SWIM has tried this lime STB 3 times,
First was thwarted by the limonene dissolving a plastic spoon and forming a bond that concentrated HCL could not break in something like a DMT-polystyrene salt glob.
It was frustrating as hell but is funny in retrospect.
Second was 75g MHRB and yielded .65% that I counted so far, but it was done during 2 other extractions and SWIM had some spilages and other problems. He was not going for yield but rather just getting some viable product unlike last time.
This one he documented thoroughly and is going to share to prove it works.
First 175g Lime (CaOH) was added to 250g MHRB
Then while very slowly adding and mixing 525ml of Tap water was added and mixed
Next 750ml of D-limonene was added
SWIM found it was hard to mix thoroughly without spilling the limonene so he poured out about 1/2 leaving only about 1/2 inch (1cm) higher that the bark
SWIM also added another splash of water to make it a little more gooey and easier to stir
SWIM left the mix, mixing thoroughly with a bamboo skewer 3-6 times a day for 2.5 days. He wanted to see if he could get a giant pull off of the little bit of limonene, he is still not sure how long it takes.
Anyway. SWIM poured off the d-limonene 2.5 days later and added the rest of the d-limonene that was left aside on the bark goo.
SWIM added 50-100ml hot tap water to the limonene in a plastic bag then added 5-10 ml of 31% HCl and shook it HARD for about 3-5 minutes.
This turned the water and limonene from transparent to cloudy, but not after the first shake.
(this is a picture of the second HCl pull)
He cut the bottom and seperated the 2 liquids. Then repeated the step with fresh water and HCl.
The next step is one SWIM would like to change.
SWIM added a chunk of 10-20g lye to the mix.
He has had 0 results in the past with Sodium carbonate....
Anyway after adding the lye the mix turned extremely cloudy with precipitating DMT freebase. SWIM added a splash of naptha and shook it in the plastic bag.
He shook the junk out of it, emulsions settled in less than 2 minutes. (picture is BEFORE shaking, naptha was slightly yellow after))
He separated the naptha and did another pull which yielded nothing.
After 12 hours in the freezer SWIM poured off the naptha and let it dry.
He let it dry and the first pull yielded 813mg
Then he took the fresh limonene that was added a couple hours earlier and stirred for about 10 minutes.
He did the exact same process and now it looked like this.
This yielded 602mg when scraped up.
SWIM will update later with the limonene which was re-added to the bark and will be salted, freebased and pulled like the others. There should still be a bunch in there SWIM assumes.
The last limonene pull yielded 356mg
This puts the total to 1.772g from 250g bark.
0.7% not bad at all
SWIM would like to do this tek w/o lye but he has tried sodium carbonate in the past with no results, maybe next time he'll try a super-saturated solution....
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs