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do you feel the presence of the entities? Options
#21 Posted : 12/17/2009 7:34:31 PM


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Could these entities be just souls i mean people who died or are about to reincarnate then God and other high beings let`s call them angels?

ILPT never seen anything no matter how hard he tripped. WHY ???

He seen patterns he came trough loads of psychedelic mindfuck mess , he could feel other souls and spirits but never seen anything appart some patterns

He saw myrriads of faces once on high dose of harmine/harmaline but nothing concrete

How he can see them How much he need to take?

Its frustrating for him he really wanted to see these elves and stuff but his visualisation is always poor.

He tripping very hard insanely getting out of his mind but hardly has any visuals. Is he just unlucky?

Maybe he has some brain damage or something Crying or very sad

5meo dmt doesn`t work much for him(he required very hgigh dose to feel something) neither does bufotenine Crying or very sad

DMT is the most visual for him but mostly patterns and colours with no much meaning behind it It`s frustrating.Sad
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!

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#22 Posted : 12/17/2009 8:27:17 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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hmmm.. not sure, are you laying down in the dark? The real visions come to me when I lay down and close my eyes in the dark and get relaxed and focus.
Long live the unwoke.
#23 Posted : 12/17/2009 11:56:55 PM


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This is from "dark dmt, the other alkaloid" in the enhanced chemistry thread...

entheogenist wrote:
OK. I have been making this red spice for awhile now and I had yet to try it out myself until two days ago at a SHPONGLE show. WOW. This Red Jungle Spice is THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. Implants is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Terence McKenna MUST have been smoking the jungle spice thinking it was DMT. I've smoked alot of DMT and read alot of Terence Mckenna, and I have NEVER seen anything like what he describes. But, two tokes of this red jungle spice and I had his trip WORD FOR WORD. This stuff is SOOOOOOO much better, stronger, deeper, more meaningful, and more pleasant to use than DMT. I smoked it with my eyes open while watching SHPONGLE on stage. The stage began to morph and change, and suddenly a Self Transforming Machine Elf ripped the stage in half and jumped out to dance on top of the ravers. He was made out of what looked like shiny glossy molded plastic like a kids toy, but he was so colorful, changing shapes and dancing. This was with my eyes open. I had my rational mind intact; I knew I was at a Shpongle show smoking jungle spice. I could not believe my eyes. I even squinted at the stage in disbelief, trying to make things return to normal. If you smoke it with your eyes open, it completely transforms reality before your eyes. This is absolutely the most amazing chemical I have ever encountered, and everyone at the shpongle show agreed with me. I passed out about 3 grams of the stuff in individual doses, and evenryone agreed that it just blows DMT out of the water. The second time I smoked it I closed my eyes. I was shot like a laser beam into God-consciousness. I was GOD. I created the universe and spawned life on earth. I saw the beginning and the end and everything inbetween. I beheld every thought that had ever existed in one instant. then I came back to reality and was back at the rave. BUT, I still thought I was God. I was walking around telling people I was the reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Terence McKenna and Tim Leary rolled into one. I truly believed this at the time. I felt omnipotent. I knew everything. But this began to fade and I started to feel stupid for walking around saying I'm Jesus and believing it. So then I started experiencing karma. I left the concert area and hid in the dark to meditate. I thought the people at the rave were going to crucify me. I thought they had already killed my son and were coming for me. I accepted this though, and embraced my imminent death. I knew I was going to die that day and it was OK. It took aboout 30 minutes for the jungle spice to wear off, and by that time I was a new man. My ego had been lifted up to the point of thinking I was a walking GOD, and then it was crucified. This stuff makes DMT look downright boring.

I think this is what people are really looking for.

Lets start a thread for experiences on jungle, state the extraction, either toluene or xylene and start REALLY seeing some entities. I believe that this IS what McKenna was speaking of. I for one want THIS type of experience over the cotton candy dynamics that straight nn offers.

Sure, I see entities in the sea of morphy/jumbly/soupy hyper-mater and they usually make grimaces at me. But to see 3-d(4-d?) super stable beings "flying into my chest" has not happened. I have had the entire room (OEV) turn into a 2-d cartoon circus with objects repeating in impossible ways, all of reality 'flattened' out like silly putty picking up an image from a newspaper, but never have I witnessed anything like this report above.

Has anyone else?


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#24 Posted : 12/18/2009 12:27:37 AM


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The stage began to morph and change, and suddenly a Self Transforming Machine Elf ripped the stage in half and jumped out to dance on top of the ravers. He was made out of what looked like shiny glossy molded plastic like a kids toy, but he was so colorful, changing shapes and dancing. This was with my eyes open. I had my rational mind intact; I knew I was at a Shpongle show smoking jungle spice. I could not believe my eyes.


ILPT wanna some of that stuff

He remember once he smoked some jungle isloated from dirty stb with dcm (doesn`t remember details cause he was pissed and stoned that time) from he thinks mimosa tenuiflora(but maybe hostilis)

Only little hit makes thing like lightshade forming into faces like structure but he was scared to take more or breaktrough on it. It burned badly(residual lye) and it has chlororganic taste which put him away from using it. He has only few mgs of it and had it over year he was just scared to smoked it ever since. Some of his friends slowly finished it off and all claimed very strong open eyes visuals from just one hit

He neeed to get proper mimosa and do double a/b on it and pull with either dcm or something everythingdissolving like dcm is to get this stuff back. He was pisshead and pothead to really work with psychedelics but now he is new man and very keen to see entities. But the qute above...... fuc*k him give him some of that lol Laughing
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#25 Posted : 12/18/2009 2:09:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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The real question is were people extracting from mimosa back in the 1960's?...that famous trip that terrence talks about was his first DMT trip apparently and it was the end of the 1960's..
Long live the unwoke.
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