Greetings everyone, it is wonderful to meet you all.

This is just going to be a brief introduction to who I am and why I am here....
I am a young woman with a passion for understanding, understanding how to use, and using psychoactive substances to alter my consciousness for any number of reasons, the more I can justifiably fit into my life the merrier. As of this essay I have a roughly ten year history of active exploration of these substances and some more minor and less guided experience prior to that, and the substances I have experience with span a great many functional and structural categories and into both synthetic and natural territories, though I wouldn't say I'm nearly an expert with the majority of them. I went through an early period of using as many different substances as possible mostly for the sake of partying and escaping reality, but soon enough learned that I was more interested in seeking experiences that had either therapeutic or exploratory value and begin limiting myself mostly to substances which work primarily as hallucinogens or otherwise significant perspective-shifters, and various modulators of ailments like pain and anxiety that I attempt to reserve only for the appropriate contexts, though I still enjoy to them to the fullest at those times.
Where I am now, I strive to understand everything I can about every single substance I ingest and am particularly drawn to those that seem to be especially novel, personally useful, enjoyable, and safe in tandem. Many of these substances that I tend to reminisce about most fondly are synthetic psychedelics that I have spent much of my time particularly pursuing as I find the novel differences between each of them as well as the classic psychedelics to be endlessly fascinating and I do consider many of them to be of the same caliber as those when used in the appropriate contexts and treated with respect, but I also have a particular liking for natural psychoactive substances in general due to how I find their often very rich pharmacological complexity much more inviting than the same qualities found in novel synthetic chemicals given that the natural substances at least often also have long histories of human use to support their safety despite their highly complex biological properties, whereas you really have no idea what chaotic problems could emerge with similarly complex chemicals with almost no safety testing or medical documentation.
As for the reason I am here specifically, this is primarily because I have reached a point in my life where I feel that I both understand these substances well enough to be comfortable regularly taking and discussing them and am finally really starting to reach the deeper levels of consciousness alteration I have always desired to explore more completely with them as a result of my growing comfort and familiarity with them, and I've realized that my interests in and uses of these substances has also reached a new level where I can no longer really continue to pursue or flourish by only discussing the levels of the psychedelic experience and exploration of the mind in general that is relevant to the still quite powerful and moving but more grounded way that the average person takes or understands psychedelics, but instead need to start understanding and discussing things more on the level that DMT will more readily show you, as it's starting to get to the point that I have opened myself up enough to these experiences and found enough of my personally perfect molecular matches that it's beginning to seem like nearly all of my hallucinogenic experiences of nearly any intensity will now tend towards that breakthrough-like quality, which I feel is simply part of the reward of putting so much effort into exploring this side of oneself.
With respect to my specific struggles that these substances have helped me through, there are of course far too many benefits they have given me to detail them all here, but I will just say that they have given and shown me more than I ever could have possibly asked or hoped for in relation to helping me to overcome traumas that defined my young life that I both was and wasn't actively accepting or dealing with, and along with that have also helped me to become aware of, understand, and work with the dissociative components of my mind that it has taken most of my life up to this point to properly grasp, though have nearly always been aware of I can only now say with confidence in retrospect due to the experiences I've had. I will expand upon this for sure in discussions or experience reports, but for the time being suffice it to say that I am a true believer in the healing and insightful power of these hallucinogens and believe that there is a lot more going on in these experiences that most people currently appreciate or understand, and I am committed to continuing that effort myself both for my own sake and that of others.
As I have covered my basic points, I will end this introduction here and say thank you very much for reading if you made it to the end, and just say again that it is lovely to meet you all and I look forward to sharing in these more phenomenal aspects of life with anyone who is willing and eager to do the same with me!