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The First Time You Dropped LSD Options
#1 Posted : 4/2/2010 6:30:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm curious about other's first time experiences with LSD - how it affected you, what insights you received, fun or crazy experiences, did it change your life or personality, and so on.

I can't imagine never having taken LSD. It is such a profound experience, throwing off the normal constraints of consciousness, opening up your mind to new vistas, that I think I would have been a very different person if I had never dosed. Now I was never a big acid head; I have only dropped 4 times all together, and I doubt the 4th time was even LSD. Lot's of shrooms, but what I lack in quantity of LSD experience, I make up for in quality. That first dose of LSD changed my the course of my life - for the better.

I was 18, and had held off until then because I wanted to be on my own, out of high school, and plus all the stuff I had read on it recommended waiting until you were at least 18 to trip. At 43, I would now recommend waiting until 21, but hey, I was young. There was some real good acid going around at the time, people were raving about it, and I was friends with the girlfriend of the major local distributor. She introduced me, and he pulled out what must have been 100 sheets. I only bought 2 hits of this "4-way", and I'm guessing they were 100 mic doses, but that is conservative, as my more cautious friend Danny tripped balls on his half-hit. I took the other 1.5 hits, dosing on the way back to my rental house by placing it under my tongue until the blotter dissolved. Just a few minutes after I dosed, almost back to my house, I looked at the fog in the rear view mirror. It shone with ambient light, the halogen street lamps illuminating the fog in a soft, mysterious fashion. A slight twinge, a first alert; a sense of excitement, of anticipation, of a mystery about to unfold, set the tone for this dark and enigmatic November night. It was a profound and wonderful feeling, and was to only grow as the evening progressed.

I got back to my house, and my best friend and roommate Danny dosed as soon as I arrived. Jerry and Paul were on their way, and were trip-sitting and driving; we had planned this for a couple of weeks. When they arrived, we all packed into Jerry's car, and headed into town to a party that was happening. We didn't really start to come up until the party, but then it started hitting hard. I felt like I was strapped to a rocket ship, taking off. OEVs started manifesting on the wall, kaleidoscope patterns of incredible detail in the texture of the paint. When I stood up and touched one, the point where my finger made contact caused ripples in the pattern. How cool.

I sat back down, and now I was really coming on. Just then, a girl I liked, who had just broken up with her boyfriend, sat next to me on the couch and started flirting with me! Just as I'm starting to peak! I'm trying to be cool, but in the middle of my head, I am having this incredible experience of feeling my consciousness expand to the size of the house, with myself in the middle of my consciousness, wearing this incredible Shining Knight's Armor and holding a Flaming Sword of Truth! I am totally in the middle of my head, in this amazing vision of myself, this incredible self-esteem boost, this sense that anything was possible for me, that I was invincible: not in a literal, stand-in-front-of-cars sense, but in the sense that I was far more powerful than I knew, that I had unseen strength just waiting to manifest - that I could take charge of my own life and be master of my own destiny.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, this hot earth girl is still trying to chat with me, and not only am I trying to stay cool while having this mind-blowing experience, but I'm also a step back observing myself, having this incredible head trip while trying to stay cool and chat with this girl! It's like my ego split into three components - the observer, the head trip, and the trying to have a casual conversation all at the same time. Danny, meanwhile, sees all this, and he starts laughing. I, too, then proceed to split into 4 instead of 3, observing myself observing myself with all of the above from Danny's perspective too. It was fucking nuts! We gave up trying to be cool and hip and decided to leave the party, way to much energy, way to much was happening.

As soon as we were back in the car, we started laughing uncontrollably. We gazed out the rear window, and the road looked like a cartoon. It was hilarious and amazing, just watching the road weave through the darkness in the middle of the night, though how I could see so much of the road from the illumination of the tail lights I'm not quite sure. We ended up going to Alan's house. Alan was a chicken farmer, and he was the proud caretaker of several thousand chickens. We entered the barn, and the cacophony of all those chickens in cages was just nuts. We proceeded to gather eggs, and found great enjoyment of abusing said chickens with their own eggs by throwing eggs at chickens. Not how I would trip today, but I was 18, and was very, very high on LSD.

The rest of the evening was a whirlwind of excitement and hilarity, until I ended up back at my home around 3 or 4 in the morning. I simply sat in the living room, with a big grin on my face, as the OEVs of crackling electrical currents filled the air and space of both the living room and my head.

LSD is very much a head trip in a way that shrooms are not. There wasn't any great spiritual awakening, but their was a profound psychological awakening. That vision of myself as a powerful knight in armor stuck with me, and I have accomplished much more in life up to this point than I think I would have without that tremendous gift of self-confidence that vision inspired. It was like being on a roller coaster that only went higher and higher. I did find, however, that the "fry" afterwords was not as much to my liking as the gentle after-glow of mushrooms. Definitely a very different class of drug than the natural hallucinogens, and not something I was desirous of doing often. LSD is truly amazing, but it is like the difference between taking an F-15 ride or even launching into space, versus spending time hiking to a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. A very different class of experience.

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 4/2/2010 9:01:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is Steve Jobs isn't it! I knew it! Now I know why all of your products are encased in shiny armor! Laughing
Throwing eggs at chickens?!Shocked I could never think of disturbing an animal in that way while on acid. But I understand that things happen.

Great report though! I can relate. I never liked the parties on acid, and when women approached me I was a confused, nervous, babbling idiot. Embarrased

My first trip was pretty amazing too. I was either 14 or 15, and it was a warm summer night. It was purple, 4-way Windowpane. My buddy and I were going to divide it up and test the waters, but trying to cut it up with a pocket knife on the sidewalk seemed too difficult, so we ended up just eating a hit of 4-way each. This must have been very, very pure acid and combined with it being our first time (our bodies didn't know what to expect) it took nearly 2hrs to come on.

We met this trippy old hippy dude that was drinking a 40ozer and walking home from his job as a projectionist at the local theater. We hung with him for about an hour, listening to his crazy old stories, him showing us the "seas" of the moon, and all the while telling us we were probably on mescaline, cuz "you can't find LSD anymore". He was mistaken. We hung with him until he got to his house, and went inside. My friend and I looked at each other asking "what to do now"? I said I'm going to lay down on the sidewalk. I laid down and looked up at the clouds, and suddenly realized how spectacular this chemical was. The clouds were multi-colored and spinning around as kaleidoscopes in the sky. Things got heavier and heavier by the minute.

We went to a chick friends house to tap on her window and bring her out with us, but the mesh-work web of hallucinations would not allow us to see what was real, solid matter, so we stumbled around a bit trying to climb onto her roof to get to her window w/o waking her parents. It got to be much too big of a deal, so we gave up and roamed the neighborhood drooling at the spectacular beauty of fully bloomed cherry blossoms, crazy evergreen Dr. Seuss trees, barkless dogs, etc.

At one point the cops drove through the neighborhood and saw us, a rush of fear and adrenalin welled up inside of us, and we took off running. We found a bush to hide behind while the cop spotlighted around us. With every panting breath, and every pounding heart beat, I was blasting colors and energy out 10 feet from my body. Fortunately I could only see that, and the cop could not.Laughing Once the cop drove on, we took off running. We ran behind a fence that had spaces between the boards, and a street light was shining through from the other side. As soon as we got on the side of the fence it was like Zebra stripes everywhere! We had stumbled into Zebra territory!!! It took us a minute to figure out what was really going on.

I had lost complete track of time and was getting concerned that it was approaching morning, and our parents would be getting us up for school soon. My friend kept pointing out the moon and telling me "look where the moon is. It's not late yet, maybe midnight." Alas, he could not convince me otherwise, so I picked up a golf ball sized flat rock with a nice little thumb dent in it. I told him "This is my rock of reality. If things get too intense I'll just squeeze this rock and it will ground me". Right as I said that, the rock felt as if it melted away in my hand...Confused So much for my "Rock of Reality"! I kept the rock anyhow, and I still have it today. Smile

After that we split ways and went home. I crawled back into my window (VERY difficult in my state of mind BTW), and snuggled into bed (it was like 2:00am. He was right). The next few hours were some of the most powerful LSD trip sessions to date. I was looking at all the trees and shrubs out my window, and they were doing GLORIOUS things. I was in absolute bliss and awe.

At about 6:00 in the morning my mom got up and turned the light on outside my door. The light came in under the door and my carpet was a bubbling tar pit of carpet. I could see the bubbles boil up and pop, and small drops of liquid carpet drip back down into the pool, leaving ripples when they landed.

I proceeded to make LSD my drug of choice for another couple of years, taking it quite frequently, weekly or more on average. From that first trip I've been able to make walls, carpet, floors, tables, you name it, layer and breathe and move on command. I knew that something in my brain had been shifted, but I think it was merely my powers of perception.

Lastly - to answer your question, my view on the world, the universe, and consciousness as whole was ripped WIDE open. I think I became a better person from that first experience.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#3 Posted : 4/2/2010 10:07:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM's can be found here: SWIMs very first LSD trip

It changed SWIM for the better and he cannot imagine life without having that first experience. It opened his mind up and allowed him to grow in ways nothing else could ever do.

Real LSD, not the RC crap being sold as LSD these days, is truly a mind expanding drug when used properly. The potential benefits from using real LSD properly far outweigh any possible risks stemming from its use.

LSD can literally allow you to see things from another person's perspective. It can allow you to see the world with an unprejudiced mind, as if you are viewing the world for the very first time. This is one of the great benefits of LSD. Nothing else (except LSH) can do this as well as LSD does.

I don't think I'm doing it justice with my words. LSD is truly an amazing drug. It's easily one of the greatest mind tools ever invented.

When used right, it can help you overcome irrational fears, prejudices and other mental ailments people gain from poor life experiences. It's utterly amazing what it can do to the human mind when used properly. There are many aspects to its effects that can be of great utility in fixing personality problems. SWIM used it many times for this very purpose. He got rid of a lot of fears, bad personality traits, bad habits (including smoking), and carried out many other self improvements with the aid of LSD. Quitting smoking would have been very tough had it not been for utilizing LSD's effects for this purpose.

It would take several books to cover all the beneficial effects LSD has and how to utilize them to help solve the many mental problems people face in day to day life. There are literally dozens of ways LSD use can benefit a person if done right.

Just taking LSD and not using it properly may not help you much at all. It's not a magic cure all. You need to know how to leverage it's mental effects properly in order to greatly benefit form its use.

There was a time when LSD was viewed by many psychologists as the single most important tool for studying the mind. That changed when it became a party drug and was then made illegal. It's too bad that happened. It really is a great mind tool. Imagine all the work that could have been done to help people that was halted because it was made illegal. Prior to it being made illegal, it was showing great promise is curing alcoholism, and many other similar problems.

Today LSD is seen as a drug of the hippies. A drug that just makes you trip. But it's far more than that.

Had Einstein tried LSD, I'm sure he would be amazed. This is a substance that great minds can appreciate. It's far more than a party drug. It's able to open up parts of the mind that no other drug can do (other than LSH). It's clearly a nootropic in small doses.

I hope to see a day in the future when LSD is made available in self help programs for treating things such as drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcoholism, and other similar problems that are problems of the mind, which LSD has great utility for fixing. It's the best tool for this purpose.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#4 Posted : 4/2/2010 8:27:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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69ron wrote:

I hope to see a day in the future when LSD is made available in self help programs for treating things such as drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcoholism, and other similar problems that are problems of the mind, which LSD has great utility for fixing. It's the best tool for this purpose.

I totally agree, and I am confident this day WILL come. Whether WE will be around for it or not remains to be seen.

Since the topic was "The First Time You Dropped LSD", I didn't get into it's later healing properties for me. But since you brought up drug addiction... When I was much younger I got into a really, really bad drug habit with a substance that shall remain unnamed, suffice it to say that it was a very ugly, and very addictive drug. It took one LSD experience combined with wise words from a particular band I was listening too at the time, to completely end this destructive cycle. I can say that it was one of the most frightening AND enlightening experiences of my life. I never touched said substance again, and never looked back. I also had to walk away from LSD for many years after this experience, but it had served it's purpose for that point in my life, so this was fine.

I am forever grateful to LSD and music for this one experience. It quite literally saved my life.

And of course we all know about the early successful work that was done with LSD and alcohol addiction.

Thanks for bringing this up 69ron.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#5 Posted : 4/2/2010 8:41:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My first ever acid trip was spent with friends, mid summer, driving around single track country lanes and across farmers "set aside" fields in a wooden sided, 1968 Trabant estate.

I don't condone this behaviour at all, but it was one of the funniest, most magical and loving days I can remember. Great times! I have only done acid a handful of times, and wouldn't say I have ever "worked" with it, it has always been for fun, and what fun it can be!
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#6 Posted : 4/3/2010 12:24:31 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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My first time, about 2 years ago was a letdown - the guy sold it on candy valentine hearts, poorly wrapped in foil, kept in his nice warm pocket for who knows how long. The second time, not long after was annoying and a little scary: My friend had a vial and we dosed on sugar cubes, and the idea was one hit each that night since we didn't really know how strong it was. Well, while walking around while it came on he secretly took another two cubes, to which he confessed about an hour later. I'd equate the strength of one to be around 3.5g mushrooms and I was coming up nicely, but he proceeded to fall into a very manic and not-far-from violent 3 hour thought loop after confessing to me about the extra two hits.

After that I've had many wonderful experiences, though the come-up on acid is very uncomfortable for me. My whole body, especially my neck, aches so bad on two hits I can't sit still. I'm fine once I start peaking but that combined with the mind fuck aspects put it low on my favorites list...it's still on there though Pleased
#7 Posted : 4/3/2010 2:34:51 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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69ron wrote:
It's easily one of the greatest mind tools ever invented.

When used right, it can help you overcome irrational fears, prejudices and other mental ailments people gain from poor life experiences. It's utterly amazing what it can do to the human mind when used properly. There are many aspects to its effects that can be of great utility in fixing personality problems. SWIM used it many times for this very purpose. He got rid of a lot of fears, bad personality traits, bad habits (including smoking), and carried out many other self improvements with the aid of LSD. Quitting smoking would have been very tough had it not been for utilizing LSD's effects for this purpose.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, 69ron. I've read of a lot of the studies that were being done with LSD in the 60s over at MAPS; I believe the one year sobriety rate when given to alcoholics was over 60%, which compares to modern treatment success rates of 5-7% very well (it's incomparable actually). I see it as a crime that this incredible tool isn't available legally to help people overcome the very things you remarked on.

You have stated in your Mescaline tech thread that Mescaline can take you further than LSD in some regards. How so? Do the many benefits of LSD when used with the purpose of self-improvement apply to mescaline as well? SWIM is going to be dosing on Mescaline (Porch extract actually) in May for the first time, and is putting together his intentions for that weekend. SWIM has limited time to take entheogens these days, and wants to maximize the benefits of the experience.
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...

#8 Posted : 4/3/2010 2:43:53 AM

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idtravlr wrote:
This is Steve Jobs isn't it! I knew it! Now I know why all of your products are encased in shiny armor! Laughing

Shhh. If Bill G. Finds out, he'll use it against me - I just know it ! Smile


That was a pretty amazing first experience, idtravlr. I really liked what you had to say after 69ron's post - it shows me that my experience in improving an aspect of my personality permanently wasn't unique, but also that I didn't take it nearly far enough, as beneficial as it was. I think if I had tripped often in those days, it would have been for the wrong reasons, and I wouldn't have benefited nearly as much as I would now. I would like to revisit Lucy again someday, but am going to explore Cactii, Aya and Changa for a while before picking up that tool again.
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...

#9 Posted : 4/3/2010 5:30:10 PM

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RealAwareness wrote:
You have stated in your Mescaline tech thread that Mescaline can take you further than LSD in some regards. How so? Do the many benefits of LSD when used with the purpose of self-improvement apply to mescaline as well? SWIM is going to be dosing on Mescaline (Porch extract actually) in May for the first time, and is putting together his intentions for that weekend. SWIM has limited time to take entheogens these days, and wants to maximize the benefits of the experience.

With LSD you hit a wall at a certain dosage point and can’t really go beyond that. A lot of people have noticed this. Even Timothy Leary mentioned that he found 300 micrograms of LSD had the same impact as 30,000 micrograms. Despite one dose being 100 times more, it produced roughly the same effect. Mescaline probably has this quality too at some dosage point, but SWIM has not experienced it and has never heard of that happening.

They are truly “apples and oranges” though. My statement that mescaline can go far beyond anything LSD is capable of mostly addressing its visionary effects. It can become far more visionary and “spiritual” than LSD can. The visions induced by LSD are not nearly as meaningful as the ones you experience from mescaline. While both are called “psychedelics”, LSD is really more of a true “psychedelic” and mescaline is more of a true hallucinogen. Mescaline is far more visual, and has much less effect on the mind.

LSD never really becomes that much of a spiritual experience. It hints at it, but it is far more of a psychological psychedelic than a spiritual one. It’s the best psychedelic tool for general self-improvement. If we were comparing the two in terms of their psychological effects, I would say that LSD goes far beyond anything any other psychedelic can do (except LSH, which is an analog of LSD). Mescaline can take you to a spiritual level that goes beyond anything LSD is capable of, but it can never cause the same psychological effects LSD is capable of, no matter the dose.

The powerful psychological effects of LSD are part of its danger especially in people who are not prepared to see the truth about things. With some people, their whole life is built on lies and LSD can unravel all of it in one session and be very “in your face” about it. This opens people up to the notorious “BAD TRIP” phenomenon and can make some people seriously flip out. This happens at high doses only. High doses should only be used by people capable of a certain level of mind control, or those familiar with the effects of LSD. Giving a mentally unstable person a high dose of LSD can really flip them out. As much as I think LSD is a fantastic mind tool, it does have some dangers associated with its use. A fragile mind should not suddenly go deep into the LSD experience without a trained LSD therapist present. It is not safe.

Mescaline is virtually free of causing “BAD TRIPS”. It’s one of the friendliest psychedelics there is. It has psychological effects like LSD, but they are very mild and not at all forceful. A fragile mind that would completely flip out from a large dose of LSD, would generally be fully capable of handling a large dose of mescaline.

In low doses mescaline draws you closer to other people, in the same way MDMA does. It can be used in therapy the way MDMA has been used. It can dissolve social boundaries, bring people closer together, etc. It’s a fantastic anti-depressant in low doses.

They really are “apples and oranges”.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#10 Posted : 4/3/2010 5:51:35 PM

Johnny Noone

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the first time i saw LSD dropped, i was at my friends house and i was trading him molly for liquid. he went to put the molly away in his paper stash pocket and he dropped 1 of his saved 3 blotters(rothberry blotters to be exact) into his cat's water dish. bummer for him, he quickly grabbed the paper square out and handed it to me. "you're about to trip right now anyway right" "yup" "ok here you go, you want to drink my cat's water too?" "nah, but thanks" i ate the paper then 2 more sweet tarts with liquid drops on em and went snowboarding. it was great! cruising, taking big turns is the best when you're tripping.
#11 Posted : 4/4/2010 12:50:28 AM

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69ron wrote:

My statement that mescaline can go far beyond anything LSD is capable of mostly addressing its visionary effects. It can become far more visionary and “spiritual” than LSD can

69ron wrote:
It’s one of the friendliest psychedelics there is. It has psychological effects like LSD, but they are very mild and not at all forceful.

Thanks for the really good info. Since currently SWIM is more interested in working on the heart than the head, I think Mescaline is a good choice. SWIM is going to be bringing a largish dose when he takes a 3 day weekend at the beach in May, but will dose slowly until he is as far as he wants to be. From all I have read, it sounds like just the thing SWIM needs.
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...

kaleidoscope eyes
#12 Posted : 4/5/2010 7:03:36 AM

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The first time SWIM took LSD was in blotter tab form, but it was a fairly mild dose. Took it at an indoor psytrance gig in the city- colours were really bright and the glowing stars on the ceiling formed fractal, spiderweb patterns. Was a fairly dissociative experience, she found communication fairly difficult and got lost off in her own little world & space. Wasn't a very profound experience, since then she has taken much higher doses, and has combined a good tab with a large amount of mushroom tea and had more intense, spiritual trips =)
the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
#13 Posted : 5/3/2010 1:17:52 AM
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Blackstatis wrote:
the first time i saw LSD dropped, i was at my friends house and i was trading him molly for liquid. he went to put the molly away in his paper stash pocket and he dropped 1 of his saved 3 blotters(rothberry blotters to be exact) into his cat's water dish. bummer for him, he quickly grabbed the paper square out and handed it to me. "you're about to trip right now anyway right" "yup" "ok here you go, you want to drink my cat's water too?" "nah, but thanks" i ate the paper then 2 more sweet tarts with liquid drops on em and went snowboarding. it was great! cruising, taking big turns is the best when you're tripping.

The cat didn't consme that water did it? I saw a video on YouTube of a cat on acid in a actual expirement and it was FUCKED UP. I once saw someone allow a dog lick the cocaine residue off a scale. I really wish I could have said something about it
#14 Posted : 5/3/2010 2:29:28 AM
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The first time SWIM did LSD was 2006..late fall going into winter. The time was around 9:30pm when SWIM and a buddy each took 2 very small blotter tabs (just plain white). The contact SWIM got it off of called it "silver surfer", and was in a visine bottle and he had dropped a drop on each of the blotters.

SWIM and his buddy proceeded to go back to the apartment and prepare. Once there they both put the blotters under their tongue and waited a good 15 minutes before they were mostly dissolved.

At about the 40 minute mark SWIM started to feel this rising energy starting in the abdomen and rising up n' throughout his entire body. This energy coarsed through SWIMs body for the next 20 or so minutes until SWIM could no longer sit still. SWIM got up and started to walk torwards the kitchen and started noticing the suttle shifting of the patterns on the curtains and the tiles on the kitchen floor started to flow in and out n' around each other creating this infinitely fractalized design of great beauty. SWIM was blown away by this and was in pure astonishment and awe. SWIMs mind was racing and when the eyes were closed he could go anywhere and picture anything....distant monuments...houses..trees..forests, mountains and the like. He "felt" like he was a part of all these things and somehow had a VERY intimate connection with all these specific places.

SWIM was blown away by what he was experiencing inside so he decided to venture outside to see what would await and DID NOT expect to see what would inevitably change his life forever!

AS soon as the door was opened it was like an "alice in wonderland" effect. EVERYTHING took on great significance and SWIM connected on every level. Complete night n' day difference on INSIDE VS. OUTSIDE! Everything in SWIMs vision had amazing detail and beauty..like he was seeing it for the first time. The wind was suttle but the leafless trees swayed in their energetical motion. Everything had an intense visual quality that the inside definitely didnt have...2 different worlds..the artificial inside and the "more real than real" outside. The trees...god the trees were soo beautiful in their motion..the grass was a gleaming ocean of greenery. God it was so beautiful! The stars were extra bright and the sky took on that of a water color painting and was the most beautiful thing imaginable! The bricks on the side of the adjacent apartment complex bubbled in and out aka "breathing". SWIM probably sttod outside for a good hour n' a half just in complete and utter awe and was in a trance. Didn't know reality was this damn beautiful!

In complete shock and awe SWIM went back in to check on the friend that took also 2 hits. He was nowhere to be found inside the apartment! SWIM searched around for a good 10 minutes and finally opened the front door to the apartment to find his friend sitting on the front doorstep in a blanket just staring off into the sky. SWIM sat down next to him to look over and SWIMs friend had the biggest smile imaginable! He looked at SWIM and said "do you see this!?!?" "Whaaat...how.....where.......wow!" Those were his only words Smile .

For the remainder of the trip they stayed up til sunrise on his porch talking about life, meaning, spirituality, death, love, sorrow, the mind, etc. This was not only the first LSD trip for them BUT the first psychedelic experience for them period! Talk about a complete 180 from all your previous notions about life. And from that day forward SWIM has dedicated a good portion of his life to entheogens of all kinds and the most of all "to his inner development" as a human being. SWIM always thinks back to that day and can recall SOO much of it visually detail by detail.

Theres soo much more to the story but thats the brunt of it. There was a few ups n' downs during the experience but in the end love prevailed and shun its magnificent beauty.

Rebuilt from the ground up by the driving force of it all....LOVE.

peace to all~
#15 Posted : 5/3/2010 4:19:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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nice report, DMTtripn2Space. I fondly remember when the Silver Surfer was going around.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#16 Posted : 5/4/2010 2:29:34 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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ragabr wrote:
nice report, DMTtripn2Space. I fondly remember when the Silver Surfer was going around.

Yes. It went around this area for awhile and was very amazing! SWIM was lucky to align with such a set of circumstances to lead up to this momentous discovery.

Im honestly surprised more people haven't posted in this thread. I find LSD to be utterly amazing in its psychological effects and visionary effects. It's such an amzing substance for so little an active amount.
#17 Posted : 5/4/2010 7:54:39 AM

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That is an awesome sounding experience, DMTtripn2Space. Thanks for sharing that. Lucy really does open up your mind, doesn't she? I can't imagine never having of had the experiences with her that I did, few though they were. I do hope to trip on LSD again someday, but it will be awhile. Meanwhile, there is Mescaline Smile
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...

#18 Posted : 5/4/2010 2:42:37 PM

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I have recently procured 4 hits and am waiting to go to the country for my first time. They are allegedly 75-100um each. Any recommendations? do'em all at once? Or test the strength/quality with 1 first? From a trust-able source, who says he has done plenty and it is reliable stuff (and purportedly the real deal). I am looking forward to it, but characteristically a little anxious and trepidatious.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#19 Posted : 5/4/2010 4:10:08 PM

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First time SWIM took only one hit and that was plenty. Nowadays he takes easily 3 to 4 drops when willing to go full on. I would say, if it isn't particularly weak You could try one first. And next time take 3 at a time.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#20 Posted : 5/4/2010 5:47:18 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 16-Jun-2010
The first time SWIM met Uncle Sid, a bunch of friends met up in the woods surrounding a canal at night. The most memorable event centered around a stick with leaves on it we 'dubbed' the "Nature Stick." Whenever someone waved or shook the Nature Stick, invariably we'd hear a fish jump. Causal relationship? I dunno. But it sure made for some interesting theories!
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