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#1 Posted : 3/10/2019 1:00:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
Joined: 04-Jan-2019
Last visit: 21-Sep-2022
I am Shnuffles, the Shpongloid. I hail from a city of color and light, beyond outer reaches of hyperspace and conscious awareness. I come bearing gifts of information and opinion based on my education as a mechanical engineering student at the University of the Divine Moments. I have smoked DMT on many occasions, however I have yet to break through. My experience, despite it not being the full experience, has taught me a lot in ways i never expected. I knew what the purpose of meditation was, i have listened to Alan Watts' wide variety of lectures on it several times. But never until i smoked DMT did i truly understand what it was for. DMT gave me a direct application for meditation, and has helped me a lot in developing my spiritual practice and widened my perspective on the matter tremendously.

I have smoked well over a gram of the stuff so far, and have yet to break through. My biggest problem is not the smoking method, nor is it my efficiency, although efficiency could play a role. No, the thing that has been my biggest problem is my very own mind. It is a carnival in my head, as a comedian once said, and i get distracted so very easily, even if its just by my own thoughts, whether it is highlights from that day or someone i met or just imagery from work, it always finds its way into my trip, and the thought distracts me, and it pulls me out of it. It all just melts away, and i always kick myself afterward for allowing myself to be distracted.

First of all, HOW can you be DISTRACTED from something so crazy? Especially with such mundane thoughts as, "i should go get a burger after this" or "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is awesome". I even had one experience in which a character from a tv show walked in front of the fractals like i was watching tv and someone just randomly walks by.

That alone has taught me what meditation is for. It is meant to help you train your brain to be able to pick and choose what to focus on rather than being a slave to the instincts of the monkey-mind. Kind of like if you were sitting on a bench in the park and a dog walks by. You can choose to watch the dog as it goes by, or simply let it go by and choose to continue to look at or focus on what you are currently focussing on. Im still not where i would like to be in terms of my meditation, hence why i likely havent broken through yet, along with the habit of laying down before i take the last hit.

When i first started smoking, i had no idea what i was doing. I threw the spice in a lightbulb and fired it up. Back then, i had no idea that dmt didnt produce a smoke or vapor when it burned, so obviously i overtorched it continuously each time i tried, nothing would happen, not even a wiggle.

Then, much later, i did better research and found the nexus. When that happened, i learned a ton about the proper techniques and how dmt works in general, and was finally able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I bought a nice big bong, put a small amount of water at the bottom, and loaded it with a peppermint and dmt sandwich. In my headphones, i was listening to Tales of the Inexpressible, by Shpongle, starting just after Dorset Perception.

I took a toke. Nothing. Took another. Nothing.

Then... I took a REALLY. BIG. HIT. Shocked

It all made sense to me then and there. So this was what all the fuss was about. This really is like 700 mics of Lsd hitting in under a minute! This is so crazy!

Then i kept going.

I took another, and forgot what i was doing. I had no idea what was going on. All i knew was that i needed to use this one thing in my hand to do something to the bigger thing in my other hand to breathe something in. Language was leaving me. My sense of orientation and clarity was slowly dissolving into a congealed mess of confusion.

And so i kept going, i just kept hitting it, and eventually i closed my eyes and entered my very first DMT trip.

As it always is, this was very strange. It started as you might expect. Fractals with an eerie clarity. Before this, i had seen many fractals, watched hundreds of videos that were supposed to simulate DMT visuals, and what i saw was very much like that in a general sense. But like i said, they had this strange clarity to them. It was like the difference between seeing an actor on TV, and meeting them in real life without all the pixels. It just had this HD depth and clarity.

And so this went on for however long it happened. Then the music changed, and i found myself in a multicolored asteroid field that was eerily similar to this picture i used to have as a background on my laptop, and i wast just sort of drifting through as i passed by these asteroids. Then, i hear Terence McKenna's voice fade in, talking about "taking the third hit" and hyperspace and getting sucked through this whatever, and how the "Gnomes have learned a new way to say hooooooorrraaaaaayyyyyyyeeee.....". And i started moving faster. And faster. And faster, as the music also seemingly gained speed.

Then the music changed again, this time, it was a bit darker. With these scary, disprienting sounds, and in my head i was thinking, "oh shit. I made a bad choice of music." The fear shot through me as i watched what looked like the bottom of a pyrex baking dish with a light behind it. It had what looked like a fresh cannabis oil extraction before it was scraped out of the dish, and i saw and heard a fly on the other side of this dish, buzzing. Then i remember the music faded and my vision grew dim. I thought it was over, and was about to open my eyes, when all of a sudden, the music changed again and it started playing this salsa-like music, and i was in this purple... place? It's so hard to describe, and i dont know why this was my impression of it because when i hear it said out loud it doesnt describe the experience accurately in any way, shape or form, but the first though that dropped into my head was that i was inside of a beer commercial. There was no beer. It was just like i was inside of a purple-colored Electric Sheep screensaver, if i had to describe it.

But what was strange was that just as i was "popping" into this "place", i felt as though i was leaving my body out of the top of my head, and i no longer had any awareness of my limbs. During the rest of the trip preceding this, i had been somewhat aware of the position of my arms and legs and could still feel them in the sense that they were attached to my body and position in a certain way. But now, in this weird space, i no longer felt my body or my limbs or anything. I think i sort of felt my head in a very distant and vague way, but that was it. Then i just floated around in this space a while, and came back into my body extremely confused as the trip just sort of melted away as it does.

The weirdest part of this, outside of the trip itself, was that when i went back and listened to the album again, it was in a completely different order than i remember it. What was also strange was that there was like 10-15 minutes of song that were in between the first parts and the spanish music, so unless i woke up, smoked more, and went back in, and i just dont remember doing it, i was in hyperspace for like 30 minutes, at least.

This was such a crazy and confusing experience for me. Being a HUGE Terence McKenna fan, though, i thought that this was such a cool introduction to the DMT experience, with Terence McKenna basically being my tour guide.

Ever since that one time, i have yet to come that close to a breakthrough. I know what i should do, or at least i think i do, but its just a matter of implementing it and putting all of my effort and will power into taking the final hit, and being sure to do it at the right time when i can just focus solely on the experience with nothing else to worry about. Easier said than done but im learning, slowly but surely. As of now, i have only enough for one more try until i get another chance do an extraction.

On that note, I am very excited to become a part of this community now, because it means i can talk to people who truly get it. Being a student in a field that is devoid of people interested in such things, it's nice to know that I am not alone. I come from a background of drug people, and as many of you probably know, most of the time, drug people are often not that intelligent. Im not judging them in any way, but i prefer to have conversations that are about more intelligent things than who is having sex with who, who is the baby-daddy of the day, and who/where they are getting their drugs that day. But outside of the nexus, for me, thats the only community that i can even talk about this stuff with.

But even then it just isnt satisfying. I cant talk about most of the things im interested in with anybody, really. Drug people usually arent educated enough to participate in the types of conversations i have and my peers at the university are too focussed on getting a job to think about drugs, since theres such a huge stimulus surrounding them. So i spend every day and night by myself for the most part. Outside of my boss at work and the people on my team for senior design, i talk to zero people, sometimes for weeks at a time. No family really that i still talk to, and all 2-4 of my friends live hundreds of miles away and i talk to only one of them semi regularly. Other than that i just hang out at my house all day with roommates that could care less about me or my well-being. Its just frustrating is all. So it just makes me happy to know that theres somewhere i can go where people are on my level.

So thank you, everyone, for accepting me into your community, and i hope to be talking with many of you very soon!
I come from a place beyond the clouds. Only Shponglese is spoken there, and that is my native language. I am only just learning english, so if i say anything strange, it is probably a miscommunication on my part and i apologize. I sdsrrrbablenta to all of you and i ghope tjat you can forgive any miscommunications.

May the Elves ever be in your favor,


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 3/10/2019 5:51:08 PM

Come what may

Posts: 1698
Joined: 08-Mar-2015
Last visit: 23-Mar-2019
Sounds like your in the right place!

I can relate to not having anyone to talk to about psychedelics. It is nice to have someplace to talk about these topics with like minded people.

If you haven't yet, check out the chat.

Welcome to the Nexus!
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
#3 Posted : 3/10/2019 6:34:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 15
Joined: 04-Jan-2019
Last visit: 21-Sep-2022
Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to be here! I will check it out at some point when i can get to a computer instead of my phone!
I come from a place beyond the clouds. Only Shponglese is spoken there, and that is my native language. I am only just learning english, so if i say anything strange, it is probably a miscommunication on my part and i apologize. I sdsrrrbablenta to all of you and i ghope tjat you can forgive any miscommunications.

May the Elves ever be in your favor,

#4 Posted : 6/9/2019 8:28:43 PM


Posts: 55
Joined: 09-Jan-2019
Last visit: 23-Jan-2020
Location: Third rock from the Sun
Another engineer here, and yes, finding like minded people to talk about this isn't easy, I understand you. Let's hope that the forum can help with that Smile
Let's be honest: the Questionnaire is toooooo long and deep!

"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" - Martin Luther King
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