Hello everyone - To cut a long story short, I've had some amazing DMT trips in the past, And recently i tried getting back into it, But I've had a few denied breakthrough trips and I'm feeling a bit perplexed about it.
I know about integration and trying your best to take whatever inspiration hyperspace can give you and apply it to your real life.
I'm a sensible adult and feel as though i am using DMT for the right reasons.
My smoking technique has worked in the past.
The only deciding factor i can think of this - When i recently got into doing extractions again - i lost the lid for my glass container tbat i put my solvent extraction phase into at the end of the extraction.
In the past I've always used a glass container with an air tight lid.
I asked a a friend of mine about it and he's said that having a lid on or not shouldn't really matter. And that i might not get crystals but i should still end up with some great goo.
Just in case I'm wasting material im going to buy a new container with a lid tomorrow.
But if i do that and try another extraction and get crystals and still experience a denied breakthrough trip - Then does anyone have any advice or has anyone had this happen to them ??
It's frustrating doing extractions and getting a denied breakthrough trip.
And for people that don't know what i mean by denied breakthrough trip - basically it feels as though initially that the trip is going to work and about to fully kick in ( you feel like a weak DMT buzz ) But as the rocket is about to fully take off, something goes wrong and you come straight back down without leaving low earth orbit and fully blasting off so to speak.
I'm gonna scroll the forums and see if i can find anything that might help me out a bit.
If anyone has any advice or feedback then I'd love to hear it.
Thank you.