First of all: this is just a hypothetical question. So dont worry, I would not ingest now something based on the results that people may give here.
So what I was wondering ages about is that Tryptamines are MOSTLY safe with Harmalas, but all those Members of the MDMA / Speed / ... category are unsafe, causing Serotonine Syndrome.
Now it was still mentioned sometimes that Cacti is safe with Harmalas.
Meaning that the Combination of Mescaline + Harmalas = OK
I found this very strange as it is still a Phenylethylamine, but I was told the following:
Phenylethylamines are metabolized by MAO A + MAO B. And Harmalas only inhibit MAO A. Therefore you dont get a Serotonine Syndrome.
Amphetamines are slightly different and dont seem to fit into MAO B and therefore are only metabolized by MAO A. As it gets inhibited with Harmalas you will get a chance of a Serotonine Syndrome, making it unsafe.
Ok! So basic Phenylethylamines are still safe, only if they get the additional Methyl group - making them amphetamines - they become unsafe.
But doesnt that mean that 2C-B / 2C-I / ... are also safe with Harmalas?
This simply sounds strange to me, as they are 100 % chemical drugs and I was simply not expecting something like a safe interaction between Harmalas and a pure synthetic component, very similar to MDMA and so on ...
AND there is a second question, now back to Mescaline:
If Harmalas dont totally inhibit the break down of Mescaline, then why even bother taking Harmalas with them? I mean ... if they are still metabolized by MAO B, then why is there even a reason to take Harmalas?
Or is there a SLIGHT fortification by Harmalas, which is simply giving a very tiny boost of the experience? This would be my only guess ...