DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
what i did: 1.5 kilos of MHRB added to basified ethanol(250mlh20+25-30gNAOH+ 2.5L96% ethanol) left to steep for 48 hrs filtered and dried ground and disolved in hot H2o STB with ether for nps
Result: 1/4 gram of eerie green BAD-SMELLING(maybe)dmt....the green is the green of the acid phase of an A/B extraction
where did i go wrong?????....how could i recover some of this? i still have everything...could it be not basic enough? and the green is the fat?....could it have been bad alchol?...says it was not denaturalized
anybody ever hear of MHRB without alkaloids????
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 940 Joined: 24-Aug-2009 Last visit: 05-Jun-2015
Are you serious? You burn 1.5 kilos of Mimosa for experimenting? I don't get it. Maybe try to reuse your leftover mimosa and extract again. Just read on the wiki-page of dmt-nexus about teks and methods about extracting spice! elusive illusion
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2240 Joined: 20-Oct-2009 Last visit: 23-Feb-2023 Location: PNW SWWA
Did you have a specific tek you were attempting to follow? If so what was that? I think some one might be able to help you better if they knew what you were attempting to do? Using one of a couple different teks I could have gotten close to 20 grams with that ammount of bark. Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1760 Joined: 28-May-2009 Last visit: 10-Oct-2024
Oh man! Never try extracting such a large amount if you aren't very experienced with extractions. Start off with 50g-100g just to get a feel of the process and to see what could potentially cause problems. Green spice sounds wrong. Could you explain what you did in a bit more detailed? Some of the chemists on this site will most likely be able to help you out. When an extraction goes wrong, as long as you have not thrown anything out, you can usually recover it. Good luck, buddy 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4591 Joined: 29-Jan-2009 Last visit: 24-Jan-2024
Where the heck did you come by your instructions? That sounds nothing like any of the many established teks available around here.
 illudium Q-36
Posts: 861 Joined: 09-Jul-2009 Last visit: 28-Nov-2024 Location: uranus
do NOT rub any of that goo on your body All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
are you fucking kidding me....this is the cake-method down to the letter....the same one i have been using for quite some time now with exceptional results....with a change from methanol to ethanol
the only difference is that i had been useing meoh(methanol)but some fucknut stole a set of pipettes from the lab so they confiscated all the extra keys...so i had to buy a different alchol the NAOH was from the lab...100%pure....tried and true through at leat ten extractions....no problem there the ether too
the only difference i saw in the process was that previously the filtered syrup was jet black but this time it was muddy red/brown
the alchol said 96% etilico alchol(spanish)...ethanol according to wikipedia..and approved by the author of the cake method.....it specifically said that it had not been denatured and passed the taste test as that it wasnt bitter UPDATE did a second pull with equal results
i would like to say that i hve alot of experience and have never had any problem i cant solve with extractions and am more than competent with my lab skills
i have a few theroies....1 mislabled alchol...as that it's the only variant it must be the root of the problem 2 its not basified for some reason and is still in its acid form and i just washed off the fat...highly unlikely as that i did basify with lab grade naoh 3 the author of this tec fuck up when he said you could use ethanol....everclear 4 the MHRB was of the worst quality
the point isnt that i fucked up....obvious by my results....but where? and how do i fix it as that i havent thrown anything away
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4591 Joined: 29-Jan-2009 Last visit: 24-Jan-2024
I'm not at all familiar with the cake method, sorry. Never even seen it discussed here.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2240 Joined: 20-Oct-2009 Last visit: 23-Feb-2023 Location: PNW SWWA
I'm not familliar with the tek. I have a question though? If it worked good with methanol the why on earth did you change the main ingredient to ethanol? I dont know Dood, my pet spider monkey says BAD MOVE DOOD Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
this is a copy of the body of the cake method
The Cake Method
This has proven to be the most useful technique yet for those who wish to extract large amounts of MHRB in a single extraction. It is known as the "Cake Method" because it utilizes alcohol, which is usually overlooked in dmt extraction, to form a concentrated "cake" of tryptamine goodness. This cake still needs further refining before use , however it DRASTICALLY reduces both the time and effort required as well the amount of materials needed to perform the extractions. Even though you are adding an extra "ingredient", things will usually add up cheaper, especially with really large extractions.
Also there are a variety of ways that the advanced worker could alter this method for a VAST array of results. For instance one could add a step with acetone (see below for the very interesting process) after the cake was made to yeild a super potent concentrate that could be smoked for effect or easily salted for alternate ingestion. The implications for long term storage here are phenomenal. One could extract 20+ pds. of bark and store it as a salted cake, basically looking like an off red brick of once molten sugar. One could create through a variety of means here, an assortment of long term storage methods. Keeping their spice safe and secure for years to come. Better still, it is now much easier for a person to buy up and work up large amounts of bark "REALLY" insuring their spice flow for years to come. Who knows when the common gateways to our sacred tryptamines will be closed.
Lets say you want to do an acid base extraction and you have 10 pounds of bark. There is no need to work it up a half a pound or a pound at a time... using dozens of jars. No need to waste pounds of lye basifying a 5 gallon jar of liquid. Imagine snowing 15-50 or more grams of DMT in a single freeze precipitation, in one jar , with ONE PULL! Yes , one pull. It most certainly is possible and here is how it works.
This method was crafted using powdered bark. It would work with shredded bark but "soak" times need to be atleast doubled, depending on the particle size of the bark. This "soak" consists of covering the powdered bark in the alcohol, making sure it is completely saturated , then adding an inch or two above it for good luck. ( I know that statement is rather generic however the author does not participate in the manufacture of illicit drugs, he merely writes about them... so he had no way to judge exact measurements.) Suffice to say that if you completely saturate the powder, and then add 1/2 that amount again.... its a safe bet that you used enough. However if using 70% or weaker alcohol, one would ofcourse have to add about 1/3 more than if say 99% was used.
The type of alcohol here can be variable. Methanol here is preffered "theoretically," by the author of this tek, although both Ethyl and Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) will work. Note that if using Methyl alcohol, one should always make sure it is completely evaporated before any kind of ingestion because it is toxic, however it does not pose a problem with this tek. Also, with any of the alcohols the more water content, the longer the wait for evaporation. (One could evap only the alcohol and extract the remaining goo without waiting for the remaining water to evap.) The advanced worker will understand ways to greatly increase evap times and even recycle the alcohols.
This mixture of bark and alcohol is placed on low-med heat. Enough so that the mixture is kept very hot but never reaches boiling point. This container is prefferably covered to reduce evaporation of the alcohol. This mixture is allowed to sit with frequent and vigorous stirring for the course of two hours. At the end of the two hours the mixture is strained, the bark either discarded or saved for future experimentation, and the mixture goes back into the pot (or into the fridge for cold water filtration to make it even cleaner, this is if you are going for the acetone mined spice) and placed on sub boiling heat to be evaporated. A small desk fan can be used here to greatly speed up this proccess.
It was found that with 99%+, regardless of the type of alcohol ( meoh, etoh, and ipa ) that one "soak" brought out over 90 % of the alkaloids. The alcohol should be made heavily basic (koh, NaOH, but weaker bases could work) to a high ph of atleast 12+ . This makes the process efficient enough to do one "soak" and leave it at that, even further cutting the amount of labour involved!
After a few hours , (obviously the more liquid you have, the longer it takes) you are down to a thick, dark red, goo layer in the bottom. Regardless of the grade of alcohol used , as soon as there is no longer any residual odor of alcohol remaining, then it is time to remove the mixture from heat. The small fan is kept atop the pan to cool and aid in hardening of the "cake." If an inferior weaker percentage alcohol was used then this goo will take much longer to harden, as it still contains some water. Either way, if you plan to proceed with the extraction... there is no need to wait for the cake to harden. Once the alcohol has evapped you may proceed with the extraction.
Success!!! We now have a MHRB cake ready for storage or further refining. This can now be placed in a single small jar, dissolved in a minimum of water.... and extracted with a non polar solvent. HERE IS ANOTHER GREAT THING ABOUT THIS METHOD - If using either Naptha or Ether (non-petroleum ether), upon addition of the solvent to the basified mixture, the solvent will immediatly cloud because it will become saturated (can hold no more dmt). This means you can slowly add solvent until the moment it goes clear and stops being cloudy. THIS TELLS YOU TO THE ML. EXACTLY HOW MUCH SOLVENT TO USE!!!! Stick that solvent in the freezer and watch it snow like an antarctic blizzard!!!
There are two ways to proceed with this operation. 1. The alcohol is made basic at the start of the operation. This yeilds a freebase cake. If performing a traditional nps defat, then you may want to go with option 2. Acidify the alcohol from the very start. This yeilds a salted cake ready for an NPS defat. Basification of the alcohol at the start seems to be the best way to go. The yeilds and results mentioned above , the "steep" that pulls 90% + was with basic alcohol. An acidic phase was not tested quantitively (sp)? It should be just as effective however the steep time may need to be somewhat increased.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
as for why.....i alredy told you....some ass stole a set of pipettes from the lab and they restricted access
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 157 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 15-Apr-2018
evap the alcohol and see if it leaves a residue. When Injustice Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty
Posts: 811 Joined: 28-Nov-2009 Last visit: 28-Jun-2023
Uncle Knucles wrote:I'm not at all familiar with the cake method, sorry. Never even seen it discussed here. https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=9666
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
that's the thing...i did evap the alchol and it left a cake...i disolved the cake and added ether....the problem is that i didnt get anything worth mentioning...it(the reaction) in all ways behaved in all the expected way except for the general absence of spice
Update i did smoke a little of the off color spice without and bad effects but it was only minimally psychedelic....my theroy is that it is from the small amount of basified water that the mix required...and lots of jungle
as of now i'm preparing to do a stb on the now drying previously-extracted bark...my theory is that the alchol was most definatly inferior...and it(the dmt) should still be there(in the bark) if it wasnt in the cake....you never can tell what bullshit they'll do in mexico to make a peso or two
 illudium Q-36
Posts: 861 Joined: 09-Jul-2009 Last visit: 28-Nov-2024 Location: uranus
I think he meant for you to evap some of your clean unused solvent and see if it leaves any residue... in case it is the source of the green goo you described. There have been many odd colored goo results posted on this forum since I've been around... the odd colored goo usually ends up being tracked down to impurities or additives to the solvent. An example would be the anti-rust compounds added to camping fuels. I think that Heretic was just trying to help you find the source of your dismay. You could also lookup a MSDS for the ethanol and see if it lists any funky compounds. BTW: When you do your next cake style extraction could you please take pictures of the whole process. I would appreciate it greatly, as would many who have been interested in trying this tek. All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
i will do that....un fortunaly i have another batch of 1/2 kilo brewing at the same time and will have to deal with this problem a second time...(and i will photo journal the whole process...i assure everyone that the cake method with methanol is perfectly legit and too simple....i like it alot....you can see some pics of some of my experiments on the cakemethod thread though they were posted by a different user
i must say that i'm completly confused as to why it didnt work
the spice migrated from wierd green to tan brown but doesnt crystalize...i did smoke a little and it was like dmt light
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 24 Joined: 03-Jun-2010 Last visit: 14-Mar-2016 Location: EVRYWER
Quote:the only difference i saw in the process was that previously the filtered syrup was jet black but this time it was muddy red/brown Im no chemist, but could a red color instead of jet black signify it wasnt basified enough?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
"Im no chemist, but could a red color instead of jet black signify it wasnt basified enough?"
that's what i was thinking as i was a little skimpy on the lye bc it was the last of what i had from the lab....i'm going to try to rebasify and see if i get something from that
on another note...i went back and dried the already"spent"mhrb and mixed according to nomans stb tec....i'm waiting for the naoh reaction to cool down before adding ether bc hot syrup will make ether boil and go away very fast.....BUT is it really not necessary to filter after making the sludge fom rootbark, naoh, and h2o???
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
a couple of pics... the white bowl with the blue ring is the first wash....if it were going to crystalize, i already would have started by now... the bowl with the blue ring and floral pattern is the 2nd...i smoked a little of this and it was like dmt light but no bad effects except for an off taste .the blue bowl is from the second cake i made from a previous extraction(i have another post asking why it's so dark and tastes weird....but it is very crystalized) and the floral bowl is the ether drying off the stb wash of the spent bark....it came out pretty orange and was good....should crystalize soon....the weird thing is that it's usually darker due to the jungle content extracted by the ether....i wonder if the jungle was extracted by the alcohol wash mothballz attached the following image(s):  DSC00219.JPG (3,579kb) downloaded 283 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 36 Joined: 27-Apr-2010 Last visit: 15-Dec-2012 Location: deep in the heart of the jungle
i think this problem has been solved....i basified the cake that didnt yeild and got results....not what i'd been expecting for but good enough....i got what is about 6 grams and another 2.5 from the stb i did on the spent rootbark i'm sill short but its better than nothing i think thae first wash was almost wholey fats the second carried a little more dmt bc it sat longer and it was slightly basic i did a third wash that yeildes about 3 grams after basifying a4th yeilded another 3
lesson learned....dont skimp with the lye on alcohol wash