When I came to the realization that I was going to have to make the stuff on my own if I really wanted it, I found this forum. I certainly have no chemistry skills, and I was totally overwhelmed just reading through the various teks and threads... I could not wrap my head around it! I would read some, give up, go to sleep, and do it a little more the next night.
Eventually I had enough of an idea, gathered the various materials, and bumbled through a 50g ACRB extraction. I evapped on Mullein leaf, and just hit it... IT WORKED! So amazing to think what all this is : root bark from Hawaii, chems from a bunch of hardware stores, help from friends I don't even know, a bit of faith, and a dash of desperation!
Thank you all who helped me, and especially to those who make this site possible.
Next comes the real work! Ahhhhhh!