i normally don't know, but this time i do
i've been helping people go through 49 day cycles of harmala use, from curing diabetes to parkinsons to bone and spine problems and for more exotic
point 1: observe and remove every single thing you take or drink which causes your heart/veins stress and changes your blood pressure, remove also high tyramine foods all together
point 2: harmalas have negative to severe and lethal interactions with many substances, including active and non active medicine, really the wiser choice is to research each and every of the things you take and see if they may have negative reactions together
point 3: for 70kg person 3 grams of whole rue seeds packed in empty liptons or some form of filter and simmered for 30 minutes results in a clear yellow tea which has a mild aroma, no bad taste, and is a dose you'd be able to take for 49 days preferably before bed or time of the day you can be care free, because due to reverse tolerance and the will of the gods sometimes the harmalas kick in pretty harder than usual and rue seeds can be found in persian/iranian/turkish/arabic stores for less $
point 4: it can be a good idea to take consecutive 48 hours off every week and just be clean of anything but food and water
point 5: its not just about taking the harmalas everyday, you should be able to pay attention to yourself while under the influence or progress will be slower
point 6: harmalas can be the husband of float tanks
point 7: might be useful to take lions mane along (of course, ganoderma and cordyceps and ashwaganda and boswellia and rosemary and brahmi herb are options)
point 8: seems like an all organic balanced diet is the basic requirement of internal repair most likely including intermittent fasting for cells to eat themselves and other damaged cells so there can be new life, ouroborus in short