I am reluctant to respond to this as your motivation appears to monetary. If that is how you are going to approach this topic, I feel you will quickly lose sight of anything said here on this thread. I am sorry, but you lost me. Good luck with your endeavors.
Namaste. Be Well.
My motivation monetary ? English is not my first language, you mean that my motivation seems driven by money ? I just don't get it. I was extremely interested by the experience you said to have with meditations and psychedelics, as I value others experience to make the best informed choices. My motivation is to erase suffering from my life and understand in the process how theses approaches better oneself. I want to understand the process from a rigorous and scientific mindset, to be able to explain why meditation and psychedelics are good (or not) for you from a rigorous scientific point of view. But it's okay if you don't want to answer me haha.
EDIT : Bruadaraiche I think I understood why you reacted this way! When I said "I would like to make profit of your experience", its not financial profit! Did you understand that? I wanted to learn from your 13 years of dedicated meditation practice and use of psychedelics, not selling anything to anyone^^ Anyway, I had to precise it, my English is not so good...
I think that what psychedelic you chose to combine with meditation is an important question, as the dosage is. I'm always referring to Myron Stolaroff here, but he said that tryptamines are more inclined to throw you in deeply repressed psychic areas, phenethylamines less so (certainly thanks to their MDMA-like qualities). That seems to me really important if you want to control the intensity of the pace you're walking on. Dosage is certainly also of extreme importance (From Stolaroff: Working on the feelings brought out by low doses permit more change in your every-day life, and more lasting, compared to high doses).
Quote:So... I'm not Bruadaraiche, and can only speculate on what he has meant. But I'd like to tell you what I assume he means and what I find true. The main point is: there is many aspects to meditation, there are many different techniques, goals, obstacles. So it is a bit difficult to talk about "meditation" per se.
Maybe that is where Bruadaraiche and my approach differ. My point of view is that science need to understand what happen when you practice theses paths. We need to understand, in a psychological level, but also in a biochemical and neurological level. It is certainly difficult to speak about meditation, but it's not because it's difficult than we couldn't try to model what's happening, try to understand. I'm totally blasted by the TMI community in reddit. Lot's of people speak about their experience in such a clear way. I think we NEED to speak more about. Trials, errors, when you are stuck somewhere. Internet will permit us to gather the information, digest it, for the benefit of everyone. This forum is a good example of what power can be unleashed through gathering meaningful information about DMT use.
Quote:So, for the most part, if you establish a reliable meditation practice, you will have many of the acquired skills available when you embark on a psychedelic journey. Another example: you will work with purifications, this means that suppressed material will cause you less trouble in day-to-day interactions. But also on your next trip.
I understand that. It's been 8 years since my first meditative retreat. I've already felt intense purification through my meditation. Meditation permitted me to shift my personality, decrease my drug use from everyday to sporadic. That was lifechanging for me. But I'm aware that I've got much more to learn. I was too rigid on my approach and already tried to apply the advices I had here. 15min is better than 1h or nothing
Quote:Still - you don't have to do all too much in order to "mix" meditation and psychedelics. Bruadaraiche mentioned, and I fully agree, that meditation is best used as a daily practice of training the mind. If you become a proficient meditator, many benefits of meditation, like increased mindfulness and concentration capacity, will become more and more easily available to you in everyday life, not only while you're on the cushion.
Yeah I know and definitely agree on that and the rest of your post.
For the different meditations, I feel that insight meditation could be overkill to be mixed with psychedelics. Maybe that's just me, but I had difficulties to cope with stirred feelings during intense Goenka meditative retreats. At my second or third one, day 5, I felt dissolution of my entire body, I could sit for yours, joy etc... The next morning, huuuuuge painfull sensation on the level of my heart arose, like a total void. I worked with theses feeling through EMDR therapy and I'm much better now, but I'm more inclined toward wet approach to meditation now than dry vipassana. My main goal is to increase awareness/concentration before doing insight again. I feel that shamata/metta could be more usefull for navigating in the psychedelics realms (on low doses) than insight, but that's just me
Haha my post is kind of eclectic, but anyway it was great to articulate my motivations etc through this post. Thanks again for telling me about the reddit TMI site, I'm reading it non stop since you told me, such great reads
Wish you the best !