[quote=MrPocket]Hey guys, I want to talk about an experience that took place last night. Let me start by giving a little bit of context first. So the other day I took dmt and had my first experience that wasn’t 100% euphoric and honestly just straight weird. During my dmt trip I was laying on some sort of examining table and being look over by these entities that seemed almost human. I didn’t experience love or hate but just a feeling that I was somewhere that I wasn’t supposed to be. This experienced left my very confused and unsure about what I experienced. All of my other trips have felt so profound and euphoric but this trip was just different.
So That last experience left me with a lot of questions and made me feel a bit different and unsure about dmts effects. Before this I was 100% convinced this was a drug that took you to a magical and spiritual place that was100% real but now my mind had tried to convince me that maybe this is just honestly a trip and nothing more. I still believe it is a spiritual tool but that’s just where my mind took me a few times.
So I have struggled with addiction my whole life. I started shooting up herione and cocaine at age 16 and battled addiction for years until I did a one year jail stent and got my life together when I was 21. My mom ended up dieing while I was in jail and my father ended up getting throat cancer and died a few years later also. All of this was a lot for me and I ended up moving from Arizona to Michigan the week I left jail and my life has chanced in amazing ways since. I am now 28 years old, have an amazing wife and two amazing children. Though I still struggle with addiction slightly, I don’t use herione or cocaine but have started drinking quite often. I don’t drink everyday but when I do drink I go hard. I drink whatever amount of alcohol I’ve been within an hours time. Wether it’s a six pack of beer or a bottle of jack. Currently this is maybe a once a week thing but has been an everyday thing in the past.
My last trip scared me a bit but honestly it wasn’t really scary but more weird then anything. I ended up drinking two nights ago and thought I wonder if it’s ok to drink and smoke dmt. I’ve seen a lot of different answers on this subject from people that have done it and it seems about half the people believe it’s ok to do and the other half experienced bad trips. I ended up convincing myself that it would be ok to drink and smoke dmt. I ended up falling asleep but the next day I put my plan into motion. I drank a six pack of beer and 3 shots worth of yegermister. I went into my basement and got my dmt ready to smoke. I took 3 massive hits and started to feel the effects. I closed my eyes and this dmt trip took me somewhere dark. I don’t remember the first part of my trip but do know that it showed me a lot of dark stuff about myself. At some point it took my to a place where I was only there with myself unable to move or even hardly breathe. It felt like I was in a coma and struggling to catch each breath all while the dmt was showing me how I was ruining my life and convincing me that I was about to die. I shit you not this part of the trip lasted what felt like HOURS and after some time I was able to open my eyes and this experience had lasted for 45 minutes. I was not drunk before the trip and honestly felt 100% aware of everything before I smoked. For some reason I felt like I had to go back. I ended up taking three more big tokes and blasted off to the same place and had the same coma type state trip after a flash of how fucked up of a person I’ve been. The second trip lasted for 25 minutes.
My longest trip prior to this was 11 minutes and somehow these trips where extremely long. It felt like maybe this was similar to an Ayahuasca Trip but I’ve never done Ayahuasca this is just my guess? At the time this scared the shit out of me and was extremely dark. I don’t think I will ever drink alcohol again. On the other hand I really feel like I need to do dmt again. I need to get back to where I was and experience good things and learn life lessons. I felt like I needed to share this story and would love any insight I can get from anyone. Can I recover from this? Can I get myself back to a good place and still have good dmt experiences? I’ve only done dmt 10 times and these last few experiences have shocked me. This was some really dark stuff and I would be extremely grateful if anyone could try and give me some sort of answer or advice. Thanks