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DMT with open eyes Options
#1 Posted : 4/19/2019 4:36:48 AM

Like a stone in the shoe...

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Yesterday, I was at a friend's house who lives in nature (I live in an urban loft) which is always a wonderful change of scenery for me.
We have smoked DMT together a few times, but he is always reticent to smoke it. His first trip with me was overwhelming for him, which made him a little fearful.

I was going first, and he was going to think about it. I loaded 30 mg (my usual dose) on the glass VP, and proceeded to vaporize it.
Turns out the spot I was sitting at was very hot. The sun was right on it, and as the trip started, the heat became so intense, I had to get up and move spots. I opened my eyes in order to move. As I saw the room flooded in light, I just sat there ( a shaded spot) in awe. The room looked incredible, my friend looked incredible. During the trip, I spoke to him and tried to describe what I was seeing. Nature looked so overwhelmingly alive and beautiful, like it was communicating with me, or the DMT was communicating through nature. I was ecstatic. A smile from ear to ear, just taking in all this beauty.

This convinced my friend to give it a go. Same thing with him. He couldn't stop looking. Everything was fascinating, Looking at his hands was a spectacle, and again, nature was incredible. I would keep taking him to different views. He was in ecstasy as well. It was truly a mystical experience.

Needless to say, we repeated this three times. Each time as beautiful as the previous one.

Do many here trip with their eyes open? What were your experiences like?


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#2 Posted : 4/19/2019 5:26:36 AM

ⁿ°ⁿ↔ρ└ªγ³r κhªrªκτ³r

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I've had similar results at lower dose ranges.
When I've had larger doses it was not much different than with eyes closed. I would be able to recognize the back of my own hand.
#3 Posted : 4/19/2019 9:52:34 AM

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Indeed, for me it seems to be 15-17mg sweet spot, where you can control things enough to not get overwhelmed and spend trip with eyes open, brings out beauty in the surroundings.
#4 Posted : 4/20/2019 4:41:01 PM

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I rarely partake in spice nowadays, preferring the oral route. But occasionally I feel the call and whip out the change bong. This experience occurred a few years ago. I will never forget the feeling:

असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
#5 Posted : 12/28/2019 11:40:51 PM

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YES! I have done it 3 times, the first time i managed to keep my eyes closed for half of it and had a short lived OBE. then with my eyes open ( both other times also ) my world was an amazing display, almost looks robotic or fractally with pulsing/dancing vibes to everything, i had 10 fingers on each hand my skin looked like it was dancing. Truly beautfiul. In nature i am going to try this spring for sure!
"Reality is only an illusion"
#6 Posted : 12/29/2019 1:03:24 AM

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I've seen some great open eye visuals.

First time I used DMT I panicked because my vape started flashing 'TOO HOT' in bright orange on the display. It's a monochrome blue display and that isn't one of the error messages it can produce in reality.

Generally if I look in a mirror, my face morphs back and forth between sickness and health. Same with my feet.
I used to be pretty negatively hung up on my looks. DMT showed me a beautiful perfected version of my face which I became enamoured with at one point and would keep staring at in the mirror. Eventually I bored of that and somehow it made me more happy with the character of my imperfect face, and in fact I could see some aspects of the perfected face shining through my everyday appearance.

I've seen the room where I have worked for many years on various healing and self-improvement projects 'breathe' and pull itself into perfect, musical proportion. The carpet when 'looked at from another perspective' became a swirling shell pattern, the lines of which were traced out by perfectly aligned fibres in the pile. The room took on the distinct look of temple, or very sacred place, without actually changing all that much. It's hard to describe.

Another time as I was talking to my father who has dementia, his face morphed into that of a young man, almost child like. This gave me the intuition that I should give him the same understanding and patience as if he was a child once again. Since using psychedelics I feel I have become a powerful speaker with the ability to uplift people with my words, and at different times I've spoken to both my parents after smoking and seen their faces transform, light up and become more youthful as I spoke in an encouraging manner to them.

On a recent Ayahuasca retreat, there was one Russian guy that I had spoken to but realised a couple of times that I had nodded along with him even when I disagreed and had a different perspective. I think perhaps I was a little intimidated by him- he was good looking, assertive and confident. I also (mistakenly as it turned out) thought he was a powerful businessman. I don't want to overhype the intimidation thing. It was very minor and didn't really even register at the time. That's the best I can describe it.

Later in the evening during the ceremony, I had to go outside part way through to get away from the mapacho smoke- I just can't stand it and I was gasping for air. A facilitator I hadn't met before came outside and helped me get some water. I was very loved up and pretty out of my tree, and I hit him with some of my motivational speech... anyway after only maybe 10 minutes it felt like we were really good friends. We were called back into the ceremony and just before we stepped back I thought back to the Russian guy and decided I would be more open with him next time with less pre-conceptions- basically to treat him more like the facilitator I just met. The second I resolved to do that, the face of the facilitator began to morph... it was the Russian guy all along, and the medicine had disguised him so that I might approach him afresh. We remain good friends to this day.
#7 Posted : 12/29/2019 1:22:47 AM

My Personalized Tag

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I always used to leave my eyes open during my trips, and only just recently had an experience like yours—only with eyes closed!

It is quite beautiful, isn't it? Like the world comes to life. Rivers flowing through stone and swirly patterns everywhere... If you feel up to it, try taking a large dose (35-50mg all at once with an MAOI) in a very dim room or at either end of the day. Your mind will be blown once more!
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#8 Posted : 12/29/2019 10:05:52 AM

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I remember opening my eyes once on a low dose and looking down at my body. The body was completely alien to me, not mine, as if all historical connection had been snapped and I had just stepped into a new mechanical suit with no references on how to use it. There were no visuals, just my normal bedroom, but just that bizarre feeling.

On a higher dose I opened my eyes at one point to see my friends all sitting silently in the room. They had this polygonal mesh (low count) hovering an inch or two above their skin and their eyes were jet black. They all felt like robots to me. Also, prior to any movements they made, it was as if I could sense 1-2 seconds in advance of it happening; there was some sort of energy around or above them that initiated actions in them - I've had a similar experience on mushrooms before.
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