Okay, I've got more time to write today.
I've been enjoying the mental stimulation of special plants most of my life. I've always been interested in the complexity of the mind & what goes on up there, besides what we're using it for in the day-to-day. There's always the little voices telling us things that are humorous, even while we're dealing with serious matters. They are also there to warn us while we're making decisions. There are the de'javous that pop up all the time, which are so hard to believe are coincidental. (I've been here before, this new person seems so familiar, I already know what's going to happen next.)
We've been told that we only use a small fraction of our brains, so I have always wanted to know "what's going on with the rest of it?" Is it just along for the ride? Will we eventually evolve into using it someday? Do geniuses know how to access the rest of their brains?
Well, to me it's always seemed like a thing, or place, to explore. I have always wanted to open secret thoughts and understandings, somehow. First I discovered marijuana, then later found the pleasures of LSD & sh'rooms. Recently DMT came into my life and I finally realized it was the drug that felt "just right".
I only had a small sample, but the immediate & obvious depth & clarity of thought was incredible. The visual precision of both the colors and the intricate details were amazing, and it just kept moving and evolving into waves of pure artistic splendor. I felt so honored to be invited into this magnificent visual world. It was obvious that this was "only" an introductory visit, like I was allowed into the entrance halls of a magical world of spiritual beauty beyond belief. I could feel the power, the purity, the Love, and the unity that just "almost" within reach. I "knew" there was more than I could even imagine just over the horizon, or just around the corner, but that was not what this visit was about. We were there to introduce ourselves. My spirit was examining their spirits and theirs were examining my spirit...from a safe and temporary perspective. We were just meeting each other for the first time & this was a respectful introduction. They were sizing me up, and I was sizing them up from my miniscule perspective, but I realized the importance they placed on me and it felt wonderfully warm and loving. I knew that there was a mutual attraction which was very flattering. They knew I was coming and they knew I would return.
The Nexus is very similar. This essay is our introduction to each other. I fully understand the orgizational model here. It's one of respect, purity, thought, and love. We need each other, because we are the energy. The energy requires an "us" in order to flow, a to and a from. The eternity cannot exist without us all. The flame cannot continue without the energy.
I'm obviously very new here and have much to learn. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and to eventually contribute.