DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12 Joined: 11-Mar-2019 Last visit: 11-Oct-2019 Location: California USA
Something is not right with me. DMT has always been a positive for me but a couple of nights ago while I was by myself I started to have a bad trip and in the middle of it I felt as if someone dropped something in my mouth. I sat up chocking and put my fingers in my mouth and could feel a foreign object but could not get it out and uncontrollably swallowed then began to puke. I looked in the trash and saw nothing weird. I was shaken but I dismissed it as a bad trip. Its been three days now and every time I smoke dmt I get this feeling of something inside my stomach tyring to crawl out through my throat and puke while having dark and scary visions. Did I get a parasite or possessed? I don't know what to do..
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 93 Joined: 30-Mar-2019 Last visit: 17-May-2020
Psychedelics can create physical hallucinations. I remember one of my most powerful trip with methoxetamine. I was (hum it felt like) reliving an old memory from someone who put his car on the sea on an accident. I was the sea, I was at the same time in the car and also the divers that went to see what had happened. I remembered a strange but extremely clear sensation on my mouth. Didn't understand directly, but it seems it was the scuba of the divers had in their mouth. Quote:Its been three days now and every time I smoke dmt You may stop DMT for a while maybe. If you don't feel the sensation when your sober why this anxiety? Quote:Did I get a parasite or possessed? I don't know what to do.. I didn't live what you experienced, but from my point of view it's a little bit overthinking things. Maybe you will be able to understand what it is if you lay done the pipe for a while 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12 Joined: 11-Mar-2019 Last visit: 11-Oct-2019 Location: California USA
yeah. taking a break is probably what i need. DMT has helped me grow as a person and fundamentally changed me in many positive ways. It startled me to have a such a negative trip were I thought my life/soul was in danger and then to have it reoccur multiple times. I'm gonna take some time off and focus on improving my life/relationships.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12 Joined: 11-Mar-2019 Last visit: 11-Oct-2019 Location: California USA
 I is the obstacle.
Posts: 429 Joined: 21-May-2017 Last visit: 01-Feb-2024 Location: The Nexus
Definitely take a break man and try to let yourself calm down some... sounds like you definitely had a pretty bad trip. You need to remind yourself that you just ingested a drug and try to put the thoughts of possession or alien parisites out of your mind because it’s probably just making the experience harder to get over.. if you’ve used dmt as much as you claim to have then you know it can greatly exaggerate your thoughts so if you’ve had a bad experience and that intrusive thought keeps returning then you need to take a break, get ahold of your bearings, and start working on dismantling that intrusive thought. I know it may be easier said than done but you have to convince yourself it was just a bad experience and laugh it off.. the more you fear that you’ve been possessed or something the more you empower that thought and the more it will return... This guys ego ^
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 93 Joined: 30-Mar-2019 Last visit: 17-May-2020
Larry421 wrote:yeah. taking a break is probably what i need. DMT has helped me grow as a person and fundamentally changed me in many positive ways. It startled me to have a such a negative trip were I thought my life/soul was in danger and then to have it reoccur multiple times. I'm gonna take some time off and focus on improving my life/relationships. That's extremely encouraging. Maybe it's too early to discard your trip as negative. I don't have too much experience in DMT, but lots of guys here seems to appreciate their negative experience as much or more so than their positive ones in term of personal grow. Keep us updated!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 70 Joined: 09-Jun-2018 Last visit: 26-Jan-2022 Location: Suomi
I'got rid of some strange demonic thought patterns and paranoia, by quitting the use of drugs and praying Jesus Christ for mercy. I know that most people won't probably like this suggestion, but for me it has worked and it has changed my life in a very positive way. I used to be very paranoid and have sleep paralysis every week. I used to feel like someone was putting disgusting thoughts in my head. Now I have them every once in a while but they have no more power over me. I used to think this was all just bullshit until I experienced it myself.
 DMT-Nexus member

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WasupDude wrote:I have friend with him happened something like this and he died after 1 week. You had a friend who smoked DMT and then puked, everyday?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 97 Joined: 03-Jul-2019 Last visit: 14-Apr-2020
WasupDude wrote:I have friend with him happened something like this and he died after 1 week. Don't mess around with someone (OP) who is in a potentially weakened mental state. My advice to you Larry - the fact that you wonder if you've been possessed through DMT usage and you didn't stop using it immediately suggests you're not thinking straight. The solution as others have mentioned is to lay off and if the worries persist more than a couple of weeks consider speaking to a psychologist or counselor.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12 Joined: 11-Mar-2019 Last visit: 11-Oct-2019 Location: California USA
Everything is fine. I was having the beginnings of a slight throat infection or something. I've been taking care of myself and the back of my throat is looking way better. Leaving the pipe down for now. I think the dmt was telling me "Hey! calm down and take care of your throat." But all is well with me. I just recently moved to a new area. A mountain town from the desert. Maybe the pollen. Anyways keeping a closer eye on my health.
Peace and Love -Larry
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3968 Joined: 21-Jul-2012 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
Just curious why you smoke DMT everyday? Poly drug addiction may have a little something to do with it. Maybe daily freebase smoke isn't the best thing in the world for you? Who am I to say though, you obviously know what you're doing... Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*