skinwalker wrote:What is your experience with "the eye"?
Cool, this is a most inspiring arch-typical visionary phenomenon. The very first time I imbibed of LSD-25, I had this vision and it was the first thing I drew when I sat down with pen and paper. Under the spell of DMT, over 33 year later, this was extremely prevalent and all pervasive! It sometimes appears as if there are millions of these eyes, superimposed over our visual picture of the real world. It is even more intense on the inside, with less competition with the known objects of the physical senses.
It seems to had a profound meaning and I immediately had the sense that it was a very special eye, indeed, through which for the individual sees the Indivisible. Most of us are familiar with the symbolic image of the "All Seeing Eye" at the top of the proverbial pyramid. As
Gamereaper elucidated, it's right on the back of the US one dollar bill, as the Founding Fathers were all Free Masons. I believe it is of paramount importance that you understand that this eye shouldn't frighten you in any way, for it is the eye of your own mind, after all. One of it's many nicknames is the "Mind's Eye". Essentially, it is the Omnipotent-eye of the soul and whose visualization has the reputation for ushering in the gift of an undifferentiated state of consciousness, by which perceptions of the everythingness of this interconnected cosmos we find ourselves residing within.
As we understand the impact of this fascinating symbol, we approach a level of intuition, by which we comprehend the message our mind is sending us. The representation this image imparts to us is that of but
One Eye. An individual eye which perceives of the non duality of the spiritual? All signs point to a greater purpose for this visual orb. It has been inferred that this one eye sees into planes of awareness which fall light years beyond our understanding of self, other and God. It is completely natural to have this experience and nothing to terrify you, friend. That being said, it probably should frighten your ego and it's fixation on the constructs of the rational mind.
By conceptualizing the image of a seated human form as a pyramid, sitting cross-legged in a lotus posture, this eye situates itself near the top of the pyramid, about where our forehead is located. So, it can be viewed as the "third eye" or as I prefer to think of it as, the
Singular Eye. One can note this symbolism in the image of the Buddha and many other manifestations of Eastern artwork. This may seem illogical but it is described by innumerable spiritual seekers, shamans and psychonauts, alike... beyond the fringes of the rational mind and material reality.
This logic driven head-set is necessary to function in the world of 3-dimensional existence, for a relative certainty. All of our sensory organs transmit data, which we translate into a working set of symbolic meanings and conceptions of the known. These self-projected associations we hold on to dearly, as reality, weave a cohesive fabric of familiarity and a sense of order and substance.
All Seeing Eye creates another set of parameters to our perception of visual awareness. When the centers within the human brain, which are most responsible for visions and imagination are stimulated by psychedelic substances, it is not uncommon to have this vision of the human eye or for than matter, any eye. Why is this? I would suggest it is because the eye is the most significant receptor we have for recognizing light & darkness, form & substance; the perception of space and dimension. Because we conceive of all eyes as material preceptory lenses, essentially visual orbs of the known universe, the imaginary aspect of human awareness will project these characteristics upon this
All Seeing Eye. That is, complete with eyelids, eyelashes, a pupil and an iris.
All Knowing Eye is essentially, a unique visionary receptor, as it sees on levels which the two physical eyes are not able to. It pierces through the illusion of duality. I prefer to refer to this phenomenon as the
Singular Eye and believe, as many do, that it is manifesting within the consciousness by it's symbiotic interrelationship with the pineal gland. Regardless of whether this is fact or fiction, it is well documented that we often perceive of the eye or multiples of eyes, while undergoing an intense psychedelic trip.
I playfully disagree that it is merely a manifestation of the subconscious or unconscious mind. I feel it has it's origins in the
supraconscious frequency of human thought, which Sri Aurobindo alludes to in his writings. It is interpreted through the unconscious mind to resembles a visual image which is more accessible to our association-driven minds. by intentionally stripping this image of familiarity, we see it in other ways. Ways in which it's appearance is modified to a far more primal form. A brilliant point of light, like unto a million suns, compressed into an axiom of formless, Divine energy.
One of the most profound experiences I regularly have, in regards to this highly visionary state of mind, is when I center my focus to the point within the center of my forehead and isolate this eye INTERNALLY. By seizing the moment and attuning to this single point, the image of a physical eye transmutes into a more holographic representation of an eye. All it's appearances transform into pure energy and it appears to morph into a more nebulous definition; an energy form with no human counterpart. By this I mean that it stops looking like an, isolated, single physical eye and appears quite a bit more like a radiating portal of light energy. Much like viewing a star which is gradually becoming more and more blinding, as it transmits the clear light of pure awareness to the subjectivity of the witness.
I would advise you to gradually become acquainted with this eye, through regular sitting meditation. This will incrementally create a personal comfort-zone, psychologically, therefore fostering an association and symbiosis with the region of this all-knowing eye. I personally believe it is a lens, by which we perceive the Light of universal consciousness and I hardly alone in this belief. Frankly, it is as much an anatomical part of the human entity, as the physical eyes, nose or the tongue. What makes this sensory receptor unique is that it interprets information that exists in the non-physical universe. As a lens and receptor of specific data, the opening of this eye becomes an ego-shattering experience. :idea:
I have found, back in the days when I saw this eye as having an appearance similar to that of a material eye, that by focusing on this singular eye, one becomes drawn deeper into this unearthly phenomenon. You see, many believe it is a part of our psychic anatomy and is independent from our mental associations and mental propensity for symbols and familiar imagery. In other words, it exists whether we unconsciously cloak it in symbolism or not. Philosophically, the same can be said of almost everything we know of and perceive. Remove the lines by which we define ideas and all is formless energy.
In terms of transcendental personal experiences, it is could be seen as a welcome mat of sorts, inviting you through the doorway of your soul into infinity. An invitation from ourselves sent to ourselves. I don't mean to sound trivial about this powerful experience but it really seems to be just that way. "Hey, look over this way. Come on in and see the light." This apparition truly seems to invites us to look through it's lens.
As an analogy, picture yourself having a vision of a telescope or a microscope, right in the center of your head. If one observes the telescope or microscope from a separate/distant vantage point (awestruck by the vision), one might miss the unique opportunity to look through the telescope and see through it's lens. IMO, this is, in and of itself, a definitive stage of spiritual growth you are undergoing.
Would it not be most worthwhile to look through this very eye and directly SEE what it sees, therefore, know what it knows? After all, it is a spiritual device created by which we might see
something else entirely, even as our organic physical eyes see this material earthly plane. What we see through it the the provenance of this special visual orb and largely falls outside of what can be accurately expressed with language, as it is the territory of our soul. The soul knows no dialog... but the one word.
When the mind focuses on the material orbs themselves and not that which these orbs transmits to the mind, the visual potential is compromised by degrees of focus. You know, just look in the mirror and stare at one of your own eyes. You see the orb in your reflection with the very same orb. So too, it is the much case with the third eye or all seeing eye. Our mind projects it before the mirror of our subjectivity, cloaked in the garb of a symbolic representation of sentient human perception.
As this psychic eye has the characteristics on the physical eye, it can be utilized to see into other levels of
reality, far beyond and within the confines of material polarity. This suggests an intentional merging with this visual device. By conjoining one's awareness upon such a point of concentration, it becomes possible to SEE what our physical pair of eyes cannot. Become aware that it is your very OWN mind's eye. Use your eye to see beyond the illusion of time, space and the boundaries of the isolated self. Rejoice in this apparition, as it truly is a gift from your Omniself to your sentient, mortal self!
Peace, love & light There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.