damiana wrote:Jorkest wrote:YAY for space!!!...now lets colonize the universe!!! and spread dmt to all alien beings!
HAhahahahahahahaha, hell yea, that's such a funny thought. Ahhh, I love comedy. One day we will colonize the universe.
you guys crack me up

man....and if THAT didn't blow a gasket in your cranium, think about this: that was our PLANET.....WE are, by scale, just inconceivably small specks on the surface of this planet....

man...how we find time to judge one another, create wars over differences and revel in the temporary acquisition of a tiny little patch of this planet when we COULD be seeing ourselves as all part of this tiny speck in an infinite universe is truly beyond me.
you all know by now that i am a professional athlete. from my vantage i can assure you all that any team comprised of individuals who see themselves as individuals will ALWAYS be beaten by a team that sees themselves as A TEAM. as an old coach of mine used to say, "working as one gets things done. working apart, why even start?"
if earth were a team in some galactic sporting league, we would be ranked dead last. we would be getting our asses handed to us on molecularly superior silver platters.
we really can't have a future until each and every one of us sees this "oneness"...if in no other way than just the simple fact that we are all EARTHLINGS.....let alone anything greater. our little speck is like one atom in the whole of an enormous conscious entity.
...and our "atom" is, for the most part, disfunctional.... a cell in the body that is having issues.... will we be able to heal ourselves or will we reach the point of malignancy? if it is the latter, will our ultimate demise be akin to a white blood cell simply having done with a diseased, unhealthy cell in the great celestial body?
and what if we DO turn it all around? can we? what is possible if we learn to "function properly"? will we be "released from quarantine" back into the great cosmic consciousness? do we feel alone in the universe because we are being kept that way like a child with a cold kept home from school?
i love humans....so much potential....so much.....can we learn to live in harmony with ourselves, our planet and, ultimately, the universe?...
it starts with each of us as individuals....being the change we wish to see....for me, DMT is not going to solve any problems, "make" me a better person or even win me the favor of a higher consciousness i am crashing the party of. what it WILL do for me, however, is show me again and again that i am MORE than the isolated, self-important, SEPARATE entity my ego has made me out to be.
i know i will not overcome this ego in my lifetime....but i also know that i ultimately don't have to... for each person who even just plants that seed in their consciousness that they are truly part of something greater (and for most, experiencing it firsthand is the only way to truly plant that seed), our entire mass-mind leans a little heavier to a different side. enough folks have that tiny bit of conscious change take place within them and we reach a tipping point where the direction of our evolution is effected.
the 100th monkey...
that's my banana for the day.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."