A journey I was never expecting... but nevertheless, very powerful and very tiring, in return. My ego is still processing the powerfulness, Light and Dark, of what I experienced... I will now proceed to ramble on a bit, and hope my words make sense, lol.
I journeyed on Wednesday night, after a day of shopping and preparation. I extracted 50 grams of Syrian Rue with the Herbal Percolator method, using perhaps a bit too much white vinegar... then I blended 100 grams of Chaliponga in some water, put the sludge into a pot with some more white vinegar. The cooking process was interesting, because if there was too much heat, the sludge would rise to the top in a mound, then collapse as the hot water forced through it. Slightly annoying, but worth it. I put the finished brews into two 1 litre bottles, and filled them up with water until the bottles were completely filled, as I reduced too much.
I made the mistake of having some curry a few hours before the journey, not realizing my stomach would be hating me... worth it? Don't know... but I drank tons of water and some ginger root capsules to slowly ease the discomfort.
At around 8pm I drank 100mls of Syrian Rue, waited for half an hour, feeling nothing, then drank 100mls of unpleasant Chaliponga brew that had plenty of tannins... it looked deceptively milky.

Straight away, I felt plenty of pain in my stomach region, and after half a minute, I inexplicably saw a pair of eyes, and I recognized them as representing Chaliponga. I greeted Chaliponga and she starting working on me straight away, telling me to focus on the pain, and fully accept it. I did so, which wasn't easy... then miraculously, the pain shifted away, towards my lower back, though it was more dim now...
As it reached the bottom of my spine, the pain disappeared, and a very strange, hardly noticeable energy consumed me ~ it was my Shadow, again, but it was so transparent that I fully and delusionally believed I was in control of myself, that I was doing what I chose to do... I believed that I was psychically interacting with the neighbours across the road, that they were responding to me... it felt so damn real that I couldn't tell reality from illusion... especially because the noises I was hearing were a mix of real physical noises and delusions created by my Shadow. The synchronicity was merely the cherry on top...
Eventually, I somehow snapped out of that, and a demon was pulled from just below my chest region ~ a demon that was a creation of emotional energy... related to what, I am not entirely sure, right now. I don't know how long it was there... eventually, another demon was removed from my near my Root Chakra, this time it was a poisonous-purple-coloured viper that had an upper human torso. It was definitely related to my sheer obsession and addiction to masturbation ~ a representation of all that energy from day after day, year after year, of masturbation. I feel like those were only upper layers of these respective energies, and that there is more to dig away at, but that I am not ready to safely release right now.
At some point, the journey abruptly ended. Puzzled, I drank another 100mls of both brews, and After a while, the journey came back into motion, with Chaliponga asking me with mild interest that I came back, with an uncomfortable tingling rising up my body and into my head. Chaliponga had me focus on drawing all the negative energy I could into my stomach region. Then I had some quiet time where my mind idled and whirled with the pleasant feelings I could sense throughout my body.
Sometime later, in the background Chaliponga created a space that me and my beautiful tiger spirit guide could interact with each other in... this space seemed overlaid on the physical space my body was on. It was like I was suddenly able to access a higher dimensional plane that I wasn't able to reach before. I can't explain the energy with words... somehow, I think I've been there before, but I can't remember it. Familiar, yet not.
I also met Mother Ayahuasca again, for a short while and had a small chat with her. What I do remember is that she said that I could connect with her without necessary having to drink the Vine, as I was doing now through Syrian Rue and Chaliponga's assistance. I saw a huge vine curling off into the distance. Grandfather Rue was in the distance, and Chaliponga was in background, acting as a seeming intermediary for it all.
After the sun rose, birds ecstatically flying around, chirping happily, my mind focused on beautiful rhythm of it all, I finally heavily purged and vomited ~ a grand release, and one that I still processing and integrating... eventually, the journey faded away,
This is what I can mostly remember. Thank you for reading!

“The dao that can be expressed is not the eternal Dao.”
~ Lǎozǐ
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
~ Carl Jung