DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 18-Apr-2019 Last visit: 18-Apr-2019 Location: Dana point, California
Hello all, I'm moderately experienced in psychedelics and substances in general and always looking for what in what causes the effects and how. I also am exploring out of body "travel"?. While not under the influence of mind altering substances. My recent journeys with DMT have been the same, past all the geometric symbols and shapes, and in a place where I am simply a peice of programming.! A created computer software?/hardware? Ringing in the ears is the sign I'm past the shapes and back where I'm being monitored. While there I know more than can be communicated thru words. I feel like I'm a program and they are trying to figure out if we are self aware. Has anyone been here, am I not breaking thru? It's happened 3x with.10 gvp
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 22 Joined: 21-Mar-2019 Last visit: 20-Jun-2021
Hello and welcome,
I'm curious what methods you're using to try and achieve out of body experiences without drugs. Have you been successful with this? It's something I'd definitely be interested in hearing more about.
I can't speak too much about you're trips and if you're breaking through. I am new to DMT with just a couple trips with smaller doses under my belt.