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Veriegated caapi? Options
#1 Posted : 4/28/2019 5:56:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 307
Joined: 11-Oct-2015
Last visit: 30-Nov-2022
A friend of mine gave me a plant that he claims is banisteriopsis and even kinda looks like it, except for a light Stripe down each leaf. The leaves are also slightly larger than usual. Here is a few pictures.
KloudQ7 attached the following image(s):
IMG_20190427_183810.jpg (675kb) downloaded 85 time(s).
IMG_20190427_183819.jpg (983kb) downloaded 86 time(s).
IMG_20190427_183831.jpg (656kb) downloaded 85 time(s).
IMG_20190427_183856.jpg (517kb) downloaded 85 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 4/28/2019 6:03:31 AM

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Chernobyl Caapi Very happy
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence โ—‹ Shiva โ—‡ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving โ™กSee the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.โ™ก
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#3 Posted : 5/4/2019 5:37:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting! While it does resemble caapi a bit I couldn't see any of the glands on the underside of the leaf where the leaf meets the stem. Does your plant have these glands? If not it doesn't rule out another banisteriopsis but to my understanding caapi always has these glands.

Muskogee Herbman
#4 Posted : 5/4/2019 8:10:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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to my knowledge you can UV the plant to check for harmala content. If it has harmalas it will glow
Creator help me live in a way that will make my ancestors proud.
#5 Posted : 5/5/2019 10:24:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Muskogee Herbman wrote:
to my knowledge you can UV the plant to check for harmala content. If it has harmalas it will glow

They produce drops of nectar and those do glow indeed, but they're the only part I've seen glow.
#6 Posted : 5/5/2019 9:09:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah I've seen ants feeding on those from my caapi. This mystery plant doesn't have them but apparently the original owner of the plant has been using this species for aya with success. I'd love to test some eventually.
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