you know I was thinking the exact same thing but dismissed it because after a certain amount of fasa was added the clouds stopped forming like normal, if it were the fasa crashing out wouldn't it keep crashing as long as it was added? (I guess the ratio of fasa and ether might matter...)
.... ok just tested... fumaric acid did not crash when fasa was added to the ether. SCORE!
::edit:: crystals have formed around the side of the bowl, still more time is needed til all precips. From first glance the crystals do remind me of fumaric acid being clear/white but that still doesn't explain why my ether pull was colored orange! I was thinking that maybe the ether was just pulling residual fats and oils but that wouldn't explain why something crashed out of solution... unless ether does make fumaric acid drop out... but I didn't see that happen when fresh ether was mixed with fasa... Only time will tell I suppose
When Injustice Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty