Hi, welcome!
Snakeye wrote:Cant wait to be able to contribute in the cultivation subforums!
Why wait? I am sure that many of us would love to see what you have to offer! You can contribute to those sub-forums by starting a discussion in one of the available welcome areas. In fact, engaging the forum in this manner will allow other full members to see what you are contributing and possibly send an up-vote your way, which tends to fast track new members to full members. If there is a specific thread you don't have access to yet, you can always start a new post and title it: "Re: title of post you are referring to" and the Moderator team can move it to the correct area if deemed necessary.
Since you referenced cultivation, I'm betting you've got some sweet pics of your plants...? Lots of plant enthusiasts around here, so if you feel comfortable sharing, please do!
Anyway, welcome once again. Enjoy your time here!
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