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http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~utts/air2.html Produced in 1995 for the American Institutes of Research, which was commissioned by the CIA. Quote:It is recommended that future experiments focus on understanding how this phenomenon works, and on how to make it as useful as possible. There is little benefit to continuing experiments designed to offer proof, since there is little more to be offered to anyone who does not accept the current collection of data...
It is clear to this author that anomalous cognition is possible and has been demonstrated. This conclusion is not based on belief, but rather on commonly accepted scientific criteria. The phenomenon has been replicated in a number of forms across laboratories and cultures. The various experiments in which it has been observed have been different enough that if some subtle methodological problems can explain the results, then there would have to be a different explanation for each type of experiment, yet the impact would have to be similar across experiments and laboratories. If fraud were responsible, similarly, it would require an equivalent amount of fraud on the part of a large number of experimenters or an even larger number of subjects.
What is not so clear is that we have progressed very far in understanding the mechanism for anomalous cognition. Senders do not appear to be necessary at all; feedback of the correct answer may or may not be necessary. Distance in time and space do not seem to be an impediment. Beyond those conclusions, we know very little.
I believe that it would be wasteful of valuable resources to continue to look for proof. No one who has examined all of the data across laboratories, taken as a collective whole, has been able to suggest methodological or statistical problems to explain the ever-increasing and consistent results to date. Resources should be directed to the pertinent questions about how this ability works. I am confident that the questions are no more elusive than any other questions in science dealing with small to medium sized effects, and that if appropriate resources are targeted to appropriate questions, we can have answers within the next decade.
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..there was a BBC or UK Ch.4 documentary a few years ago about the CIA Remote Viewing program and how it was shut down following the Iran-Contra scandal (when many shadowy ops were retired) ..it interviewed some retired soldiers involved..i will try to find it, was called "The Real X-Files" from memory.. ..i do think there actually is some evidence for remote viewing..
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This one is pretty cool, for those who havent read the entire thing Experiment 7: Remote Observation: Purpose: It is often reported anecdotally that people know when they are being watched. Two experiments were conducted at SAIC to determine whether or not these anecdotes could be supported by a change in physiology when someone is being observed from a distance. The experimental design was essentially the same for the two experiments. This work was a conceptual replication of results reported by researchers in the Former Soviet Union (FSU), the United States and Scotland. The experiments in the FSU were interpreted to mean that the physiology of the recipient was being manipulated by the sender, an effect that if real could have frightening consequences. Method: The "observee" was seated in a room with a video camera focused on him or her, and with galvanic skin response measurements being recorded. In a distant room the "observer" attempted to influence the physiology of the observee at randomly spaced time intervals. During those time intervals, an image of the observee appeared on a computer monitor watched by the observer. During "control" periods, the video camera remained focused on the observee but the computer monitor did not display his or her image to the observer. There were 16 "influence" periods randomly interspersed with 16 "control" periods, each of 30 seconds, with blank periods of 0 to 5 seconds inserted to rule out patterns in physiology. Results: To determine whether or not the galvanic skin response of the observees was activated while they were being watched, the response during the control periods was compared with the response during the "influence" periods for each subject. The results were then averaged across subjects. In both experiments, there was greater activity during the periods of being watched than there was during the control periods. The results were statistically significant in each case (p = .036 and .014) and the effect sizes were similar, at 0.39 and 0.49. As preplanned, the results were combined, yielding an effect size of .39 (p = .005). As an interesting post hoc observation, it was noted that the effect was substantially stronger when the observer and observee were of opposite sexes than when they were of the same sex. INFORMATION No input signal

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One of the most intelligent men i've ever known was an old hungarian nuclear physicist who claimed to have worked at area 51 on their remote viewing program until it got shut down (not kidding).. He told me the right brain was the key to the collective unconscious long before i'd even heard of Jung, but i was just getting into psychedelics and in my teens. He was extremely convincing. Not that i believe him.. but i never had any reason to doubt him either..he was an extremely solid and open person
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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I began looking for information about this objectively and was shocked to learn that there was a lot of evidence for it and a lot of disinformation against it, it reminds me of how republicans deny global warming via a refusal to consider evidence.

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Ive had numerous phenomenological instances happen in my life that have proven to myself that these things are possible. I have never been able to figure out how to control it, however, it seems to only happen "sometimes" and these few times have been really significant. It hasn't happened in a couple years, either, unless you count Iboga... I would love to learn more about this scientifically but at the same time I am quite contented just sitting here knowing.

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Yeah, same. I've literally witnessed and written down (well, not written down all of them i guess) dozens, if not hundreds, of experiences that could be called 'unintentional' remote viewing, or things that are obviously happening through a similar mechanism. Learning to continually access this sort of stuff can be done though, i think. Although i can't do that myself, there are ways to put yourself into a state of mind where it is much more likely to occur, it seems i really wouldn't be surprised if we are on the verge of understanding this area of non-locality and how it works in the brain
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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I've also had scores of experiences of a remote viewing nature, as well as telepathic experiences. However I was never able to statistically analyze these experiences and my own individual experience is too subjective for me to claim I know them to be true, I can merely state that they seemed true.
However this study is another matter for me than personal experience and testimony is.
I find particularly interesting the theoretical physics involved with this, namely that time is non-linear and space is a manifest property stemming from a form of unity or singularity that is inherent to mass/energy. I believe this to be true.
The idea reminds me of the notion of origination and the problems that this notion entails both in terms of physics as well as religion. Where did mass/energy come from? What created the thing that created? What preceded the thing that originated? These questions point to the problem of inferring time/space in a linear way.
Consider the idea of bosonic unity, the idea that before the universe became as it is, that it was a singularity that contained all. In terms of timespace that singularity is a given distance, but if time/space is like a field then our relative position is not arrived at in a linear development, rather it relates to the expansion of a field that expands from a singularity. This implies that the singularity still exists in what we call the past and that the expansion or differentiation of mass and energy over time is facilitated by this singularity.
This implies that time/space is a polar field in some ways, imagine dextro and levo time, isomers, as opposed to time moving "backwards".
In terms of this field aspect of time/space we can employ the moment of now to "look" at different positions in the field. The idea is that the moment of now has an aspect of singularity to it.
The mathematical formula/algorithm for this field procession (now) is geometrical in nature but has no set or static values, each value is changing and informed by all other values, essentially nothing is isolated in terms of all that is, was and will be, it all connects. It is not something I can portray here with words, the algorithm I mean. It is a lot like Pi in a way though, it is both infinite and singular. Imagine an infinite shape akin to pi, it is one shape but never ends, or begins for that matter. If you were in the shape (we are) the "center" or axis would appear to be in a linear distance that is measurable to your position, which would itself retain the infinite singularity property and thus appear to be in temporal motion despite there being no net gain or loss in the total shape.
In terms of remote viewing time and space become irrelevant factors, because the information is not being obtained via physical sensory means dependent upon time/space constraints.
However, remote viewing technology would be more ideal that human remote viewing and I believe is at least theoretically possible, though many would regard RV as a form of divination.
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Here is my number one question.. How do you know you are remote viewing? I ask this becasue I do what people seem to call remote viewing all the time..really..at least 2-3 nights a week while laying in bed I will have full on photographic quality scenes appear with eyes closed..the other night I was peering down some city street..looked like some busy european street with people walking by, cars, apartment buildings..it is like I am there just in the middle of life going on as usual except noone there sees me..what the hell is up with that? ..of course the 10ish mg of harmalas under my tounge as my nighttime medication cant hurt..but even before I ever microdosed this happened. I always have to wonder..am I remote viewing? Am I somehow projecting my consciousness to some other physical place or getting back impressions of this place or am I just imagining things?..or is it a combination of both? How do you verify it? For me, I can innitiate it at this point maybe 40% of the time if I just lay down in the dark and relax..might take 20 minutes might take 40 minutes..often at night I am not trying to enter this state and it comes on in like 5 minutes..but I cant controll what I see or anything it is just so random. It is also very different from the ayahuasca like states I have at night and have talked about in other threads..this is not geometry and beings etc..it is just as if I am somewhere on the planet in real time viewing what is going on, but still laying in my bed relaxed and fully conscious. I have no doubt at all that the military has all kinds of weird psy programs..why would they not?..even if they cant prove anything I dont think they would just leave this stuff up to other people if there is even a small chance that these things are possible. Such military programs in the past have been widely documented. Long live the unwoke.

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You will know when it happens. It's undeniable.
For example, my classic case I always reference that many here have heard: I had a friend in another country who I had not spoken to for a long time send me an e-mail saying she was worried about me- she had a vision of a huge worm in my stomach. I was blown away when I read this email, let me explain to you why.
That morning I was living out of a van trying to find a house to rent and it was winter and cold and I had just woken up, rolled a cannabis and tobacco spliff, drank some water, laid back down and started smoking.
Something different struck me on that day. In meditation I felt the urge to reach out to that specific friend (remember, this was before I Read the email later that day) and I visualized her body and face and her name and her location and I asked her in my mind if she had any idea what was up with this dream that I had last night about the worm. It was scary as all hell. I do not even know why I did this I was simply going with the flow, it is what felt right to me at the time. There was something inside my intestines trying to escape and I could see it bulging and moving around. This was because of my hernia I had recently sustained before moving that I was really stressed about. The worm was just dream paranoia blown out of proportion.
Still, the fact that my friend received my thoughts that I consciously tried to "Send" and responded to me that day without any real life communication shattered my entire reality. I was blown away. I was busy looking for a house and I felt completely insane dealing with the potential of what this instance meant. It was overwhelming for me, but over time and with other experiences and confirmations I've just grown to accept that somehow, consciousness can work in this way.
See, in my friends world, this stuff is completely natural to her. She doesn't even use psychedelics besides cannabis occasionally and has a daughter. But- to a city boy like me who never knew what to believe, this day really showed me something remarkable.
 DMT-Nexus member

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
The mathematical formula/algorithm for this field procession (now) is geometrical in nature but has no set or static values, each value is changing and informed by all other values, essentially nothing is isolated in terms of all that is, was and will be, it all connects. It is not something I can portray here with words, the algorithm I mean. It is a lot like Pi in a way though, it is both infinite and singular. Imagine an infinite shape akin to pi, it is one shape but never ends, or begins for that matter. If you were in the shape (we are) the "center" or axis would appear to be in a linear distance that is measurable to your position, which would itself retain the infinite singularity property and thus appear to be in temporal motion despite there being no net gain or loss in the total shape.
Kinda reminds me of the spiral created by the golden number (Fi). The spiral seems to match a lot of your description being "geometrical in nature...no static values, each value is changing and informed by all other values...infinite...one shape that never ends or begins..." Not only does it affect human proportion, plants, sea life and whatnot, but even the spiral galaxies conform to Fi and so it makes me imagine that if there is a multiverse, perhaps the many universes are aligned in the sacred spiral. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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Quote:Am I somehow projecting my consciousness to some other physical place or getting back impressions of this place or am I just imagining things?..or is it a combination of both? In some of the training literature for RV it is mentioned that you have to watch out for imagination. a lot of the protocol for RV includes clearing the mind and working to prevent imagination from getting involved. Even the studies that confirm RV mention they do not understand how or why it works, the point of the one I started this thread with is that there is enough proof that we should stop working to prove it or disprove it and start working on understanding how it works. Quote: Kinda reminds me of the spiral created by the golden number (Fi).
It is somewhat similar.
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When I've tried to do it on purpose everything always seems to get a bit skewed and obviously wrong. It's happened to me a lot over the years, and the only reason I know is coincidences. A friend was moving to a new place, and laying in bed thinking about them I got this very clear image of a kitchen. A few days later they sent pictures, and there was the kitchen, except it had their stuff in it (when I had seen it, it was empty). Another time, I was praying for a friend's sister who had fallen very ill. I had never met or seen a picture of the sister, but while praying, I saw someone and later found out it was the sister. The first time I remember having a verified vision was also my first mushroom trip. It could have happened more during my childhood, I don't remember large chunks of it, and then get flashes while doing trance work or on psychedelics, and it's hard to know how much to trust them. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
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I have had weird sort of "psychic" like experiences..but I dont think they fit into the paradigm of remote viewing..for me remote viewing means viewing a place from a distance, such as a building, person etc..I have had many experiences that could be remote viewing of random places around the planet but I just cant verify that that is what it was so I dont speculate too much..what I have had is like impressions that later are verified in reality to the point where I can easily assume there is the possability that some sort of psychic phenomenon was going on. I once left my body and floated above my home and then all around the town I live in. Everything looked the same as it always does and it was night time so that was consistant..I could not verify anything there either and I guess it could have been just a very vivid dream. Long live the unwoke.
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Posts: 29 Joined: 27-Oct-2009 Last visit: 11-Feb-2012 Location: In a swamp
A very good friend of mine learned remote viewing in a course taught by a student of the founder of that program, he worked for the CIA. They still use it today, and have improved it quite a bit.
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Genozid wrote:A very good friend of mine learned remote viewing in a course taught by a student of the founder of that program, he worked for the CIA. They still use it today, and have improved it quite a bit. I assumed they still use it considering how much disinformation is being put out there to discredit it. Thanks for sharing!
 Not I

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I have had one remote viewing like experience that I can recall in recent times. It was actually on mushrooms. One of the visions I saw that night was of a co-worker fighting with his wife. In the vision she throw a cup of some sort and hit him in the face. The next day when I saw my coworker he had a scratch under his right eye with a small bruise. Here's the deal though. I obviously wasn't going to just come right out and ask him what happened. I also wasn't positive that he did not have the mark previously this leading to a self suggested vision. So for this particular instance I have no way to fully convince my self that it was real, but I'll tell you this when I got to work the next day and saw the mark on his face chills ran down my spine. Peace If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
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Posts: 29 Joined: 27-Oct-2009 Last visit: 11-Feb-2012 Location: In a swamp
AlbertKLloyd wrote:Genozid wrote:A very good friend of mine learned remote viewing in a course taught by a student of the founder of that program, he worked for the CIA. They still use it today, and have improved it quite a bit. I assumed they still use it considering how much disinformation is being put out there to discredit it. Thanks for sharing! Yeah the government is really good at that, aren't they? I wonder what else they're hiding from us 
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..according to one of the ex-CIA remote-viewers in the documentary, while operational they often were outsourced to the FBI, although much of their work involved being shown aerial photo maps, and trying to "see inside the bunker.." etc. a number of them now work at or run private investigation agencies utilizing their R.V. training.. be great to get hold of their training manual...