Ssamerica wrote:I recently tried DMT with one other person and it was the scariest experience of my life. With that being said, Im sure that my experience could be an anecdote and not representative of how others will react to others around them while they are at their most vulnerable state. I think the reason I felt so scared with another person is because of the realization that if something bad happens , there is nothing I can do to stop it. I lost all trust and compassion for one of my closest friends on DMT. It seriously makes you disconnect from everyone around you and yourself, which makes me worry about trying it again with others.
I have had wonderful experiences with others while on DMT. From reading your other thread, I would say you need to work on that set and setting. This set and setting includes a proper mindset for all those involved. An experience trip sitter would have aided you in your experience quite a bit I feel.
These experiences can get rather weird, rather fast. Perhaps if you try DMT with others again you will approach the whole thing much differently. I certainly wouldn't place all the blame on your buddy, you made the choice to partake in DMT with the set and setting you had. It doesn't sound like you communicated your needs or wants about the experience prior to ingestion. An experienced trip sitter would have remained silent the entirety of your trip and only assisted if needed.
I do find that it takes a certain dosage for all those involved to hit a sweet spot for social interaction on DMT. This can prove difficult at times I have found. When all those involved are comfortable and feel safe, the experience with others is very nice indeed.
Every time I look at my girlfriend on DMT and find her to be the most beautiful being I have ever seen. At times I found myself getting lost in observing her. Like a spell. Mezmerized by the beauty and energy radiating from her very being. When we have spoke on DMT, I found our conversations to be very genuine and loving. I feel like when I speak to others when I am on DMT, I am truly seeing them as the are right now. Everything else drops away and I see... well... me. Not me... but... another version of me.. I see the perfection of it all sometimes. It feels nice to have a connection like this to me.
Although the experiences I have had with others has been mostly positive, I prefer to journey alone. I like to go a bit deeper into my mind and into the experience. I find that when someone else is in the room, I hold back, or maybe just can't get as deep as I could if I were alone. I guess there is a time and place for everything.
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu