If you're going to try it again, concentrate on your set and setting. It sounds like the fear got the better of you and your buddy. That fear can certainly translate into your experiences. These experiences should never be taken lightly, as you have found out, but you can now integrate and try to find a positive. Give it some time and I think you might find the pieces fall back into place.
As far as your friends goes, don't be too hard on him. DMT with others can be and enjoyable experience. Psychedelics do require a certain mindset and skill set, if those sets are not in place it can become difficult for those involved. As I mentioned before just try to find something positive about the experience. Sometimes it helps just to laugh it off!
Peruse through the DMT Nexus, read through some experience reports and do some research on psychedelics. A little knowledge goes a very long way in fear reduction. All in all, you just have to take things as they come. Accept everything that comes your way and take responsibility for your own experiences.
Achilles wrote:...you only get to the good stuff when you say “fck it, I guess I’m just dead” ... then your met with the feeling of complete bliss...
This. ^^^^^
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu