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Fumarate to Freebase yields Options
#1 Posted : 12/9/2009 6:36:47 AM

illudium Q-36

Posts: 861
Joined: 09-Jul-2009
Last visit: 03-Mar-2022
Location: uranus
Did chauncey's first D-limo FASW extraction. He took 1g of his fumarates (they had been washed twice so probably fairly pure) and ended up with 480mg of freebase crumbly peanut butter spice.

Question is... if the fumarates were pure, what would the ideal yield have been?

I am sure I lost a bit through the process, but I want to know how much.

Thank you
All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.

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#2 Posted : 12/9/2009 10:53:19 AM

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hmmmm... well if it was completely pure dmt fumarates, you would have 76% of the weight IIRC, so 760mg max... how did you wash, btw?

and how did you do the freebasing process? sodium carbonate paste? what did you pull with, IPA? was it dry? how many pulls on the dried paste did you do?
#3 Posted : 12/9/2009 6:25:07 PM

illudium Q-36

Posts: 861
Joined: 09-Jul-2009
Last visit: 03-Mar-2022
Location: uranus
Did an acetone wash. Then disolved what was left in water per bufomans tek. I evaped the acetone and by taste it appears to have only pulled off fumaric acid. The water evaped to a yellow waxyness that was not too different from the end result of the freebasing. I followed jorkests tek pretty well all the way through. I'm new to the fasw technique but Im guessing I mustve either left fumaric acid in my spice or left some spice in my freebase mixture. I pulled w acetone. Should I be using IPA?
All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
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