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Fish tank or pyrex dishes... Or a cardboard box lined with trash bags if you're ghetto.
Lay down a half inch layer of organic rye berries at the bottom: of your containing bay Cover with distilled water a quarter inch over the grain cover the top with Saran wrap and make air tight . Place in dark for a minimum of one( month. After a month start shining a black light on it periodically and eventually the grain kernals will begin emitting bright blue purple flourescense . In real life it is no myth! It will also smell like a dead body....... It's all part of the show. Then remove the grain, mold and fermentation liquid and place in large test tubes with cotton at the bottom And centerfuge... Combine all extracts. Then defat as you would bhwr seeds. Then extract with ever clear Allov to evaporate in a dark place or vacume distill if you have a real glassware set up. Also if you just want the lsa out of the seeds you can just centerfuge the mold and seed mass . If you don't have a real one modify a bike tire to attach the test tubes to the bicycle spokes and crank the pedals by hand with the bicycle on its side for a few hours and the lsa will filTer through the seed husk into the cotton where you can draw it out with a needle and syringe. Then do either an ether wash or grain alcohol and allow to evaporate after a defat. It can be crystalized by placing on either dry ice or a sheet of 999 fine 30 gauge silver . Or gold if you're rich and placed in a microwave oven and nuked until the crystal stands up. Silver has a weird property in a microwave. It stays cold to the touch but 4 to 5 inch blue lightning arches across it's surface with no harm to the microwave. It's awesome for lsa or gooey dmt crystalization when other methods fail
There is also alkaloids in the ergot mold and water the grain was in. But it is harder to extract clean enough to use in synthesis.
Fats and protiens also get extracted if you use ether or dcm so I think a defat would be necessary.
You can also extract the water soluble alkaloids with bentonite clay or those polymer beads for that kind of chromatography you do with those little balls you pH adjust acidic to positively charge before usage .... I forget what they are called.
The powers that be want people to think ergotamine is a mythical substance that's impossible to aquire..... It's actually the easiest thing to cultivate in the entire chemical kingdom. I've seen people place loaves of rye bread and oranges on top of the grain layer and it make tons of alkaloids but that method can become contaminated. Straight grain and water is fool proof. The endophyte spore is on every part of the rye berry from the embrio to outer shell It grows so dense so fast that almost no other mold has a chance to form..... 9 out of ten times. Occasionally you will see black pin mold grow on the ergot layer. Dispose of those ones... If it's red or black throw it back I learned this from having a friend who worked in a grain silo in Oklahoma. Some silos soak grain to see what sinks or floats to separate smut or ergot supposedly It was scaled down to fish tank size with flawless results every time. It's an endophyte that affects all rye grass seed. Enjoy.
Once you are comfortable with straight water as what you use to ferment in try adding ten to 15 grams of tryptophan powder to each pyrex dish of grain. And a few grams of citric acid. I've also seen pulverized oranges added with positive results on yield. This is how the rainbow rolls ....... The road to elusies is one of splendor.......
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The ole jail house acid bit... Reminds me of an unpleasant experience I had in my adolescent psychedelic fervor involving some orange peels and rye bread. Claviceps purpurea is poisonous. Unless you actually isolate the LSD (not LSA), it's actually pretty dangerous as there's a whole bunch of other really nasty alkaloids in there, and ergotism is no joke. If things went bad, gangrenous extremities would be the least of your problems as it only happens if you live through the other symptoms. I could be wrong, but this actually sounds kind of dangerous to me. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
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I've never had the knowledge to require the use of a centrifuge but the bicycle trick sounds fun. Seems like a bicycle wheel mounted onto a ceiling fan would work great.
I wish I had a better understanding of chemistry. It seems like an interesting hobby, but I didn't have the patience to learn it in school. There are probably good sites online for learning it now.
For the rye grain you need "feed rye", right? Rye grass seed isn't the same thing, and even if it is it would likely be treated with ag chemicals.
You mentioned adding a loaf of rye bread and some oranges. I get that oranges have citric acid (or something special about them), but what is the loaf of bread for?
Thanks for the interesting introduction post. (I'd like to hear others chime in about whether it's safe or not.)
Peace, DDog
 DMT-Nexus member
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Over the years I've seen lot of "homemade LSD" recipes, albeit you've gone into more detail.
But I think I'll just stick to growing my plants... Messing with ergot would sketch me out
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Maddcappz wrote: Also if you just want the lsa out of the seeds you can just centerfuge the mold and seed mass .
??? Are we talking about Claviceps purpurea? As this one doesn't have Ergine in it. Quote:If you don't have a real one modify a bike tire to attach the test tubes to the bicycle spokes and crank the pedals by hand with the bicycle on its side for a few hours and the lsa will filTer through the seed husk into the cotton where you can draw it out with a needle and syringe. Then do either an ether wash or grain alcohol and allow to evaporate after a defat. Did you really do that yourself? Quote:Silver has a weird property in a microwave. It stays cold to the touch but 4 to 5 inch blue lightning arches across it's surface with no harm to the microwave. That's the behavior of any electric conducting material in a microwave. Quote:The powers that be want people to think ergotamine is a mythical substance that's impossible to aquire..... Why are you now suddenly talking about ergotamine, and not ergine? Sure you can synth ergine from ergotamine, but that is an additional effort. I'm all in all a bit puzzled, as some things don't add up for me. Did you really try that yourself, and got LSA/Ergine? That seems very unlikely to me, at least if we are talking about C. purpurea. Also be aware that there are different genetic chemotypes of C. purpurea. Some contain mainly ergotoxines, some also additionally ergotamines, and some mainly ergopeptams. The geolocation seems to be directly linked to the chemotypes. So in a certain location, you find a certain chemotype. This already Hofmann discovered. twitchy wrote: Unless you actually isolate the LSD (not LSA) Lol, there's no LSD in it, which you can isolate... I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
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Not sure what the 'LOL' is all about, but ergot is derived from the fungus Claviceps purpurea, no? Naturally it follows that LSD is an alkaloid of Ergot, or least it was the last time I checked so I'm not sure why you seem amused by this. The confusion of nomenclature is a common mistake... Quote: Neurology and the Neuromuscular System Stan K. Bardal BSc (Pharm), MBA, PhD, ... Douglas S. Martin PhD, in Applied Pharmacology, 2011
Ergonovine goes by a number of different names (ergometrine, ergotocine, ergosterine, ergobasine), owing to the fact that it was discovered in four different laboratories almost simultaneously. In Europe, the names ergometrine and ergobasine have persisted, whereas ergonovine was adopted in the United States
Regardless, it's pretty dangerous to fool around with ingesting spun off material from moldy grains is the point I was trying to convey. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
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twitchy wrote:Not sure what the 'LOL' is all about, but ergot is derived from the fungus Claviceps purpurea, no? Naturally it follows that LSD is an alkaloid of Ergot, or least it was the last time I checked so I'm not sure why you seem amused by this. The confusion of nomenclature is a common mistake... Quote: Neurology and the Neuromuscular System Stan K. Bardal BSc (Pharm), MBA, PhD, ... Douglas S. Martin PhD, in Applied Pharmacology, 2011
Ergonovine goes by a number of different names (ergometrine, ergotocine, ergosterine, ergobasine), owing to the fact that it was discovered in four different laboratories almost simultaneously. In Europe, the names ergometrine and ergobasine have persisted, whereas ergonovine was adopted in the United States
Regardless, it's pretty dangerous to fool around with ingesting spun off material from moldy grains is the point I was trying to convey. Now, if we're going to get picky about nomenclature [sic] here then it seems prudent to clarify that under no circumstances is LSD-25 ((+)(5R,8R)-lysergic acid diethylamide, to be precise) found in unprocessed ergot material, nor anywhere else in the natural world. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of lysergic acid prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of lysergamides such as ergotamine followed the by condensation of diethylamine with an activated form of the resulting lysergic acid. None of the synonyms you give for ergometrine make a whit of difference to the fact that it's a different molecule than LSD, so I'm not certain what you were attempting to illustrate with that. It would also be prudent of you to check our Attitude Page, especially the bit about respectful communication. Heeding the stated guidelines is a great way to get the most out of this rather splendid resource - the Nexus. I'm totally with you that this recipe seems like a short-cut to the hospital if you're lucky or the morgue if you're not - although given both the short-term and the long-term effects of ergot poisoning (not to mention aflatoxins or any number of unspecified bacterial or fungal toxins) one may well end up wishing for the morgue as a form of relief. That said, it's surprising the amount of different grass species that can be found carrying ergot-type sclerotia once one starts looking. The cereal rye - Secale cereale needs to be distinguished from rye grass (e.g., Lolium perenne) here. They are completely differrent species and i'm not confident that this recipe distinguishes between them. For an interesting read about grass-related mycotoxicosis, have a look at this paper. βThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-Γ -vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." β Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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I checked the attitude page, which is precisely why I was asking why the poster above myself found my comment so amusing... I used the word isolate, so sue me. Who is that you think is getting picky about nomenclature, when I was just saying it is a common mistake lol. Anyways, 'No folks, don't eat moldy rye.' I think was the gist I was aiming for. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
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Come on now, this is daft. It's not clear to me what you think the common mistake is. When talking about technical procedures, we can surely both acknowledge the importance of accurate language. As well, nuances of amusement are poorly conveyed over the internet as a whole. Cultural differences between people in various parts of the world can also contribute to this detrimental effect. Anyhow, I just checked your other post and it seems that we're just a couple of crabby guys with severe backache. This kind of distraction can lead to miscommunication (believe me, I know, first hand), so please accept my apologies. Here's hoping to see you around here a bit more - oneirogens are indeed fascinating  βThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-Γ -vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." β Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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twitchy wrote:Not sure what the 'LOL' is all about I just really found the assumption funny, that LSD would be naturally occurring in ergot fungi. Man, can you imagine, how many people would start growing them? Quote:but ergot is derived from the fungus Claviceps purpurea, no? Not precisely. Ergot refers to a group of fungi of the genus Claviceps. So Claviceps purpurea is an ergot fungi and not derived from it. Quote: Naturally it follows that LSD is an alkaloid of Ergot, or least it was the last time I checked so I'm not sure why you seem amused by this. LSD is called an ergoline, but that does not mean it occurs in ergot fungi, but that its structural molecular base skeleton is the alkaloid ergoline. E.g. like MDMA is also an amphetamine. And I really do not get what you wanna say with your quotation, as I don't see any relation to what we were talking about. Quote: Regardless, it's pretty dangerous to fool around with ingesting spun off material from moldy grains is the point I was trying to convey.
For sure! That was basically my main motivation to correct your above statement and not just laugh behind the screen (I really had to LOL). As maybe someone really gets the wrong idea reading this, there would be LSD in it. I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
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I see the open registration opened back up and the rats dragged some trash in. Glad to see you here, Maddcappz, 4chan not loading for ya? "In this secret room, from the past, I seek the future..."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 353 Joined: 05-Jun-2019 Last visit: 23-Oct-2023 Location: nammyohorenghekyo
Aum_Shanti wrote:twitchy wrote:Not sure what the 'LOL' is all about I just really found the assumption funny, that LSD would be naturally occurring in ergot fungi. Man, can you imagine, how many people would start growing them? Quote:but ergot is derived from the fungus Claviceps purpurea, no? Not precisely. Ergot refers to a group of fungi of the genus Claviceps. So Claviceps purpurea is an ergot fungi and not derived from it. Quote: Naturally it follows that LSD is an alkaloid of Ergot, or least it was the last time I checked so I'm not sure why you seem amused by this. LSD is called an ergoline, but that does not mean it occurs in ergot fungi, but that its structural molecular base skeleton is the alkaloid ergoline. E.g. like MDMA is also an amphetamine. And I really do not get what you wanna say with your quotation, as I don't see any relation to what we were talking about. Quote: Regardless, it's pretty dangerous to fool around with ingesting spun off material from moldy grains is the point I was trying to convey.
For sure! That was basically my main motivation to correct your above statement and not just laugh behind the screen (I really had to LOL). As maybe someone really gets the wrong idea reading this, there would be LSD in it. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
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Posts: 122 Joined: 16-May-2019 Last visit: 07-Jun-2024
I also am on the side where ergine would not be in claviveps p. , I can't remember . Ergocristine and ergocryptine are in some for working with it but that is c. P. G3 and there are three known races of claviceps p. A wooden area type g2 I believe , a marsh type G3 and a field rye type g1 .
They all have different mixtures .
I don't think ergoline one of them .
Ergoline is mostly present in morning glory family seeds , eg tricolor , hbwr , that odd Mexican Morning glory with white flowers oloiquici or something , among a few others , there is an endophyte that infects stripus grass ?(maybe this is what it is )? I believe that has lsa as an bi product , but I really honestly can't remember but am leaning towards 70 percent sure ergot fungus as we are talking of doesnt have ergoline
So no lsa without converting something to it . There's a great tek here for isolating it though , does it come with pepper mint oil you ask betcha ! And be safe
, ergot is nasty and I have played with it and it does make your nerve s feel a little on edge if you aren't the safest and yes if you get a bad dose you can lose digits etc , but I think it's uncommen these days to misidentify and not treat it . But by all means be safe . And really if you don't know what you're doing with it I'd be very very careful ! I'm not saying I am , but I know enough about it . It's a fun little fungus to grow as a hobby though if you're careful with focus on careful .
I cannot spell lol
 βΏΒ°βΏβΟβΒͺΞ³Β³r ΞΊhΒͺrΒͺΞΊΟΒ³r
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I don't trust any claims about this type of thing unless they have some evidence supporting them.
Some toxins from molds can cause organ damage that shows up over a long period of time. Many toxins are capable of causing cumulative damage over time.
The first question I have is how was the identity of Lysergic Acid Amide confirmed as a product of this method?
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Ferrum wrote: Ergoline is mostly present in morning glory family seeds ,
Just as a sidenote: I think you mean ergine or ergolines here, not the alkaloid ergoline. Otherwise I see it the same way as you. I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
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Posts: 122 Joined: 16-May-2019 Last visit: 07-Jun-2024
Thank you I did , I fumble a little sometimes on my compounds . I appreciate it .
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Posts: 122 Joined: 16-May-2019 Last visit: 07-Jun-2024
Many things glow under black light. Banana spots for one . I would bet that you are getting a lot more than just amides from the slurry if you are getting them and then at that point how would you isolate just the amides so you aren't poisoning yourself ?
As it has been said there are a lot of toxic compounds that are produced from organisms on many grains . How do you keep yourself from isolating the toxins? If you are interested in larger scale c.p. Culture why not hunt a spur and build a bioreactor? They are not too hard to build and spurs are everywhere if you know where to look and that way you can culture a clean sample on agar first then move on to other steps instead of blindly winging it and praying you don't Ingest something that is going to grant you hospital admission ?
Besides think of this .....if it was really that easy don't you think others would have used this method by now? Why haven't they? Is it truely that revolutionary or maybe abandoned for reasons otherwise from those above ?
It's a good start but I think it's not a very stationary tech for Lsa culture . Ergine aka Lsa is not in c.p.
Compounds that are in c.p. Ergotamine Ergosine Alpha and b-ergokryptine Ergocristine Ergostine These are probably the blue glow causing compounds ....but to my knowledge have zero trials for activity like LSA
 analytical chemist
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MachienDome wrote:I see the open registration opened back up and the rats dragged some trash in. Glad to see you here, Maddcappz, 4chan not loading for ya? some old pics were going around on the darknet of the old work I did with c.p., probably by chantrash trying to make a cryptobuck. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
 analytical chemist
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C.p. produces paspalic acid, LSA, and LSH (good luck isolating the latter), as well as several loline alks. Depending on the age of the submerged culture, you may also pull chanoclavine I and II, and elymoclavine. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
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benzyme wrote:C.p. produces [...]
Just to make things clear, you're speaking about C. paspali now, not C. purpurea like OP? I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.