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An LSD Exorcism Report Options
#1 Posted : 9/23/2012 1:05:12 AM

Posts: 1322
Joined: 16-Apr-2012
Last visit: 05-Nov-2012
Location: מלכות
Hello and Welcome to another installment of trip report theater Very happy

What ever your view is on religion, God and all that may be. Whether you think I'm just a little mad hatter crazy or you think I'm a certifiable nut case my sincere hope is that everyone will be at least somewhat entertained by these writing. I warn that this is a long read so you may want to break it up into parts like a short story.

Peace, love and HAPPINESS to all Nexians...and also to "guest"...you know who you are..Very happy

As far as literature goes I tend to lean towards non-fiction. With a few exceptions I generally find the old saying that truth is stranger than fiction to ring true

I personally find there are few things that I enjoy more than a good old fashioned trip report. To my way of thinking at least..... trip reports could be considered a type of subjective-non-fiction.

As an avid reader of trip reports I have observed that DMT experiences detailing encounters with negative/dark entities are quite common even among DMT users who have no pre-existing religious beliefs.

As many of you already know I personally subscribe to the idea that the entities I encounter during the psychedelic experience are real.

The main reason I feel this way is because many experiences that I have had were of such a highly paranormal and ultra synchronistic nature that they could not rationally be defined as mere hallucination or illusion, at least not by me.

Anyway, however to prefer to look at things......Whether you consider it entertainment or information, real or illusion, half full or half empty, whether you pronounce it to-mate-o or tomahto please do enjoy this report.

This was really and truly one of the most horrifying experiences of my life. It was at the same time one of the most spiritually moving and emotionally powerful events of my life, for me was one of the most frightening and at the same time magnificent experiences I have ever had.

This true account marks a major turning point in my life. It was the day I learned how to really fight back against dark entities. When I first began taking LSD a few years prior to this story I had some truly incredible experiences that were frightening due to intensity however I did not encounter what is referred to as a "dark entity" for some time. I took high doses of LSD about 8-10 times before I had my first dark entity encounter.

My first dark entity encounter happened while I was playing electric guitar on LSD while alone in my room. My room was illuminated by this trippy looking lamp that I had. Whenever this lamp was on it just so happened to cast a perfect shadow on the far wall if you stood in front to the lamp.

So I was away at the guitar and sort of fantasizing about being a rock star when out the corner of my eye I notice that the shadow I am casting on the wall is doing different things than I was. I kept watching the shadow out of my peripherals and sure enough it took of the guitar and started dancing around while I still played. It then waved at me.

At first this was amusing and I watched as it danced around all crazy to my guitar playing, then I watched it smash the guitar on the ground. It seemed harmless enough at first, just a mischievous little thing it was. Or so I thought. As the trip progressed the shadow thing stayed around, then I realized it was somehow consuming energy from me.

It was growing in detail and definition. Over the course of a few hours of playing the guitar it transformed from a plain dark dancing shadow to a figure with more defined characteristics, it grew a face. I face that looked just like mine. Then it grew a beard and a marijuana joint appeared in it's mouth. Then it began to have facial expressions. Bad ones. Eventually it became apparent that this thing was evil. The evil me, it was my wicked twin, my doppelganger and now that it had manifested it was incredibly difficult to get rid of it.

Over time it became apparent that the shadow being was not simply a figment of my imagination but it proved itself to be a real external force of some kind, a demon if you will.

The first time that it was witnessed by someone other than myself, I was on an LSD trip with a friend of mine (not the one in the main tale here.) And we were hanging out in my room smoking weed. My trippy lamp was on and therefore the shadows were cast on the wall. I actually had not seen the "evil me" so far in this trip and was feeling quite pleased about it.

I felt like playing some guitar so I picked up my guitar and went to turn on my amplifier.

"DUDE!, let's go outside bro. I need a cigarette real badly" My friend all the sudden said. He had a weird, desperate expression on his face.

I was a bit annoyed because I had literally just picked up my guitar and really wanted to jam out, also I didn't smoke cigarettes and was bothered by his constant need to do so. he could see I was hesitating and he said it again with even more desperation in his voice and even a tone of severity:


I understood then that there must be something more going on here than just your standard nicotine fit. Now sensing the urgency, I put down my guitar and followed him as he practically ran up stairs from my basement and out to the backyard. Immediately he lit up the cigarette with the air of someone trying to calm himself down. As he held the lighter up to his smoke I could plainly see he was trembling. That was when I knew he must have seen something.

"Dude, what happened? did you see something or what?"

He hesitated as if he needed a moment before talking about it and then said:

"Dude, it was your shadow. I saw your shadow." He said and then got quite.

"You saw my shadow what?" I asked fearful that he was about to confirm
my deepest fears. I actually had never mentioned the "shadow problem"
I had been having as this was one of my more rational friends and I was afraid he might think I had gone mad and not want to trip with me anymore.

He slowly continued talking as if carefully choosing his words. "Your shadow got all monstrous and gigantic, it looked like the devil man. but it also looked like you. You with a beard." He took a huge drag of his cigarette as if he could just smoke away the harsh memory of it.

"Oh yeah, I neglected to mention that I have this problem sometimes" I said with a tone of admittance.

"You what?????" He could not believe his ears. I then proceeded to tell him about the "shadow problem" I was having. Before I could finished he became so disturbed that he asked that we not speak about it until we were sober again.

So this is a story of how I learned to defeat this shadow being. This is also a tale of how the shadow being

All my LSD trips were plagued by this shadowy entity, it was my own shadow come to life, my shadow had become the evil me, my doppelganger. When ever this evil shadow me would show up I would not be able to get rid of it and it would just horrify me to no end with ugly visual after rotten visual. Just to clarify, these are open eye visuals that I am speaking about.

On one occasion I was tripping a fair amount of LSD with a friend. Not the friend mentioned in this report however. So we were peaking and my friend was sitting in the chair and petting my cat. Together my friend and my cat cast a large projective shadow on the wall because of the way the lighting was in my room.
So while my friend is just setting there, petting the affectionate cat. The shadow on the wall told a different story altogether.

My friend and I both watched together in horror as the shadow-cat shredded the shadow persons throat mercilessly into ribbons with it's claws like a rabid mountain lion. On the wall there was shadow guts and blood flying everywhere while the ferocious shadow cat tore through the helpless shadow person as he was rocked back into the shadow chair by the furious cat.

We both looked away from the wall and at each other at the same time and with the same look of wide mouthed, breathless horror at what we were seeing, meanwhile the actual cat seemed clueless about it's savage shadowy counterpart and just continued to purr along in a state of feline bliss, wondering why my friend had sopped petting him.
"Want to go outside with me while I have a smoke?" my friend said
"Sure thing, let's go" I responded.

Out on the back patio, my friend thoughtfully smoked his cigarette clearly disturbed by the proceeding events. "Holy sh*t, you saw that too right?
"Yeah I have seen it before. I did not think other people could see it too though
"I saw it, Jesus Christ man. I have never seen anything like that."

So this shadow being would torment me continuously during my trips. When I first began taking LSD this shadow being was no where t be found, now it visited me every time I took LSD without fail. I did not understand how to get rid of it, I literally felt helpless. One time while peaking on LSD it appeared before me. It looked just like me if I were evil, to add a classic touch it even had a beard, giving me an even more sinister look. It was very realistic, yet cartoon like and no matter how much I blinked, looked away, told myself it was not real, tried to think about other things etc. it would be there and un phased., scaring the crap out of me.

On this occasion it was there in front of me, bearded. Smoking a permanent joint, holding a small bottle that clearly read LSD-25 in it's hand. It began to take large swigs of the bottle of acid like I was a cowboy drinking Jack Daniels. With the first drink he immediately began to hover steadily in the air and then made an exaggerated and heavily exasperated sound as if though LSD was a refreshing cola. "AHHHHHHHHHH"

Every time it would take a swig of pure LSD he would float a bit higher and laugh in an increasingly insane way. Eventually he was hovering and spinning around in front of me sort of like Trent Reznor in the end of the video "closer", except obviously way more insidious looking. The vision actually got even more realistic as he touched the ground and pitched away the now empty LSD bottle. He gave me a tormented looking grimace of a smile and then pulled out a switchblade from his side pocket. He snapped out the blade and gave me an unforgettably malicious and venomous grin. I was unsure what his plan with the blade was, obviously I knew he would be unable to stab me with his ethereal shank.

His eyes spoke of pure insanity, half rolled in his head as the evil me began to chuckle wickedly. He then began cutting off the tips of his fingers of the opposite hand with the shiny, razor sharp looking switch one by one. With each new finger/ fingertip that he cut off he seemed even more pleased with himself and began to laugh even more. I tried everything to get rid of the awful scene, I desperately pleaded with god to intercede and found no relief.

Yet another frightening brush with the doppelganger occurred one evening when I was tripping with a semi-large group of people (about 5 others). This incident took place during an all night gathering at one of my friends houses. Everyone there was on medium-high doses of LSD and we were watching dances with wolves when suddenly I had to pee. As In the middle of peeing in the toilet of my friends small bathroom, the toilet all at once transformed quite vividly into a giant head with an open mouth and then spoke to me:
It was the image of me. I was drinking my own pee.

This freaked me out so much that I wanted to stop peeing right there in mid-stream but I knew it had to come out . I thought about closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch myself drink my own pee but then I knew that I would end up peeing all over the place. I knew I had no choice but to see this thing through to the last drop. The toilet head smacked it's lips with satisfaction as a I nervously finished.

Shaken, and shocked by what had just taken place, I looked into the medicine cabinet mirror as I washed my hands. I then heard the tiniest little whisper in both my ears saying ......."get out."

As a horror movie buff, I knew that this was a film reference to the original Amityville Horror.(See video posted below)

For those not familiar with this horror classic , it's a scene where a priest is attempting to bless the infamous old haunted Amityville house. The family who owns the house is outside playing, the priest is alone in a room upstairs blessing the house when suddenly both the door and window slam shut trapping him. The room then becomes flooded with hundreds of flies. Desperate to get out and covered with nasty flies, the pries tries to force open a window, after a few moments the priest is manic with terror and it looks like he is going to have a heart attack or something. .

All at once the flies disappear and the door opens by itself. The priest hesitates for a moment looking around. A quite whispering voice then urges the priest out the door by saying "get out"
The priest hesitates for one more moment and then the voice screams super loud and hellish sounding deep masculine voice : GET OUT!!!!!

I was not going to wait around for the screaming part so I exited that bathroom quick as I could.
I went back and rejoined my movie watching friends. One of my friends noticed I was different somehow and said to me. "What happened to you? you look like you seen a ghost man".
I laughed, secretly thinking to myself WTF??

So I tried to forget about my bathroom ordeal and was lying in the living room on a bunch of pillows, tripping out on the Dances with Wolves theme song when one of my friends sisters came home from a night of partying, she was also on LSD as well but associated with different friends because she was older so I did not know her well.

Upon entering the room I could see my shadow again. It had came out of the bathroom after me. I tried to ignore it but found it to be impossible, eventually the shadow being succeeded in attracting my attention . The shadow being was watching my friends sister and rubbing his hands in a villainous way . He gave me that same deadly smile and then stepped inside of my friends sister.

My friends sister had been talking with her friend quietly on the other side of the room. The moment after I saw the shadow being stepping inside of her the expression on her face went completely dead and she abruptly stopped what she had been doing. Right away her eyes became glossed over and vacant. She then walked all the way across the room from where she had been with here friends and she stepped in front of a mirror. She looked at herself for a moment in disgust and then spoke out loud to her own reflection with utmost conviction,
"I am SO fucking ugly!" Tears then automatically sprung up from her eyes and rolled down her face. Realizing that she had just spoken out loud and that everyone in the room had heard her talk to her reflection she became flushed red with a face full of teary eyed humiliation. She rushed into her bedroom

So this is a story of how I learned to defeat this shadow being. This is also a tale of how the shadow being

I was 19 years old when this event occurred. Currently I am in my mid-thirties. At that time in my life I had one friend that I tripped with and I considered him my best friend. Growing up my friend had some various mental health issues.

While he was in 8th grade his parent discovered that he was self-mutilating himself and he was put into a mental institution for adolescents by them. He was there for a year. In my opinion he did not really have many mental health issues before his parent committed him to that place. In reality he was just trying to give himself tattoos or something and he was getting bad grades at school so they over reacted big time. He was mixed up with all kinds of super violent kids in there and it seemed to have a really negative effect on him. When he got out of this place he was much more negative and depressed, was into gangs, guns, rap music etc.

He was my best friend since elementary school so I tried to see past it because the rap music scene was not my thing. In all my "wisdom" at the time I thought LSD might help him to become a more positive person and kill his desire to be affiliated with gangs, guns etc.

After my first major LSD experience, I wanted to share my new found hobby of tripping with someone else and I picked this person to be my LSD exploration partner for a variety of flawed reasons. We took LSD together about a dozen times or more over the course of a few years.

....here is trip report describing our first LSD voyage together for any one that wants a more detailed pre-history.

To briefly summarize, my friend Jude had a history of momentarily losing control on LSD, doing bizarre things and behaving in strange ways and then forgetting what happened. Sort of a two personality thing.

The first time it happened we were both on LSD having a conversation when suddenly he smiled oddly, closed his eyes and fell backwards right into my drum set nearly waking up my mother at 12:00 am grinning like a fool the whole time. For a moment I thought he died. He opened his eyes and asked me what happened.

On one occasion he violently threw a can containing tobacco chew spit all over my brand new computer while spouting obscenities right in my face. The next second he forgot what happened and asked me why I spilled his chew-can. H was quite sincere about it.

This trend of him losing control on LSD was disturbing because I often wondered if he might just as easily plunge a knife into my throat and then ask.
"What just happened?"

On the other hand I decided I was maybe just being paranoid and chose to keep tripping with For even more pre history here are these trip reports.


STORY CONTINUED--->>>>>>>>SEE BElOW<<<<<<<<<<

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph

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#2 Posted : 9/23/2012 1:07:05 AM

Posts: 1322
Joined: 16-Apr-2012
Last visit: 05-Nov-2012
Location: מלכות
The following experience details our last and final LSD trip together. Prior to this experience I did not see my friend for 2 years because I lived in another city for that time. During that two years my friend cultivated a strong enjoyment for tripping alone and during the experience he told me he would often listen to death metal and paint up his face in the mirror with horror movie special effects make-up, he would become different "monsters" in the mirror and he was anxious to show me this discovery.
"Oh great"- I thought
I figured that when the time came and we were on the acid that I could just talk him into doing something a bit more positive than changing into monsters to the tune of Cannibal Corpse..

My friend was 21 years old at the time and he lived with his father. After some planning we coordinated the perfect evening for taking "LSD". My friends father was getting married to some woman that my friend did not like. My friend, we will call him Jude, did not want to go to this wedding so he pretended to be sick when the day came around so he could get out of it. By his way of thinking not only would he get out of going to this wedding but he would also get to dose acid. It seemed like he had things all lined out.

So I get to his house and the first thing that I notice is that his room is decorated with a wide array of the most demonic "death metal" posters I had ever seen in my life, Cradle of Filth, Skinny Puppy, Misfits, to name a few of the disturbing posters that were on the wall.
"oh boy, great setting": I thought.

I pulled out some weed and proceeded to load my trusty pipe with some green.
"Dude wait! lets use this pipe that I made" My friend said.
"Sounds sweet, show me what you got. " I responded. I knew that it would most likely be some knarly skull or something because my friend was obsessed with drawing skulls all the time .(there were several hanging on the wall)

My friend Jude quickly retrieved something from a near bye and eagerly handed to me. He handed m an article that once been a regular cheap wooden tobacco pipe. My friend had taken the liberty of modifying it using lots of clay and what looked like hair stolen from a troll doll.

The bowl of the pipe was formed into a deformed zombie/vampire skull with beady red eyes and there was some blue troll doll hair fused into the clay to give the skull a nice "skullet" style mullet.

"What do you think?" He asked me, clearly anticipating that I would be impressed by his creation.

"Nice.... how do you keep from torching the it's hair?" I asked, trying to sound constructive.

"Just be careful." He said.

"It's kind of frightening looking isn't it?" I asked him because I could sense that he could tell I didn't like the weird looking thing...

"I think its' sweet dude, I stare at it until the eyes glow bright red all the time"

"Ok lets smoke" I said trying to change the subject, thinking .... " the eyes glow when you stare at it? WTF?"

We got good and stoned and then we each proceeded to ingest three hits of a very potent white blotter I had been saving.

Before we took the acid I asked him if he thought there was any chance his father would return without warning unexpectedly at any point.. He assured me that he was 100% positive that we would have no parental interruptions of any kind during our trip. I agreed and we ate the LSD.

As was customary with me I paid attention to the time of ingestion. I noted that only 10 minutes after ingesting the LSD I was seeing very large tracers in my field of vision. My friend concurred with my observation of the premature trails. “Were in for one hell of a ride!” my friend announced while waving his hand rhythmically in front of his face.

I actually did not share his enthusiasm for the situation, this was the hardest and fastest that I had ever been hit by LSD in my entire life and I was afraid of what was to come. My friend turned on his radio and the song “in bloom” came on. I remember it’s effected me in way that nirvana had never effected me before.
“I can’t believe that it’s only been 10 minutes and I already see major trails” I said with hint of regret in my voice. In my mind that third hit was not amounting to be such a nifty idea at this point.... I was amazed that this was my own idea to take sooooo much acid, what was I thinking? I wondered.

The LSD buzz rapidly accelerated to breakneck speed. I started tripping so hard I could no longer speak effectively and I could barely move. I checked the clock, thirty minutes had passed and I was now fully hallucinating. My friend put on Pink Floyd at my request, Dark Side of The Moon. That was when I noticed his nice CD player stereo setup that I was used to seeing was gone, in it's place was old "ghetto blaster" style cassette player tape deck thing from the 80's.

"What happened to your stereo" I asked, I liked his stereo because it came with a microphone and had a digital delay echo effect that was fun to play around with while tripping.

"I traded it for a gun!" He said all excited like, my heart sunk down to the floor.

"you traded it for a gun? Why did you do that for" I asked with a tone of WTF????

"Dude, it's a really nice .357 magnum, it's probably worth more than 500$"
he said proudly and then asked if I wanted to see it. I said "no way, maybe when I'm sober but I can't handle looking at a gun right now"
Of course he showed it to me anyway, he had it under his bed in a holster.
It was incredibly scary looking, and I did not enjoy looking at it. It reminded me of a slightly smaller version of Clint Eastwood's gun in the dirty Harry movies.

"Is it loaded?" I asked

"yup" he said

"Jesus Christ man, put that thing away, I can't stand the sight of it"

"Alright fine, I was thinking we could shoot it off in the backyard or something"

"No way man, LSD and firearms don't mix bro"
Part of me seriously considered just leaving right there as I would have never agreed to trip in a house were a firearm was present and readily available, especially on this lethal.

He put the gun back under the bed and I was left feeling incredible ill at ease. He pushed play on the tape player and cranked it up. I tried my hardest to relax.

The song speak to me/breathe came on. It was beyond words. Followed with the track on the run, which is a flurry of Shpongle-like sound effects, for those who aren't familiar.

During the song on the run what could only be described as a dragon of pure light energy manifested itself. It was similar looking to a Chinese flying dragon except that it was made of pure light energy. The dragon flew around the room in a dramatic fashion. My friend had a giant mirror in his small room and we were both sitting opposite to it. The white dragon flew in and out of the reflection effortlessly as if the reflection was actually a window.

I was floored, speechless, dumbfounded. I was melting into the chair/floor repeatedly, I felt giant ant tiny all at the same time. I could not believe how hard I was tripping and it had not even been one hour since I took the acid..

I started to all of the sudden feel very panicky for no real reason. I felt ill at ease the max. I wanted the Dragon to stop dancing to Pink Floyd because the realism of it was scaring the crap out of me to the core of my being.

"Jude, turn of the music man. It's getting too intense" I said because he was within arms reach of the stereo.

"Agreed!!" He said and shut off the sound system without a moments hesitation.

Turning the music off only seemed to make the dragon sort of angry, the dance elegant dance of the dragon changed gear into a furious ass kicking of all my sensory systems, I tried to ignore it away by talking...

"Did you see that White Dragon thing? I asked

"Yeah, I'm still seeing it. It seems angry " He said.

"Let just try to relax an much as you can and maybe it will let up, I think the more we panic the worse it gets"

"Yea, I think you right" he said, what should we do?

"We should try to meditate or something" I said

Suddenly a loud and abrupt noise came shooting from outside the room we were in. Then I knew what it was...THE SOUND OF PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Not just one person but several people. I could here more than five people talking to each other loudly. And the sound of the front door shutting....I hoped to god that it was only a hallucination.

"Juuuuuuuuuuuuude the parties here!!!!" It was my friends dad. HE WAS HOME!~!~!~! ---- THEY WERE HOME!!!!

I wasn't even sure who "they" were. I could not believe this was actually taking place. My friend and I looked at each other in utter disbelief. There was several moments of speechless hesitation we were like two deer caught in the high beams of an on coming semi-truck. How could I deal with sober people right now? How could I act sober and keep my sh*t cool while I am melting continuously? I wondered to myself.

My friend had a look on his face like there was a fire lit up under his ass and he sprang up out of his chair saying, "Sh*t, I'm grounded and I'm supposed to be sick. Your not supposed to be here man! HIDE!"

"Where should I hide" I asked looking around in his room for a place where I could fit. The closet seemed to obvious a choice so I decided to wedge myself between his bed and the wall as a way to camouflage my presence.
By this time it sounded like there was a whole crowd of people outside.

Meanwhile my friend got under the blankets of his bed and acted like he was asleep. We both got to our places not a second to soon when I heard the dreaded sound of my friend's dad's voice right at his door. He lightly knocked and said:

"Jude. the party is here...hey bud, we thought we would surprise you and try and make you feel better, tell you what...if you come with us to the reception party you're even allowed to drink booze just like everyone else"

My tripping friend responded with.
"I'm real sick! I can't come out!!!"

"AWWWW come on Jude, I want you at my party" - The dad persisted.

"I'm SICK! I CAN"T COME OUT" my friend yelled back.

I fully expected his father to come busting in at any moment. My friend sounded by no means believable and sounded very suspicious I remember thinking. I thought the jig was up for sure. I did not see how his dad could not smell the marijuana we had just recently smoked..

"Ok bud, feel better ok" His father actually bought it. I couldn't the luck.

"Stay there man, until they leave again" My friend told me.

I was all squashed up between this guys smelly wall and semi smelly bed. I was all sweaty because of the LSD. I was rather awkward and uncomfortable to say the least as I waited, wedged, tripping my ass off.

About five minutes transpired when there was another voice at the door.

"Yo man, why don't you come! everyone is going to go get wasted..you should come with us!!" It was some of our mutual "friends" from school.

"I'm SICK....Can't come out!!" My friend repeated the phrase...
"your not sick, come on!!!"
these guys were going to blow our cover!!!

"I'm SIIIICK! GO AWAY! I'm Sick!!"

My friend yelled at them rather through the door in an angry orc-like fashion. I was trying not to laugh about how ridiculous my friend sounded. It was very funny to me.. even in light of the apparent severity of the situation.

The friends outside the door did not inquire again and seemed to walk away.
It sounded like everyone outside was getting to leave. The sound of their voices made me have vivid images about their personality. I thought we were home safe and then the doorknob began to jiggle.....someone was deliberately trying to open the door to our room of tripping refuge. Was it the friends??? THE FATHER??? who on earth would do such a thing???

"What's in this room??" It was a young child's voice, a toddler. our cover was about to be 100% blown by a curious toddler............

"Get away from that door this instant!!" fortunately for us, an attentive mother immediately curbed the child's "random" curiosity just in the nick of time...

"thank God!!" I thought. Then at last the crowd of people left the house taking my friend's father, our mutual acquaintances and the meddling youngster with them. It was understood they would now be gone for the next two days... when the door finally shut behind them I was the picture of relief.

I jumped out of my hiding crevice feeling like the absolute picture of relief. I was do very glad that we got through the whole situation un-scathed and un-discovered in spite of my friends rather poor acting skills.

I was now tripping harder than ever but thrilled to have avoided the parental units safely. I felt alive, fantastic, I wanted to explore every faucet of the unknown. My tension and apprehension had melted away. My friend had turned on a TV with no sound during all the commotion and It now grabbed my attention.

There was this weird commercial where there was this psychedelic quire of angels singing. It got me tripping out about the idea of angels and I was pondering it while watching this weird angelic quire commercial...

Meanwhile my friend was sitting on the bed. I was not paying any attention to him at first because I was so busy heavily tripping out on the angel commercial, there was something extra ominous about it. I wanted to turn the volume up so I could see what the heck this angel quire singing in heaven thing was all about.

"Turn off the TV" my friend then said as I was reaching for the volume control. I saw that he was not actually watching the TV but was staring at the ground.

"I just want to see this one thing it's freaking crazy looking man, you should check this out"

"Turn it the f*ck off now!" he said.

Clearly I felt there was some sort of tension here. I turned off the TV and looked over at him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with head down. His semi long hair and bangs covered his face. He looked like the iconic image of an angry youth. I noticed that there was a very distinguishable cloud of black gloomy darkness that literally hung over his head. I knew right then that there was something extremely negative happening.

"Are you alright Dude? What's wrong?" I asked him in the calmest way that I possibly could.

"Did you ever just want to........KILL EVERYONE??" He replied back to me flatly. I was not expecting this type of response by a long shot. I thought he might say, I hate my dad or something not...."did you ever just want to kill everyone"

It was also clearly implied by the statement that by everyone, he meant me as well.

To fully illustrate the severe nature of this situation there are a few factors that need to be expressed. The first factor was that this person was known by me to temporarily "lose control" from time to time while under the influence of LSD.

The second and most volatile factor here was that my friend had recently acquired a six barrel 357. magnum handgun which he kept fully loaded and under his bed at all times with the interest of portraying himself as a cool Gangsta thug of some kind to his other thug friends.

The third factor and final variable that made this such a potentially lethal situation was that I was tripping on a mega-level of intensity that I had only experienced once or twice before in my time up to that point. I was very unsure were this would all lead. I was full of regret for putting myself in this situation. Somehow I had forgotten that on high doses of LSD all conventional ideas go out the window and anything becomes a possibility.

"No, I can't say that I have ever really felt that way man...So....are you feeling this way right now?" I asked rather timidly.

"YES!!!" He said back.

I then tried my best to talk him down.
"Bro, no reason to feel like that. Your dad's gone for the evening, we can relax now."

"Lets just have our trip man, no reason to be bummed" I continued.

There was a long silence. There was a very bad vibration in the air. Everything felt sickly and pale. The cloud over my friend seemed to grow.
My friend got up off the bed and put on this ghastly t-shirt that had skulls all over it and said.

"OK man, let's trip out. I got some stuff I want to show you about the mirror" There was something very off about his behavior it seemed like he was not quite himself for sure.

I wanted to put Pink Floyd back on, I felt that I was ready for another encounter with the mysterious diamond colored dancing dragon.

"I'm tired of listening to Pink Floyd I prefer this band these days anyway."

He pulled out a tape labeled, Skinny Puppy, too dark park.
"These guys are so bad ass man, perfect music to trip to"

He popped in the tape and pushed play...Immediately I knew, this was not a choice of music that I was going to enjoy. It was like satanic-electronica music. It's like if shpongle had an evil twin, except shpongle did not yet exist at this point in time. I did not like electronic music at the time anyway, especially of the devilish sort, I did not even now this type of music existed until this moment.

"Dude this sucks. can we listen to something else" I asked him flat out.

He got kind of pissed of and refused to change it. Then he said.
"I’ve' got something to show you" and he motioned with me to look into the mirror.

As I looked into the mirror his reflection seemed to transform in accordance to the music into a crazy, vampire like version of himself that wore a crazy looking black leather coat of armor that had spikes of steel protruding from all sides like a porcupine.

"See my power" he said.
I can do anything I like in the mirror, I can control everything. Do you see?

"Yeah I see" I responded and then said, "so what? we have always been able to control our reflections in the mirror."

"But this is different, I have so much power now!!!" Watch.

My friend then stood up in front of the mirror, took off his shirt and made a flexing move like a body builder. His reflection then became super muscular in the mirror....it reminded me of the incredible hulk. For a moment I thought he was going to bash down a wall or something to prove his point. It did actually appear like he had some sort of super human powers. I thought about how people some times have super strength on PCP and I thought for a moment how it could be conceivable to gain control over this ability.

"But the power is not your power." I blurted out. As I said this I clearly perceived that my friend was nothing more than an innocent child at heart, weak and powerless. I saw what the source of this energy was. It was evil.

"Of course it's my power" he retorted back at me.

"No it's not your just borrowing it." I said back, feeling that I was correct.

He then got very agitated and turned of the main over head light. He turned on this small red hand held lamp. He turned up the stereo, Skinny Puppy blasting away. His room now officially looked like the mouth of hell with the ominous red light. He showed me that he was able to flip the red bulb on and off like a mini strobe. He did this in time with the music.

He began to speak to my reflection in the mirror and told me that he wanted to learn to play guitar like I did. I felt happy that I had inspired him in some way and told him that I thought he could get really good easily the same way I did, by taking LSD and playing guitar.

"I bet I can play just like you in no time at all, JUST LIKE YOU"

As these words came out of his mouth his reflection transformed very vividly into my reflection. I was now looking at two of me in the mirror. I was shocked at what I was seeing. My friend literally morphed his face to look identical to mine, except that this face had a beard.

"You look just like my doppelganger" We both said it at the exact same time. He knew those words were going to come out of my mouth. He had truly become my reflection except he was the "evil me"

For years I had struggled with a shadow entity that would appear during my trips and torment me.. It had the appearance of my doppelganger. I talk more about my encounters with this phenomena on this thread:

I then realized that my friend was apparently "possessed" by this shadow spirit I knew only as my doppelganger. I started to panic, thinking about the loaded fire arm that was located right directly under the bed where we were sitting within arms reach of a possibly demonically possessed person.

"I have to go to the bathroom" he said.

He got up, paused the music and left the room. I considered hiding the gun in some random place for a moment but I was afraid he might walk in the room with me holding it in my hand and get the wrong impression. I had a sinking feeling that this situation was not going to be getting better. I thought about just bolting from the house but I was afraid that if I left him alone he might shoot himself.

I decided to stay. I thought of the famous prayer that says, "though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death I will fear no evil" it didn't help.
My friend came quickly back into the room saying"

"Did you touch my Gun?" he then peeked under the bed at it's hiding place to see if it had been disturbed.

"I know you were thinking about stealing my Gun" he said to me.

"No man I don't like really like guns" I said in my defense.

"You mean you don't like power" he said back. "Your a real pussy you know that? a real f*cking mama's boy little pussy. why don't you want to be a man?"

I ignored his inflammatory statements and asked him to put on Pink Floyd again"

"F*ck pink Floyd...I hate them"

Were listening to this sh*t........this sh*t is awesome. How could you not like Skinny Puppy? your so lame dude." He glared at me with a look of pure hateful disgust and then he then resumed the Skinny Puppy Techno of doom remix.

I was starting to get kind of pissed at this point from his various insulting remarks but I kept in mind the idea that whoever I was talking to was not 100% Jude.

I started to ponder the idea that he was possessed and began to question it in my own mind. I began to consider the idea that perhaps this guy was just messed up in the head enough to pretend to be possessed. I thought that maybe he was just acting like my doppelganger because I had told him about it.

As if in response to the mental question I had posed inside my head my friend looked directly at me thought the reflection in the mirror sharply and then proceeded to put his hand on his chin in a rather thoughtful manner.
He then looked at his chin as if surprised and said,

"my chin is so ridiculously large isn't it???" his chin then turned into sort of a Jay Leno sized chin and he held it as in deep contemplation...

"My Chin is like Jay Leno’s chin....isn't it just so very peculiar" Jude said to me in the mirror..

The reason this was so shocking to me was because I had done the exact same thing while alone and on LSD. I was looking in the mirror one night and for purposes of my own personal amusement I transformed my chin into a giant Jay Leno Chin. The episode was triggered by the fact that I have a rather prominent chin anyway and I was examining it's rather peculiar shape in the mirror and then sort of went on from there.

Needless to say I found the episode to be minor and did not mention it to any one. Only I and my reflection knew about the random Jay Leno Chin secrets that I had unlocked in the mirror one quite evening some years prior to this occasion.

I was immediately reminded of the part in the movie, The Exorcist, where the possessed little girl refers to Damien the priest as Dimmy. The priest Damien had never told anyone in the room especially the little girl that his mother used to call him that when he was a child. This tender moment forces the skeptical priest, classically trained in psychology to seriously consider the idea that the girl is legitimately possessed.

That was when it dawned on me for the first time that LSD can potentially any horror movie scenario to life. I knew now that there was no doubt about what I was facing. I felt a tinge of divinely inspired rage at this demonic force for meddling in the affairs of my life.

It was on.

Everything seemed suddenly so clear, my thought became vivid and lucid. I felt the unrelenting determination of warrior-ship come over me. I understood that on an energetic level this "shadow" thing was no match for me. The main advantage that it had over me was the gun factor, that coupled with the demon's obvious experience with manipulating human beings.

The stakes were undoubtedly high, I knew this was potentially a life or death situation. I trusted in some degree to higher powers to get me out of this but I also understood that I had to absolutely take action to the best of my ability if I wanted to come out of this situation alive.

I blocked out the insidious music and attempted to focus the best way I knew how. I looked straight into the reflection of my eternal opponent. He had become some type of gypsy sorcerer/fortune teller man with piercing black eyes. He wore a large red turban that had a ruby in the center. He was clearly trying to read my thoughts, I noticed he often held his tongue to the side of his cheek in a sign of passive aggression.

I knew that the demon knew that I was up to something. I had to act fast.

I had a trick hiding up my sleeve. Something I had discovered recently while taking LSD alone. It was called inner silence. It was by far the most weapon against the shadow being.

All along I had planned to show Jude the new and effective meditation techniques that I had found because I was concerned about his depressed behavior and I wanted to help him in some way. I did not ever dream that it would take place under such dire circumstances however.

As I looked into the cold peering eyes of the evil gypsy fortune teller I noticed exactly what it was that he was doing to read my thoughts and I did it right back at him.

He looked angry for a moment and then smiled devilishly.

"What are we plotting?" Jude said to me.

"Oh nothing. I just like to feel relaxed and peaceful you know. Don't mind me." I said smiling back devilishly.

"Well I like to feel all powerful you know. don't mind me"

He then proceeded to transform his reflection into some type of ultra ghastly monstrous, muti-horned, jagged tooth, furry faced demonic creature of some kind.

I did my best to appear unphased and just stared straight at the being. I held to silence. I had not a thought within my head. I simply existed, nothing more, nothing less. I attempted to transform my reflection into nothing more than what it was, pure awareness, living light.

The skinny puppy music was no longer a distraction but became an inspiration for battle. I felt that I was on it's turf and I knew that I could still be victorious despite this fact. The wretched techno played on, creating an unmistakable hell-like ambience to everything around.

The ethereal space in the mirror in front of us was divided into two hemispheres. Light and dark, yin and yang, good and evil. My friend existed in his box of darkness, madness, mayhem and insanity. Skulls, demons, black leather, spikes, rusty nails and crocodile scales were all part of the theme and all the visuals on his side of the mirror fell perfectly in line with the venomous sounding music that was playing.

My side of the mirror was simply my reflection. There did not seem to b much more going on besides that. I was holding to inner silence, simply allowing myself to exist. I could see that the image in front of me was in fact me and there was nothing else involved with it. I was myself being myself and that was that.

On the opposing side of the mirror my friend was nowhere to be found. In my friends place was myself, the evil me. The evil me was wearing the black leather coat of arms with the steel spikes. The evil me said to me:

"Do you see how protective my coat is?.....my .....Armor....it's impenetrable. wouldn't you say???"

I had to admit it looked like a rather rough and sturdy piece of armor but I did notice one thing about it, a rather tragic flaw.

"But look how big and clunky your armor is compared to mine. how very cumbersome that must be. It looks like a burden to carry all that weight around." I said in retort.

"I don't see that you have any armor at all. Just all pink and squishy and exposed is what it looks like to me"" he said back

"Oh but my armor is invisible, you don't need to see it" I was bluffing, it was clear that my reflection had no armor and it did worry me a bit..

"Oh is it now??? Are you sure you wouldn't want to just try this coat on for a while???" He made a motion like he was about to take of the hideous coat and hand it over for me to try out.'

"No thanks, I'll stick with what I have to work with here" I said back knowing that obviously I was being offered something "not good".

"but you have nothing to work with there" He said trying to shrink my confidence.

"That is absolutely correct I am 100% nothing" I said back beaming a smile, I knew I had him on this one and I could see that he flinched at my response.
"I am truly nothing, pure existence and therefore I am everything."

My inner silence then caught an uproarious momentum like a sturdy wind had picked up under my sails.

MY side of the mirror then became an electric blue color bursting with hues of gold and emerald green. My heart felt like it was made of precious stone. My eyes turned into two holes that seemed to lead into outer space. In the reflection of my left eye I could see something like the eye in the pyramid symbol that is on a dollar bill, except not a at all creepy and plain looking but shining gold and with multi neon electric rainbow colors oscillating through it and emanating from it.

A set of translucent crystalline looking luminous wings spread out from behind my back. All at once I felt nothing but love, peace and tranquility on an infinite scale. The air around me crystallized slowly as I proceeded to stop time in it's tracks.

My diamond like wings expanded over both my shoulder blades and my face changed into a golden caricature of myself. I was not at all expecting the wings thing and it rather shocked me. I came to the conclusion right there and then that all human beings have "wings" that extend from the anatomy of their soul and are the embodiment of pure will.

I was shocked that I had wings but my doppelganger on the other side of the mirror looked even more shocked and also clearly appalled. I even caught the ever so slight glimmer of fear for a moment in it's beady little eyes.

"I guess you had better F*cking stop right now" He said at me with a dead pan expression on his face. I thought of the Gun again, I had nearly forgotten. He could see me break my silence to think about the possibility of the gun.

"We wouldn't want things to get all messy now would we??" He said and looked at me just like a psycho killer would be expected to look at someone, with a weird smile and everything. He even glanced under the bed where the gun was and then looked right back at me. He had me over a serious barrel here, I could see the very real potential for extreme failure. I backed right off the heavy inner silence and maintained position.

"let's just back it up a notch here shall we??" he said with a tone of negotiation in his voice.

"let's be reasonable here. There's no reason we can't we just be cool with each other. Can't we just be cool?"
He looked just like me as he said it, the evil twin thing was infinitely disturbing on every level.
"I don't think you realize how good of a team we could make, you and I" he said.
"I don't think that's going to be possible" I said back, I knew I was being "tempted" in the classical sense. TO BE CONTINUED BELOW........

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#3 Posted : 9/23/2012 1:10:53 AM

analytical chemist

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"No way man, LSD and firearms don't mix bro"

sure they do. haven't you ever seen fear and loathing?
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#4 Posted : 9/23/2012 1:13:53 AM

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benzyme wrote:
"No way man, LSD and firearms don't mix bro"

sure they do. haven't you ever seen fear and loathing?

HAHA, yeah I would trust myself alone with one Hunter S Style out on a target range in the desert but I sure am never tripping around other people who have them again...
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#5 Posted : 9/23/2012 1:22:58 AM

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"I don't think that's going to be possible" I said back, I knew I was being "tempted" in the classical sense. I started to look at him like he was a shiesty used car salesman. I wondered what else was up his sleeve. Something in my heart told me that it was very important that I should in no way accept any offers from this thing, no matter what they were.

"I can show you things you can't even imagine. Together you and I could go places and do things that you can NOT imagine. I can give you stories, the best stories, and I can make you a guitarist, the best guitarist. There is just so much I could show you, if you would just be cool with me"

"NO, never." I said adamantly. I was not about to lose my new wings that I had just figured out that I had, although I'll admit that I was indeed tempted because lack of money had always been such a desperate issue in my life and I perceived that I suffered from my poverty. He could see through to my weakness.

"you cannot even imagine what I could do for you the places we will go, the people we will meet. We could do so much together you and I." he went over the sales pitch again.

"NO! there will be no deal with me, I have God to take care of my needs and I won't be needing you."

"Heh, well then...... we shall see how he does with taking care of you then"
He said and then laughed very hardily.

"your making a big mistake, we will kill you. DO YOU SEE THIS???"
he then pointed to his cheek in the reflection. I saw a little round hole there.

"do you see this?" he said pointing at the hole in this face again.
"WHAT IS IT? TELL ME WHAT IT IS!!!!" he screamed at me.
I knew exactly what it was. It was a bullet hole. I knew that "Jude" was now threatening to kill himself in a subtle way.
"I'm not sure what that is man." I didn't want to say it.

"Well then lets see know...." He then reached under his bed. My first reflexive instinct was to grab him in order to stop him from grabbing the gun, however I was no match for him physically even in a sober state. There was an incredibly tense moment that seemed to last forever as I weighed the incredibly limited options I had before me at this point.

I chose to stand down. Jude slowly reached all the way under the bed and fumbled around for a moment as he searched. I considered knocking him unconscious while I had the chance, however I knew it would not be as easy to knock a full grown man unconscious as it looked on T.V so I hesitated.

He quickly pulled out a large empty clear plastic bag from underneath the bed and started swooping it around and laughing wildly at me in the mirror all the while. It had all been a set up, the demon was trying to make me bluff me into attacking my friend by making it look like he was reaching for the gun.

I smiled back at him in the mirror thinking to myself how close I had come to triggering an actual incident. Had I attacked him mistakenly thinking that he was going for the Gun then he may have become agitated and then actually went for the gun. It was becoming more and more apparent that I had no control over this situation and any control that I could achieve at all was a sheer blessing in itself.

"Hey! Look what I made!!" Jude announced to me, waving the plastic bag at me, urging me to look more closely at it. I saw that he had drawn something on it with what looked like permanent black marker, I could not tell what it was.

"Oh? you can't see what it is can you? let me show you it's a special mask I made for myself, my little .......ART PROJECT!!" He smiled a wicked grin that most definitely did not seem to belong to my friend Jude as I knew him to be.

He motioned at me to look at his reflection in the mirror and then quickly proceeded to pull the bag over his head. His "art project" now became quite evident as I could see that he had drawn a crazy looking face on the mask. The horrific image in the mirror of a person suffocating himself with a plastic bag under the dim illumination of the red light.

"Dude, don't man" I said and touched his arm in a gesture of concern. Then he took the back off and said, "What? What bro? I'm just messin' around, don't you think it's funny??"

"Not really Dude, I don't really see the appeal"

"You don't like my art do you?" He said with a hurt look on your face.

"I just think it's sort of disturbing bro, no offense." I said as politely as possible.

"OH! are you offended then? Have I offended your delicate sensitivities with my art show?? why don't you shut the f*ck up and watch the show. It's time for me to show you SOMETHING REALLY COOL!!!??", He stated with a tone of unstable rage.

He then adjusted the red light to shine just so. He cranked up the music, put the bag back over his head and pulled the plastic tight up against his face. He sort of contorted around to the music this way, doing an ultra disturbing suffocating man dance.

I kept thinking that he was going to black out and fall on the ground at any moment. I wasn't sure if I should intervene or just let him pass out. Then when he seemed about ready to black out he pulled the bag of his head and started laughing.

"Hahaha! I was just messing with you man!!" He said in the tone of his normal self. I had a strong sense that something was way off however.

"Ok bro, sweet. Let's listen to some Pink Floyd then, now that you've had a good laugh." I said, knowing it would provoke a violent response if he was not truly himself.

"How about we listen to skinny puppy some more?? I'm sick of that boring ass sh*t" he went continued talking a he flipped over the "too dark park cassette tape" over once again.

"I don't understand this incessant desire to be so good. I find it to be quite boring" Jude said. I hate waiting for things, why should I have to wait when I could have power instantly?" He said in an irritated tone of voice.

"Because the power is not your own" I stated again as I had earlier.

"Of course it's my power you fool!" He said and ten put the bag back on his head like it was a weird hat. In the mirror the bag-0hat quickly morphed into a large black turban. He became the evil gypsy being again and was attempting to read my mind once more.

"You cannot read my mind because I have no mind to read, I am pure awareness, pure existence. there is no information there to be had other than the totality of infinity. Care to glimpse into infinity my friend?"

He saw what I meant and looked away quickly as if he could not stand the brightness of my aura. I continued to hold silence and the crystalline translucent wings that came out the electric blue aura surrounding my reflection. My face began to take on the angular and elongated appearance of a masculine angel in a Medieval style painting.

I felt like I was literally made out of stone, as if I was unstoppable in every way. The air around me crystallized once more as time itself wound down to a screeching halt. There was this frozen vibration that seemed to cascade through everything resonating sheer peace of mind and relaxation to the extreme.

All of the sudden there was the very powerful and distinct smell of rotting meat in the air.
Jude smiled wickedly at me. I knew it was some kind of messed up distraction technique the demon had up his sleeve. It almost knocked me totally off kilter as I am sensitive to stinks. I maintained position in spite of the ghastly supernatural odor

I myself became shocked by the incredibly detailed angelic visual that my reflection had become, I had never seen any thing like this in the mirror before. I felt in a way that matched and exceeds all known descriptions of nirvana. The stink went away and was replaced by a perfumed, flowery temple incense smell.

I knew however that the time to ponder and figure out the meaning of all this was certainly not now. I tried my best to not allow myself to be distracted by the pure bliss I was feeling.

That was when I felt something give on the dark side of the mirror, on Jude's side of the mirror there was a strange disruption and I noticed the bizarre look on his face had gone away and he resembled somewhat of his normal self again. I could see that he was looking at the luminous wings of my angelic refection. He took the his bag hat off and placed it to the side. It looked like he was seriously questioning something.

"I guess that is pretty cool actually" he said with a look of genuine admiration."

For that moment he ceased to appear like a demonic serial killer. He looked instead like a young and innocent child. He then caught a glimpse of himself this way and it made him feel very vulnerable.

"I'm not a f*cking child!!!! Do you understand me" he said and then his reflection immediately transformed back into the gypsy demon again, no clear bag-hat prop needed.

"No one is saying your weak. For it is written, only as a children may we enter the kingdom of heaven. Everyone must begin at a starting point, we begin as children but end up as Angels. By allowing yourself to be controlled by the darkness you are using it as a crutch and THAT is what makes you weak, because you are left unable to cultivate your own power"
the words seemed to flow effortlessly out of me as if I was not the one speaking, I felt like I was acting as a temporary mouthpiece of a much higher force that was speaking to Jude through me.

He looked down as if to consider my words. I could see the wheels of his reason and logic clearly turning now, after an extended moment of silence he spoke.
"Holy sh*t, dude you right, I see what you mean now, it's all so suddenly clear" Then he said, "Can you show me how you do that?" pointing to the wings of my reflection.

"Of course bro, first we need to change the music" I said calmly although I was thrilled on the inside, I could sense victory within my grasp.

"Oh yeah, this stuff is just like the music of hell isn't it??" He said and then proceeded to hit the stop button. Silence never sounded so sweet.

"Sorry man, I guess I want to listen to pick Floyd now too" He grabbed the Dark Side of The Moon back out of his music collection. I was pleased as punch...

"I feel like I need to change my shirt, this one is too dark, let me put on a white shirt, it feels like that will help" So he changed into a plain white shirt, sat back down in front of the mirror.

Indeed the white shirt seemed to make a world of difference. His reflection no longer looked so menacing and "bad ass" or what ever. Now he looked like more of just a pure being. I was fortunately already wearing a blue tie die. This was the first time I realized the color of garments can have a drastic effect on the visionary experience.

"Silence is the Key, try to have no thoughts what so ever I told him, just allow yourself to exist, this is prayer in it's purest and truest form"

"Ok man, I'll try." he agreed.

He got into a meditative position and hit play on the cassette player.
The song speak to me/breathe came on again. This time I heard the music
As soon as I went back to my state of inner silence it was exactly like I just started where I had left off. My reflection became angelic again right away, I had a distinct sensation of ascension coupled with expansion. I felt a pure stillness that was the embodiment of sheer calm.

Jude seemed to be having trouble, he was breathing deeply in the way that you see people often doing when they meditate. His reflection turned into that of a furry goat demon and he breathed in and out. A rather insidious vibration began to emanate from his being. It was definitely opposite of the calm and peaceful vibration that was on my side of the mirror. It was a frantic, power hungry vibration. Fortunately he noticed something wasn't right and he stopped, he also turned off the tape deck.

"Yeah that's not what were going for...you have to have total inner silence for it to work" I said

"It's difficult man I keep thinking of things, it's like my thought are alive, I think they are turning against me" he said.

"Ok, start the song over and this time try to concentrate on the music and your senses so that it distracts you from thinking"

"Ok Bro" he said and re-started the Floyd.

As the music came on it swept me away again and it occurred to me that this was one of the most beautiful songs ever written. The sound of the voices and the music was heavenly and hypnotic in every way. It captivated my senses the same way a beautiful treasure of gemstones would, with it's utter beauty.

As I became more and more heavily immersed in the visionary experience that was unfolding before me I noticed that Jude was actually having luck using the techniques that I had prescribed him. His reflection started to shine with a radiant white aura. He saw what was happening and smiled.

As he became able to hold his inner silence for longer and longer his side of the mirror began to match my side of the mirror. No longer was he enveloped in darkness and mayhem, now he was bathed in divine light.

At one point both of our reflections in the mirror morphed into a pair of praying hands similar to the catholic Icon. My reflection was one hand and his reflection became the other hand. I knew then that we were achieving something miraculous.

It was an unspoken thing that what was happening was so amazing that we were to continue and see what would happen next. We both understood that we should not stop being silent no matter what. It was obvious that we had some serious momentum going now and we wanted to keep it moving.
We continued to gaze at the prayer hands image for what seemed like quite a long time.

Then quite suddenly the image of the prayer hands transformed into the image of a man standing in front of us. Even though there was two of us there was now only one reflection, one man. The man had long black hair and a beard and wore a modest robe, he had a very predominant nose. I recognized the figure to resemble Jesus Christ. I was unsure if it really was him however. Then he looked into my eyes.

This moment changed my life and I was never the same person again after this moment occurred. As he looked into my eyes the moment unfolded into eternity. He had very dark brown eyes, nearly black, however they glowed with a radiant blue light. As I looked deeper in the eyes of the reflection it reminded me of still water, I felt an infinite peace about me. I understood that through his eyes Christ was showing me how he feels, he was causing me to empathize with his being with a certain look he gave me.

I could then feel what he felt, what he feels. It was the single greatest feeling that I have ever had in my life up to that point. It was nirvana it was ecstasy it was freedom and most of all it was peace. His eyes told the story of absolute compassion in the face of utter betrayal, it was a never ending tale of unconditional love and ultimate victory over everything that stood in the way of universal freedom. I understood how Christ had unconditional love and compassion for all no matter their degree of wickedness.

As lost myself, mesmerized by the empathetic experience I was going through. The Christ being before me pointed to his heart. I looked away from his eyes to his heart and I could see that it was burning with a raging ethereal flame. I could also hear that it was beating. I understood that he lived just as I lived and that my life was eternal just as his was.

The heartbeat of Christ went exactly with the rhythm of the pink Floyd heart beat in the song we were listening to. I then felt a holy fire erupt from my own heart and race through my own veins. I had never felt so alive in my whole life. I can also honesty say that I had no real understanding of passion as a practical concept before this eternal moment happened to me.

Then the pink Floyd alarm bells went off. And at the same time there was an incredibly loud "cop style" knock at the door. My first thought was that a neighbor called the cops and placed a noise complaint because we had this cheap little tape deck on full blast. Jude and broke our gaze from the mirror and looked at each other with looks of sheer LSD panic. I noticed my friend had tears in his eyes.

I felt like I had been sleeping and then someone kicked me in the head to wake me up. I was sweating bullets as we went out to the living room and walked up to the front door to investigate. He looked at me like there was no way in hell he was opening that door. I peeped through the fish eye peephole in the door and saw nothing but the empty street.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! there was the loud knock at the door again as I was peering out the peephole.

"it must be a really short cop, I thought"

I put on my sober face and then with an ultimate degree of apprehension I opened the front door

There was a very small little old lady standing there, she had a beehive hair-doo, Far Side comic glasses and she looked to be about 4 and a half feet tall.

As soon as I opened the door she automatically stepped forward and said:

"Have you two boys found the spirit of Jesus Christ this evening?"

Both our jaws dropped. I merrily announced "YES WE HAVE!!" really loudly to her out of reflex.

The lady looked at us for a moment and I believe figured out we were high on something and thought I was being a sarcastic brat. She turned right around and walked super fast back to met the rest of her group, a bunch of other Jehovah's witnesses I presumed.

I closed the door, I was in a state of shock and awe as was Jude.

"I can't believe that just happened man, that was a serious sign from God" Jude said

"I know man. What time is it" I asked as I had no Idea other than it was now daylight. We went in the kitchen and checked the time it was 6:30 am on a Saturday Morning.
"Have you ever had them come that early before" I asked.

"No I have never had any religious people come to my door before this, at least not while I was home. Anyway we should get back in there and keep doing what we were doing, I have never seen such awesome visuals in my entire life.

"Beats the dark side eh?" I said

"Yeah man I don't know what I was thinking, thank you." he said

"Your welcome" And then we went back before the mirror and continued our visionary experience.

We resumed the Pink Floyd Music and continued were we left of. I was expecting to see the Christ spirit again, I wanted to see the Christ spirit again. Before this encounter I was certain that the story of Christ was a tall tale, a myth. Now I saw that this being really did exist and continued to do so.

As we held to inner silence in the mirror. The reflection in the mirror as well as the entire room around us became a totally immersive vision.
We halfway in what looked like a deeper "hidden" layer of reality. Everything around us looked like it was made of this space age, ultra tech clockwork machinery. I understood it to be the gears of reality itself.

Our combined inner silence seemed to be the motivational force that was powering these gears. The longer we stayed truly silent the more our awareness bloomed and the more rapidly the clockwork of the universe would turn.

I was sitting next to Jude and we were in front of the mirror. On the other side of Jude there suddenly appeared a Golden/blue apparition it was angelic in nature and wore a brilliant tie died robe like the coat of many colors. I knew it was not the Christ spirit but it was obviously divine in nature.

Once this being appeared Jude looked at me and motioned over with his head as if to say. "are you seeing this thing sitting next to me????"

This occurrence distracted our silence to the point that we were brought out of the clock work world. However the apparition stayed. It was the type of vision that did not leave even if I broke the silence or looked away and then looked back it was still there. If I tried to make it go away it would become just a bright gold spot but would still remain.

"It's an angel. I think this means we should keep praying" I said

So we continued our session of silence. As we continued the Golden being next to my friend stretched out a bright amber hand and rested it on the side of Jude's head. Golden energy then began to flow from the hand and then there was this sort of "halo" all around my friends head"

"It feels incredible man" He said smiling. The only thing to do was to keep praying and see where this would lead. As we continued in silence the world transformed back into the machinery of the universe, that angelic being maintained position but his hand became like a giant golden vice grip.

The angel the used this golden vice grip to gather together all the negative energy in Jude. Eventually all the negativity in Jude became condensed into this weird black cancer like ball that looked like a gob of tar on Judes pure light soul.

The black tar crud was the demon, it was caught in the vice grips of the angel. I could make out that it had a face, it looked to be quite in agony.
One of the larger cogs in the clockwork of the universe turned over a notch and that was when the floor below us became nothing but a pit of white burning ethereal fire..

In one smooth precision movement the Angelic being quickly removed the tar from Jude's soul. Once outside of Jude the demonic doppelganger saw the fiery floor below and that triggered a desperate panic within it. It struggled desperately but in vain to escape the angelic vice claw grip.

Then the angel literally slam dunked the shadow being into the fire in an ultimate display of power supremacy. The hideous screams of the demon were all at once silenced abruptly by the raging fire as down he went.

The room then returned to normal.

"I have never felt so good in my entire life!!" Jude announced and it was true I had never seen him with such a genuine and beaming smile in all the time w had known each other.

"Feel better know?" I asked

"Yup, let's smoke a bowl" he suggested..

"Ok just lets use a different pipe" I said.

He laughed and told me he was going to throw that pipe away. He also mentioned that he had no idea why he had become so obsessed with evil music and posters. He went to work tearing them off the wall right away while I rolled a tremendous celebratory spliff.

"I'm also getting my stereo back, I don't think I like Guns anymore man, I'm gonna try and get my stereo back, me trying to be a gangster thug is stupid I realized, it‘s not really me" he said this ripping down a super raunchy cannibal corpse poster.

"I don't blame you man, I don't blame you one bit" I said

"Crap. I have to work today" He then announced.

"You Do" This was the first he had mentioned about it.

"Yeah it's going to suck" he said as he retrieved his Village Inn restaurant hat from a near bye drawer and put it on. It made him look ridiculous and we both laughed.

"Good luck with that, I'm going home and going to sleep"

Hope this was enjoyable for some...

thanks for reading.


Due to the Nexus's policy against what they percieve to be "dogma" This is my final trip report for the NEXUS. All future trip reports can be found at my website
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#6 Posted : 9/23/2012 7:22:58 AM

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Wow! That was a great read and an amazing story! Thanks for sharing!

I'm curious as to what became of your friend after this trip... are you still in touch?
#7 Posted : 9/23/2012 8:11:41 PM

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ommani wrote:

I'm curious as to what became of your friend after this trip... are you still in touch?

Thank you for the comment.

What became of Jude???

After this experience took place, Jude and I remained friends although we did not take LSD together again.

About six months after this occurred Jude moved to Texas to live with his Mother. Things went bad for him there and he moved out to *****, California where he lived as homeless for about two years.

He got in contact with me and I allowed him to come and stay with me at the house I was living. He actually lived in a large school bus that was converted to a motor home that sat in our back yard.

Unfortunately he spiraled back into depressive behavior. I tried to keep him positive but one day he told me that he actually preferred the company of Demons. He told me that he had a "pet" demon which followed him around. Being homeless really had a negative effect on him, as it does anyone and I believe that had a lot to do with it.

We had lengthy discussions about it but he just came to prefer the dark side and there was nothing I could say to convince him it was a destructive path...

While he was homeless some guy he met told him you could scam the government by going into the social services office and telling them your too crazy to work. So he actually did that after he moved into my back yard. He went to social services and told him he was too insane to hold a job. He told him it was because he took too many drugs.

So it worked and he was getting a substantial amount of money from them. This went on for about 6 months. Then one day he didn't come home.

What happened was, the day he didn't come home day he got in an argument with some guy outside the gym where he went to work out. One thing led to another and he ended up telling the guy he was arguing with that he was going to stab him in the neck. So the guy called the cops.

Instead of just getting out of there, Jude waited around with the guy for the police to show up actually thinking he was in the right. So the cops showed up, they took him to jail and then he found out about the fine print of his little insanity agreement with the social security office. He found out that while getting financial assistance for being mentally unstable, if you commit violent act or make violent threats you are to be committed by the state until the Doctors in charge of your care are satisfied that you are not a danger to society.

So he was in a mental institution for three and a half years, because he could not prove to him he was "sane". I heard about this after he got out because he tracked me down to tell me all about what happened to him.

He told me that he went completely insane in there and they put him in with the most violent crazy disturbed people and had him heavily medicated most of the time. He said eventually he calmed down and they relaxed the restrictions on him. After a long period of good behavior they let him go by himself to a gas station that was located near bye. He told me that in an attempt to end his own life he stole a bottle of ephedrine asthma pills from this gas station and ate about forty of the pills. He said he hoped it would make his heart explode.

So instead of killing him he said the ephedrine made him incredibly high for an entire week. He said he then started taking about 30 pills per week. He said that being high showed him how to act like a model citizen......and so they let him go thinking he was cured when in reality he was just amped out of his mind.

The last time I saw him was 4 years ago, I sold him a large glass aquarium for a ferret he was getting as a pet. He was on medication and still under the care of the state, they paid for his apartment. After seeing him for the fist time in many years I was very disheartened to see his walls were once again decorated with demonic drawings of skulls and raunchy death metal posters. I did not return for a second visit, honestly he frightens me.

His current where abouts are unknown.


He came to his own conclusion that being good was boring and being evil was exciting.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#8 Posted : 9/23/2012 9:09:42 PM

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That was an intense read. I feel very sorry for Jude. Dark energy attracts more dark energy, light energy can overcome it and lead to healing. I hope Jude is eventually able to overcome his demons and understand the true power of love.

Peace and Happy Journeys
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#9 Posted : 9/23/2012 9:47:37 PM

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entheogenadvocate wrote:
That was an intense read. I feel very sorry for Jude. Dark energy attracts more dark energy, light energy can overcome it and lead to healing. I hope Jude is eventually able to overcome his demons and understand the true power of love.

Peace and Happy Journeys

Thanks for the comment -entheogenadvocate

Yes it saddens me greatly and I think of it often. I can't help but to feel somewhat responsible as I was the one who introduced him to LSD because I thought I could help him.
But I was very young at the time.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#10 Posted : 9/23/2012 11:41:44 PM

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Eliyahu wrote:
entheogenadvocate wrote:
That was an intense read. I feel very sorry for Jude. Dark energy attracts more dark energy, light energy can overcome it and lead to healing. I hope Jude is eventually able to overcome his demons and understand the true power of love.

Peace and Happy Journeys

Thanks for the comment -entheogenadvocate

Yes it saddens me greatly and I think of it often. I can't help but to feel somewhat responsible as I was the one who introduced him to LSD because I thought I could help him.
But I was very young at the time.

I don't think you should feel guilty about this. We've all done things in the past or in our youth that we are not proud of. For example, I used to think that all it would take to change the world was for everyone to vape 50 mgs of DMT. I now realize that is VERY far from the truth.

Jude seems like someone that would have found a path to evil one way or another. His desire for power seems to have been stronger than his desire to do good. LSD may have sped up the process, but I don't think it led him somewhere he wouldn't have gone on his own.

I think we are all connected. Praying for him, and sending him loving vibes of hope and forgiveness will be much more productive than you beating yourself up over it.

I hope he eventually finds his way back to the light.
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#11 Posted : 9/24/2012 12:33:46 AM

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Thanks for the kind words.


And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#12 Posted : 9/24/2012 3:46:03 AM

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Eliyahu, thanks for the in depth reply. It's too bad about Jude. I thought maybe after that trip he was healed and and chose a righteous path, however, I am not surprised at how things turned out. Based on my own experience, I know that ingrained habits and ways of viewing oneself and the world can be extremely difficult to overcome...

I have more that I want to write, but for now, this song feels appropriate Thumbs up

#13 Posted : 9/24/2012 9:10:45 AM

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I forgive him and myself but I am too terrified of him to be his friend any longer.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#14 Posted : 9/24/2012 2:33:15 PM

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A most excellent read as usual! Cool
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#15 Posted : 9/24/2012 8:52:31 PM

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Eliyahu wrote:

I forgive him and myself but I am too terrified of him to be his friend any longer.

I don't blame you!

I did think it was cool how some of the lyrics from that song seemed to echo your trip report...
#16 Posted : 9/26/2012 12:51:13 AM

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ommani wrote:
Eliyahu wrote:

I forgive him and myself but I am too terrified of him to be his friend any longer.

I don't blame you!

I did think it was cool how some of the lyrics from that song seemed to echo your trip report...

Yeah ....thanks for posting that rather enjoyable video.

Thumbs up
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#17 Posted : 9/26/2012 1:01:23 AM

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Purges wrote:
A most excellent read as usual! Cool

Thanks for reading my report as usual.....Very happy

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#18 Posted : 9/27/2012 8:21:50 AM

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Amazing read, thanks for taking the time to post it.

It's experiences like these that lead me to encourage everyone to set up a protected energetic space before altering consciousness with plants or chemicals... whether you "believe" in any of it or not.
#19 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:27:47 PM

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Absolutely loved it Eliyahu,
thanks for the awesome post!
Pure thoughtWink
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#20 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:18:30 PM

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>>>>>>>>>>WarriorSage thanks for readin' my writin'.. Thumbs up

Lagomorph wrote:
Amazing read, thanks for taking the time to post it.

It's experiences like these that lead me to encourage everyone to set up a protected energetic space before altering consciousness with plants or chemicals... whether you "believe" in any of it or not.

thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it.

I want to be totally honest with you about my observations regarding these phenomena.
This is not because I want to try and play the smart guy and "tell you how it is."
I only would only like for you to consider this information and take it into account.

This was not my first exorcism type situation. This event took place in 1994, since that time I have countless hundreds of other encounters with dark forces. I have seen people close to me become possessed on numerous occasions, more than I care to count.

From my direct experiences in dealing with dark entities there are certain rules involved.

The problem with Sacred spaces, ceremonial smudging, magic circles, spells and incantations is this:
It depends on the person that is creating the sacred space, drawing the circle, saying the incantation, burning the sage.. etc. So the sacred space bit may work for you but to another person it could be a catastrophic failure. If you have a moment I will expound a bit.

The Kabbalistic classification for the predatory demonic forces that exist in the world is "lower crowns". By the same token the higher, angelic forces are referred to as the "upper crowns".

The idea here is that both these forces, both good and evil are nothing more than functioning parts of the same apparatus. In other words as "fallen" as certain angels may be, they can never fully sever their connection to the creator and in fact their very survival depends on the droplets of sustenance that are allowed to "trickle down" to the worlds below from the higher spiritual realms above.

An analogy for this is....

Imagine a mighty and just King who kept the most vicious sorts of wild animals at various key points outside his great palace and his kingdom to guard against intruders, bandits and those who would enter his kingdom with ill intention in mind. Imagine the king keeps not just dogs but also bears, lions, alligators and other such fearful creatures to guard his coveted kingdom. These wild beasts would be fed the scraps and left over food from the kingdom, however the wild beasts that guard this kingdom would only be fed enough to ensure their survival, for the desire is to keep these creatures hungry so they might be motivated to be aggressive in their guard duties

With that picture in mind of wild beasts that devour anything in their path I want you to now think of lawyers...........

That's correct, demons are like lawyers in a way and more accurately they are like crooked lawyers because they often attempt to "bend" the rules to their favor.


How are they like lawyers? Because they know the absolute letter of the law as far as the spiritual realm is concerned, obviously the same laws apply to the physical realm as well as all matter is IMO energy first and foremost. Matter is the result of reactions set forth by energy itself IMO

Like any good Lawyer, the demons know the law (torah) like the back of their hand this affords them many, many important advantages over the human beings they so despise. Their knowledge of the law allows them to use it to their favor.

The modern judicial system as we know it today is actually very similar to the system that ancient Hebrew tribes used thousands of years ago. Before the tribes of Israel had it's very first king they used a system of Judges to decide various issues having to do with the community.

Look at the root of the word Judicial >>>>>>Judaism / Judicial <<<<

The reason the Hebrew tribes set up this sort of "court system" is because it was a reflection of how the spiritual world operates, a classic as above so below scenario.

So what I'm saying is the spiritual realm functions is a way that is comparable to a court of law. The prosecuting attorney's in this case are the Demons, the defender in this case is the human being and that person's various angelic advocates. The Judge in this matter is of course the omnipotent force known a YHWH. It is of course understood by the court......that the prosecution has a tendency to be OVERZELOOUS in it's continuous accusations against the defense. HOWEVER........

The court does indeed consider all serious accusations made by the prosecution and the prosecution never gives up. The head prosecutor in this case is "the Satan" the Hebrew roots of this word mean literally
"one who turns away or ......he that turns to the side" it could also be translated to mean
"He who accuses "

The motivation of the prosecuting team is to stir up the Judgment against the defense. The prosecutor unfortunately lots to work with in way of presenting a solid case as far as just about everyone on Earth is concerned, including myself. There are nut just 10 commandments in the Torah as some would say, there is 613. that's 613 commandments. Breaking of any one of those commandments is reason enough for the prosecution to try and present a case against the defense. Ignorance is not a defense, it's more of a plea. Also it doesn't matter if a person is Jewish or not. The laws of the Torah still apply. Obviously many will disagree with that, however it has been a clear observation of mine.

The purpose of the Savior is to provide a bridge of mercy for humans to reach the Upper worlds with. If there was no savior to forgive our transgressions then humans would never be worthy to ascend into the upper worlds.

IMO the Torah is the original blueprint of the universe, the meaning just has to be deciphered according to the occult science of Kabbalah IMO. In the same way DMT can be drawn out of mimosa, the secrets of the universe can be extracted from the Torah. I'm not saying to put the bible in an aqueous solution obviously Smile .
I'm saying that much work has to be done in order to learn the methods necessary in order to unravel the infinite hidden mysteries of the Torah..

So to sum up everything I'm saying here. Basically if you have a person who has really not in good standing with the "court" o the upper world then it doesn't make a difference how hard that person tries to purify, or enchant their environment. They are basically marked for punishment and severity and no sacred space will protect against the types of severity that can come down on someone that is liable for Judgment from on high. At that point every thing depends on God's mercy. Fortunately Mercy is a the concept that the universe is founded upon and many times this saves the day.

The one thing that has consistently worked for me in the fight against demons is repentance. If I have occasional conversations with God about what steps I need to take for my correction that definitely helps I've noticed.

Some people manage to follow most if not all of the commandments of the Torah without even reading it. This may because they are involved in a similar belief such as Veda or Buddhism or simply because it is instinctual to do what is right Either way I'm not saying learning the Torah is the only way to effectively battle against the dark spirits, I'm just saying it's the most effective method I have found.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
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