosurgeon at some of the most prestigous medical institutions in our country. I know that many of my peers hold as I myself did to the theory that the brain, and in particular the cortex, generates consciousness and that we live in a universe devoid of any kind of emotion, much less the unconditional love that I now know God and the universe have toward us.

"But that belief, that theory, now lies broken at our feet. What happened to me destroyed it."

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#11 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:07:26 PM

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Dr. Alexander wrote:
The universe as I experienced it in my coma isโ€”I have come to see with both shock and joyโ€”the same one that both Einstein and Jesus were speaking of in their (very) different ways.

Dr. Alexander wrote:
I know full well how extraordinary, how frankly unbelievable, all this sounds.

Dr. Alexander wrote:
Iโ€™m still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as much as I was before I had my experience. But on a deep level Iโ€™m very different from the person I was before, because Iโ€™ve caught a glimpse of this emerging picture of reality. And you can believe me when I tell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and those who come after us, to get it right.

Speak it brother!

Incredible trip report by the good Dr. Alexander.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#12 Posted : 10/10/2012 7:04:08 PM

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Maybe we shouldnt believe the guy, he didnt smoke DMT to experience this. No, wait, he is a doctor, that makes it viable....

I should go school, work as a neurosurgeon for many years, and then fall into a coma. When I tell people about my experiences maybe then I would have some uh.... credibility. Thats the word Im looking for.

#13 Posted : 10/10/2012 7:31:35 PM

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He certainly didn't smoke DMT and my previous final comment was a bit tongue in cheek, but he never claimed to have smoked DMT.

I think his background does lend some credility towards his statements. His neocortex being shut down while in the coma and the subsequent continuation of consciousness he reported. His detailed report also has major similarities to reported (and my own) DMT experiences and the facts I've seen presented by him seem to be sound.

He could be making it up but he seems quite shaken by this and inspired to learn more about consciousness so I am leaning towards his subjective experience is an accurate report. Fascinating stuff.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#14 Posted : 10/10/2012 7:43:20 PM

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Good and bad, good that more people are taking an interest in it and I also feel spirituality is coming to the fore front. Science and Religion are merging into Theology more and more each day.

BAD in the sense that I feel governments will now try harder and harder to illegalise all the substances that DMT can be extracted from and will convince the people of it's "evil"
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#15 Posted : 10/10/2012 7:53:45 PM

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Does the actual Newsweek article mention DMT, or is it Gawker that is making this connection? When I google it I'm only getting the Gawker article and this thread Razz
I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#16 Posted : 10/10/2012 8:41:12 PM

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RayTracer wrote:
Does the actual Newsweek article mention DMT, or is it Gawker that is making this connection? When I google it I'm only getting the Gawker article and this thread Razz

Dr. Alexander did not mention DMT in the Newsweek article. The Gawker article links through to newsweek at the bottom. I believe Gawker introduced the Erowid trip report angle. Gawker has done a number of articles on DMT/psychedelics/drugs if I recall correctly.

Also my opinion is this is good news, for what its worth.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#17 Posted : 10/11/2012 1:35:59 AM

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I question the whole death experience is like a DMT trip or psychedelic experience theory.
Richard Alpert aka Ramm Dass ( friend of Timothy Leary,) had a major heart attack and died. This guy was a big time LSD user and very into the psychedelic scene. After some minutes they were able to revive him.
He said that he had always expected an amazing experience would occur at death, but that when it happened to him, there was nothing...nothing at all....just total black nothingness.

So, I say that psychedelics are for the living and don't necessarily expect that big trip after your last breath! There may be nothing there after life or on the way out at all!

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#18 Posted : 10/11/2012 2:06:22 AM

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The truth is no one knows! In my opinion just because someone has cold blued and been revived (Ive gone out 3x) doesn't qualify as the final crossover into death.

Ive always been pretty much an atheist. It always seemed so human to think there is more behind door #2. This was just the warmup for the real show etc. wouldn't this life be worth more if we all knew this was it?

I mean what a gift right? But oh no...there is more yadayada. I appreciate this gift for what it is...I'm not sure what's next if anything. What I do know is that I'm a part of this unfolding story called the Universe and that in itself is enough for me.

If anything, as the Universe story unfolds...and as we evolve...and the gravity of technology continues to pull us into it like a black hole, I wonder if we will somehow achieve immortality that way.

I can't wait for the machines to wakeup. Upload me to the cloud baby. Shoot my consciousness through the Universe in little nanobots like spores.

Edit: I've overdosed on heroin several times. On two occasions I've needed to be revived. I didn't see anything. It was pure nothingness. My lips were purple and I wasn't breathing. The emt's said I was a goner. This is all in the past. A very painful part of my life that spice has helped me to work through.

I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#19 Posted : 10/16/2012 5:40:13 AM

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what caught me was that is neocortex was entirely off reaffirming the notion that consciousness exists on a smaller scale than neuro transfer and biology.

seems to me like this guy needs to learn about dmt huh.
interesting how the spice makes you feel as though the soul is real, I dont know about god in a christian sense though I think this guy is just using that to try and understand what he saw. wish we could show him the light. Twisted Evil
"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive." (Albert Einstein, 1954)
#20 Posted : 10/18/2012 4:48:43 PM

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here is a video interview with the guy:

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