Hi Psychonauts,
i'm 28 from germany and would like to introduce myself.
For a while I read here as a guest and some things here helped me a lot to get a better understanding of dmt.
I'd say i'm already an experienced user, didn't do any drugs before 22, but tried almost everything common in the last 6 years, some more frequent others less. Psychedelics are the most interesting for me. 2 Years ago i first heard about Ayahuasca and DMT and after weeks of research and tons of trip-reports i could not wait to do it so i went to my first AYA-retreat in the netherlands.
Got interested in it and later i got some DMT for the first time and it was incredible. Because the lack of knowledge i spent some money on buying before, but about two weeks ago i did my first extraction and i'm feeling like Walter White now lol.
So far i did about 100 jumps into hyperspace and i've seen many different worlds... i got so used to it that i did it everyday for a while and also did an ayahuasca session alone at home once. I'm not afraid at all, i enjoy beeing alone sometimes and beeing very comfortable with it.
Unfortunately my memory is really bad sometimes, and the bad thing about DMT is that the questions just get more and more...
Now i ran into a problem with something and would like to hear your opinion about it, but thats a very complex story, therefore i will start a new thread about it and will link it here later, just wanted to introduce myself first

//edit: You can find the story