Read through some of your other posts. To me it sounds par for the course more or less. Seems you've been doing it alot, so you might want to step back with things a bit and reevaluate, never too bad of a way to go imo.
Quote:My first few experiences where loving and the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt in my life and these last experiences have been hell. Mainly the last.
Don't expect particular experiences based on you're hopes or what you'd like. It can crush you in those respects. Get used to receiving whatever may come, that's it.
Quote:These entities are showing me things that are not pleasant and they are firing rapidly. They don’t want me there and this last time they made it very clear not to come back.
Whats not pleasant about it? There's plenty of tough/trying times with this stuff so it's no surprise, but I'm just curious on what you mean by 'not pleasant'?
And as far as 'they dont want me there, etc', what makes you say this, or why do you think this is? Maybe this goes back to the frequency of your use then since you've been doing it pretty often?
The thing I'll end on saying is that this stuff deserves a good amount of respect. I know you're probably excited since it's early on for you, and you just want to dive in and all that good stuff. I get it totally. Just take some care when approaching this stuff.