So, I took the plunge in a different way yesterday. We got to the sky dive place at 1pm. Filled out all the "you can't sue us" paperwork. Sat around for half an hour. Then sat in on a 10 minute class reviewing what we were about to do and how we were going to do it.
After that we waited for a couple hours for our turn, we got strapped up in our harness's and waited outside. I knew that now its real, now I am about to board a plane and jump out of it. I am definitely more nervous at this moment than the whole time before this. I am ready but also feeling unsure of what I am doing. It's now not an idea it's REAL.
So we walk across the runway, and load into the plane. We all get in and sit down. The plane takes off and starts to ascend. I took the next 10 minutes to watch the scenery and take it all in. It was beautiful. The ground got farther and farther away. Houses and roads and cars and people became ever so smaller. We ascended higher and higher into the air. After we got to 10,000 ft everyone started to get ready. The instructors tightening our harness's and making sure everything is hooked up correctly. It's ALMOST time. My heart is RACING!
My instructor tells me were at 13,000 ft and are about to go, he asks me "Are you ready to jump?" I say, with slight forced enthusiasm, "YES I AM". The side door rolls up. Two solo jumpers get ready to go first. A sound happens and everyone aims their attention at two lights. One red the other green. The red one is lit up, the green is not. When this happened i could feel everyone's tension. It was thick in the air.
We all kept our gaze to the lights. Time SLOWED down. It took forever for the green one to turn on it felt like. Finally, "ding" green light. The two solo jumpers looked at us, smiled, gave us a thumbs up, and nonchalantly dove out the door. This was intense in of itself. I felt like, "thats what I am about to experience, HOLY S#!T!"
1 by 1 a tandem jumper would scoot up to the door, and bail out into the world! It was happening so fast, and next thing I know its my turn. I scoot with the instructor up to the door, I get to the door and swing my legs out into the open air. It feels like were in position so I arched back like he told me to, and laid my head on his shoulder and looked up. It's NOW. This is about to happen!
No thoughts are in my mind. My mind is now tense like a muscle trying to hold on. Were in place, 1.. 2.. 3.. and he lurches forward, and sideways. I think.
As I accelerated up to 120mph, the feeling of being catapulted into the ground was like nothing I have ever experienced. I felt like I was dying and could do nothing about it. As soon as we became belly to ground, this feeling started washing away quickly. Right along with the acceleration. And NOW I felt the most amazing feeling ever. I felt like I wasn't falling anymore. I felt lots of wind, but it felt like i was floating. I was not scared, rather I was so emotional at how beautiful I felt and how everything looked I felt a strong urge to start crying!
I didn't however, but I could have started crying like a little girl. I was fully immersed in the feeling of love and living and life and beauty and everything amazing and everything that makes you throw your arms up and make you want to say "I LOVE!! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!" This feeling wouldnt have been possible without the feeling you get when you first leave the plane. This was AMAZING!
So then the instructor signaled me that he was about to pull the shoot. We just fell 8,000 ft and were about to deploy the shute at 5,000 ft. This next part I was not ready for...
I felt a HUGE jerk. The instructor made a sound as if he had been punched in the stomach. Right after I thought wow that was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Right then I noticed something wrong. We were kind of spinning. I looked up and the right side of the shute was not inflated completely and the lines looked slightly tangled up. I wasn't scared, was in kind of a Valium like content/high mode from all the intensity I just experienced.
I asked "Are we gonna be ok?" he replied with "Hold on a minute". I looked down and thought about the possibility of hitting the ground with no shoot. I also thought about the freefall I might be feeling again if we have to drop that shoot and then deploy the backup. I feel death as a possibility right now, I accept it but know that were probably going to be ok. He struggles to get it to inflate, but is successful and we start to slow down more.
The rest of the descent to the ground was like 5 minutes or so. It was calming and slow. We did some dives, and some spins. it was pretty cool but nothing like the first 8,000 ft. Touchdown, and were back to earth. Everything felt SURREAL. I felt sooo high, although I hadn't taken ANYTHING. most amazing experience in my life!
Thought I would share, was a pretty significant experience in my life. Falling to the earth, near death experience, accepted thought of possible death. I still feel hazy today.
After wards I had several fits of short bursts of laughter and an emotional feeling that I still cant really explain, all the rest of the night. I teared up a bit a couple times, and had to fight these tears of joy to keep them from coming.
Anyone else jump before? What you think about the shoot not opening all the way hehehe pretty life opening for me hehehehe
If you have the ability to do it, DO IT
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