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Shadow People? Options
#1 Posted : 11/10/2011 4:33:44 AM

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Every time I have ever experienced spice I have seen a shadowy silhouette, and many times with L I have heard conversations about him (of course no one was talking about him in this reality but it seemed to me that way at the time). I have also seen him with a group of other shadowy figures. He explains things about my inner self,(sometimes in the key of Prince). The clearest I ever have seen him it startled me when he implied that he wanted me to ask him something, when I didn't he implied that was fine that we would have time to talk again. Many of my close friends have come into contact with him and explained that he told them they shouldn't be attempting to enter that space and that his intent was to harm them. I used to see them quite often in normal reality sneaking around my house and following throughout my day and what not. I was just curious if anyone else knows of theses silhouettes and what anyone can say about them?

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#2 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:34:15 AM
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I've never seen any myself but its quite common for Speed freaks to see them.

I know a couple of friend that have been hooked on Speed for years. I once asked them about the shadow people, and they where surprised that I knew of them. They told me that they get bad vibes off them.

Fair bit of info on the net about them.
#3 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:56:29 AM

"That Guy"

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Shadow people scare the $*!t out of me to be honest. I first noticed them as a child, wandering in the forest on my family's property. I never see them in our reality anymore though, it's usually when I am exiting hyperspace. I'll be just starting to notice our reality again and at that time sometimes I will notice one or more in my peripheral vision or kind of standing right next to me staring at me only a foot away or so... Giving me the heabie jeabies right now just thinking about it.
"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
#4 Posted : 11/10/2011 6:21:39 AM
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Friend of mine told me years ago that the first thing he experience with aya was the shadow people.He went outside and a tall dark human like figure appeared,he wasnt frightened or nothing,he wanted to communicate with them and befriend them but till this day he regrets it.For the next couple of years they kept on terrorizing him.

The shadow people are bad entities,their sole purpose is to to terrify you and feed on your fear,well at least that's his theory.
His best advice is not to make friends with them and not to communicate with them or they may fuck you up to the point where you will want to kill yourself so you dont have to deal with them terrorizing you anymore.

Swim is a figment of your imagination and he's a compulsive liar,thus everything he says is pure lies !
#5 Posted : 11/10/2011 6:31:47 AM

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They are entities just like the machine-elves. They were the first entities I ever encountered in an altered state. They are commonly seen on deliriants, such as benadryl. They have a negative vibe to them, unlike the DMT entities I usually encounter. This is the first I've heard of shadow people encountered on DMT. That scares me because I never have seen them on spice, and I wouldn't want to.
#6 Posted : 11/10/2011 9:04:09 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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I have encountered the shadow people many times now and they have never presented any threat at all. They were the first entities i encountered while on spice journeys and it was quite a suprise to say the least, they tend to just inhabit the space but never interact with me in any way, i have seen them swim underneith me, open doors to look at me but never have they made contact.
I dont feel they are bad in any way, they seem more neutral to me, the jester/clown being (like in the film IT) i once encountered was much more freaky.

So come on folks those shadows aint mean or bad there just miss understood, next time you see one pat him on the head, he will like that.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#7 Posted : 11/10/2011 9:55:21 AM

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I get this feeling of presence off to my sides when I smoalk, not every time but fairly often, the seem to be some sort of 'shadow being' - they never come into my direct field of vision, but can make me feel uneasy at times, but yeah I never interact with entities really, just observe, maybe in future I will try and interact with the nicer ones Pleased
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#8 Posted : 11/10/2011 10:32:21 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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I get this feeling of presence off to my sides when I smoalk

i get something very similar to this. I get 2 crescent shaped spaces in my peripheral vision. I can never look directly into this space, if i try to turn to look at the space it simply moves further away.

I dont have shadow people in this space, but i do have Observers, these are science people, not crazy beings of energy, but normal seeming humanoid figures. They seem to be in a clinical type room and they often have clip boards and are normally in pairs, 1 pair each side. They will come to the point at which there room intersects my reality and watch me for a short while then they will retreat further back in the room only to return to observe at a later date.

They freaked me out to start with but they have never done anything but observe me, so now i let them crack on with there job.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#9 Posted : 11/10/2011 11:30:00 AM

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Purges wrote:
I get this feeling of presence off to my sides when I smoalk,

I get this a lot too. At one point I refused to breakthrough because I would always feel like someone was standing next to me and I couldn't turn to see them. I got very bad vibes (like they were trying to steal pieces of my soul/spirit) I'm not sure what they were doing, but it freaked me out enough enough not to go back for a while.

I see shadow people quite often in my day to day life. It might just be the remnants of the slight HPPD I developed (from waaay to many acid/shroom/mescaline combos) But they just seem to keep to themselves and inhabit a plain of existence very close to ours.

The neutral entities in HS tend to scare me, not because they look scary, but simply because its hard to ascertain what their agenda is, or even if they have one. I prefer the ones who exude love and happiness or have a teacher like prescence, those silly little elves are my favourite though. I crack up just thinking about their antics Very happy


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#10 Posted : 11/10/2011 12:39:51 PM
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From what I can remember, in the book Spiritwalker there is a description of shadow people as encountered by many cultures over time. Can't remember the author's name off hand.
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#11 Posted : 11/10/2011 4:37:04 PM
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Purges wrote:
I get this feeling of presence off to my sides when I smoalk, not every time but fairly often

I have this exact same perception many times as well. There's always a presence to either side of my vision...watching/observing. I don't usually get get a sense of fear by it, just that I'm being observed.

One time I had the sensation that I made a conscious effort to push the field of view in front of me away from me that exposed more of my view to the sides. I had to be careful because if I rushed it the field of view in front of me would distort/collapse....but if I was careful I could actually hold it/do it. It was amazing!

Suddenly this being/entity came rushing up to me from my left side and was scolding me for what I was doing. It was saying (not in words) that I shouldn't be doing that....that I'm not ready yet. I felt like it was an angered school teacher scolding a kindergarten student. Then another being/entity came flying up and began consoling the first one....saying its ok, "she'll" take care of it/me....it/I was "her" responsibility. This being was emulating a lot of light and positive energy. The first one went away then and this new one began saying to me "its ok, you're ok now". "She" then began kissing the left side of my head. I had the sense of a mother type presence.

As for shadow people, I've heard of them before but have never personally witnessed them in any state. I have friends that have seen them though in our normal 3D environment. Some people say the experience them during sleep paralysis and they're sitting on their chests. They say its a horrible experience.

#12 Posted : 11/10/2011 4:55:17 PM

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Tfin that is an awesome report! I love it when people report about their 'special someone' in hyperspace. As in your example you have a female entity coming up to you claiming responsibility for you.

I also have one just like that whom I call Teo. Teo has laid a claim to me somehow, in many ways it feels like he is a hyperdimensional companion who is making sure I get through this life ok. Plus, he is always waiting for me when I cross over (well, not always but that's for another post Smile).

I've seen a shadow person only once, and it appeared as a giant reptile standing on two legs and walked through my wall. Whatever this was startled me, but did not seem threatening at all as it had a message to give me that ended up changing my life for the better. After I understood this message loud and clear, I met Teo and things have been wonderful ever since then. I sort of wonder sometimes if Teo sent the shadow reptile to me to deliver the message to me or if maybe it was him in disguise the whole time who knows?

(As a side note, I talk a lot about my guide here on these forums and the more I do is the more I feel like I have an imaginary friend... like if anyone needed to check on my mental sanity and found these posts I think they'd probably try to lock me up... lol thank god for this community where having an imaginary friend is pretty normal Smile)
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#13 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:08:57 PM
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Yeah, it was an incredible feeling Tek! Unfortunately I've only witnessed/experienced "her" that one time thus far. I certainly hope to again. I sure could of used "her" support during my last go around.

But I don't want to side track the OP thread.
#14 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:21:31 PM

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One of my first experiences with spice involved entities I named sexual shadow people. They were very beautiful dancers, silhouettes of space against beautiful glowing geometry. Some male ones stood around an alternate version of myself laying on the floor just before I met the female dancers.

These were the first entities I ever met. I feel like I have seen them again but can't recall.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#15 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:29:04 PM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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Ive also had experience with a presence in my peripheral, Once in particular it took me Out of my Body and I could see all through my house without even realizing I was sitting on the couch. I could see up stairs, in all the other rooms, from the floor up, ceiling down, any were but from were I was sitting. This Shadow Man is something different to me, he never has seemed like he meant harm, maybe confusion. A friend who also has experience with him said his first time in hyperspace he met him and the shadow told him he shouldn't be there that he shouldn't come back, almost as if he is trying to keep something a secret. He has always been welcoming to me, but even in this reality I have some trust issues so it is quite hard for me to trust a man with no face and no open agenda in hyperspace. Maybe there is a message to that. Also I have seen a Krishna figure almost to the "T". He is also a silhouette, I don't know if he was the same man in a different form or not, he certainly felt different and he had more to teach me as that was one of the most enlightening experiences I have ever had.

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#16 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:30:05 PM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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I used to have extremely lucid dreams of this shadow figure also.

Travel like a king
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Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
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#17 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:37:06 PM

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Odd that you say that, one of these shadow people, a male, spotted me looking in on the scene, turned away from my alternate body on the floor and towards me (the version of me watching)... Then he turned my head away from the scene with his hand as if I wasn't supposed to be looking. That's how I met the dancers after I was distracted. I just didn't care because they were so beautiful.

Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#18 Posted : 11/10/2011 5:46:33 PM

"That Guy"

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Toadfreak1 wrote:
A friend who also has experience with him said his first time in hyperspace he met him and the shadow told him he shouldn't be there that he shouldn't come back, almost as if he is trying to keep something a secret.

I've had this happen, actually a few times.. The first time was my second trip into hyperspace on spice. Its the one reason I have preflight anxiety before I launch now.
"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
#19 Posted : 11/10/2011 6:02:23 PM
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Coastal_Shaman wrote:
Toadfreak1 wrote:
A friend who also has experience with him said his first time in hyperspace he met him and the shadow told him he shouldn't be there that he shouldn't come back, almost as if he is trying to keep something a secret.

I've had this happen, actually a few times.. The first time was my second trip into hyperspace on spice. Its the one reason I have preflight anxiety before I launch now.

You've experienced a shadow being during hyperspace that told you you shouldn't be there and should go back on multiple occasions?

Wow, that is weird. Care to elaborate anymore on that? If not, I understand.
#20 Posted : 11/10/2011 8:44:00 PM

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I encountered a shadow person on my first night smoking DMT. It was just me and him in a large, all black room. I was scared ____less to say the least. The shadow was at first looking down into some hole, and I was watching it from a little ways back. It then looked up at me and motioned for me to come forward. I had no intentions of doing so, but my legs disagreed. With no control of my body I start gliding/floating towards it. When I get close enough and stand next to it. It motioned with its arm to look down into the hole. In it sat all my friends and loved ones at that time in my life, and they were all surrounded in fire. I try to look back up at it, but doing so caused me to jump to another trip. For a long time I did not understand what it had been trying to show me. Were my friends and family going to rot in some hell? Was I the reason they would be there? Why am I being shown this!? Well a few months later, my road of life took a turn that nearly brought me to my knees, and destroyed me as a person. I find out that my girlfriend at the time was cheating on me with one of my closest friends, and numerous others. My friends who I had always tried to do everything for began betraying me one by one. One of them even put my life in danger as well as those that I cared for. My best friend abandoned me when I needed him most for his own selfish reasons, and all that I had loved showed me the consequences for trusting people. Funny thing is I had seen it coming. All those that began to do wrong to me and hurt me. Had been in that hole. Whoever this shadow person is it had been trying to help me.
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