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Nomans with D-limo and Fasa? Options
#1 Posted : 9/22/2011 5:26:58 PM

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Ive read around abit but still am abit confused,

Ive always used nomans/lazymans teks and pulled with heptane and then xylene.

Now i´m waiting for some limo and fumar and wonder if i can just do my usual stb and then pull with limo and fasa it?

Sorry if this is covered somewhere but i´m having problems finding stuff around this part of the forum.

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#2 Posted : 9/22/2011 6:06:48 PM

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Yeah, sounds about right to me.

You definitely need either FASA or FASI cause like xylene you can't freeze precipitate d-limo.
#3 Posted : 9/22/2011 7:21:46 PM

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I have fumaric acid and can get acetone really cheap so noprobs...

So can i expect the "Jungle" to be different from the normal dmt or is this more hype?
#4 Posted : 9/22/2011 9:23:04 PM

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Yeah sure you can do an STB and pull with limo and salt. But nah, FASI precipitates will be just DMT.. Anyways it might very well be that the whole jungle story is much more placebo / self-suggestion than anything else. Burnt showed that there was only a very small amount (3%) of other alkaloids, might not make a very noticeable difference if people did a blind test.
#5 Posted : 9/23/2011 1:09:27 AM

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I had a feeling that most of what is pulled is DMT there's just one thing I don't understand.

The only times I've pulled with xylene and most recently d-limonene I've always salted it out and It always resembles a crystaly looking salt. Pretty much the same as DMT crystals only slightly yellow.

I've never evaporated xylene or have yet to convert my fumarate to freebase.

So what I don't get is why am I always hearing of people getting red/waxy "jungle spice?" Am I missing something? Does it turn red and waxy once its converted or if it's left to evaporate?

Is it not red/waxy because I'm pulling with naptha first before the alternative solvents?

It just seems like to me the "jungle spice" I've pulled in the past looks nothing like the pictures I've seen of other peoples.

It pretty much looks just like regular DMT only in a more crystallized salt form.
I've never pulled anything even close to a red color. Confused

Anybody know why?
#6 Posted : 9/23/2011 8:40:15 AM

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Red and waxy is if you evap the xylene (yuck!) instead of salting, or if you salt with vinegar.. Salting with FASW could also result in red sometimes. A lot of red can be plant oils, which wont form salts when salting with FASA/FASI and therefore wont precipitate (though with vinegar or FASW some of it might migrate to polar acidic layer).
#7 Posted : 9/23/2011 12:14:20 PM

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Good to know. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong somehow.

Thanks endlesness!

Good luck with your d-limo pulls SHroomtroll!
#8 Posted : 9/28/2011 6:02:57 PM

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Do i have to use lime or could i base it with sodium carb? i guess i could get lime but honestly i feel like ive bought to much stuff lately lol.

Here is how i plan to do the tek tell me if something sounds crazy,

1. normal stb with lye,powdered mimosa, water.

2. 2-3pulls with d-limone

3. salt it with Fasa

4. repeat steps 2 and 3 untill nothing comes out.

This should leave me with dmt salts mixed with fumaric acid right? i havent started to read on what to do with this but as i understand i need to get the fumar out and freebase it for smoking.

I will read on how this should be done when i have some time.
#9 Posted : 9/28/2011 6:17:32 PM

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Sounds good to me. I never worked with FASA and limonene, only with FASI and limonene, but I cant see why it wouldnt work.

As for how to convert the dmt fumarates to freebase, just check out BLAB tek, there is a section on this conversion, with the slow water crystallization, I very much recommend that. Good luck!
#10 Posted : 9/29/2011 9:54:27 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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SHroomtroll wrote:
Do i have to use lime or could i base it with sodium carb? i guess i could get lime but honestly i feel like ive bought to much stuff lately lol.

Here is how i plan to do the tek tell me if something sounds crazy,

1. normal stb with lye,powdered mimosa, water.

2. 2-3pulls with d-limone

3. salt it with Fasa

4. repeat steps 2 and 3 untill nothing comes out.

This should leave me with dmt salts mixed with fumaric acid right? i havent started to read on what to do with this but as i understand i need to get the fumar out and freebase it for smoking.

I will read on how this should be done when i have some time.

Shroomtroll, you need to go FASI, i.e. fumaric acid in isopropanol with limonene; Mixing FASA and limonene does not work. For some reason, FASA does not mix with limonene, and forms a distinct layer below the limonene (weird!)

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#11 Posted : 9/29/2011 11:22:03 AM

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There you go, I stand corrected! very interesting inf!! any clue why that is???? Isnt it possible it was just wet acetone and therefore some of the water separated and went to the bottom?
#12 Posted : 9/29/2011 11:37:00 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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endlessness wrote:
There you go, I stand corrected! very interesting inf!! any clue why that is???? Isnt it possible it was just wet acetone and therefore some of the water separated and went to the bottom?

No, it's pretty weird indeed! In SWIM's memory acetone was dry, but even if it wasn't it it wouldn't explain the big amount of FASA (by eye, as much FASA was added was observed sinking to the bottom). It is as if FASA behaves as a liquid in its own respect and since it is heavier than limonene, it sinks below it.

I think this was the reason why FASI was breakthrough; FASA wouldn't work with limomene (hence forcing people who wanted to go FASA to use either xylene or toluene), but FASI does. I am still clueless about the small interesting details as to why things happen as such...

There might be something worth exploring in this peculiarity but nothing comes to mind...SWIM may have the time to practice more when he resumes experimental work with the spice!

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#13 Posted : 9/29/2011 2:17:55 PM

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Wow... You learn something new everyday.

Just one of the many reasons I love The Nexus!
#14 Posted : 9/29/2011 5:03:23 PM

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Well i´m glad i ordered 2liters of ipa together with the limone then.

Damn this limone stuff just gets more and more complicated.
#15 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:32:18 PM

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So ive poured some Fasi in my hopefully saturated limone now eagerly waiting for some xtals crashing out.

Now i´m wondering how much fasi will be needed? the blab tek suggested about 1:1 ratio so that´s how much fasi i made.

Also how long should i expect to wait before anything starts to crash? it´s been a few hours since i started pouring it in and so far nothing has came out, is it because i need to put in more fasi or does it take a few hours?

Edit: Yes some xtals have started to crash out, not much yet but i will elave it for a few days and hope for the best,

Should i keep adding more fasi now when it has started to come out?
#16 Posted : 12/4/2011 8:35:24 PM

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SWIM adds the FASI dropwise until it stops instantly precipitating, and then just a little bit more.
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#17 Posted : 12/4/2011 10:20:51 PM

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Ive had FASI still further crystallizing after 3+ weeks. The longer you have patience to wait, the better. Though I guess in first week or so most would crash out

As ragabr said, add FASI dropwise till it stops cloudying further.

If IPA or container with limo is wet, there will be some dirtier fumarates at the bottom where the water accumulated. This has a bit different alkaloid profile than FASI, as it seems to contains the mimosa b-carboline (2mthbc maybe?) according to some preliminary tests I made (TLC, there was a substance that had UV shine like harmalas with a low Rf in jungle, FASW and the part of FASI that was on the bottom, but not the clean FASI crystallized on the sides of the glass)

An idea I had was to after doing FASI, washing it with FASW to obtain possibly a more concentrated b-carboline salting (but also with other plant impurities as FASW typically has)
#18 Posted : 12/6/2011 11:34:57 AM

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So is there much point using D-Limo then? I just bought a load with some Acetone and fumaric, but now I hear Acetone is a fail?! Lucky I have IPA as well Razz

I will be using Noman's with the extra steps described, can I expect a better yield? D-Limo is less selective I gather. Just seems like a lot of extra hassle unless there is more payout at the end....
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#19 Posted : 2/18/2012 12:48:44 AM

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you can always use fasa with naptha(; i think lol,
if you can bassify in ammononia and extract with dcm why not smoke it?
#20 Posted : 2/19/2012 9:20:33 AM

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I dont think so chemisch, according to what some nexian said (dont remember who.. infundibulum maybe?) when you add FASA to naphtha, the fumaric acid crashes out even if there are no alkaloids.
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