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Shakes and Shivers Options
#1 Posted : 8/22/2012 9:42:15 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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A friend of mine told me that every time he smokes spice he gets these shivers afterwards. He says it is almost like shivering from being cold but just more intense than chill shivers. Though he does actually feel a little cold.

He is worried that it may be his heart or something else. It has happened with different sessions smoking different yields.

It only lasts a few minutes but unless he moves around he cannot stop these shakes he gets.
He says that it feels kind of good, therapeutic in a way, but he normally tries to stop it because he thinks he may get a heart attack or something.

Probably nothing but would love your thoughts regardless!

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#2 Posted : 8/22/2012 10:10:44 PM
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Here's my take on these "shakes/shivers" for what it's worth..

I used to get them after nearly every breakthrough dose, but not so much on the lighter sub-breakthrough doses. It honestly felt like after coming back I was a mix of shooken up by the intensity and that I had a ton of energy that I couldn't really contain..so I'd shake for a few minutes then it'd subside.

Post-aya experiences I usually shake all over for quite some time (upwards of a half hour+). And this DEFINITELY feels like I have so much energy just pent up; coursing through me..I usually just end up in laughing fits and cant sit still. An ecstatic state of being it seems.

And I don't think the "slightly cold" feeling is too much to worry about imo. I've touched my girlfriend as shes came back numerous times from smoked/oral and most of the time there's always a slight coldness to her skin. Same goes for me.
#3 Posted : 8/22/2012 11:05:32 PM

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I have had this CHILL after many Smokes of DMT.

BUT i NEVER get them when i sun bake before blasting, or if i smoke in a warm house???

I think its the system re-booting you know, maybe the automation that keeps Temperature average switches off; or maybe it just feels cooler when your senses come back into your body.?

Yeah its not a bad feeling.

AND it doesn't happen to me on a SUNNY warm day
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#4 Posted : 8/22/2012 11:14:48 PM

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The most pronounced shakes/shivers I've had was after an outdoor late-night breakthrough. I forgot to bring a blanket this particular time and believe it that was the reason that I got shivers. I've had breakthroughs in the same location, lower temperature, with a blanket and not had shivers.

So for your friend I'd recommend dressing warmly, bringing a blanket, or dosing in a warm environment.
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#5 Posted : 10/30/2012 7:47:54 AM

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I get the shakes often.

I rather enjoy the feeling and believe its a form of therapeutic release.
I'm my opinion, muscles are capable of holding emotion...not always good ones either.
The shakes seems to be a release of my muscles emotions.

With enough clarity, I can get them to around my body and change the intensity of them.

Weird thing is, if I try to controlled them too much, they stop.
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#6 Posted : 10/30/2012 10:13:18 AM

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I do something called Trauma Release Exercise. It's a series of muscle tensioning exercises. Once you've done them you lay down and relax and the legs and pelvis shake totally involuntarily. Been doing it daily for about 2 months and it's very effective. Shaking is how we release trauma. When an animal is being chased by a predator in the wild and it get's away it will shake violently for quite a while then get up and walk off like nothing has happened.

The shaking I get after DMT is identical to this. Therefore I believe it is trauma release.
#7 Posted : 10/30/2012 12:13:16 PM

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MachineElf88 wrote:
I do something called Trauma Release Exercise. It's a series of muscle tensioning exercises. Once you've done them you lay down and relax and the legs and pelvis shake totally involuntarily. Been doing it daily for about 2 months and it's very effective. Shaking is how we release trauma. When an animal is being chased by a predator in the wild and it get's away it will shake violently for quite a while then get up and walk off like nothing has happened.

The shaking I get after DMT is identical to this. Therefore I believe it is trauma release.

Very interesting. I sometimes feel like smoking DMT opens us up to a type of traumatic state. Do you have any links to these exercises?
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#8 Posted : 10/30/2012 3:08:43 PM

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I get them too, and I've felt that it's not only a form of release, but a physical aspect of the integration process.

Definitely dress warmly - being cold during a DMT trip can color the experience in uncomfortable ways.

There's a great discussion on the subject here:


IMO its normal, and nothing to worry about. I enjoy them personally.
#9 Posted : 10/30/2012 7:03:32 PM

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I used to get the shakes when I would smoke big breakthrough doses fast, after I would return to my body. The shivers frequently come to me. DMT makes me cold. The THOUGHT of doing DMT makes my hands get icy.

My husband says this is "the drowning response" of my body - that all my blood is rushing to the central areas and away from the periphery.

I have just gotten in the habit of bundling up before launching - putting some layers on and getting under a blanket.

It's funny, I'd know I was going to smoke DMT, it would be 86 F, I just got out of a HOT shower and I have the shakes/shivers.

Bundling up before hitting helps a lot. As I lay back and close my eyes, I pull my blanket up too.
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#10 Posted : 10/30/2012 7:49:01 PM

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"Do you have any links to these exercises?" -

They were invented by David Berceli. If you just google "Trauma Release Exercise" there's loads of info around about it and what it can do. There's also videos on youtube of examples of people shaking after doing the exercises and videos of David Berceli talking about it.

With regards to the actual exercises themselves I don't know if they are available in picture or video format for free. I work with an energy healer/teacher and she showed me them.

Well worth investing in IMO.
#11 Posted : 10/31/2012 3:17:50 AM

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I get shakes and shivers, but my teeth tend to chatter as well. Sometimes, it can be to the point of distracting. It freaked me out at first, but I guess I've gotten used to it.
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#12 Posted : 10/31/2012 4:51:45 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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DMT can raise/spike your blood pressure/heart rate so if you're outside or regularly have a higher blood pressure you'll definitely get the shivers/shaking from it. If you regularly have a lower blood pressure you aren't likely to feel these side effects. You can lower your blood pressure by cutting back on sodium or alcohol intake, and changing your overall diet, as well as more frequent exercise.

This is why people with high blood pressure should be cautious about their DMT use as it can result in hypertensive crisis. Don't just pass this off as some kind of spiritual purge, and don't fall for any of this New Age 'release therapy' BS.
#13 Posted : 10/31/2012 5:09:44 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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MachineElf88 wrote:
I do something called Trauma Release Exercise. It's a series of muscle tensioning exercises. Once you've done them you lay down and relax and the legs and pelvis shake totally involuntarily. Been doing it daily for about 2 months and it's very effective. Shaking is how we release trauma. When an animal is being chased by a predator in the wild and it get's away it will shake violently for quite a while then get up and walk off like nothing has happened.

The shaking I get after DMT is identical to this. Therefore I believe it is trauma release.

This happens after any kind of exercise. Your blood pressure rises during exercise just like an animals blood pressure rises after being chased. I get involuntary shaking of arms and legs all the time after working out. This is why doctors recommend lighter excercise for people who have high blood pressure.

LiveStrong: What Causes The Blood Pressure to Rise in Exercise

It's not some kind of guru secret for releasing trauma, although new age techniques seem to enjoy manipulating words. Sorry.
#14 Posted : 10/31/2012 6:35:15 AM

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Have you ever had the the shakes after smoking dmt?

How do the dmt shakes compare to the post workout shakes?

I work out as well. Dmt shakes and workout shakes have never felt close to similar in my experiences.

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#15 Posted : 10/31/2012 6:45:11 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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I have. The shakes during or after DMT are A LOT more intense than after working out. The other day during ayahuasca I was having full on tremors. They're both still a result of heightened blood pressure though, smoked DMT is just a more sudden intense spike, where as working out is a slow build up/recovery therefore a lot less intense to the point where you may only have 1 or 2 involuntary movements afterwords, even as subtle as small muscle twitch. If you're doing yoga or those trauma release stretches dude was talking about, you can get a more intense spike especially the longer you hold the poses. The individual muscles the yoga or stretches are working on are definitely likely to have a pretty intense shake down afterword. Of course you can new age label this as some sort of spiritual trauma release, but in reality it's just simply raising your blood pressure. From this thread it seems like people are comparing shakes during smoking DMT to the purge of ayahuasca which doesn't make sense.

I'm personally trying to lower my blood pressure through getting healthier. Hopefully I can get to the point where I don't have problems with shaking and DMT. Although, if you are outside and it's chilly out you're almost guaranteed to get the shakes.
#16 Posted : 10/31/2012 6:57:57 AM

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Yea i've gotten the chills before. Its definitely intertwined with the psychological aspect of the experience as well, from what i can tell

By far the most intense episode of the chills i've experienced was during a very deep snuffed dose of dmt on top of a lower dose of oral harmalas. It was a fairly rough trip to begin with, which definitely had something to do with it..No matter how many blankets i had i simply could NOT get warm and stop shivering. This went on for a few minutes but once i calmed my heart rate down more and began to relax it slowly went away and i balanced out

bundle up!

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#17 Posted : 10/31/2012 7:27:58 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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universecannon wrote:
Its definitely intertwined with the psychological aspect of the experience as well, from what i can tell

Most definitely! "It's almost as though time speeds up, even before you take the first hit." - Terrence McKenna. If you're building up your anxiety and heart rate before you smoke/ingest/insufflate a substance (DMT) that physically raises heart rate and blood pressure you're definitely more likely to have more shakes & shivers, ya dig?
#18 Posted : 10/31/2012 10:43:20 AM

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@fairbanks -

I can say from personal experience that it does work. It's nothing to do with new age spirituality. Shaking is one way animals release trauma. I can understand where you are coming from, I too have gotten shakes after gym workouts etc. This is not the same thing. This is sustained shaking that will keep going for as long as I stay in the position. The position is relaxed, I'm not tensing when the shaking happens. I normally do half an hour but I could do longer.

The exercises are not aerobic exercise or lifting weights. The shaking happens when you are relaxed and is sustained for as long as you want.

For the first month of doing the trauma release I felt terrible. I had this weight of sadness and anxiety in my chest area on a daily basis. A constant feeling of wanting to cry. It came from nowhere and was not related to anything else going on in my life.

It was buried trauma coming out. Trauma from earlier in my life that I hadn't "felt" at the time it happened because I shut it out. In order for trauma to come out you have to "feel" it.

After that first hard month I started feeling so much better.
#19 Posted : 10/31/2012 2:03:39 PM

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Kryas Pleased
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

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#20 Posted : 10/31/2012 7:33:50 PM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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MachineElf88 wrote:
@fairbanks -
Shaking is one way animals release trauma.

Do you have a source for this? When I looked it up it brought up the trauma release exercise institutes, no real biology source. The trauma release exercise people seem to manipulate words. Saying that b/c animals are running away from a predator causing them to raise blood pressure and get shakes, that this really means that they had a traumatic experience and need to release "survival energy". It's all just substituting actual physical phenomena with the words 'trauma' & 'survival energy.'

This is sustained shaking that will keep going for as long as I stay in the position. The position is relaxed, I'm not tensing when the shaking happens. I normally do half an hour but I could do longer.

The exercises are not aerobic exercise or lifting weights. The shaking happens when you are relaxed and is sustained for as long as you want.

Sure you're not getting involuntary movement when your tensing or stretching a muscle, it occurs afterword in your relaxed position. These trauma release exercises are stretches though, it's not like you lay down and just start shaking... No you're not doing aerobic or weights but you are doing stretches just like yoga and these definitely raise blood pressure causing anywhere from slight muscle twitch to full on tremors afterwords. You won't exp them until you're in the relaxed position afterword but don't leave out the fact that you did do stretching before hand.

Relating this to a release of psychological trauma you've held since you were little seems a bit new agey to me. Whatever works for you though.
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