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New to DMT. Need guidance Options
#1 Posted : 5/17/2019 4:13:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 9
Joined: 17-May-2019
Last visit: 12-Jan-2020
Hello everyone! I have recently been introduced to DMT about two weeks ago and I find it amazing. I don’t really do drugs. I don’t smoke weed or take any other substances at all. I have used most of the common drugs but never really did psychedelics.when I was younger, Roughly 10 years ago I tried mushrooms twice and that was the extent of it. So anyways my brother told me he had got ahold of DMT from a mutual coworker a little over two weeks ago. He explained to me what he felt from his experience and I became very interested. I ended up talking to my coworker and he gave me some to try. My first experience was pretty scary because I literally had no idea what I was in for. I fought it with everything I had trying to keep control of my mind. I won’t get into that first experience to much because it wasn’t very interesting. I basically just kept using all my energy to force my eyes open till it was over. After it was done I felt that I had missed an opportunity to experience something truly special. So I talked to my buddy again the next day and he was willing to help me out again. This time I did some research and watched some videos and felt confident that I could handle it this time and just let go and try and gain something from the experience. I loaded up the dmt and took three of the biggest hits I could take. The dmt took me somewhere else. I just had the feeling of a different world but it felt very natural. It wasn’t an aggressive transition. It felt like someone was showing me things like it was a game. I felt love like a child loves there parents and they loved me the same. Instantly I feel in love with the experience and I’ve done it 9 times over the last 11 days. This morning I was ready for another go. I’ve grown more and more comfortable before each time I blast off. Basically I had no fear at all before this trip but... this trip was different from the rest. I went to the same space that I end up going to in about half my trips and same place I’ve gone to in my fast 4 trips but this time the entities had me laying down and where doing some kind of experiments on me. I assumed that they where playing a joke on me and that it was going to turn into something funny or amazing but it didn’t and I started to get the feeling that I was seeing something that I wasn’t supposed to be seeing. At some point they realized that I was noticing what they where doing and they kinda freaked out and didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t really scary but definitely very very weird and I didn’t feel that love I normally feel. I didn’t feel hate or love but just felt like I caught them doing something I wasn’t supposed to see. Can anyone tell me what they think this was? What this experience might mean. Or if they have experienced something similar

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/17/2019 5:55:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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We can say a lot. Ultimately, it's your experience and interpretation.

What do you think it means?
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#3 Posted : 5/18/2019 7:24:40 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 23
Joined: 11-Nov-2018
Last visit: 12-Dec-2019
Location: The Inner realm
I have Journeyed into the DMT realm over 30 times.. 3 out of 30 had a discomforting feeling for moments but i was able to use a mantra i was given i will share with you its 3 notes C B D just stretch the word "Love" to sustain those 3 musical note when ever you feel this negative energy.

Also are you cleansing your space and mind before taking the medicine? Very important

Rockets don't just take off into space. Theres a checklist before you take off remember to prepare correctly. This medicine takes you to places and realms that man can not simply explain in this form.

The good and bad is all there you gotta direct your ship though it.

Every time i do this medicine i'm nervous but every time i do it lately i feel more and more connected to the source..
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