Swizzer wrote:downwardsfromzero wrote:Quote:Acacia Adunca - At an average of 2.4% N-methyl-phenethylamine in the leaf this was also a winner. But again lack of confirmation & research after adding it to a list of possibilities.
What were you hoping this alkaloid might do? Its effects will be nothing like those of DMT, except for raising your blood pressure.
Hey wow thanks I'm so glad someone got back to me about something irrelevant & unrelated tot he thread.
Thanks bro much apprciated.
You posted a thread asking about plants that contain most DMT in the leaves. Then amongst your list was a plant claiming to have high N-Methyl-Phenethylamine content, which is a completely different substance than DMT. dondwardsfromzero correctly pointed out this seeming contradiction within your own post, informing of the difference, and you say his comment is unrelated and irrelevant??
We don't know you yet, we don't know if you are chem-savvy, for all we know you might have mistaken those two compounds and needed to be informed, as downwardsfromzero kindly did.
I don't understand why you posted that tree in the list in the first place, then, if you do know the difference?
Also, the sarcastic response to an informational post trying to help you, isn't the best way to join a new community.
As for your original question,
here's a great source of info if you haven't come across it yet, go to the DMT section.
Lastly, if you are looking to grow a plant with the highest DMT content in leaf, if you give us a general idea on your geographical zone, we can try to help with finding plants that will grow there (unless you have a greenhouse, that changes things, or maybe you dont want to grow yourself so what im asking is irrelevant)