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[GALANTAMINE] may boost DMT experiance? Options
#1 Posted : 7/10/2012 3:50:51 AM

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I have spent 6 years trying to learn lucid dreaming..
During this time..recalling my dreams every night...
I have had many lucid dreams and a few OBEs where one can fly at will in the dreamscape or walk through walls ..fly winged horses ..or do anything i want to as long as im lucid in the dream..
There is a leagle supliment called [galantamine]..that is the king of [dream supliments] as it makes dreams soo vivid that lucidity sometimes occures within the dream automaticly..
Galantamine has been used in ancient China for many years and in recent years it has been used to treat eldery people with memory decline..
Galantamine comes in a precription or natural version..
Galantamine works by boosting the chemicle comunacation within the brain..
In normal doses galantamine is very safe to take for dreaming..
Concidering dreaming may me linked to the natural DMT in our brains..
I thought it may be posible that it could enhance a DMT or other drug experiances?
I wanted to bring this up and ask if anyone ever tryed Galantamine with spice or other substances?
Galantamine ..[from the spiderlilly and snowdrop flower]..seriosly boosts memory.. and at the least ..[[may]].. boost a spice travelers memory of the experiance?
has anyone tryed this yet?

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#2 Posted : 7/10/2012 4:09:48 AM


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Sounds like a cool supplement, I will check it out I'm always up for vivid dreams!

However, DMT has never been shown to be linked to dreaming. Not saying that there isn't a connection but there is no science to back up such claims that I am aware of. Galantamine may be beneficial in recall of an experience if it does indeed have the nootropic effects you say.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#3 Posted : 7/10/2012 8:28:57 PM

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You should never suggest that someone try something without first researching whether or not there could be any negative side effects first.

wiki wrote:
Galantamine in its pure form is a white powder. Galantamine is a competitive and reversible cholinesterase inhibitor. It reduces the action of AChE and therefore tends to increase the concentration of acetylcholine in the brain. It is hypothesized that this action might relieve some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's. It is also an allosteric ligand at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.


Along with other cholinergics or acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as Huperzine A, galantamine also has been used as nootropic or "brain enhancer" to enhance memory in brain-damaged adults

Some people who practice lucid dream (LD) or out-of-body experience (OBE) use galantamine to increase their odds to achieve LD or OBE.[12][13][14] By taking small amount of galantamine (around 4 to 8 mg) after five to six hours of deep sleep and practice an induction technique such as meditation, MILD or WILD [1] many people report more success with galantamine.[15]

There are also reports claiming that taking galantamine without proper induction technique will not lead to LD or OBE but will result in only a vivid dream instead. It should also be noted that, due to a long half-life, galantamine will stay in the body for a period of up to and over 48 hours. As such, it is advisable to space out the use of galantamine over a period of three days so that the body does not build a resistance to the drug, ruining its effectiveness.[12]

Galantamine used with choline bitartrate or Alpha-GPC can dramatically increase one's odds of becoming lucid and increase memory consolidation during dreaming.[citation needed] Some people report mixing galantamine with other nootropic can enhance the degree of lucidity, but this is still controversial, since some mixtures may work for some people, but lead to failure for others.

I dont see any interactions yet, but it would be nice to get the advice of benzyme or corpus.

I used Huperzine A once along with what ever else i was taking. Huperzine a is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from what i gather. Increasing more Acetylcholine in your body. I am actually interested in this as I have been experimenting with many nootropics trying to get my dreams back.

I used to dream very often. have only had 2 Lucid dreams but most of my dreams are very vivid. I tried Alpha GPC along with the other supplements i take and NOTHING changes.

yet if I eat shrooms, or take any pills, and sometimes when I drink, I have very vivid dreams. I dont understand why, maybe someone has an understanding of what these things are doing in my body i can replicate, to give my dreams back?

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#4 Posted : 7/10/2012 10:11:26 PM


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anrchy wrote:
You should never suggest that someone try something without first researching whether or not there could be any negative side effects first.

Actually about half way through my post I checked it out before recommending he try it, also he implied that he has been taking galantamine already. "There is a leagle supliment called [galantamine]..that is the king of [dream supliments] as it makes dreams soo vivid that lucidity sometimes occures within the dream automaticly" and "Galantamine ..[from the spiderlilly and snowdrop flower]..seriosly boosts memory" Maybe I shouldn't have assumed he was already taking it but he used strong phrases indicating he has tried it.

Very good advice Anrchy, thanks for double checking me. It doesn't seem like there would be any interactions but I'm not an expert. I agree there should be someone more qualified looking into it, don't try it until we know for sure there will be no negative effects.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#5 Posted : 7/10/2012 10:52:08 PM

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I wasnt trying to be so harsh. Sorry for that. I am very interested in this supplement. i wonder if any other nexians have experience with it.

Starway6: what can you tell us about it? How fast is the onset of the supplement, how much do you take and how often? Any neg side effects that you have noticed?

I take L-tryptophan, Vit B6, and Vit D. I've taken Alpha GPC but I didnt notice any benefits physically.
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#6 Posted : 7/10/2012 11:58:09 PM

***Colony Wars***

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starway6 wrote:
I have spent 6 years trying to learn lucid dreaming..
During this time..recalling my dreams every night...
I have had many lucid dreams and a few OBEs where one can fly at will in the dreamscape or walk through walls ..fly winged horses ..or do anything i want to as long as im lucid in the dream..
There is a leagle supliment called [galantamine]..that is the king of [dream supliments] as it makes dreams soo vivid that lucidity sometimes occures within the dream automaticly..
Galantamine has been used in ancient China for many years and in recent years it has been used to treat eldery people with memory decline..
Galantamine comes in a precription or natural version..
Galantamine works by boosting the chemicle comunacation within the brain..
In normal doses galantamine is very safe to take for dreaming..
Concidering dreaming may me linked to the natural DMT in our brains..
I thought it may be posible that it could enhance a DMT or other drug experiances?
I wanted to bring this up and ask if anyone ever tryed Galantamine with spice or other substances?
Galantamine ..[from the spiderlilly and snowdrop flower]..seriosly boosts memory.. and at the least ..[[may]].. boost a spice travelers memory of the experiance?
has anyone tryed this yet?

Nice find. Also there is a really kewl product called "Remee SleepMask" basicly you were this mask when sleeping, and at certain times/intervals three red lights blink in random patterns, the developers say it will induce lucid dreaming, when in rem sleep, making you aware that your dreaming. I havent tryed it yet, but its on order.

CVS Pharmacy carrys it!!! Smile Im going to try it out, I'll give you guys a report soon Smile
"Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open"
#7 Posted : 7/11/2012 12:04:26 AM

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There are also reports claiming that taking galantamine without proper induction technique will not lead to LD or OBE but will result in only a vivid dream instead......

This is true.. that taking Galantamine doesnt guarenty a lucid dream everytime...
But You can usually count on having a full night or atleast part of the sleep period full of very vivid dreams sometimes extreemly vivid to the point that the sheer vividness can jolt you into knowing you are in a dream,...
but grass too close to bed [[kills dream recall]
As I said galantamine boosts brain comunication in a chemicle way...
Also induction techniques are important as they increase your chances to become aware within a dream...
one technique ..is to repeate several times before sleeping [intent] like..[ I will enter dream soon and will know its a dream]....
Some other methods are ..[WILD]..wake initiated lucid dream]....[SSILD].sense initiated lucid dream...[DILD] dream initiated lucid dream...[CAT]method involves altering your sleep schedual... there are other methods..
Lucid dreaming boils down to being in a shallow level of sleep maintaining mental alertness as your body falls asleep..
Yes Ive taken galantamine many times once every night for 14 days...
But you dont want to take galantamine more than 2 or 3 times a week for dreaming to avoid a tolerance build up..
G alantamine is supercharged when taking it with other supliments such as Bitartate
#8 Posted : 7/11/2012 12:14:30 AM

***Colony Wars***

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Do you think It would be okay, to use with a dose of DMT, to help remember the experience? Im trying to figure out if the DMT would have a negative or positive reaction to it.
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#9 Posted : 7/11/2012 12:25:08 AM

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There are also reports claiming that taking galantamine without proper induction technique will not lead to LD or OBE but will result in only a vivid dream instead......

This is true.. that taking Galantamine doesnt guarenty a lucid dream everytime...
But You can usually count on having a full night or atleast part of the sleep period full of very vivid dreams sometimes extreemly vivid to the point that the sheer vividness can jolt you into knowing you are in a dream,...
but grass too close to bed [[kills dream recall]
As I said galantamine boosts brain comunication in a chemicle way...
Also induction techniques are important as they increase your chances to become aware within a dream...
one technique ..is to repeate several times before sleeping [intent] like..[ I will enter dream soon and will know its a dream]....
Some other methods are ..[WILD]..wake initiated lucid dream]....[SSILD].sense initiated lucid dream...[DILD] dream initiated lucid dream...[CAT]method involves altering your sleep schedual... there are other methods..
Lucid dreaming boils down to being in a shallow level of sleep maintaining mental alertness as your body falls asleep..
Yes Ive taken galantamine many times once every night for 14 days...
But you dont want to take galantamine more than 2 or 3 times a week for dreaming to avoid a tolerance build up..
Galantamine is super charged when taking it with other supliments such as...
[Bitartate choline].. or combining galantamine with some other nutropics...
The best time to take galantamine for dreaming is after 4 or 5 hours of good sleep at [WBTB} .wake back to bed...because your last 4 or more hours of sleep is high REM sleep or dream sleep...the time when most dreaming occurs..
Since every thing we experiance is in or minds.. taking galantamine may increase a drug experiance or atleast improve memory of it..
Now if you are fairly young you may already have a high acetylcholine level in your blood and Glantamine may.. or may not.. improve your short or long term memory..
But no mater what your age is if you take galantamine long enough you may risk developing too high of a acetylcholine level and that may cause insomnia and other symptoms till the level comes down..
But galantamine does work to sharpen memory and speed up thought...
Ive had many many more NLDs .non lucid dreams than lucid ones over the years and some of my NLDs were just as injoyable as the lucid ones..
As far as I know [Galantamine]is the top supliment for dreaming.then you have ..
huperzene A..and a list of other nutropics..
From what ive read..a spice trip is intense enough and taking galantamine before one [may] make it more intense..[or maby not?
It seems.. [posible].. that atleast one may have a better memory of the experiance with galantamine..
Im not sugesting that anyone try this before fully researching [galantamine] or taking galantamine by itself for dreamingto test its results..
#10 Posted : 7/11/2012 12:42:57 AM

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Do you think It would be okay, to use with a dose of DMT, to help remember the experience? Im trying to figure out if the DMT would have a negative or positive reaction to it.

It should be safe..but im not an expert on this subject and would advise one to reseaech [Galantamine] or take galantamine ..[by itself]..several nights at [WBTB] wake back to bed]] for draming just to get used to it...
Usually the worst thing that can happen is for some people..[galantamine] may cause some minor insomnia] or cramping in the gut...
Most people ..[at proper doses].. dont have any problems with galantamine by itself...or with bartrate choline and most other nutropics...
Galantamine is just an extract from an inocent flower... But....
[[[DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!]]]..if you try it with something as intense as spice...
BE carefull!
#11 Posted : 7/11/2012 12:56:29 AM

***Colony Wars***

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starway6 wrote:
Do you think It would be okay, to use with a dose of DMT, to help remember the experience? Im trying to figure out if the DMT would have a negative or positive reaction to it.

It should be safe..but im not an expert on this subject and would advise one to reseaech [Galantamine] or take galantamine ..[by itself]..several nights at [WBTB] wake back to bed]] for draming just to get used to it...
Usually the worst thing that can happen is for some people..[galantamine] may cause some minor insomnia] or cramping in the gut...
Most people ..[at proper doses].. dont have any problems with galantamine by itself...or with bartrate choline and most other nutropics...
Galantamine is just an extract from an inocent flower... But....
[[[DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!]]]..if you try it with something as intense as spice...
BE carefull!

Oh yeah I'll deffently try it first by itself. Smile I'll let yall know how it gose.
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#12 Posted : 7/11/2012 1:00:34 AM

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Location: Hyperspace I wasnt trying to be so harsh. Sorry for that. I am very interested in this supplement. i wonder if any other nexians have experience with it.

Starway6: what can you tell us about it? How fast is the onset of the supplement, how much do you take and how often? Any neg side effects that you have noticed?

I take L-tryptophan, Vit B6, and Vit D. I've taken Alpha GPC but I didnt notice any benefits physically

Galantamine usually kicks in within 45 minutes to an hour especially if taken with Bitartate choline...

Taking...L tryptophan is ok but I find that it deepens sleep too much [for me].. and clouds dream recall...

alpha GPC choline is a good choline and may inhanse the dream longer with galantamine..

but [bitrate choline] with [galantamine].. is like throwing gasoline on a fire it reacts faster with the galantamine often causing hypnogogic sounds or imagry to start if taken
after 4 or 5 hours of sleepat WBTB..wake back to bed...
Most people take 4 to 8 mgs of galantamine for dreaming...
Ive heard of some going safley up to 15 mgs in one morning..
Hope this helps...

after 4 or 5 hoursof sleep first at WBTB ..wake back to bed...

#13 Posted : 7/11/2012 1:34:11 AM

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below is [Dreamamins]..the site i order or call in an order for natural galantamine ..
This is natural..[safter kind of galantamine].. not the prescription kind..
They have three choices i always choose a bottle of [lucid dtreamers]...

Advanced Dream Nutrition: Dreamamins With Galantaminewww.dreamamins.com/Cached - Similar
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Product: Lucid DreamerTM Description: Increases frequency of lucid dreams and your awareness while dreaming. Unit Quantity: 4mg Galantamine, 200mg ...
#14 Posted : 7/11/2012 1:45:06 AM

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Cosmic: PLEASE keep me updated on your opinion of those lucid dream shades. I did a ton of research on them a long time ago but didn't want to spend the money as some can be quite expensive.

I think I'm gonna goto my supplement store tomorrow to see if they have Galantamine. Does it come in bulk powder or capsules? I think I'm gonna drop the L-tryptophan for awhile and only take it with my shakes as they contain a lot anyways. I have yet to find a supplement that helps my dream recall. I miss dreaming. My dreams are usually pretty hardcore crazy when I do remember them. As of I had taken mushrooms before falling asleep.
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#15 Posted : 7/12/2012 1:23:31 AM

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wiki wrote:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and international health authorities have published an alert based on data from two studies during the treatment by galantamine of mild cognitive impairment (MCI); higher mortality rates were seen in drug-treated patients.[17][18] On April 27, 2006, FDA approved labeling changes concerning all form of galantamine preparations (liquid, regular tablets, and extended release tablets) warning of the risk of bradycardia (slow resting heart rate), and sometimes atrioventricular block, especially in predisposed persons. At the same time, the risk of syncope (fainting) seems to be increased relative to placebo. "In randomized controlled trials, bradycardia was reported more frequently in galantamine-treated patients than in placebo-treated patients, but was rarely severe and rarely led to treatment discontinuation" [19] These side effects have not been reported in any other studies except[clarification needed] in mild cognitive impairment.

Thought I should post this. Some how I missed it. Not sure exactly what to make of it but a note of caution should be advised.
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#16 Posted : 7/12/2012 4:25:05 AM

***Colony Wars***

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anrchy wrote:
Cosmic: PLEASE keep me updated on your opinion of those lucid dream shades. I did a ton of research on them a long time ago but didn't want to spend the money as some can be quite expensive.

I think I'm gonna goto my supplement store tomorrow to see if they have Galantamine. Does it come in bulk powder or capsules? I think I'm gonna drop the L-tryptophan for awhile and only take it with my shakes as they contain a lot anyways. I have yet to find a supplement that helps my dream recall. I miss dreaming. My dreams are usually pretty hardcore crazy when I do remember them. As of I had taken mushrooms before falling asleep.

I'll keep you posted for sure.Smile Nah it should come in capsule form, 4 to 8mg. Dont get it from CVS, cause its like $200 something for 90 capsules. Plus you need a prescriptionSad I'll look around locally one more time, If not I try to find a good spot on the web.Smile

But for sure, im'a test it to see how it actually works, and to see if the claims are true Smile
"Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open"
corpus callosum
#17 Posted : 7/12/2012 7:04:10 AM

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Heres the datasheet for galantamine hydrobromide:


From this, it appears that Galantamine has a very specific cholinomimetic action unlike that of the related compound memantine which has actions on the excitatory amino acid system (NMDA receptors specifically).Because of its mechanism of action the side effect profile is primarily that of increased parasympathetic activity.

Of course, I doubt studies have been done with DMT and such agents but from an assessment of its mechanism of action I would think that theres no firm contra-indication to combining the two.

I think the theory of REM sleep being the phase which is associated with dreaming is not the full story , as dreaming is also seen in phases 1-4 of non-REM sleep.Theres alot of evidence that sleep is not dependant on one neurotransmitter only which has been inferred from the effects on dreaming and dream recollection of a whole range of medications with significantly different 'targets' eg alpha and beta blockers, anti-depressants(TCA/SSRI/MAOIs), anti-psychotics, anti-histamines, dopamine agonists, and even some drugs which one wouldnt initially credit as having a bearing on dreams such as the statins and proton pump inhibitors.

Theres much that we've still to work out regarding this, and I reckon that sleep and dreaming are states of consciousness which are likely to be as complicated as the waking state.It also highlights how the EEG is a fairly crude tool for investigating such matters.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#18 Posted : 7/12/2012 7:11:03 AM


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On a side note, I have INTENSE dreams when I am drunk, not sure if it would be the same after a few drinks though, I don't drink a lot but when I do....
The odd thing is that I've heard drinking inhibits dreams.

Sorry, just a random observation. I haven't tried many supplements but this works consistently for me and the dreams are insane.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#19 Posted : 7/12/2012 8:59:16 AM

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corpus callosum wrote:
Heres the datasheet for galantamine hydrobromide:


From this, it appears that Galantamine has a very specific cholinomimetic action unlike that of the related compound memantine which has actions on the excitatory amino acid system (NMDA receptors specifically).Because of its mechanism of action the side effect profile is primarily that of increased parasympathetic activity.

Of course, I doubt studies have been done with DMT and such agents but from an assessment of its mechanism of action I would think that theres no firm contra-indication to combining the two.

I think the theory of REM sleep being the phase which is associated with dreaming is not the full story , as dreaming is also seen in phases 1-4 of non-REM sleep.Theres alot of evidence that sleep is not dependant on one neurotransmitter only which has been inferred from the effects on dreaming and dream recollection of a whole range of medications with significantly different 'targets' eg alpha and beta blockers, anti-depressants(TCA/SSRI/MAOIs), anti-psychotics, anti-histamines, dopamine agonists, and even some drugs which one wouldnt initially credit as having a bearing on dreams such as the statins and proton pump inhibitors.

Theres much that we've still to work out regarding this, and I reckon that sleep and dreaming are states of consciousness which are likely to be as complicated as the waking state.It also highlights how the EEG is a fairly crude tool for investigating such matters.

Thanks for posting this^^^ I guess I'll do the first test, to see what happens if I combine the two.Smile I'll do a control experiment w/without the Galantamine
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#20 Posted : 7/13/2012 1:15:14 AM

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I'll keep you posted for sure. Nah it should come in capsule form, 4 to 8mg. Dont get it from CVS, cause its like $200 something for 90 capsules. Plus you need a prescription I'll look around locally one more time, If not I try to find a good spot on the web.

But for sure, im'a test it to see how it actually works, and to see if the claims are true

The best place to order the safer..[natural]...non prescription galantamine.. is from a .....
site called...... [[[Dreamamins]]] they sell lucid dream supliments. ..one bottle of 60 or 90?.. is only about 30 dollars and is totally natural in organic capsules....they have high quality supliments and are the most afordable...
Just put [Dreamamins] on Google it will pop up...
If thinking of taking Galantamine with DMT do your reasearch first!...
I wouldent think it would do any harm and [may]..boost your memory of the trip.
But...because of the sudden rise in blood pressure DMT causes its best to reasearch the effects of [galantamine with DMT!...and be safe....!
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