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Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
Recently I got a trusted contact for a person who offers individual ceremony with the B.Alvarius.
I have been suffering from various form of anxiety (GAD, social anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD...) and depression for as long as I remember. Throughout the years I tried over 50 pharmaceuticals which didn't help in any way and only damaged me more. Recently I got free from SSRI and only taking very low doses of benzodiazepines to somehow manage my day-to-day anxiety.
Do you think B.Alvarius could be a beneficial/therapeutic session for me or a total disaster?
I have watched a lot of documentaries about B.Alvarius but still, I have no idea what to expect. I have some experiences with mushroom microdosing but I have never tried a trip on psychedelics.
Thank you for any advice you might have!

Posts: 4711 Joined: 10-Sep-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: Rocky mountain high
Don't take the medicine from Octavio Rettig or Gerry Sandoval. Be sure you trust the experience and integrity of whoever the provider is. Do plenty research, which it sounds like you have, and ask lots of questions. Do some soul searching and make sure this is something you really want to do. Provide sufficient time for integration post-experience. Give it a day or two at least before jumping back into the rat race of daily life. A strong experience can take a long time to fully integrate, go easy and don't rush it. Put off any life altering decisions for at least a month to make sure they still look appealing from a baseline state. And most importantly, be sure and share a nice trip report with us. Best of luck
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 122 Joined: 16-May-2019 Last visit: 07-Jun-2024
I've owned a number of these toads over the years and honestly , for me the initial partaking in the experience hold a lot of fear , but that's me personally . After the point you realize your not going to die if it crosses your mind some relief and rest there's the typical tryptamime afterglow , again for me , but I've never used it In a ceremony' setting like I do with other classes of items .
I don't know about if a ceremony would be helpful or not , if so , everything dreamer said above I agree with except with who to avoid as I haven't heard of them .
Personally for my recovery from depression and panic attacks (mild to watch out ) the medicines that helped me the most were low doses of mushrooms (.5 gram to 1gr ) many times a month for about 3 to 4 months . Smoking salvia divinorum leaves not extracts , just dried leaves a few times a week for a few months , and micro dosing lsd 20 - 30 mc s a few times a month for a few months .
Over all I felt the salvia worked the best for depression , then mushrooms, and the lsd sorta just kept my serotonin up . But the salvia , I slept better , my outlook Better , I would smoke them everywhere , just a dried leaf joint , at bars , in my car before work , at night before bed . They, I felt, while only really being intoxicating at a feeling of just drinking a beer quickly , seemed to 'smooth' Over all the issues I was having . Mushrooms generally made me happy at low levels for long durations after the salvia smoking . These are just my experiences with defeating depression . Ssri s did not work and left me feeling whack .
Syrian rue maoi s extracted also helped a lot and honestly at high Doses are extremely psychedelic , I cannot tell you the number of native women scenes or other odd jungle motifs I witnessed on it at high doses , but it also helps at low doses (3gr) extractions as well I think for me .
Took about a year or so to completely defeat the depression . So , started with salvia , then some mushroom micro , then Syrian rue , and lastly these days I micro Lsd some . Nothing crazy . But maybe an all out cermony may be for you . Personally when i was mixed up , large heroic trips did not help , but I soloed alone and didn't have a guide , a large journey with a guide could be helpful .it also may not be . Out of curiosity why bufo ? It's main compound is the same as cebil seeds . I'm just curious why you settled on that as therapy ? No judgement just wondering .
I think you should like dreamer said do some soul searching and then decide what Would be best for you . I hope my experiences helped inform you to some possible routes to happiness . No matter what don't tell yourself that you can t be happy , etc . Not quitting and trying something else (like bufo , among others ) when you hit a wall is key to success in this battle you're involved in . Now go claim your right to happiness !
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Posts: 23 Joined: 11-Nov-2018 Last visit: 12-Dec-2019 Location: The Inner realm
before you take The Powerful Bufo Medicine to begin the healing of depression which i suffered from tremendously at one point even suicidal.
do these steps for one week preferably 2.
1. Clean up your diet (water only, fruits, vegetables, Pasta. -Stay away from red meats and Garlic)
2. Yoga or exercise for 30 minutes this will help the blood flow. ( basic ashtanga sun salutation is all you need to begin with.)
3. Meditate for at least 20 minutes a day really good after yoga (focusing solely on breathe clearing out the distractions) you can work your way up to 20 minutes or more i go from 20 -40 minutes before i couldn't do 5 minutes without going crazy.. Listen to Indian Meditation music or whatever calls to you just as long as it's ambient.
I do DMT once a week on Sunday that is my church time and it sets me for the week ahead. Bufo is similar but different experience easier to focus because the visuals and colors aren't as strong but as a result the message resonates that much more because you are able to focus more on the journey.. Just trust you will come out of the experience better prepared for what you been through and this blessing of life we get to experience..
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 113 Joined: 16-Dec-2017 Last visit: 08-Aug-2024
If you want to take a medicine that´s therapeutic, then I recommend you to try ayahuasca first ( or both toad and aya later that night), it hits you slowly, gives you more time to process it. I don´t know if you have taken any other phychedelic before... the toad can throw you away like a sling shot (high doses). Bufo can be amazing and therapeutic too, for sure. I also heard, from spiritaul people, that´s one plant that can release you from soul contracts or karmic debts you have from past lives... that´s as good as it gets. "aw8ke" made some good suggestions. In my opinion, if you are really depressed, if the shit is hitting the fan... you won´t be able to enforce those changes. (you have a real chemical inbalance in your body) But don´t fool yourself, no phychedelic is going to magically heal you... it is like... it gives you a 3 week truce with your problems... if you don´t make any change in your life, you´ll keep falling for the same behavior patterns, the same triggers that cause you anxiety to begin with. Meditation and phychedelics are really good to help you rewire your brain, so you react different to a stimuli that previously cause you anxiety. Meditation helps making you aware when those triggers happen. So, prepare for a long process of self-betterment, be ready to take these medicines probably more than one time; meditate; and make changes in your diet and lifestyle... or whathever was causing you unrest in the first place. Good luck! "...after five seconds I was no longer a marxist, no longer a materialist, no longer a rationalist. It killed those things, it cauterized them..."Terrence McKenna
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
Thank you so much for your advice I really appreciate it!
I am a bit familiar with the out of body experience from Ketamine infusions... I had an experience where it felt like I was dying, perhaps it's similar in that way to the psychedelic toad?
I tried mushrooms micro dosing for a few times. However, every time I take them, they made me feel significantly anxious and very uncomfortable throughout the day. I even tried dosage as low as 0.050
As for B.Alvarious. The thing is, its legal (or better said it's not illegal) where I live, so there are a few providers for the sessions (for a group or for an individual session). They ask for around 180 - 200 dollars for a private session. I have spoken to 3 providers for B.alvarius. For example, one mentioned that my problems could get worse after the session. I could become more depressed, anxious for the following weeks. The other guy said there is no or very little chance this could happen and I can expect an only positive/ beneficial experience for my healing. The third guy told me that Bufo will make no "significant" difference in my problems and I will lose time and money for the session. Other psychedelics are illegal, so If I decide to try one I will be on my own without the support/help of sitter.
Anyway, I am planning to try a 2.5g of mushrooms for a therapeutic journey (still postponing it when I will be "ready" and in a better mindset). I am quite scared of it because I am aware of, there is a lot of underlying issues, traumas, and negative memories which have been accumulated throughout the I assume all this negative stuff will come to the surface during the trip. The only option is then to do not resist whatever happens.
Personally, I would try MDMA therapy first. But there are no MAPS studies or any underground therapists where I live (I am from Europe). I don't want to do it on my own, it won't work and it's not even supposed to work in this way. I would probably only get high during the experience without any healing, therapeutic value of the trip.
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Posts: 660 Joined: 30-Jul-2016 Last visit: 15-Jul-2019 Location: Europe
Space88 wrote:As for B.Alvarious. The thing is, its legal (or better said it's not illegal) where I live, [...] Other psychedelics are illegal, so If I decide to try one I will be on my own without the support/help of sitter. Really? That sounds very fishy to me. Are you sure 5-MeO-DMT isn't illegal in your country? AFAIK they have also introduced a kind of new psychoactive substances law, didn't they? Could be wrong here, just sounds very strange to me, that "all other psychedelics are illegal", but not 5-MeO-DMT. I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 230 Joined: 02-Feb-2019 Last visit: 20-Jan-2021
Don't do something like that without a qualified sitter... please. You want to know that someone is there, in case you need support.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
Aum_Shanti wrote:Space88 wrote:As for B.Alvarious. The thing is, its legal (or better said it's not illegal) where I live, [...] Other psychedelics are illegal, so If I decide to try one I will be on my own without the support/help of sitter. Really? That sounds very fishy to me. Are you sure 5-MeO-DMT isn't illegal in your country? AFAIK they have also introduced a kind of new psychoactive substances law, didn't they? Could be wrong here, just sounds very strange to me, that "all other psychedelics are illegal", but not 5-MeO-DMT. I would say it's in a grey area, similar to iboga. There is no mention about 5-MEO-DMT, they talk only about B.Alvarius ceremony. Also, if you want to get a session, first, you need a reference from someone who already underwent a ceremony with that provider. E.g. Czech Republic is even more liberal in that way. I think MDMA, shrooms, cannabis... are legal there but only for personal use to a certain quantity. Any psychedelic therapy (outside of clinical studies) is still illegal.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
Ferrum wrote:Over all I felt the salvia worked the best for depression , Interesting to hear about your positive experiences with Salvia, especially for those problems. I thought the Salvia is very powerful, strong psychedelic only for experienced travelers. But it probably depends a lot on how much you take as with anything other. I will look more into Salvia. Thank you!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 122 Joined: 16-May-2019 Last visit: 07-Jun-2024
Salvia is very very potent ....but most people are smoking extractions of 5times to greater of plant material isolated on one gram of leaf .....
Just the leaves by themselves smoked as a bowl or joint is not very overwhelming ....and highly anti depressive and induces a pleasing restful sleep for me with almost zero anxiety . Good luck friend
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 34 Joined: 28-Oct-2018 Last visit: 13-Nov-2020 Location: Argentina
Hey! The bufo alvarius is amazing for this, im telling you this because i did it and i only had the chance to have 2 "rituals" done that day (most recommend doing it 3 times the same day or in 2) Why do i think its great? Because i suffered from sever depression for id say 6 years and had no one to help me out all that time, and after THAT day i couldn't even remember what the pain was even like, at all, even if i thought about certain topics that use to tear me down in a sec, id just smile and think "oh well shit happens" and continue motivated to go and actually do something lol. The trips where amazing, once i came back from the second one i cried my life out and got to let everything out because i was able to for once in my life not give a flipping F what people around me thought, i entered some sort of trance to put it in a way, it felt like 5 minutes or 10 max.... I Was crying and ripping out grass for over 40 minutes. ASK FOR THOSE WHO ARE WITH YOU TO LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR A WHILE, i saw a few people trying to get their thing straight and think or whatever and they couldn't because they had like 3 people hugging them and talking (i would've done something but tbh i was super zoned out) It's been 8 months and ive only felt down once (this whole week) but i think its just a normal bummer thing because it has to rain sometimes in order for the tree to grow. This is MY personal experience, might be usefull,idk I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart because depression is no joke ❤
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
Ferrum wrote:Salvia is very very potent ....but most people are smoking extractions of 5times to greater of plant material isolated on one gram of leaf .....
Just the leaves by themselves smoked as a bowl or joint is not very overwhelming ....and highly anti depressive and induces a pleasing restful sleep for me with almost zero anxiety . Good luck friend thank you! Is there another way how to take Salvia D.? I don't smoke, I would like to try that salvia leaves for sleep. I have horrible problems with sleep. I can fall asleep, but I am wide awake after a few hours. I wake up about 3 or 4 every morning.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-May-2015 Last visit: 29-May-2024 Location: Slovakia
thank you my friend, I wish you the same!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
Space88 wrote:Ferrum wrote:Salvia is very very potent ....but most people are smoking extractions of 5times to greater of plant material isolated on one gram of leaf .....
Just the leaves by themselves smoked as a bowl or joint is not very overwhelming ....and highly anti depressive and induces a pleasing restful sleep for me with almost zero anxiety . Good luck friend thank you! Is there another way how to take Salvia D.? I don't smoke, I would like to try that salvia leaves for sleep. I have horrible problems with sleep. I can fall asleep, but I am wide awake after a few hours. I wake up about 3 or 4 every morning. you could grow a plant and chew on fresh leaves. or with dried leaves you can also take them sulbingually as quid, or tincture.. also some do bubble gum with salvia extracts. research there is other ROA but results seemsm inconsistent with me. Now am back to vaping extract in GVG. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
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Posts: 130 Joined: 03-Jul-2019 Last visit: 21-Nov-2022 Location: vallarta
If its with my friends Richie & Xochitl. Go ahead.
i think he is currently in slovenia, he introduced me to Bufo Alvarius and im really grateful that he did.