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My Introduction To Salvia Options
#1 Posted : 4/14/2019 12:11:43 AM


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Edit: this is at 60x from a reputable vendor. Overall my experience lasted 1h30min with this administration method.

Here we go...don’t know what to call this sacred herb...Lady of the Mazatecs? Very very bizzare and a truly incredible experience indeed. Geometric patterns, space travel, reality deconstruction, reliving past experiences, incredible synesthesia of all the senses, invitation by an entity into her world? Really I’m not quite sure how to describe it. An amalgamation of all of the above? I can understand where the Aztec’s got their architecture and art from. Remarkable...truely.

I’d like to point out my administration technique and briefly analyse the pharmacology before proceeding with the experience. Majority of individuals have a bad time and never explore her further. First things first, unlearn the man made delusions of good and bad. There’s no such thing as a bad trip. Truely there’s no such thing as bad. If you’ve discovered the path towards spiritual freedom this is essential to be made aware of, if you are a skeptic and atheist this will still enhance your perspective. All experiences are a learning tool, it’s important not to get lost in a bad experience, just wishing it would be over. Same goes with getting lost in a good experience, just having fun and pleasure. You can enjoy an experience, but what are you taking away? What’s the point? Anyway getting offtopic. Salvia Divinorium brings on dysphoria, as you can guess from the name, the opposite of euphoria, feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression. Sound like a good time? You might be thinking, why on Earth would you want to experience this? Valid question. You don’t do these extremely powerful plants for recreation and a ‘good time’. They are intrinsic teachers and healers with therapeutic, spiritual, and developmental value. I say teachers because they literally teach. You already know everything, you just don’t realise yet. These plants connect the dots that already exist, you make the links, inherit insight.

Most individuals hit it and quit it. They just smoke a huge dose, have an extremely disphoric time for the 10 minutes it lasts, have a subjectively negative experience, never explore her further. They barge into Salvia Land and intrude. You need to introduce yourself and be invited. These are very different ways of exploring her and respect is paramount. This is how I recommend you do it. First you have threshold psychoactive doses to get aquatinted and say hi. Have three to five of these threshold doses then wait a few days. When you go back to explore her there are two crucial things to remember. Salvia Divinorium builds reverse tolerance and only lasts 10 minutes. So why rush? Snorkel before you dive. It’s exactly like making love. The goal isn’t to orgasm, it’s not even the intention, the true pleasure is the sacred journey and the whole experience. Just like Salvia. The goal isn’t to get high and trip, it’s not even the intention, the true pleasure is the sacred journey and the whole experience. Take your time, bathe in the experience, embrace her. Instead of one huge breakthrough dose for 10 minutes, do several doses, start low and slowly build up to a breakthrough. Make it last 2 hours not 10 minutes.

I will explain some of my experience then review the appropriate receptor agonisation, trying to objectively analyse the biochemical reactions, I will proceed by finishing writing about my journey. First I introduced myself to her with four 25mg doses. The first three doses were just feelings of dysphoria, no extensive hallucinations (subjectively mild visuals). Instead of actively becoming a part of these feelings (the dysphoria), become acquainted with them, observe them, be in concurrent harmony, you cannot make them dissipate, expect them, let them be, don’t attach (which is human nature). In Alchemy there’s a famous maxim, ‘what nature left imperfect, the art perfects’. This is one of those times. It is natural to subconsciously attach to feelings. Become conscious, realise what’s happening, detach and observe, let them be, coexist. The fourth dose is where the reverse tolerance kicked in. When I blew out the smoke there was a 20 second wait, reality began deconstructing in front of me. Multidimensional bots were deconstructing reality into geometrical shapes then reassembling it. One of the canvases in my room came to life, the other became a window into another reality. I felt like I was a family man getting ready in the morning for work. Everything around me became constantly moving and morphing shapes. I was overcome with stress. I kept having to realise this and pull my emotions back. The visuals are very intense. Be amazed at their beauty, don’t freak out. Enjoy them while you can, they won’t last long.

The main identified psychoactive compound in Salvia Divinorium is Salvinorin A. Salvinorin A is a ligand for the κ-opioid receptor (KOR). This is a different target receptor then the opioids we are familiar with; ie. Morphine, Heroine, OxyContin; these are μ-opioid receptor (MOR) agonists. Like MOR, KOR is also a potent analgesic, however, MOR causes euphoria and addiction, whilst KOR causes dysphoria and stops addiction. KOR is further associated with hallucinations and dissociation experiences (out-of-body), hence it hasn’t been explored a great deal as a therapeutic target. Personally I do not understand why the collective runs away from these experiences, these are natural experiences of human consciousness. They are endogenous receptors, a part of us. Do we not like what they illuminate? Do they crush the foundation of the collective’s delusional beliefs? We just sweep them under the carpet. Don’t you think ignoring an essential part of us will manifest as a problem, just like ignoring an issue? And we wonder why society is rife with greed, addiction, depression, anxiety, destruction, selfishness, materialism, attachment, and the general madness that has infected the collective. Again steering off topic. KOR are mostly situated in the claustrum region of the brain. The claustrum has been elucidated to play a crucial role in consciousness. Although I believe consciousness is far more complex then individual experience so I am more inclined to say the claustrum plays a crucial role in subjective perception.

Let me introduce synesthesia for those who haven’t heard of it. Synesthesia is when your senses sense other senses. Just like the bat and dolphin can see sound. I’m sure nearly everyone reading this has felt sound (as music). Often you just hear individuals say, ‘I tripped balls’. But what is actually happening? Sometimes individuals are experiencing synesthesia on these intense journeys. They simply don’t know how to express their experiences or comprehend what’s happening to them. Salvia Divinorium is very intense, understanding what is happening may help you feel comfortable and facilitate your journey. The experiences may cause fear, don’t be scared, let the fear go. You might be seeing sound, tasting colours, seeing out of your skin. For me the challenging parts were reliving past experiences and learning to manoeuvre the dysphoria. Time to continue explaining my journey.

My next two doses were 50mg each, spaced 15 minutes apart. On the first dose reality deconstructed in front of my eyes, a plethora of shapes and geometry that make up the pillars of the physical realm were illuminated to me, truly beautiful and magickal, everything was bustling with life. Inanimate objects became animated. Instantaneously reality was reassembled in an abstract perception. This was happening constantly. Like a computer defragmentation, but on the brain (or consciousness). Everytime reality deconstructed it would reassemble into a past experience. It was very strange, it was like I was there in the past, but I was here in the present. As soon as I intrinsically knew why I was reliving the experience it would be disassembled and I would be succumbed by a different one. My anxiety was above average the whole way through. I won’t detail the past experiences as they are personal and incriminating. Although I could manage my anxiety it was still overpowering. It then wore off.

The second dose was spectacular. I was laying in my bed sitting up. I’m recovering from an explosion so I have a hospital-style bed with a remote. The whole bed closed over me like a spaceship cockpit, the bed remote morphed into a control panel, the person administering the Salvia became my copilot. I felt energy whooshing past me as if I was in a giant vent. The only correlation I can think of is when they travel light speed in Star Wars, everything froze for a split moment, then accelerated forward at a phenomenal speed, but without me physically moving. Bizarre to express through vocabulary. Everything burst into Aztec style patterns, with green, red, and yellow shapes, it was incredibly beautiful. The whole time this dysphoria was eating away at me. I told myself, ‘Are you serious? Why are you anxious? This is a beautiful journey, enjoy it, you’re a trip connoisseur’. In the feelings of dysphoria I discovered bliss. A huge smile overcame me, I couldn’t wipe it off my face. Total bliss and peace, utter perfection. At that moment all the energy in the room started gravitating towards my door. The air was full of bustling translucent colours. There was a very strong feminine energy just out of sight beyond my open door. She was telepathically telling me, ‘I found the bliss, I am ready, breakthrough’, she was inviting me into her world, sensually teasing me, not promiscuously but seducing my spirit. Such a strong attraction. I left my journey here to analyse and integrate my experiences, fathom and understand. I’ll go back in a few weeks and enter Salvia Land.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 4/14/2019 1:42:22 AM

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Very nice report Alkemist Thumbs up

Defintiely never tried Sally but may take a look into.

peace bro & take care Love
#3 Posted : 4/14/2019 2:29:40 PM

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theAlkēmist wrote:
don’t know what to call this sacred herb...Lady of the Mazatecs

Ska pastora is one possibility. 'The leaves of the shepherdess'.

I do not understand why the collective runs away from these experiences, these are natural experiences of human consciousness. They are endogenous receptors, a part of us. Do we not like what they illuminate? Do they crush the foundation of the collective’s delusional beliefs?

You've hit the nail on the head right there.

Your reporting style is great - you've got me looking forward to the next instalment.

Coincidentally, today I accidentally dug out my somewhat forgotten S. divinorum stash. Hmmm...

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#4 Posted : 4/14/2019 4:51:33 PM

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I share your thoughts about KOR agonists revealing something unique to be appreciated rather than feared or merely tolerated. Synesthesia with salvia can be incredible.

There is evidence of interaction with CB1 receptors, and low doses have been shown to be rewarding to animals and cause increase in dopamine. I have accidentally fallen asleep on mild-moderate doses (I try not to though).

I don't think I will ever go 'snorkeling' to be cautious about causing deja vu afterwards... I really don't like it (not that I believe repeated dosing specifically causes this).
#5 Posted : 4/15/2019 12:00:06 AM


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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Coincidentally, today I accidentally dug out my somewhat forgotten S. divinorum stash. Hmmm...

Haha enjoy Wink
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#6 Posted : 4/15/2019 12:01:03 AM


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pastanostra wrote:
Very nice report Alkemist Thumbs up

Defintiely never tried Sally but may take a look into.

peace bro & take care Love

Thanks man. You should, she’s spectacular.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#7 Posted : 4/15/2019 12:03:41 AM


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RoundAbout wrote:
I share your thoughts about KOR agonists revealing something unique to be appreciated rather than feared or merely tolerated. Synesthesia with salvia can be incredible.

There is evidence of interaction with CB1 receptors, and low doses have been shown to be rewarding to animals and cause increase in dopamine. I have accidentally fallen asleep on mild-moderate doses (I try not to though).

I don't think I will ever go 'snorkeling' to be cautious about causing deja vu afterwards... I really don't like it (not that I believe repeated dosing specifically causes this).

Yes they definitely should be. I’ve read about D2 agonisation and somewhere a while ago cannibinoid agonisation. Why don’t you resonate with déjà vu?
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#8 Posted : 4/15/2019 5:03:09 PM

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Coincidentally, today I accidentally dug out my somewhat forgotten S. divinorum stash. Hmmm...

Yesterday the video SALVIA: History, Topography, and Therapy | Christopher Solomon ~ ATTMind 95 came up in my Youtube suggestions, which also inspired me to dig out my somewhat forgotten S. divinorum (leaves I grew myself a few years ago). Eventually I didn't go for a communion as it was too late, but will probably do so soon.

I don't find Salvia dysphoric, but I've never experienced it as euphoric either.
#9 Posted : 4/15/2019 7:57:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report. Want to grow this plant but havent managed to source a cutting yet. Just wondering what form you took it in, I assume some kind of concentrated extract, as your dosages were in the tens of milligram range?
#10 Posted : 4/15/2019 10:16:41 PM


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ijahdan wrote:
Great report. Want to grow this plant but havent managed to source a cutting yet. Just wondering what form you took it in, I assume some kind of concentrated extract, as your dosages were in the tens of milligram range?

I used 60x extract!
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#11 Posted : 4/15/2019 10:22:47 PM


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Jagube wrote:
I don't find Salvia dysphoric, but I've never experienced it as euphoric either.

I think it’s perspective. At the end I found complete bliss in the headspace. Feelings we consider ‘negative’ are feelings that are apart of us. That’s one way I treat depression. Not making depressive feelings go away, because you can’t, it’s part of human experience. It’s not becoming attached but co-existing with these feelings. That’s bliss and peace. Possibly what you’re doing?
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#12 Posted : 4/16/2019 4:39:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Love signing into the Nexus and reading stories like these, I like you stated and many have done, I hit it and quit it...

I got a gram of 40x and packed a bong full of it.. smoked the entire thing and held it in for as long as I could, it took a couple min to kick in but the only thing that happened was my ceiling started to warp down into me, like pushing on my face... lol I felt odd and def dysphoric but then it went away...

I must have used maybe 1/8 of a gram but it wasn't the exp I expected, I expected much more intense feeling and visuals, maybe I didn't smoke it right or enough.

After reading this I will try again, first a few small doses and if I feel good about it a larger dose.

Thank you.
#13 Posted : 4/16/2019 7:35:30 PM

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theAlkēmist wrote:
Why don’t you resonate with déjà vu?

I really don't know, I just get a feeling that it isn't good. Maybe I should pay more attention if it happens again to think about why (or more likely I'll just convince myself of some sort of superstitious delusion). I appreciate the after effects of most psychedelics I've taken, but having such strong changes in perception in absence of the drugs is always a bit disconcerting to me.

Do you get déjà vu from it?
#14 Posted : 4/16/2019 9:00:02 PM


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RoundAbout wrote:
theAlkēmist wrote:
Why don’t you resonate with déjà vu?

I really don't know, I just get a feeling that it isn't good. Maybe I should pay more attention if it happens again to think about why (or more likely I'll just convince myself of some sort of superstitious delusion). I appreciate the after effects of most psychedelics I've taken, but having such strong changes in perception in absence of the drugs is always a bit disconcerting to me.

Do you get déjà vu from it?

I get déjà vu quite regularly, so intense sometimes it’s as if I know what’s coming next. I think it’s because time isn’t liner. The past, present, and future are all happening in the now. I believe déjà vu is a result of becoming more in frequency with the timeless everythigness (I want to say God, but God has strong theistic connotation, but I think you understand what I’m getting at). You say this experience is ‘bad’, and you’re suggesting you don’t like déjà vu. Is it really bad? Or is it your own delusional perspective (I don’t mean this in a critical or condescending way, but in a self-reflecting way). Déjà vu isn’t inherently ‘bad’ or ‘good’, you are bringing your own preconceived notions into the experience. From my limited studies into magick disciplines (this might sound hocus pocus and witchy woo waa to you, but bare with me), déjà vu is a form of synchronicity. Synchronicity is the first step into manifestation. When you manifest through synchronicity you’re bringing together different realities/timelines to meet, so no one but you realises you’ve manifested something, it seems normal to other people. I don’t expect you to believe me and we must always be grounded in the ‘real world’ (if real is even a thing), furthermore, we must not get lost in these flirtatious ideologues. But you may be tuning into something far greater then you realise. Don’t fear this experience and dismiss it. Explore it, see what it can offer, see what you can take away. Remember just like the kappa-opioid receptor, déjà vu is a part of the human experience, part of consciousness.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#15 Posted : 4/16/2019 9:13:11 PM


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Hotspur922 wrote:
Love signing into the Nexus and reading stories like these, I like you stated and many have done, I hit it and quit it...

I got a gram of 40x and packed a bong full of it.. smoked the entire thing and held it in for as long as I could, it took a couple min to kick in but the only thing that happened was my ceiling started to warp down into me, like pushing on my face... lol I felt odd and def dysphoric but then it went away...

I must have used maybe 1/8 of a gram but it wasn't the exp I expected, I expected much more intense feeling and visuals, maybe I didn't smoke it right or enough.

After reading this I will try again, first a few small doses and if I feel good about it a larger dose.

Thank you.

Your welcome Love Salvia has reverse tolerance so take your time. Make a journey and experience out of it, stretch it over 1-2 hours, don’t rush, be a gentle lover, take your time exploring her. If you have scales I suggest you weigh a point, split in four parts, measure your doses and ever so slowly increase them. I used to grow Salvia (but this was my first time smoking extract), she’s a plant where you need to build a relationship. If you don’t breakthrough, don’t worry. It will happen eventually Very happy it’s just like tantric sex, the excitement is developing the tantric relationship, not the sex itself. Be patient and appreciate every moment with her.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#16 Posted : 4/17/2019 1:21:16 AM

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theAlkēmist wrote:
I get déjà vu quite regularly, so intense sometimes it’s as if I know what’s coming next. I think it’s because time isn’t liner. The past, present, and future are all happening in the now. I believe déjà vu is a result of becoming more in frequency with the timeless everythigness (I want to say God, but God has strong theistic connotation, but I think you understand what I’m getting at). You say this experience is ‘bad’, and you’re suggesting you don’t like déjà vu. Is it really bad? Or is it your own delusional perspective (I don’t mean this in a critical or condescending way, but in a self-reflecting way). Déjà vu isn’t inherently ‘bad’ or ‘good’, you are bringing your own preconceived notions into the experience. From my limited studies into magick disciplines (this might sound hocus pocus and witchy woo waa to you, but bare with me), déjà vu is a form of synchronicity. Synchronicity is the first step into manifestation. When you manifest through synchronicity you’re bringing together different realities/timelines to meet, so no one but you realises you’ve manifested something, it seems normal to other people. I don’t expect you to believe me and we must always be grounded in the ‘real world’ (if real is even a thing), furthermore, we must not get lost in these flirtatious ideologues. But you may be tuning into something far greater then you realise. Don’t fear this experience and dismiss it. Explore it, see what it can offer, see what you can take away. Remember just like the kappa-opioid receptor, déjà vu is a part of the human experience, part of consciousness.

I follow my instincts when they suggest caution in the absence of knowledge. If you can believe that deja vu is a result of being in frequency with the timeless everything, why can't you imagine that it is caused by something simpler like a seizure? There seems to be more evidence to suggest that than your idea, albeit not definitively (and I'm not suggesting that they are necessarily the cause!!!).

Why do you think deja vu is anything other than an inaccurate perception anyways? Doesn't your complex, grandiose idea have a much, much greater chance of being delusional than a simple instinct leading to the binary decision not to induce it?

#17 Posted : 4/17/2019 2:35:47 AM


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RoundAbout wrote:
theAlkēmist wrote:
I get déjà vu quite regularly, so intense sometimes it’s as if I know what’s coming next. I think it’s because time isn’t liner. The past, present, and future are all happening in the now. I believe déjà vu is a result of becoming more in frequency with the timeless everythigness (I want to say God, but God has strong theistic connotation, but I think you understand what I’m getting at). You say this experience is ‘bad’, and you’re suggesting you don’t like déjà vu. Is it really bad? Or is it your own delusional perspective (I don’t mean this in a critical or condescending way, but in a self-reflecting way). Déjà vu isn’t inherently ‘bad’ or ‘good’, you are bringing your own preconceived notions into the experience. From my limited studies into magick disciplines (this might sound hocus pocus and witchy woo waa to you, but bare with me), déjà vu is a form of synchronicity. Synchronicity is the first step into manifestation. When you manifest through synchronicity you’re bringing together different realities/timelines to meet, so no one but you realises you’ve manifested something, it seems normal to other people. I don’t expect you to believe me and we must always be grounded in the ‘real world’ (if real is even a thing), furthermore, we must not get lost in these flirtatious ideologues. But you may be tuning into something far greater then you realise. Don’t fear this experience and dismiss it. Explore it, see what it can offer, see what you can take away. Remember just like the kappa-opioid receptor, déjà vu is a part of the human experience, part of consciousness.

I follow my instincts when they suggest caution in the absence of knowledge. If you can believe that deja vu is a result of being in frequency with the timeless everything, why can't you imagine that it is caused by something simpler like a seizure? There seems to be more evidence to suggest that than your idea, albeit not definitively (and I'm not suggesting that they are necessarily the cause!!!).

Why do you think deja vu is anything other than an inaccurate perception anyways? Doesn't your complex, grandiose idea have a much, much greater chance of being delusional than a simple instinct leading to the binary decision not to induce it?

Well of course you are right. Biochemistry cannot be ignored. In some individuals it may be related to a neurological issue. There are probably different categories of déjà vu we aren’t aware of. Is your déjà vu concurrent with seizures? Or is it a result of changing your level of consciousness?

You don’t have to believe me, but I guarantee some members will resonate with the following. I’ll give you an example. Myself I see geometric fractal-style patterns over walls and ceilings. They form in intensity or dissipate mattering on my concentration. I know others in Hermetic societies and magick disciplines who see similar, or other things like glyphs and symbols. We have this kind of thing well documented, why it happens, what it means. According to Western medicine this would be psychosis. I guarantee you it’s not. I worked in mental health for six years so I have a fair understanding of these illnesses. Labelling is very well necessary, but rather limiting.

Déjà vu is a very generic term for an experience. There would be stark difference between a seizure and being able to predict the moments to come.

If you believe you are about to get a seizure then medical intervention is probably a good idea. If not, then it is probably something else.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#18 Posted : 4/17/2019 2:19:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have deja vu often enough and a good amount of times I know exactly what will happen next, sometimes up to the next few minutes.

I do sometimes feel "odd" about the experience like "this has happened before,...was it something bad? why is this happening at this moment and can I change anything about what would or will happen?"

I would think the majority of ppl who exp deja vu aren't having a seizure as absolutely nobody I have ever talked to about it has had a seizure from it or caused by it...

just my exp.

as for the slow steps... this weekend if it's somewhat nice outside I'll do what you mentioned.
I have a gram and mg scale, i'm good to go.

.1 (100mg) split into 4? .025? 25mg doses? seems very low?
#19 Posted : 4/17/2019 9:39:34 PM


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Hotspur922 wrote:
I have deja vu often enough and a good amount of times I know exactly what will happen next, sometimes up to the next few minutes.

I do sometimes feel "odd" about the experience like "this has happened before,...was it something bad? why is this happening at this moment and can I change anything about what would or will happen?"

I would think the majority of ppl who exp deja vu aren't having a seizure as absolutely nobody I have ever talked to about it has had a seizure from it or caused by it...

just my exp.

as for the slow steps... this weekend if it's somewhat nice outside I'll do what you mentioned.
I have a gram and mg scale, i'm good to go.

.1 (100mg) split into 4? .025? 25mg doses? seems very low?

You have x40 extract yes? 25mg is low, but that is the whole point my man. Do 4x 25mg so that you introduce yourself to her. Have each dose only after the peak has fully worn of. Then 3x 50mg. 3x 75mg. 2x 100mg. Again each subsequent dose only after the peak has worn off. Pre-weigh the first several doses. Make sure they are out of reach so you don’t knock them. That alone should be over 1h 30min. Then feel it from there. Do not rush it. Don’t put any expectations or try to get high. Let it be. Think of it as embarking on a journey. You want gratification in the whole experience, not just the breakthrough. If you don’t breakthrough do not worry. You are building a relationship with this sacred herb. You have all the time in the world. It doesn’t need to happen now. Shift to a tantric perspective.

Make sure you use a jet lighter and place the hottest part of the flame on the herb. Use a water bong or something similar. Pull the whole dose into your lungs and hold for 10-20 seconds. Put your smoking utensils aside while you’re holding the smoke in.

Some chilled out music and incense makes the synesthesia more pronounced. Do some light meditation beforehand. Make your intentions very clear and vivid. If your intentions are to sensually explore her, that is also fine Very happy make it be known. Remember what i said about the dysphoria.

I probably do not have to tell you, but make sure you put a few hours aside for her and you’ll have no distractions. A trip sitter may be wise. Remove all sharp and dangerous objects from your room.

And lastly I’m presuming the extract is from a reputable source. Looking forward to hear how it all goes!!!

Enjoy your journey!! Big grin Love
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#20 Posted : 4/18/2019 1:35:54 AM

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I've recently vaped plain Salvia leaf in a GVG with good result.
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