Yesterday I accidentally broke a metamizole sodium ampoule and left it on a wooden shelf. The next morning I saw that the ampoule cap which I left on said wooden shelf had formed very peculiar, white, flaky but hard to the touch granules as seen on the attached pic.
There is some granular white residue on the bottom part of the ampoule where the liquid had evaporated, as well as wherever the liquid had fallen below (some glass dishes and plastic). None of them had that clearly defined granular pattern that was where the top part of the ampoule was touching the shelf though, and that made me wonder why that happened.
Was it some sort of reaction between the m.s. and the lacquer/paint on the shelf? Or maybe something else?
It'd be cool if some of the more chemically savvy folks out here explain to a chemistry noob like me why that cool reaction happens.
Thanks a lot! Peace & Love
Nydex attached the following image(s):
(76kb) downloaded 35 time(s).