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European Blotters vs American Blotters Options
#1 Posted : 8/30/2010 7:48:16 AM

The Root

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i read of ppl taking 10 stamps - iv had 2.5 once and it was very strong and im a really well seasoned tripper.
i always wondered about it - then i read about some acids being 100ug (american) and some being much more(like 300-450u - europe)
over here we get 300, 400, 450, 500, and 600ug acid.
and liquid etc - but iv never seen anyone walk properly on like more than 3.

just wanting to hear ur guys comments.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/30/2010 11:36:39 AM

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It's not as strong as it used to be but i think thats better. I'd much rather have to take more even if it costs more as it lets me get to exactly where i want to be. But even the liquid i get i dont think was anything close to 300 mics.

Not sure though as i seem to have a higher tolerence than most of my mates to acid but im pretty sure most acid isn't as strong anymore, and i live in the uk too!
No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke
#3 Posted : 8/30/2010 12:12:17 PM

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I have not seen strong acid in the UK for at least a decade. From my understanding max in a dose here is 100ug.

I have also been quite alarmed by people I know doing double figures of doses. I have never taken more than 3 1/2 in a night and that was a rather extreme experience. When we were younger we used to eat quarters and halves but nowadays I find I get very little from a whole one.
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#4 Posted : 8/30/2010 12:36:21 PM

The Root

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yep - same stuff - currently - ppl that want to try acid - most ppl suggest they start on 1/4-1/2 just to get a taste for it.
1/2 - even on me causes nice colorfull visuals and stimulation for a good number of hours.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#5 Posted : 8/30/2010 1:07:50 PM

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It depends highly on batch. Im unfamiliar with american blotters but I've had european acid that must have been significantly less than 100mics and others that must have been 300+mics. The strongest blotters from europe I've had so far have been Sunflower (like 10 years ago), and a particular batch of Mayas (about 4 years ago. Ive had another Maya 3 years ago that was weaker, maybe bad storage, maybe different batch altogether). Hofmann blotters are the most variable, they seem to be the most common print, appearing in a variety of versions and apparently from a variety of producers. Whenever a print gets too famous, its very likely others are using the same print for a different product, so its very possibly not all of the same quality. Talking about a specific blotter only makes sense when its a limited print in a given area/festival circuit, in a given time.

Do note that for most people it would be very hard to know the amounts of acid, because all they depend on is word of mouth about how many mics some acid is. So if one took a blotter the dealer (or friend who gave) 'guaranteed' its X mics, this is still not reliable, no matter how good hearted the person saying that is.. The only two ways of knowing the amount of an acid is having had contact with crystal lsd and dissolving it in a given ratio (but even so, one would still need to consider that no LSD is 100% pure, so to know the mics one need to have at least an idea of purity), or, the real reliable way is having had it tested. Once a person has had at least one experience with a known number of mics, then its like calibrating, and other experiences can be more or less judged in relation to that experience (knowing that set and setting still makes a huge effect). Otherwise its just speculation.

One last thing to mention. Ive heard plenty of times how in USA a lot of the acid is not acid but rather DOx. In an european festival, the erowid crew was testing drugs with chromatography analysis. All the submited supposed acid was, in fact, acid. The only misrepresented psychedelic has been a red star microdot which had been sold marketed as a variety of things including mescaline, but was actually LSD. Also as expected there was fake MDMA and fake cocaine (all of this can be read here: http://www.erowid.org/ge...nference_2008_boom.shtml )

So in europe (at least in that festival, which should be more or less a good indication), the acid sold for the common person was not DOx, but actually real acid. Note that this is not to say that all people from now on should feel completely safe in europe buying any blotter, please be careful people, I advice against buying potentially fake substances from dealers! Be safe!
#6 Posted : 8/30/2010 1:10:28 PM

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When I dropped acid in SA, we would be taking like anything from 1/4 to 1, over a period of say 16hrs we might take 2. Microdots were very strong.

I have had some nice and strong acid here in Europe, especially from the Netherlands. All liquid acid that ive taken has been very weak.
#7 Posted : 8/30/2010 1:21:03 PM

The Root

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so chuffed - i got this sorted out - i was thinking like wow ppl must trip hard.

accidentally i once ate over 70 doses of staunch 1 drop drops u liquid - dont remember much, dont reccomend it either.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#8 Posted : 8/30/2010 3:16:29 PM

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I think it just depends on the batch. I live in the us and my most powerful trip was 7 hits on bible strips and my second most powerful was 2 hits on blotter (little clown design and looked quite professional). The 2 hits wasn't as strong as the 7 but amazingling close for being so much less. I don't know who or where its being made but I've gotten high and low end here in the us.
-Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade

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#9 Posted : 8/30/2010 3:34:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Theoretically, LSD should be the same everywhere. It's too easy to smuggle it across the borders of any nation: you could send millions of doses with a single postcard. I can't belief that LSD availability and quality would therefore differ very much per region.
#10 Posted : 8/30/2010 3:48:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I once had a blotter which put me on my back for several hours and at one point I thought my leg was a hill I could run up. This is one blotter. At the time I figured it wasn't acid.

When I asked the lady who sold it to me beforehand if it was good quality, she started laughing maniacally, then walked away. I swear I was pretty much in DMT territory that day, dancing with robots, dying over and over again, my POV shooting over the horizon and back again, time warping to the extent I felt like I was moving through treacle, then it would speed up and I would push through it and fall down again. Senses I didn't even know I had were being distorted. Damn crazy's in a nutshell. It took me quite some time to recover from that one.

It was definately not the sort of trip I expected off of one blotter. This was in Devon.
#11 Posted : 8/30/2010 4:02:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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soulfood wrote:
I once had a blotter which put me on my back for several hours and at one point I thought my leg was a hill I could run up. This is one blotter. At the time I figured it wasn't acid.

When I asked the lady who sold it to me beforehand if it was good quality, she started laughing maniacally, then walked away. I swear I was pretty much in DMT territory that day, dancing with robots, dying over and over again, my POV shooting over the horizon and back again, time warping to the extent I felt like I was moving through treacle, then it would speed up and I would push through it and fall down again. Senses I didn't even know I had were being distorted. Damn crazy's in a nutshell. It took me quite some time to recover from that one.

It was definately not the sort of trip I expected off of one blotter. This was in Devon.

Yack....that sounds heavy. It's impossible for LSD to cause such effects. Any theories of what it could have been? was it more tryptamine like or more like a phen?
#12 Posted : 8/30/2010 4:52:56 PM

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polytrip wrote:

Yack....that sounds heavy. It's impossible for LSD to cause such effects. Any theories of what it could have been? was it more tryptamine like or more like a phen?

You know, after 20+ LSD trips behind me, I thought the exact same thing as you: LSD doesn't cause ego death or ego death-like experiences as it reaches a saturation point somewhere at 400-800 µg where effects doesn't increase in intensity, only in duration. But only some weeks ago I got 7 drops of what I know to be very pure LSD, and I DID have an ego death. Nothing comparable to DMT or high-dose psilocin, but I did indeed loose briefly contact with my ego and my physical self. It also lasted some 30+ hours, so the saturation point was indeed reached and well beyond.

I think the trick is in giving in to the substance, abandoning hope to stay grounded. As soon as I started thinking about elements concerning myself here and now during that trip, I was able to reach down again from the ego death-like experience. My conclusion is that LSD actually is able to take you very, very far, although in a drastically different way than DMT, psilocin and the like. I think it's all about intention and thought power. Again, I know that this compound was LSD and not anything else.
#13 Posted : 8/30/2010 5:05:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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polytrip wrote:

Yack....that sounds heavy. It's impossible for LSD to cause such effects. Any theories of what it could have been? was it more tryptamine like or more like a phen?

It came on just like LSD. I always get that feeling in my face accompanied with a rising euphoria, trees seem to flutter in that special way, then eventually everything gets a CGI kind of look. Only this time my vision was very susceptible to suggestion. A friend said people look like monkey's and sure enough everyone had a monkey face. I think it was cannabis that triggered the crazier side to that experience, though I've never had that effect with that combo before or since.

I'd say it had more of a tryptamine feel, though my experience with phens is limited to Mescaline and 2cb.
#14 Posted : 8/30/2010 8:07:23 PM
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Evening Glory wrote:
polytrip wrote:

Yack....that sounds heavy. It's impossible for LSD to cause such effects. Any theories of what it could have been? was it more tryptamine like or more like a phen?

You know, after 20+ LSD trips behind me, I thought the exact same thing as you: LSD doesn't cause ego death or ego death-like experiences as it reaches a saturation point somewhere at 400-800 µg where effects doesn't increase in intensity, only in duration. But only some weeks ago I got 7 drops of what I know to be very pure LSD, and I DID have an ego death. Nothing comparable to DMT or high-dose psilocin, but I did indeed loose briefly contact with my ego and my physical self. It also lasted some 30+ hours, so the saturation point was indeed reached and well beyond.

I think the trick is in giving in to the substance, abandoning hope to stay grounded. As soon as I started thinking about elements concerning myself here and now during that trip, I was able to reach down again from the ego death-like experience. My conclusion is that LSD actually is able to take you very, very far, although in a drastically different way than DMT, psilocin and the like. I think it's all about intention and thought power. Again, I know that this compound was LSD and not anything else.

Yeah, i know what LSD is capable of, believe me. But soulfoods description sounds almost like a delirium..thinking your own leg is a hill you can run up and such. LSD can cause many weird sensations, but this sort of total disconnectedness with your own body and loss of any sense of reality. I had moments on acid, that i was just lying on a coach, not able to say a word or even think a coherent sentence so there goes your ego then. But soulfoods description sounds like way beyond that stage. I also don't think the cannabis can be responsible for it because LSD tends to keep you sort of 'awake' when you take cannabis and therefore synergizes very well with it.

On the other hand we had a guy here who started having DMT-experiences triggered by heroïn, so i guess weird things just happen sometimes.
I once started having real hallucinations after the dentist gave me a local anastheatic, so strange reactions to substances don't realy surprise me thát much either.
#15 Posted : 8/30/2010 8:27:49 PM

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the potency seems to fluctuates greatly from one batch to the next, many times quite a bit so, i think it really depends what market the maker is aiming for, some are made very strong and some are like lsd-lite comparatively, it really just depends...

i have had some that on two drops i was feeling it within 15min and experiencing complete ego death/oceanic experience within an hour or 2 for hours and hours, and some that i could eat 4 tabs and just be buzzing with visuals and witty banter for hours on end....

i think the ave. good quality blotter hits have aprox. 200-300mics on em....

some ppl like to trip hard and have higher tolerance, they roll with the high potency stuff thats like 400 to 600+mics per drop/hit, you really dont need more than a couple of those, but that stuffs not really "sold" and it seems is far less common, but its out there so watch out kids....Wink

It seems some is made lite-er for the less experienced markets or is watered down, if you have to eat like 4-7 to get anywhere on no tolerance, thats the light stuff (light is nice some times though)....

but if you have dosed the day before you will have a huge tolerance and will have to eat a lot more to get good effects, and even then it tends to lack the magic of the night before, and imo. a waste of good blotter, better to wait a week before you dose again.... but to each there own....

---know and trust your dealer...its nice to know somewhat what your getting into beforehand--

soulfood wrote:
I swear I was pretty much in DMT territory that day, dancing with robots, dying over and over again, my POV shooting over the horizon and back again, time warping to the extent I felt like I was moving through treacle, then it would speed up and I would push through it and fall down again. Senses I didn't even know I had were being distorted. Damn crazy's in a nutshell.

that sounds quite like a few high dose experiences iv had.....Wink LSD is capable of bringing you to some very outthere full on visionary states quite comparable to DMT states
Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#16 Posted : 8/31/2010 3:54:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I haven't had a chance to read through this entire discussion, but a few things I wonder off the bat,

Can someone provide links/info regarding blotter that has been found to be 600µg in recent time?

When you guys say you've experienced LSD that was surely 300µg+ what are you basing that off of? Have you ever gotten your blotter tested? What is your frame of reference? Comparing it to seemingly weaker "LSD" doesn't seem like a reliable method to me.
#17 Posted : 8/31/2010 4:06:29 AM

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yep thats basically what I was arguing too...

Either you had it analytically tested at least once and have 'calibrated' your own subjective effects by knowing what are the effects of a certain dosage, or you're up enough in the ladder to have dissolved your own crystal acid in a certain dilution ratio and know how much you're taking because you made your own drops or blotter. Most people are in neither position so claiming microgram numbers is usually big supposition and/or belief in dealer talk (which can of course be very much mistaken, even if the dealer has the best intentions and is generally trustable)
#18 Posted : 8/31/2010 11:49:11 AM

The Root

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a friend puts the xtals on - so its really 600ug - price varies alot too.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#19 Posted : 8/31/2010 7:06:49 PM

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First time i took acid was in Belgium. 6 drops of liquid took me further then i ever was (expect DMT off course). That was definatly acid.
Now i live in Germany and i have a source of Rolling Stones, with the typical red tongue on it, and i like them. It's a very clean experience and 1 and a half provides a decent trip. Two would be perfect, without being overwelming for me, but still strong, i think.
Big Inhale
#20 Posted : 9/1/2010 3:27:38 PM

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polytrip wrote:
soulfood wrote:
I once had a blotter which put me on my back for several hours and at one point I thought my leg was a hill I could run up. This is one blotter. At the time I figured it wasn't acid.

When I asked the lady who sold it to me beforehand if it was good quality, she started laughing maniacally, then walked away. I swear I was pretty much in DMT territory that day, dancing with robots, dying over and over again, my POV shooting over the horizon and back again, time warping to the extent I felt like I was moving through treacle, then it would speed up and I would push through it and fall down again. Senses I didn't even know I had were being distorted. Damn crazy's in a nutshell. It took me quite some time to recover from that one.

It was definately not the sort of trip I expected off of one blotter. This was in Devon.

Yack....that sounds heavy. It's impossible for LSD to cause such effects. Any theories of what it could have been? was it more tryptamine like or more like a phen?
I have to disagree with you on this poly. My strongest experience on lsd wasnt quite as crazy as soulfoods bit it was close. Four hits of some paper called cream it was white with a purple line. I ended up becoming god and becoming animals while in a dream like state having very extreme visuals.
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