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Hi again Options
#1 Posted : 3/14/2019 12:45:51 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1
Joined: 04-Mar-2019
Last visit: 29-Oct-2023

After about 8 years of hiatus from the Nexus I'm back. I guess I must have registered to a different email address, or my account was retired from inactivity, but I had a lot of fun completing the Questionnaire. I'm impressed by how high the bar is these days, and I love the level of intelligence and civility around here.

Anyway. DMT came into my life 9 years ago and I have worked with it on and off since then with immense gratitude. It's taught me some incredible things both on metaphysical and lower levels (I remember one experience that unambiguously directed my attention -- without any intermediary associative reasoning -- to the most fruitful explanatory framework in computational neuroscience when I was working in neuroimaging research), it made me quit cigarettes, it's brought me back in touch with my spiritual core after antidepressants and reductionistic philosophy had sealed that off for 7 years, and it's served me some gut-wrenching warnings when I've gotten spiritually lazy or disrespectful to my body.

These days I'm fairly reluctant to dip in and out of hyperspace for fun or intelligence gathering anymore, as I'm trying to focus on cultivating contentless nondual states of awareness, and when it comes to using psychedelics I'm only interested in healing myself now with focused intentions drawn out of years of psychoanalysis during traumatic times. I feel very drawn to work with ayahuasca (which is finally an option, now that I've successfully discontinued contraindicated medications after 15 years on them) and, when the time is right, iboga.

I can't say I have so much domain knowledge to offer the community on the topics of extraction teks or botany, but I can say that now I actually have both the motivation and life circumstances that allow me to learn in those areas through practice! I would especially like to try growing caapi.

Hope to join in the conversation again soon.

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#2 Posted : 3/21/2019 5:08:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 323
Joined: 09-Dec-2017
Last visit: 12-Feb-2024
Welcome to the Nexus. I am interested in why you might perceive that psychedelics might not help in the area of non-dual states of mind. Personally I have found there assistance invaluable in that area of explorations.
May wisdom permeate through your life.

"What is survival if you do not survive whole. Ask the Bene Teilax that. What if you no longer hear the music of life. Memories are not enough unless they call you to noble purpose." God Emperor Leto ii

"The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you." God Emperor Leto ii
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