Well, I have no god dam idea of how you do things around here and how an easy extraction goes. I just know that mimosa has a great deal of DMT it is extracted with an alcohol, and that a regular A/B extraction works marvellous. I mean I know the basics, acidify, basify and extract with non polar, but I hace more experienced in organic chemistry. Aldo I have heard from gordo's DMT extraction, but I think that it lacks consintency(meaning that the final yield depends mostly on how much dpes the Chemist stirr) as well as the fact that is very difficult to make inyectable DMT this way. So I experimented a bit and I developed a extraction that is far from perfect but I think that if someone aplied what I write on my notes, it could be a really good. So let's beguin
Firstly I must clarify the conditions this procedure was carried in. Everithing was made in a glass structure made from a fish tank(a big one) ,with some holes, wich was esteralized with bleach and rubbing alcohol. This was the same as for the glassware, aldo the glassware was also baked. Normally someone would watch out for dust and scratches in beakers, but I am setting a new lab and this has just come out of the box(yesterday) I wear nitrile gloves wich were esterilized with rubbing alcohol, However I cleaned my arms up to the elbows with soapy water and rubbing alcohol. I also weared a dust mask, and decided not to use a vent hod since it could Transfer particles to the mixture(for the same reason the room was keep without AC) and aldo it may seem dumb I had no problems I also covered the table I was working in with a plástic sheet which was steralized with bleach and rubbing alcohol. Aswell everithing was lab graded. Ok so now let's beguin, I plan on writing it up better but this should do.
I got some mimosa from my plug and it came in a huge cement bag, some of the cuttings were rotten due to moister. So I selected the best(the ones that looked better) and grinned them up yo a thin powder with a coffe grinder, this was done outside the estériles box) When it was done the powder was transfered to a 2l beaker with a stirrbar(Cross shaped) and transfered to the sterile box. In there 500ml of destiled water were aded. The pH was measured with an electronic pH meter, and was brought down to 2 with HCL(35%, I can not recall surely) a few drops were aded and the pH was measured. This way slowly the pH was brought to 2. The solution was left to stirr some time(3h)
After that I wanted to filter out that plant junk since now it could only bring contaminants, so I vacum filtered it wetting the paper with water and triying to squeze every possible drop of mixture. The liquid was places on a 2l beaker(other one) and the pH was reajusted with some Pellets of NaOH to 12 following the same technique as before. And was left to stirr for other 3h or so
When I came back i extracted it whith 100ml of hot NAFTA (heated to around 50 since it began to boil vigurously, with a water bath heating up water and suspending the water there) and left to stirr for 5min. Then it was put to a 1L sep funnel and the naptha layer was drained into a measuring cilinder and it was boiled of 50% by volume using a water bath, However this time it was keeped more cold so it did not boil of everywere. This was put into a Pyrex plate an put into the frezer over night. 4 more pulls were done.
The ending product was 1.8g of awesome white stuff, However I am quite concerned about the yield. However, the product should have little to no outside contaminants.
1. This is not well written due to the astonsihing fact of having hig levels of alcohol in my blood as well as not being English my Main launguage, and that I have auto correct fucking with me.
2. Concentration of HCL was to high, I think a really dilute marked version would hace work best
3. The adition of NaOH could be inproved if it was added in a solution not as a solid
4. The NAFTA was heated to much, i think it could monitoreo the temp next time and just heat it between 30-50 c(maybe I am wrong dunno, correct me please)
5. I did not heat and stirr the NAFTA mimosa mixture since I don't have a magnetic stirrer with hotplate, but it could help sustain the temperature of the naphta.
6. Every pull was done on one sitting which is a huge mistake! It should be done on different days, but I was inpatient
7. A further recristalization might be desired in heptane, just disolve the DMT in some un a Pyrex plate and put it in the frezer
8. I did not want to shake the mixture in the sep funnel since I thought it could form an emulsion, and i thought that with strong stirring it would be enough.
9.To acidifie and basifie I used two very agresive compounds, I could hace used vinegar and calcium hydroxide instead but I did not know exactly how and I feared it may became a solid so I stuck with the old trusty NaOH and HCL
10. Some contamination might have come un the filtering procces fue to the filter paper, However this should be very little.
11. If the pulls were to do in not just one sitting one would store the bark mixture in it's beaker but in an airtight sealded esterile container(Tupperware)
12. For storage of DMT one would use a desecator, prevent light hitting it, using and oxygen absorber with regular medium temp. So a good option is to store it in an ambar container with oxygen absorber in and in a dark place like a drawer.
13. Obviously I treated naphta with little respect, I did not want to contaminated the mixture so I did no do it with venting. However, the holes the box had to fit my hands I think we're enough venting, I must also say that it was done inside. It could be better if it was done in a clean vent hood that does not get un junk. Because, Aldo it might not look like it it happens quite often(it fucked my first synthesis of a synthetic cannabinoid, it gave me a shity product fue to vent hood contamination) Vent hood contamination might not happen everywere, but since I live in a very poluted and dusty city it is fucked, my main exaust is outside and it is not the first time i come around with some dust in the interior.
14. I was wearing a cap and clean clothes, I stayed un house so I don't think they got to dirty. But it should be notes that this procedure should be carried out using a full lab suit
15. And, o yeah. MIMOSA WAS SHIT! It was older than me for sure and the trip from south América must have been really bad and it might have fucked up, I Will try and find a local source.
Please feel free to call me idiot for my creation since I AM quite new in this and is pretty reasonable that I get lots of it wrong, I want ti improve this TEK since it is the only one that gives a Chemist the option of doing it consistently and really sterile.
Aswell correct me in everithing I get wrong or might improve this TEK.
PS: I think I am going to call it "Dr. Root's clean DMT extraction"