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Hello from Brazil! I will the use Ayahuasca brew at home soon. Would like some advice. Options
#1 Posted : 5/18/2019 6:01:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 17-May-2019
Last visit: 21-Feb-2020
Hello there. As the title says, I'm from Brazil.

As you probably know (given you are experts in DMT, Ayahuasca and other psychedelics), entheogens are usually legal in South America, and this is the case here too. If I can recall correctly, among the natural psychedelics only Salvia is totally banned.

I was always afraid of using psychedelics because I used many psychiatric medications in the past that could interact badly or cut off the psychedelics' effects. Now I'm only taking a small anticonvulsant dose (which I'm weaning off as well) and that doesn't interact with those substances, so it's been 1 and a half month since I began experimenting with psychedelics.

The first one was Psilocybe Cubensis. I was addicted to morphine and the mushrooms simply made me drop the morphine after the first experience. I have never felt the need to use morphine again since. I had other great experiences with mushrooms. And also one great experience with Argyreia Nervosa, which made me connected to the universe somehow, through voices of unidentified beings (which I believe were plant spirits or something along these lines, trying to help me).

Overall, I reach out to psychedelics to improve my mental state. 5 years on antipsychotics (mainly for rage issues) just left me brain-dead, while 1 and a half months on psychedelics made me a much better person.

I feel like I need to go a step further now, though. I need to get rid of the most deeply intrusive thoughts. I won't go into detail obviously, but there's still a lot of nasty stuff inside me like perversions and some misanthropy.

This further step I believe is contained in the form of DMT (Ayuhuasca). I feel like I need something more mind-blowing to wash my soul.

I don't want to go to a religious centre though (Santo Daime, UDV etc.) so I decided to buy the Ayahuasca brew ready to drink on a bottle (100ml), on the internet. I want a totally private experience, without the interference of shamans etc. My mother will be my trip-sitter (I plan on calling her in case anything goes wrong).

After writing all of that, you can give any advice you want.

But I have some questions:
1 - If I take ondansetron (medication against nausea used in chemotherapy), will it prevent the vomiting? Is this recommended?
2 - Is it good or bad to play calm/soothing music through the whole experience? Better to do it with music or in absolute silence?
3 - Will I have enough control of my body to reach out to a benzodiazepine or to reach out to my mother in the case things go unbearable? Or will my body be in a catatonic-like state?

I guess that's it...

Again, feel free to comment anything or welcome me or whatever... But I have those lingering questions to which I never see people talking about.

Nice to be here! Smile

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#2 Posted : 5/18/2019 4:40:48 PM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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Hi! Soothing music is definitley a good thing. In hyperspace something happens to music where the sound of it is made so much more beautiful and the visions seem to interact with the music, so that the experience and the music become one.

You will probably be able to move throughout most points, except at the peak, but for the most part you probably wont want to.
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#3 Posted : 5/18/2019 5:37:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello and welcome!

I don't know about ondansetron, but I wouldn't take any medication to counteract nausea or vomiting; it's not common to do that and there is probably a reason for that. The nausea is usually not that bad and if you're very sensitive to nausea, ginger is a natural nausea remedy, but I've never felt the need for it. I don't often experience strong nausea and when I do, I find it an invaluable part of the healing experience.

I don't vomit either, but those who do also consider it part of the experience and often a desired one.

P.S. You may want to edit your post as discussion of sourcing is not allowed on the Nexus.
Jackoval Trades
#4 Posted : 5/18/2019 8:07:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I suggest finding some plant material to make your own ayahuasca, that is if you plan to work with the brew for a while. You'll have full control of dosage and it can be comforting to know just how far your e going to go before you do.
#5 Posted : 5/19/2019 1:03:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 21-Feb-2020
Thanks for the replies!

FranLover, what do you think of intense "spiritual" music? For example, John Coltrane's jazz? Not recommendable or can it bring out some good results?

Jagube, I removed what I could in order not to damage the post.

Jackoval Trades, buying plants to cook at home was one of the things that made me not want to try it on the past. But if the beverage goes out of stock on the future and I feel the need to use DMT again somehow, I will do this. I hope I don't need to drink Ayahuasca more than once though, and that it'll "shake me up" for good. I like the quiet experience of mushrooms and am only reaching out to DMT due to my mental state. But who knows what will happen?

I have some other things I forgot to ask.

I was told the brew keeps for 1 month, but I don't know if it's at room temperature or in the fridge. Do you guys know if this 1 month expiration time is about room temperature or fridge? I've read before that it keeps on the fridge for months, so I'm guessing that 1 month is for room temperature.

Another thing is that when I use Ayahuasca, I will have consumed mushrooms around 7 days prior or so. Will it diminish the DMT effects due to cross-tolerance?

Thanks again!

#6 Posted : 5/19/2019 4:10:38 AM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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Never broke through to Coltrane, barley have listened to Coltrane, but I always break through to the classic jazz standards...the dmt alien feeling goes perfectly with trumpets. I cant imagine what a breakthrough would be like without beautiful music. https://youtu.be/c6a9gqUsbTM. Thats the song and album for my own dmt trips. Ill never forget the sound of a trumpet on dmt...Its undescribeable. The music is absolutley perfecf as it echoes all around the dome and dmt wave. My greatest moments in my life have been surfing hyperspace on a jazz solo, smoothly surfing...completley glorified by the source so that I know I am always safe in life, in good hands. The amount of love and good vibrations...I also think that if you listen to a song with amazing chord progressions and constant note changes (jazz using most of the best chords I have ever heard, and best melodic solos) that the vision and essence of the trip are more complex and in a very good way because at the same time jazz is lighthearted, about dancing slowly and feeling the love, but the music is very complex and performed by musicians that understand music very well. Also there is often an alienesque-50's feelings, like satire, because jazz can be a little crazy too.

Also you can probably eat shrooms the day before and tolerance probably wont be an issue, so with a 7 day break you will FOR SURE reset your tryptamine tolerance to 0
FranLover attached the following image(s):
oh-yeah-aliens-love-jazz_o_2665901.jpg (63kb) downloaded 25 time(s).
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
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