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do you feel the presence of the entities? Options
#1 Posted : 12/16/2009 7:38:27 AM

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I want to know if people that experience entities are aware of the presence of them as sort of sentient beings or are they just there in the visuals?

I just came out of a deep bufo and caapi experience..I wont go into all the details here becasue I have posted so many of these things lately..

But 2 new things happened..

first the bufo state opened up to me in a whole new way, like a new reality..I actaully exoperienced myslef flying inside a spacship thing in my visions and outside of the windows I could see the jungle..like an amaringo scene..up until this point it was all techno-futuristc machine space type of stuff in my vilca journeys..but this time I felt like it was now allowing me to get a glimps of it's home..the jungle.

But onto the entites..usually I become aware of entites in the bufo trance..well only on my last few sets of trips where I went really deep..I become aware of them before i see them..so it's beyond only the visual scene..I never really see them in detail there are more like shadow figures..and they dont interact directly with me but they are aware of me I can always feel it..it's hard to explain..but this time there was direct interaction.

So this time I was sort of looking up into this watery glass portal thing, like it was pressed up against my face with eyes closed..and suddenly I became aware of a presense..and I knew it was female.

She was on the other side of this g;ass thing and put her hand against it as if leaning on a window..so her hand was like right at my left eye..looking throuhg at me..she looked odd..not like a human..more like the thing from the adams family but different..but the hair was like an electric sea, moving around very organic like and it was so long it coveed everything but her legs..amd I felt alot of love from her.

I asked her mentally to show me something..and she reached through this glass ligued stuff and stuck her hand into my face.into my head..it was frickin weird i could almost feel it..and all this energy started building up inside of me and i started to get very euphoric..it felt awesome like I was getting some sort of healing..I thanked her and let it go on for as long as I could it was amazing and I felt sooo good after..when it was over she flew away up into the sky of this place and I watched her until she was gone..the rest of the visions I was humming and vocalizing and it was amazing how it opened up the visions even more..

I feel I really got some sort of healing from this being and hope to work with her more..I just drank some ayahuasca to help along this goodness I am feeling..just a very light dose of a caapi and chali brew..feels real nice though I can feel it creeping in overlapping the lingering bufotenine glowCool
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#2 Posted : 12/16/2009 10:10:32 AM


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I definitely feel them being there with me. I see, feel and hear them. It's amazing.
#3 Posted : 12/16/2009 12:44:29 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:

...But onto the entites..usually I become aware of entites in the bufo trance..well only on my last few sets of trips where I went really deep..I become aware of them before i see them..so it's beyond only the visual scene..I never really see them in detail there are more like shadow figures..and they dont interact directly with me but they are aware of me I can always feel it..it's hard to explain...

I havent really seen it, but it has always been there ever since the first time I did a solo trip on mushrooms. There was this big orange shadow (you call it shadow, and this is probably the best way to describe it), but I imagined it to be part of the stem of a big big mushroom. I was pulled in and got stuck on the surface of this stem. My arms and legs wide spread, completely 'hugging' it, allthough it was much bigger then I could get my arms and legs around.... I was definately aware of lying on the bed tripping on medium dose cubensis, but at the same time I was stuck on this orange thing. The outline of the presence was not clear at all. And there was no message or lesson what so ever. We were just there in that position for the whole duration of the trip. I felt very vulnurable and open but it never hurt me. And after a while it felt great (warm) actually!

Since then, I always get the same feeling of presence, but the orange shadow I have never seen again. For me this presence is the point where a trip starts. When I was younger I called them my little friends, because its presence is really everywhere, in every tree, stones whatever... And it always fills me with this sense of joy and euforia, universal love if you like. Big smile on my face from ear to ear, and tears in my eyes always. Like some reunion with an old friend that I havent seen for years. And I feel this presence protects me. And I completely trust and rely on this, whatever is happening in the trip. It feels like a guidance. This presence is my biggest love I must admit. Though I love my family, friends, pets and so on, there is nothing that can fill me with more joy and love than this presence can.

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#4 Posted : 12/16/2009 5:31:42 PM

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yeah I have had many similar experiences where I felt I could sense a presence with mushrooms, and see them as well...It's just strange how it seems to be a different phenomenon than what is taking place when just having visions...it's like when a person is standing behind you and you can sort of feel it them there..you know?
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 12/16/2009 5:58:42 PM

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You can stimulate parts of the brain involved in making people feel the presence of others when no one is there. So yes while SWIM may feel the presence of entities that doesn't mean they are there.
#6 Posted : 12/16/2009 6:05:54 PM

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well yeah i dont want to get into the validity of it here really..what I am interested in is the fact that part of the brain is experiencing something that sets it apart from the more impersonal visions..I have read reports of some people seeing entites but they were simply in the visions and nothing more..

I wonder if that part of the brain that is involved in the experience also plays a role in the content of the experience?..like the experience of undergoing some sort of healing through these beings?..that would be interesting to discuss.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 12/16/2009 8:13:36 PM

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burnt wrote:
You can stimulate parts of the brain involved in making people feel the presence of others when no one is there. So yes while SWIM may feel the presence of entities that doesn't mean they are there.

but I definitely prefer feeling like a child in fairytale land : )
so more fruitfull..

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#8 Posted : 12/16/2009 9:50:30 PM

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I usually feel a presence when I wake up in sleep paralysis.
Last time I woke up by someone stroking fingers really hard on my back
and it really freaked me out because I cant move.

It's really creepy when those things happen
#9 Posted : 12/16/2009 9:57:36 PM

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I want to know if people that experience entities are aware of the presence of them as sort of sentient beings or are they just there in the visuals? ... suddenly I became aware of a presense..and I knew it was female.


For me, a presence is more often felt than seen. It began that way. With gentle teasing.

The occasional visual manifestation of that presence has been spectacular.

Often, when I go in there is a sudden understanding that they are here. I remember that they are always here. I am afraid and humbled at that time- apologetic for having doubted. Then they are with me. Communication has been possible. She has directed my attention to objects in the room of which I was previously unaware etc...
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

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#10 Posted : 12/16/2009 9:59:06 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
yIt's just strange how it seems to be a different phenomenon than what is taking place when just having visions...it's like when a person is standing behind you and you can sort of feel it them there..you know?

yes exactly... sometimes like you can almost see/feel someone out of the corner of your eye...

I had a strange thing happen a couple months ago, I woke up in kind of sleep paralysis, and felt like something was pushing down on me, I got really angry and told whatever it was to f*** off and it did...
its funny, I am not like that in wakaing life but sometimes when journeying or dreaming I become very protective of my space, and become very firm and/or angry when I feel an entity or spirit that I dont trust encroaching into my space.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#11 Posted : 12/16/2009 10:43:22 PM

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what I am interested in is the fact that part of the brain is experiencing something that sets it apart from the more impersonal visions..I have read reports of some people seeing entites but they were simply in the visions and nothing more..

for swim its always been that the visible entity like things have less feeling of being actually there and entities that SWIM can't see feel more like they are there. its weird but thats how its been so far for SWIM. various tryptamines not just the spice.

like the experience of undergoing some sort of healing through these beings?..that would be interesting to discuss.

how would you describe this healing?
#12 Posted : 12/16/2009 11:02:27 PM

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The entity I experienced last night stuck her hand inside my head..I felt this sense of love and understanding..and I could feel this energy pouring into and through me from her hand and it seemed to activate kundalini or something..it was very ecstatic and soothing.
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 12/17/2009 12:29:37 AM


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can't deny them. realer than real.
some seem to be AI, like intergalactic bots of consciousness,
while others seem like highly advanced observers/operators
others, angelic, swift, beautiful...loving hyperspace just the same...
crystalline jewel encrusted projections of the life on Earth, and under it's oceans...
so insanely beautiful and intricate.
many are shape shifters, who have the ability to use your memories to mask themselves. Sometimes it's hilarious how they react when I point that out to them.

sometimes it feels like hyperspace itself IS the entity,
and we and they are all Partitions.
some of them seem to be able to hack it...

intentions are extremely sensible by all of these beings.
the further you go into the depths of our beating heart, the more they seem to reveal to you.
the more experience you have in this strange mode, the more they'll take notice.
This planet is marked by the Great Eye.
This experiment is getting hotter...

see/heard/felt/telepathic transmissions every single time a breakthrough dose is administered.

I am well aware of how insane all of this sounds, these are just my mental notes...

#14 Posted : 12/17/2009 1:27:36 AM

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like the experience of undergoing some sort of healing through these beings?..that would be interesting to discuss.

how would you describe this healing?

Swim had a sore neck for 2 weeks...., smoked some spice, it felt like tubes were being pushed through his head, he felt them just crushing through... not an entity pushing but they were being worked through his head all the same. Came to realize he was holding his neck in a way that was really hurting him which was causing the tubes sensation (or did the tubes cause swims contortion?) ... the next day his neck was 100%.... Its insane, but swim feels like the spice did this much like a masseuse.
#15 Posted : 12/17/2009 9:01:45 AM

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^^thats pretty interesting lonewolf. ive had friends who had serious backpain be healed by psychedelics like lsd.

fractal would you say your healing was more psychological then because the after effects felt so nice? meaning your sense of well being was improved?
#16 Posted : 12/17/2009 10:34:02 AM

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burnt wrote:

for swim its always been that the visible entity like things have less feeling of being actually there and entities that SWIM can't see feel more like they are there. its weird but thats how its been so far for SWIM. various tryptamines not just the spice.

Now that is interesting. The entity like things you see, are they like a mask, object, picture, or display at distance?
Do they make ideas (like insights) come to mind?

I am so intrigued by these entities that are encountered by others. There seem to be some types.
Stickmen, stereotypical grey aliens in different sizes, insects, theriantropes, snakes, dragons, machine-elves, elves, pixies..

But then there is also 'the presence'.
Before I knew of the types of entities I knew only of the presence. So far I thought this presence could be the 'mind which is the matrix of all matter', as Planck put it. And this idea is very much inline with some visions I had while tripping my brains out on those cyanescens. But never could I have imagined the link between psychedelics and UFOs! Such things are simply not there in my trips. Thrilling even more, science is looking into this... Ffs, scientists are seeing them!!! What a wonderfull world indeed. Some intersting times ahead that is for sure at least.

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#17 Posted : 12/17/2009 4:32:42 PM

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I think i feel them more than i see em. I sort of just sense that they are watching over me.

Without a doubt!

Sometimes i get the impression (although i dont actually see them) that there is little green goblins around? don't really understand what makes me think that but its happend a few times and i FEEL like there dancing around the room. But all that goes once my eyes are closed.
No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke
#18 Posted : 12/17/2009 5:11:41 PM

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burnt wrote:
^^thats pretty interesting lonewolf. ive had friends who had serious backpain be healed by psychedelics like lsd.

fractal would you say your healing was more psychological then because the after effects felt so nice? meaning your sense of well being was improved?

Well yes, but durring the experience there was also very tangible physical aspect to it..a flowing of intereior energy and lots of euphoria..like some sort of inner recalibration.

I know a lady that has some sort of disease that makes her have alot of pain, I cant remember what it is but she takes liquid LSD every week or so and says it helps her alot. Shes not the type I would have suspected to do these things either so it makes me think she really is benifitting from it. I think she was using low doses of salvia for pain as well but it was too short and she doesnt like the higher dose effects.
Long live the unwoke.
#19 Posted : 12/17/2009 5:16:42 PM


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My Eustachian tube is permanently damaged and I can't pop my ears, and psychedelics, like lsd, relieve this intense tension and open me up, allowing me to feel decent for once. I am so fucking grateful for these medicines.

#20 Posted : 12/17/2009 5:29:43 PM

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Well yes, but durring the experience there was also very tangible physical aspect to it..a flowing of intereior energy and lots of euphoria..like some sort of inner recalibration.

SWIm often has these experiences on intense trips but it doesn't require an entity.

I know a lady that has some sort of disease that makes her have alot of pain, I cant remember what it is but she takes liquid LSD every week or so and says it helps her alot. Shes not the type I would have suspected to do these things either so it makes me think she really is benifitting from it. I think she was using low doses of salvia for pain as well but it was too short and she doesnt like the higher dose effects.

migraines perhaps? or other kind of neuropathic pain?

Now that is interesting. The entity like things you see, are they like a mask, object, picture, or display at distance?
Do they make ideas (like insights) come to mind?

on mushrooms SWIM often sees psychedelic women in the visuals. its usually very sexual kinda like psychedelic porn SWIM guess's haha.

also on mushrooms SWIM has spoken with dead relatives. this was very intense and moving and well it made SWIM think a lot.

ketamine SWIM has also been in what can only be described as a sea of souls.

on DMT SWIM never really sees entities but always feels some other presence. although there have been weird things like eyes looking at SWIMs insides stuff like that.

lsd there is never entities except paranoia maybe makes SWIM thinks someone is watching or there.
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